He made a CRAZY overpowered twink on WoW Classic

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most damage on a level one swing in WoW classic is this from Exxon oh it is dude this guy makes some really cool uh swing videos he makes them a more amazing like low-level swing videos I love these so this isn't wrath and he's doing a he's a level one Little Gnome and this guy he goes for some weird lengths to get gear like literally he he gets like he I remember seeing a video of him going to Outland on a level one character getting a trinket from a okra lower Quest so he can twink his character man it was ridiculous man but let's see what happens to him okay so is he fighting like a little Krieger org it's a level one fighting like level 12s he's just kiting him away what is is he letting the planes try to kill him or [Music] he does have a PVP trinket as you guys can see I'm confused he's not killing him [Music] foreign [Music] to this guy man so he's popping a rallying craft a dragon slayer warchief's blessing Spirit of sandalore and bravado's cologne which is I've never seen this one before this must be a wrath one 75 attack power oh he's powering up okay so he's popping full world Buffs basically and he stored them with the uh with the Boon oh it's from a Valentine's event okay okay that must be why I don't know regardless though uh let's see what he does he's actually going Super Saiyan okay dude this little orc is gonna get literally one shot he has over 800 Hills and he's not he's not even full health I like the prayer but it's super saiyan you put theirs holy [Music] he just one shot him dude he has 1300 Hills at level one and now the orc is running he's dude poor guy holy crap the reason why he does so much damage guys is because okay this is why twinks are so ridiculously op especially at low level everything like all stats scale ridiculously high at low level right so if you get one point of agility in level one it gives you a ridiculous high amount of agility of like Dodge and crit and everything basically so everything all these Buffs that he has and he probably has enchants and like stuff like that on his gear too it scales so high at level one you have he probably has a 100 Dodge 100 crit um everything right it's crazy like it's so so Good Friday thank you for the tier one as well and it's so so cool that that's why I like seeing this guy accent like take like full advantage of those things and just seeing how much you can really do at low level right it's amazing like look at this priest now Pro like you see the attack speed that's because of the scaling the scaling is just so high what the hell oh I like that that's a little thing so let's see here he has 32 crit that I I don't know if this is like fully there because he attacks way faster than that so this is like an add-on yeah but he has everything Enchanted look like two hands of Justice which this is like Boe he has like reinforced with armor stamina their agility on his on his gloves agility there agility there stamina Health agility and a turban because it looks good right yeah this is probably yeah this probably without the Buffs you're right Labyrinth yeah so whenever he pops the Buffs that's where he goes complete crazy mode with with everything right that's really cool though I like that that's awesome yeah because like like before and after with the Buffs how much health did he have before yeah so you see here guys he's half Health here right 222 HP before he pops the Buffs when he pops them I mean this is Max Health right he just has way got them more kind of unfair yeah but that's the whole point right the whole point is like Twinkies is ridiculous you know just watch this man this is ridiculous that's so cool man I love it great video from xn guys amazing video showcasing what you can do at low level let's say uh at swing I'll link it in the chat guys [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: GuzuTV
Views: 263,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WOW, Classic, Wow Classic, WoW, Warcraft, World of warcraft, vanilla, classic wow, classic wow beta, classic fresh, classic wow gold, warrior guide, guzu, guzutv, the burning crusade, react streamer, twitch, twitch streamer, shorts, short, clip, stream clip, twitch streamer clip, livestream, stream fails, streamer fails, streamer funny
Id: whCWuaOV3UE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 46sec (346 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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