Classic Vanilla WoW Warlock Deep-Dive with Alive | Classic WoW Warlock Guide

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hey what's up guys it's tips and recently I had the opportunity to sit down and speak with a live one of the best vanilla warlocks in the world alive is just a really genuine guy a really really cool guy and he knows a lot about vanilla Wow specifically warlocks mages rating I mean the guy's been in top tier guild for the past number of years and recently he started up a discord channel specifically designed for the community in which he plans on answering any of your guys's questions so if you've ever had a question about warlocks mages high-end rating rave leading guild composition any question about vanilla Wow believe me this is the resource to go to this guy knows his stuff and you're gonna be seeing that in this next video here so without further adieu I'm gonna go ahead and start the deep dive I'll see you guys soon ladies and gentlemen everybody that's watching right now please help me welcome alive one of the greatest warlock prodigies in the classic Wow scene can we get some claps in the chat for alive he's here to tell us today how to play warlocks in a PvE environment in classic Wow he's got a lot of experience he's been an officer for progress one of the best raiding guilds in the world he's cleared Nags he's played private servers for what five years now life about five years yeah about five years now a lot of experience very smart guy very cool guy and he's kind of new to the content creation scene as well as you can see I've left his twitch link below his panel but he's still kind of starting off he still hasn't really you know gone the swing it examines starts streaming yet but feel free to toss him a follow on twitch if you guys like what he has to say but actually should be having my mage video go up and 5 to 10 minutes there you go a mage PvE got and he has a warlock PvE guide already up on his YouTube channel which I'll link in just a second here but yes the man is a very accomplished very accomplished wild player and he's getting ready to make some guides for us so thank you thank you let's go in and get started do let's go to get started so yes right talk to me about the warlock man well what is the warlock warlocks are one of the few spellcasters that are viable in classic the spellcasters that are really viable in competitive rating our mage and warlock boomkin and elemental shaman don't really exist typically a warlock is a little bit less powerful than mage and it's a bit more volatile warlock has a higher damage ceiling than a frost mage however since warlock doesn't have any inherent threat reduction or hit rating the damage can be pretty volatile you can create a bunch of times and do a bunch of damage or you can miss a bunch of times and do no damage okay so it's kind of like it's got a little bit of RNG going with is is that correct yeah yeah for it at the beginning of the game until you get some blood vine and some gear later on that we'll talk about absolutely absolutely so where would you rank warlocks on like the grand spectrum of DPS if there's somebody out there that wants to play a really good DPS class would you recommend warlock to them warlocks are very good late game but early game they're not that good they're probably ranked as the lowest out of all the competitive dps classes Peru they they have a good kit but they lack base stats give me an example so like let's look at mage the other caster counterpart in the mage tile entry of Elemental precision giving them 6% hit on frost and fire spells so regardless of what spec they are they have 6% inherent hit and they also have threat reduction with the town and point frost channeling war logs don't have either of these both of these classes have a hundred percent increased critical damage but warlock only has hit rating on its affliction spells with a talent point suppression and the only the only time that's really relevant is when you're putting your curse up or if you have a corruption slot but your primary damaging spell is going to be destruction spells so it doesn't really help you at all I got you okay so basically a lot of versatility a lot of power in the warlock but it's all contingent upon multiple things curses your spec and so on and so forth let's talk about specs a little bit um the first the first spec that I want to talk about is the leveling specs and that's the first thing you're gonna be doing as a warlock walk me through the leveling build real quick haha where do I go what do i spec into as I'm leveling alright so there's a little bit there's a little bit of a variation depending on your playstyle and if you're playing with a partner if you're playing solo you typically want to go into demonology a bit first rather than going into affliction a bit first and if you're playing with someone you want to go in affliction first basically what you're trying to decide is do I want to rush for siphon life and shadow mastery or do I want to rush from to get my paint my pet more tanky so if you're leveling solo I'd probably put enough talent points down into master summoner fel domination and things like this especially rushing improved voidwalker because the void Walker is actually really really crappy and classic well it doesn't hold a grow very well at all and it runs it uses up its usefulness quite quickly so rushing improved white Walker pretty quickly is usually the way to go okay so walk me through it on a step by step basis I've got the talent reopen here from classic bow head calm and walk me through step by step I hit level 10 where do I put the points in and what do I possess the first three points I would put in is three points into improved corruption and you don't you don't put five in there right away because when you use corruption you're going to activate a global anyway and the global is one point five seconds so if you go improve corruption three points you get one point two-second reduction making the global make it making the global take as long as it takes to actually cast a spell meaning it you don't really need it to be any better than that at the current time and then after that I'd start going five and five five into deep demonic embrace for the increased stamina and then three three and two improved voidwalker after you get these talent points done which you should be level twenty at this point it's kind of up to your discretion you can go affliction for a bit more damage if you plan on buying some shadow gear and you know really beefing up your character or if you're playing early on in the server and your solo leveling and you just want to play it safe you start going down the demonology tree okay let's assume solo leveling playing it safe if I'm solo leveling I'd probably end up going two points into fel intellect so that my void Walker has a larger mana pool so it can do more taunts more ability and then after that one point into fel domination and then four points into fel stamina and then after this part you you really have to choose do I want to go all the way to Seoul link or do I want to start going for some damage and typically the way I play when I'm solo leveling I stop here and I start going more into affliction putting two points into suppression two points into improved drain soul two points into improved life top one into corruption one in to amplify curse three into improved curse of agony and then the last one into improved corruption and at this point you're thirty nine almost level forty and you can you can either get more damage with nightfall siphon life etc or go or go so link I'd say if you're ahead of the pack and you're not having a lot of PvP going on go into the affliction tree for shadow mastery and for siphon life but if you're caught up in the Zerg and there's a lot of PvP going on go for the demonology route and go for soul link because nobody wants to fight a soul link warlock absolutely yeah believe me believe me I know first and okay so so you would go into master summoner and aura unholy power I would go into master summoner first and then start going into unholy power three out of five demonic sacrifice then finish on holy power then you have one more point you have to spend before you can get into master demonologists or two more points and I just put that into FAL stamina and fell intellect to make your pet a little a little more useful then five five and a master demonologist and then one in two so link and then you're done the demonology trick perfect okay with the five remaining points how do you finish it off you finish it off by just going in to siphon life just go into nightfall grim reach and the affliction tree one more point in to affliction and you don't actually get in to siphon life with soul links back that would be a little bit too good that's something you do in TBC but you you finish off with 20 points in the afflictions rate usually okay the reason we don't go into destruction is because typically when you're leveling you don't really sit there and hard cast shadow bolt it's not very mana efficient and your shadow bolts not doing a considerable amount of damage during leveling you don't use shadow bouldering leveling it on you can use it in some circumstances but most of the time you just want to be putting dots up wandering and doing a very consistent sustained amount of I got you so let's let's run through that scenario real quick so as we're leveling up or putting our points into this build you know one of the things warlocks is very very famous for is it's leveling speed how many more do you pull at a time do you pull one mob do you pull two mobs when you pull the mobs how do you approach at what pet do you have out give me the whole combat scenario forelocks it depends it depends on what level I'm at warlocks have a huge array of spells that their disposal CC spells damage amplifying spells etc so if I'm 40-plus and I have death coil and all of these utility spells I'll probably pull three mobs depending on what the mobs abilities are if they're normal melee mobs I'll put my void Walker on one put one or two dots I'll fear one put one or two dots on it then I'll have one on me or on my void Walker a void Walker AoE tantas up if the void Walker AoE taunt isn't up then usually to mom's the more dangerous the mobs the less you pull at a time and is grinding effective at all as a means of leveling for warlock or do you prefer just all the way questing grinding is actually really effective as a warlock if you know how to do it well as with any cloth class you die very easily so the more dangerous you play the more risky it's going to be for you because in classic Wow corpse walks are really really bad for leveling corpse walks are extremely inefficient it can take eight nine minutes just to get back to your body and then some other alliance or horde or enemy faction can be sitting there waiting for you camping you so I got you okay um right so at some point at some point you hit level 60 and once he at level 60 you're gonna be doing your pre raid base you're gonna be gearing up all that good stuff and you're gonna be ready to raid before we talk about pre raid bits and gear and everything like that and by the way everybody in the chats asking questions see a lot of people asking questions right now we'll get to the Q&A section at the very end so hold on to your questions I'll ask alive all the questions you guys have so be wary of that but level 60 leveling spec no longer is useful how do you respect for a raid I understand there are two primary rating specs for warlocks right yes so the two primary rating specs are demonic sacrifice and SM both of them go 21 points into into destruction to get the ruined town on point and then other than ruin it just depends on what you're going to go for so typically the better spec them the more damaging spec is demonic sacrifice ruin and that's gonna be a little bit better than its counterpart sm ruin because it does slightly more shadow damage and sm ruin is typically the spec that you run later in the game when you want the increase to reach on your affliction spells however early game you usually always have one affliction warlock in your group because affliction warlocks can keep their demon pets out while raiding so you keep your you keep your IMP out and have it phased out so it can't take damage and you put in your tank group so you can give blood back to your tank increasing its stamina by 38 I got you so you keep up 1sm warlock in the tank group right correct and the rest Cody's ruined do they have any rotational difference between the two specs so depending on how many corruption slots your guild allows you to use you typically want to prioritize at least one of the corruption slots to your SM warlock because he has the nightfall talent and while the demonic sacrificed warlock has a bit more shadow damage due to demonic sacrifice succubus it's it's slightly more inefficient to not give the affliction warlock a chance to proc his nightfall okay interesting so how would I prioritize the talents here I've got five out of five to proof shadowbolt do I put five out of five it to Cataclysm as well so no you put five five and prove shadow and then you put five five in - hold on one second I'm pulling up my talent tree for you one second okay so five five shadow bolt and then you put five five into the talent trees not loading for me so one on the left the fist beam man yeah but the talent points not loading for me for some reason are you on classic Wow header on classic Adibi I'm on classic Wow all right here I just fixed it all right so five five into bin sorry about that 5 5 into devastation you're already on it I can see one into shadow burn and then now you have a few different options you want to go to 2 into destructive reach because destructive reach will give you enough range to out range a lot of a we fear abilities like bellowing roar on dragons like Nefarian or panic from magma door and molten core but we need to unlock ruin so what most people do now is put 2 points into Cataclysm however the 2% mana that you save from Cataclysm is never really reaching a point where it becomes relevant so what I will do is during molten core I'll put 2 points in a cataclysm and activate ruin but once Blackwing Lair comes out and then and then on zg aq etc I'll take those 2 points out of Cataclysm and put them into improved scorch improve searing pain sorry and the reason I do that is because the 2% mana reduction isn't really relevant at all in the amount of times that a good warlock player should be using scorch is pretty high because there's going to be a lot of times where you're fighting trash or you're fighting a boss or something like that and it the mob is almost dead but you you've realized that you don't have enough time to cast another shadow bolt so instead of casting another shadow bolt and having it not go off because the mob is going to die you try to fit in a searing pain at the end instead and if that searing pain crits that's more DPS for you you and why is this not a zero and multi yeah Moulton because fire damage right yeah in molten core if you do this it's just gonna say I'm you yeah I couldn't pins fire damage okay very interesting and then from there you go ruin yep ruin and then you're done the destruction tree and then when you go for demonic sacrifice or SM spec the destruction tree is going to be the exact - both DS ruin and SM ruin are the same thing in the discussions pretty much and you altered between Cataclysm and searing pain depending on what radar content you're clearing and then for DS rune we go over to the demonology tree and you put five points in demonic and bring two points into improved health stone three points into improved voidwalker and a lot of people think that improved voidwalker is just a filler talent point you know you just put it in there to get to the next year of talents that's not actually true improved voidwalker is a DPS increase if used properly so let's look at a fight where the warlock is going to take consistent damage and it's unavoidable like fire ma fire damage or vale fire damage etc any sort of damage that you take is going to cause you to get a push back on your shadow bowl means meaning you're gonna lose damage you're going to lose DPS so when going into improved voidwalker it increases the shield that you get from the sacrifice ability by 30% so if you go to Vale or any sort of fight where you're gonna receive damage and get pushback you can sacrifice the void Walker for a 30% bigger shield meaning during the time that you have that shield you'll receive no pushback so after improved Wade Walker we go into fel domination and now you get your filler talent points you just need to get to the next tier so typically I'll put my points into either fel stamina or fel intellect it doesn't really matter and then you go master summoner two out of two and then you have more filler talent points you can put it in unholy power fell intellect fell stamina doesn't matter you're gonna be sacrificing your pet anyway you just want to activate enough points to get to demonic sacrifice and then once you reach demonic sacrifice you're done you only go 21 points into the demonology tree next you go a flee in affliction you go five points into improved corruption two points into suppression and two points into improved life type and then you're done all right let's talk about this in a little bit of detail here demonic sacrifice so when activated it sacrifices your summon demon to grant you an effect that lasts for 30 minutes the effect is canceled if any demon is summoned essentially it's like lone wolf or warlocks but then that I haven't played vanilla or maybe Affairs each each pet has its own unique bonus depending on which pet you sacrifice though amp increases your fire damage by 15% Boyd Walker restores 3 percent of your total health every 4 seconds succubus increases your shadow demons by 15% and fellow hunter restores 2% of total mana every 4 seconds is there ever a time when you don't pick succubus yes actually so depending on what strategies you use you can demonic sacrifice the IMP so let's say that your guild has full world buffs you're going into molten core you've got gear you've got some Blackwing Lair gear and you're approaching majordomo majordomo there's a ton of mods that you need to kill so if your guild is geared enough and has the strategy practiced you can actually stack up all of the mobs in the majordomo fight into one location if you can stack all those mobs up into one location you're not really casting shadow ball and you're not really doubting that much your primary DPS that you want to use is just Hellfire and if you're hell firing 80 90 percent of the fight sacrificing the IMP is a little bit better okay as for any of the other ones you can sacrifice there have been arguments made by some people to sacrifice the fel hunter on long fights to regenerate mana but that's not really worth it because if you look at the well the tooltip for sacrificing the succubus it says increased shadow damage by 15% and when you life tap the damage that life tap does to the Warlock is shadow damage so whenever you demonic sacrifice succubus your life tab is actually gaining 15% effectiveness and also scales with improved life tap in the action tree ah so it kind of serves as both you know a DPS increase and a mana efficiency increase because you get exactly yeah the more gear you have the more consumables you use the more flasks you use etc the better that life tap is going to get that's why you see warlocks levelling up life tap does nothing and then warlocks and naxxramas life type can take out a third of your health bar yeah absolutely that's really actually actually you can even increase this further mages get a talent or an ability called amplify magic and then you can talent into it when you're doing ap frost spec and get improved amplify magic amplify magic increases the magic damage you take and the healing you take so typically it's a trade off you take more damage you gain more healing however as a warlock if you have amplify magic on you you're doing magic damage when you life tap so you got even more mana back so there could be a scenario where you have amplified magic on you've got your succubus sacrifice you've got your talents in improved life tap and you've got all your consumables all your world buffs your spell damage buffs you life tap once it's like a full mana regen basically if if you compare a warlock that does not have demonic sacrifice succubus up does not have consumables does not have flasks does not have amplify magic if you compare warlock that has all those all of those things to a warlock that doesn't the warlock that has those things early game when you have low gear is going to be life tapping for almost double them and if your if your life tapping half of amount that all the other warlocks are live tapping that means that they're spending double the Global's which means they're losing out on DPS time absolutely absolutely that's that's a really a nifty strategy I honestly it had no idea but that's really cool this is the this is the des ruin spec and you said this is technically the stronger of the two specs albeit marginally yes so the SM rune spec excels more for clearing trash because you can multi dot a bunch of different things your dots are a bit stronger with cursive agony you can get nightfall it's it's pretty decent for trash but demonic sacrifice has a bunch more utility by being able to sacrifice the in point you need to by having fel domination to instantly summon avoid walkers sacrifice it for a shield and then and then someone a succubus demonic sacrifice that and then you're ready for a fight so there's a lot of different tips and tricks you can use and demonic sacrifice however a lot of people end up going SM Roo and later on in a queue because the increased range on your affliction spouse helps a lot there's more chances to multi dot like battleguard start aura or like bug trail you can put curse of agony if you're not assigned to curse of recklessness or any of the other amplifying curses you can put curse of agony on one of the bosses one of the bosses that are marked as X or or moon or whatever I got you okay so a lot more multi dot opportunity as SM ruin in a queue let's go over that some ruin tree is there anything else in the DSR and tree you want to point out before we go on no not particularly okay so for the affliction tree you want to put five points into improved corruption 5 into suppression 2 into improved life that went into amplify curse I'm sorry 5 5 points into suppression how many into corruption 5 I've okay yeah - and to improve life tap one in to amplify curse three into improved curse of agony 2 into grim reach 2 into nightfall one into siphoned life and then now we have a little bit of options we haven't quite unlocked shadow mastery which is what the spec is named after but there aren't really any damage increasing abilities left in the talent tree you could say improve drain soul is a damage increase because whenever you kill something you get more mana which means less life types however drain improve drain soul only counts if you're the one who does the last damaging hit to kill the mob and when you're in a 40-man raid that's unlikely so typically what we have our warlocks do is go 3 into improved curse of weakness so that we can amplify curse at curse of weakness on any fights that we need to like crow Magus when he hits enrage or any sort of boss like that where we're trying to have a more squishy tank with more threat but we want to we want to still reduce the damage the boss is dealing and then you can put one into curse of exhaustion unlock shadow mastery 5 in a shadow mastery and boom specs and the other 21 points from the destruction tree correct shadowbolt 5 into bane I think 1 into soul burn right that once you put there 21 points in the destruction the spec is complete okay so so let's talk about curses you talking about cursive agony multi dotting with s Emma run let's talk about warlock curses can you explain to us how the curses function and what opportunities you have to use the non-traditional debuff curses okay so there's only 16 debuff slots in classic well so classic well is all about maximizing your rage damage output as a lot of people know classic wow rating it's not like rating myth the mythic Plus trades or anything like that some of the bosses are hard but most of the bosses are pretty simple especially in the earlier rates so it's all about getting as much damage as you can and clearing the dungeon as fast as you can this is where curses come into play you can't just spam curse of doom curse of agony etc because every single debuff slot out of the 16 debuff slots has to mean something typically you can't ever use in a high-end guild you can't use curse of doom curse of agony because there are d-bus that are going to do more damage than that you want to use cursive agony on mods that are not the skull target not the primary target for example let's say you're in Entourage and you pull a bug pack that has flares and things like this you have to separate the bug pack because you don't want all your melee to get feared you don't want mine Flay's going out etc well since all of these mobs are spread out the Warriors don't have a chance to cleave the the rogues don't have a chance to blade flurry there's a lot of AOE missing however the Warlock doesn't have any problems with that he just tad targets and puts corruption curse of agony whatever doubts you want on as many targets as you want although when you look at a boss like Garr or Baron Geddon you don't want to put curse of agony or anything like that up the only curse is you really want our curse of recklessness curse of elements and curse of shadows because that's going to increase your rage damage more than a curse of agony would hello there you okay sorry my a my might got disabled okay so definitely a lot more multi dotting capabilities with SM ruin and interesting explanation of the curses curse of agony takes up a debuff slot though correct correct so I guess my question is why would you be able to put it up on on multiple targets is just because you won't be able to cleave those targets or something like that well okay so let's say let's say we have a trash pool and there are six mobs in in the trash pull the melee and everyone are typically going to focus the most threatening target you don't you usually don't spread all your raids damage to on each mob or anything like that you focus one at a time so let's say your raid leader marks something with a skull and mark something with an X and the other four mobs are whatever marks there are put your long dots like alike curse of agony on the mobs that are not marked as skull or X because the skull target is going to have the 16 debuff slots that are assigned the ones that are important curse of elements sunder armor etc so if you put a curse of agony on the skull target you're probably going to get a bit of feedback from your raid leader saying hey don't do that but if you put it on the mobs that aren't being focused by the time you are focusing them curse of agony is already going to be falling off and it has already done its damage okay very good explanation that's definitely an EM pre increase a lot of people's dps knowing when when to apply that multi dot I hope so there's a lot of bad warlock players there you go so so is we talked about the builds a little bit is there anything you want to talk about real quick about sm ruin anything extra any small tips or tricks or typically like i said it's better on trash but you don't really do these this spec early for the trash because in molten core and black muller most of the trash packs you don't really have a chance to multi dot like let's look at molten core the trash packs that you're typically pulling are one core hound or two molten Giants or it's usually one or two mobs so you don't really have a chance to multi target or multi a bunch of different mobs because you have one skull one x and usually the trash mobs in these dungeons die a lot faster so even if you do get to multi dot your target that you're dotting is gonna die when your dot is only 50% through not really making it worth your time you'd rather just shadow ball you don't really have you don't really have a chance to use your dots tool to their full effect until AQ and X Ram is when there's more trash to clear the trash has more HP it takes longer to kill and so on got you okay so it's it's kind of it's something you do a little bit later on most warlocks do but but there's still a spot putting that Blood Pact on on the tank and the tanking group but let's go ahead let's go ahead and move on now that we have our talents situated we're level 60 let's talk about warlock gearing a little bit and we're like gearing is very it's very multifaceted if I understand correctly it's contingent upon which dungeons are out especially things like our mall and stuff so yeah so on the guides that I've written and the guys I've made for YouTube I've specifically avoided gearing and stat weights because it's hard to get into that without knowing the items that Blizzard plans on the releasing and when they're releasing it I don't want to produce any false information so if we look at the pre list I can give you some variations of Priebus but it really just depends on what's going to be out at what time let's assume that we go with blizzards content release schedule for classic the one that they've currently presented already sure but that doesn't that doesn't say if ranked 14 caster weapons are going to be out that doesn't say if ranked 10 blue gear is going to be updated and things like I got you then let's go it with with some some hypotheticals then sure present so let's say so I'm just trying to find your classic guide on on classic Wow do you have a link to yeah absolutely though guys alive is actually written up a comprehensive warlock class guide on classic bow head comm including gonna include a lot of what we say today it might include some things that we don't say today so if you're if you you know don't want to go back and watch this vaud for like two hours again he just linked it in the chat right now I'm gonna go ahead and pull it up on the screen here real quick just to follow along is that and I have a mage guide up currently and my mage video should be coming out before the interview there you go you go alright so uh we just finished talking about talents here look at that it's completely that detail dude look at that breakdown of all the fat we totally forgot to talk about races by the way you want to go into that real quick yeah sure sure the more the more details the better all right let's do it races which race do I pick on Alliance and horde okay so on Alliance the only options that you have are human and known and there's not a huge game breaking difference between the two but the better one always is going to be known and this is not only due to the base stats which I have a chart listed there but it's more so due to the rachels known gets on a racial called expensive mind increasing your intellect by 5% and this isn't just your base intellect this is intellect from buffs from consumables from gear and so on so the longer you go into the game the more raid gear you get the more progress your character gets the more this 5% intellect becomes crucial and for warlocks every 60 intellect you get equals 1% crit in addition to increased mana pool size humans on the other hand have 5% increase the stats as well but they only have 5% increase to spirit and spirits not really a relevant stat to warlock why not why not well spirit spirit is out of combat mana and health regen in combat it's severely nerfed and we don't really have any talents like a vacation on a mage that scales off the spirit or or the the healing that you get in a holy tree from a priest we don't have any talent that says this amount of spirit becomes this amount of spell power or anything like that it's not really something that benefits what we're trying to do I got you okay and obviously you have laptop as well so it's like why do you need spirit if you're just like tapping right yeah yeah onward side however it's a bit it's a bit harder to say which class is better if we're looking at just purely PvE content I would argue undead undead has slightly more intellect on their base stats than or by one which is not very relevant however in the rachels undead has increased shadow resistance which is good for twins tanking and it also has willow the Forsaken and most people think willow the Forsaken is it's just a pvp tailor which is not true there's going to be a lot of times in raids where you might be out of position or you might be in position but you still receive a fear like bug trio Farion magnetar etc and let's say you get feared and an orc warlock gets feared if you're able to break the fear or become immune before the fury pan goes off you're gonna do exponentially more damage than any other castro that's not an undead because they're gonna be running around in circles while you're pumpin shadowbolts for 6-7 more seconds than their orcs on the other hand they have to rachel's that are relevant hardened skin and command command increases pet damage by five percent however most times you aren't going to be rating with your pet out since you're going to be demonic sacrifice back and you could argue that well the orc warlock could be the sm warlock and he could have his info that's true but imp damage in cast fireball which means an MC it's not really gonna do anything significant and even later on there's no way to increase your pets damage there's no scaling way there's only a few talent points and then there's black book in Blackwing Lair and none of those things are really worth it and even if you were to use ur imp and phase it in rather than phasing it out it'll die too a lot of bosses such as veil dying to fire damage fire ma dying to fire damage etc most times most times people go or warlock is for heart and skin hardened skin is 25% increased chance to resist a stun which isn't so relevant in PvE but it's great in PvP in PvP resisting a 5 combo point kidney shot is amazing and totally screws over a rope but in PvE it doesn't really bring anything to the table especially if you're positioned properly yeah so what would you say what would you pick for PvE like just from the PvE perspective what would you pick as a race on horde or warlock I would I would pick on full of the Forsaken chat said imp can keep world bus and that's true as long as they don't dismiss your imp he'll get moral buffs alongside of you any any sort of aura based world bus but even still there's nothing to really amplify its damage percentage-wise or give its spell power or anything like that and it it doesn't even gaining 10% crit or however many world buffs that you end up gaining isn't enough to make it extremely significant to the point where you must go ork so it's more supplemental than anything else correct so Undead for a horde ideally known for Alliance it sounds like yeah yeah but really if if you're a good warlock player it race doesn't matter that much a good warlock that plays human is gonna beat a bad warlock that plays known the Rachel's help but they're not game breaking it's not like you it's impossible to be yeah absolutely so again play what you want guys it's it's not it's not gonna make the difference of whether or not you kill kel'thuzad by playing uh and undead warlock versus you know something else you know what I mean um absolutely but but we kind of we kind of went back to races because we glossed over it let's go let's keep pushing forward and talk about and a pre-raid business and and kind of stat priority and stuff like that as a warlock once you're level 60 how do you itemize and and we were talking a little bit about the raids and stuff like that um what's kind of the stat priority what are you looking for on gear so ideally you want hit raiding because you don't have any hit raiding however you can't get it there's no chance for you to get hit raiding in molten core if you look at all of the pieces of gear that you can get and I know this is pre rate but if you look in one core there's still no items that really give you hit rating that you want the only hit raiding item that you're probably going to be able to get in the first patch of classic Wow is the belt from kirtan us in stroller mats so your pre raid this is probably depending on how they release the items your pre red breast is only going to give you 1% hit rating other than that you just want to go for spell power to increase your shadow bolt damage your dot damage your lifetime and crit crit is actually much more important than most players believe for warlocks it's not just you know I get a critical strike on my spell yes good whoop-dee-doo it's actually it's actually more highly rated because you have a chance to imply improved shadow bolt debuff which every time you create your next non-periodic spells deal 20% more shadow damage and that debuff is important to have up all the time especially if you're not rating with world buffs or they lock out world buffs and you're not allowed to use it for a certain period of time having that debuff up as much as you can is very important to increasing all of the warlocks damage in your in very nice very nice um then at last time you know and typically what I've been doing for all these deep dives is we kind of been going over pre red best in slot list sure but as you said I'm not sure if it's entirely relevant especially for warlocks and casters just because so many things change are there a couple items off the top of your head where you're pretty confident that regardless of how Blizzard does things these are gonna be I really want to get there are definitely items that are guaranteed to be in the game some some items will be variable some items are guaranteed and we can go over you try to myth you lock and Ike and I can give the variables that may or may not be in the game and let's go for it let's go for it one at a time all right so let's start off with the headpiece the usual headpiece that people use before they get tier two or anything special is is the green lens of shadow wrath if it's in the game sometimes there's not of wrath gear in the game but I feel like there will be in classic so you want green lens of shadow wrath it'll give you ten stamina and most likely 36 shadow damage if that's not in the game you can get fel cloth hood which gives you 24 shadow damage I believe but there is an option that's better than both of these and most people usually don't go for it because it's it's very expensive and not a lot of people think it's very good in this hat that you can get his cap of the Scarlet salon Kappa the Scarlet savant is from pristine height of the beast skinned off the Beast and upper Blackrock Spire and it has a 1% chance to skin it I believe after you get this item you can use it to do a question requiring a bunch of other materials to pick a certain epic item that you want at the very end caster has an option of getting this cloth helmet that gives you 20 intellect which is one third of a crit and 2% crit so basically this helmet is giving you two point three percent crit which is going to be better than actually having a shadow wrath green lens though this would be ideally the priority keep a cap of the Scarlet savant MA 99% of the Warlocks you see will have green lens of Chateau wrath or something like that because this item is really rare really hard to get and usually pristine height of the beast goes four seven eight nine hundred gold and early on in the server when you actually want to have this item getting that amount of gold is really hard especially if you are trying to get your epic mount first which you should so it most warlock players are going to just be getting the shadow wrath one and trying to get their epic mount instead but this one is slightly better sounds good let's move on to the next slide someone brought up a good point though in chat they said no turban there's a bunch of items that are way better than what I'm going to say 4p read this however turban and items like this aren't introduced into the game until scourge event before next when the point 5 dungeon set is released this gear that was added to dungeons was meant for players to get to catch up to all the other players that have already been raiding so it's much stronger but it's not gonna be in the game hopefully at the launch yeah and if you guys see here I just brought up the stage rollout design philosophy for classic the scourge invasion is scheduled to be in stage 4 meaning that in all likelihood these new catch up items will probably not be released until much much later after classic launch so we're just gonna operate under that assumption for now because I think it's a pretty reasonable assumption sure as for the next piece next slot this also depends on what's going to be out if there's no darkman fair which usually comes out in Blackwing Lair patch then you're gonna want to get the neck from Hydra lash and Dharma least which is 1% crit rating if AV patches out and there's the first patch of increased dungeon loot gear if AV patch is out then a new neck is going to come into the game and show elements from Vectis and it's a pretty rare neck called dark advisors pendant that's going to be Priebus if it's out if darkman fares out there's a neck that's slightly better than dark advisors pendant called or above darkman fair believe it's 22 spell power and this cost a bunch of money because you need to turn in darkman fair tickets to unlock it and it's only slightly better than dark moon for other than dark advisor spending so if you have dark advisors pendant I wouldn't recommend going for the darkmoon faire neck you're better off spending your money somewhere else because it's less than a 1% DPS increase sounds good next would be the shoulder slot and this one's a little bit volatile because if the update of PvP gear is own you're gonna want the updated blue PvP shoulder slot if the updated blue PvP gear isn't in you still can go for the level 58 blue set and there's multiple different combinations you want for the two-piece bonus of +23 spell power and shoulder can be one of those slots but it depends on what piece of gear you have at what time if you don't have any of that gear you're not pvping they have an update of the PvP gear etc you typically just want to go for plus 30 shadow wrath Marine shoulders if shadow wrath is out if shadow wrath is not out you want to go for fel cloth shoulders which is a tailoring pattern you can craft and that increases your shadow damage by 26 now you mentioned the pvp blues how long would it take from your experience for a warlock to rank up and get those those blue PV shoulders if they're updated if they're updated you want to go for the rank 10 set which is head shoulders and to get rank 10 solo cueing it may take you a while depending on what the brackets are on your server which means how much people are pvp and how much honor they're grinding when they are pvp so if you're solo cueing it could take you a while but if you're going to pre mate and you're really committed to pvp it won't take you long at all rank 10 is pretty easy to get beyond rank 10 is when it starts to really become a commitment oh if you were to estimate like weeks um in a premade under two months me it depends on how much honor you're really committed to getting if you can skip a few ranks you got enough honor to go from five to seven then obviously you're going to get it faster but it all depends on how much time you're really wanting to commit to pvp or so um let's let's keep going let's hit these kind of fast here a little bit if we can't we're just a little bit behind schedule sure the next item would is the cloak and the best cloak you can get is +21 shadow wrath if it's in the game if it's not in the game you can go for heliotrope cloak which is 1% crit or the cloak that's a little bit better would be amplifying coke from thermal East off a magistrate it's a bit rare of a drop but it's +18 and if you can't get +21 that's the best you can get as for a chess piece chess piece really the two options for chess piece are robe of the void and robe of the winter night robe of the void is an epic pattern that drops off a gambling and show elements and it's very rare and it's only it's only very slightly better than the robe of the winter night and typically early on in the server when you want to get this item gold is very important that not a lot of people will have a bunch of gold just to waste on whatever they want so usually even in progress when we're trying to min max as much as we possibly can I always recommend people to save their money and go for a robe of the winter night because the damage difference is so small and the amount of gold you have to spend on robe of the void is so much in the amount of time you have to put in to grind robe of the void is so much that you'd be better off spending that time and money on epic mount or pvping or doing something more progressive next would be bracer bracer the best racer you can get is +21 shadow power if it's in the game and even better than that is plus 21 shadow power with fire resistance off the the fireball soon VRD but if that's not in the game the best racer you can get is sublime risk arts off any of the guards and dharma north next is weapon and weapon there's a few different options that you can do if AV is out then you always want to go one-handed weapon with AV exalted offhand and the one-hand one-handed weapon you would want to get is either inventers focal sword for 1% crit it which is slightly better marginally for single target for warlocks and if you're multi dotting or in any sort of scenario where a o in you want spell power where you can get blade of the new moon which increases just shadow damage for gloves gloves is kind of like the helmet gloves you can use fel cloth gloves which is a pattern in thermal north when you open the box that the Goblin is guarding felt cloth gloves increase your shadow damage and are very good in area type situations but or you can go for a two-piece PvP set depending on what's out but typically the gloves that I like to go for are gloves of spell mastery you don't have to wait for any sort of drop to happen you don't have to wait for a crafter or anything gloves a spa mastery most people a lot of people will get this recipe pretty early on and these gloves like the helmet will also give you 2% crit rating somebody's asking right now what about the Mardon dagger and the DMT staff um the DMT staff is good if you haven't gotten a the exalted yet but the AV exalted off hands are so good that it completely negates the diurnal tribute staff as for the Marvin dagger the Martin dagger can be good depending on its ppm depending on its proc per a minute so if it has a high proc per minute and you're gaining a lot of shadow damage through its proc which it can proc through a wheeze spells as well and you're gaining a lot of mana which means their life stopping less it can be better than the other Priebus items that i listed but it really depends on what the proc rate is that's going to be implemented into the game ordinance absolutely as for belt typically we want to just stay with your one percent hit belt however depending on what depending on what items are out what BG reputation items around you can get a small men igniting mana igniting girdle version from a B reputation you can get a belt that adds a little bit of critten the game right away or not if they do that's gonna be Priebus if not you can go with belts of the Archmage or the 1% hit belt off a cure to us as for pants you can use a two-piece PvP set like I stated before if you're not going for that you want to go for Sky shroud leggings off the first boss and lower Blackrock Spire and this is something that's typically going to take a while for you to grind unless you're really lucky because a lot of these pants a lot of casters are going to want these pants and some healers are even going to want these pants and they're not very common of a drop rate so you're gonna have to farm for that quite a bit as for boots if they have increased dungeon loot from the AV patch to the first round of increased dungeon loot the best boots are going to be able to get are Malachi's foot wraps from strap undead if those are not in the game you can get you can get omnicaster boots pvp boots or dragon strivers boots depending on what is released you all right you want to talk about trinkets real quick sure trinkets we don't really have much of an option again there's more trinkets added later to the game when this next ramus dungeon set loot is put into the game but early on in the game you don't really have a bunch of options you're only trinkets that you're going to be able to get are the dire mock class trinket dryer would read in I of the Beast I have the Beast is 2% crit rating die read is depending on what patch going to be a twenty nine spell power depending it changes a little bit and the book trinket that you can get from dire maul is just like Briarwood read except it's slightly less power i believe it's 23 so typically the two trinkets are going to want ideally is Briarwood read and i've the beast whereas as four rings there's a there's a common misconception with rings a lot of people they'll rush to 60 and they'll buy the epic ring that's in the mid-30s called underworld band underworld band adds 10 stamina and some shadow damage which is patched later on so I'm not sure exactly how much shadow damage it's going to give this ring is good for PvP and it's good early on but it's not this you'd be better off getting I of ogre mar well it depends on what faction you play but there's going to be a spell power ring that you can unlock through a BRD quest chain called saving the princess that's going to be your Priebus ring and then the second ring you should get is maiden circle which is a BOE world drop ring that's blue and it costs quite a bit of gold but it's going to be your Priebus ring until you get something from raid other if you can't afford made in circle a good alternative would be unicorn band which increases your spell power by just a little bit but it's better than nothing I think we hit every Slava is there anything we missed that's perfect that's perfect very comprehensive best in slot list and you know every time we do these again we do this a lot of people ask me you know why are you going over a best in slot list there's a million lists out on the Internet well that's because pretty much every list that's out there does not take into account all of these different variables opening up a best in slot list and and having that you know next to you during classic they'll probably find that a lot of the slots are either you know the items aren't in the game they haven't been updated properly or they're not you know necessarily worth it Michael I've said some items cost a lot more gold than others it was very important to kind of understand the context of all of these items you can make those decisions in a much more informed way and again I would advise you guys check out a lives guide on classic DICOM I'm gonna link it one more time to chat before you move on and that the guide that I released has a lot of information in it but there's a lot of min/max high end information that's lacking that I intentionally didn't put in there because we don't really have enough information about what's going to be released for me to go into that so if anyone has more questions how to really go in depth with warlock mage or anything like that there's going to be a discord link on my youtube I can link the discord leak in the chat and he's got it pulled up on the screen here you can PM me anytime I'm a really available person I'll respond to any question you want anytime you want and that's I'm sleeping yeah and there it is right there his discord link has been posed in the twitch chat guys again he's he is a very available guy I would if you guys are planning on rolling a warlock or at least considering it I would definitely help into his discord ask him questions anytime yeah you're an available guide available guy yeah I've actually done quite a lot of math spreadsheets math is what I specialize in and a lot of really hardcore number-crunching just find out how valuable penetration is hit rating etc and a lot of the guides that you find out there that release this generalized information that could be right or wrong with atomization don't really formulate their calculations properly because a lot of these guides use mathematical formulas that are the Warlock one singular warlock in a void in a vacuum it doesn't account in for the amount of damage do you gain from crit by applying improve shadowbolt and increasing the shadow damage of all your raid members it doesn't account for damage that you do to amplify your raids damage and only it counts for the damage that you as a singular warlock will do yeah very very important point a very important point um so now that we you know we've got we've got our gear we've got our talents we've got our race let's move on to consumables and professions we'll start off with professions before consumables just because I think it's a little bit more all-encompassing what what recommended professions do you recommend for warlocks so for a warlock if you really want to be a high-end raider you have to get engineering that's not a question that's not a well maybe I can get engineering period and a story after engineering you can get whatever the hell you want however when zg comes around in black and we're patch you must be 300 tailoring and that's where the bloodline set you don't have to have 300 tailoring to actually wear the bloodline set but if you have 300 engineering you activate the three-piece bonus of the bloodline set and the 3 piece bonus gives you 2% crit rating and now you might say oh it's just 2% crit rating not that big of a deal in classic well you're not going to be getting many items that are game-breaking they're totally going to change your character they're huge in classic while it's all about adding up the little things to make your character big and missing out on 2% credit rating isn't really an option you have to get it um quick quick thing about engineering as a warlock how do you utilize engineering and raids okay so as a warlock your AoE is typically a bit weaker your it's weaker than warrior cleave it's weaker than a mage during flame strike arcane explosion etc so to make up for this lack of AoE anytime that you go in to hellfire which is your primary a we ability hellfire does more damage than rain of fire rain of fire has lower spell power coefficient and it takes slower than Hellfire does so typically when I'm moving into position of hellfire I'll sapper charge hit as many as many targets as I can and then start channeling my hellfire so I can get an initial burst of damage absolutely I'm do use our can I dragon Ling or anything like that no um yeah it's actually mandatory at least in my gills for everyone's have arcanite draggling however you don't really use our can i dragon Ling till the mages go fire til fire is actually relevant which is passed Blackwing Lair and it's mandatory that all Raiders healers tanks melee casters have arcanite dragon lane because the dragon wing itself doesn't do that matter damage but it's breath attack which is the one that applies the debuff is timed it doesn't do it non-stop that's not its primary damaging ability it only does it sometimes and the dragon Lang the breath attack counts as a spell based attack which means it has a 17 percent chance to miss and there's no way to give it hit rating so you want to have as many of these dragon legs out as possible so that you can get the maximum staffs stacks of this buff onto the boss as fast as possible there it is there it is also as a little tip the these dragon wings or chick battle chickens or whatever summonable pet that you can get from engineering it scales off your engineering ability so the higher level your engineering the higher level the pet that you will summon will be so if you if you can summon a battle chicken or whatever it is and you stop exactly at that level that chicken is going to be weaker than someone who actually maxed out their engineering and on alliance as Nome you can have your pets be higher level than any other pet because you have slightly higher in engineering level do that Nome racial so a Nome a no mark a night dragon laying I believe is level 62 or 63 opposed to anyone else's who is going to be level 60 which means more chance to hit more damage etc all right sounds good for professions let's go ahead and move on to consumables as for consumables there's a ton of consumables you can use a ton and most of them are very minimal so I'll go over those later but the big consumables you want to use our flasks of supreme power greater arcane elixir shadow power elixir Major mana potion demonic rune those are the damage increasing ones and you might say well why do I need major mana potion why do I need to monitor it I have life top why would I use those using potions and demonic runes doesn't cause you to have a global life tapping does so let's say you make a macro to use demonic rune and major mana potion at the same time and they both have a range of how much mana you can get back but let's say you get on average 4000 matter you can use that instantly in between casts and keep casting to cast another 1012 shadowbolts if you life tap you're going to have to life tap two or three times which let's say you have two life that three times that's four point five seconds worth of Global's that you just used which means you're missing out on two shadow bolt casts as for as for defensive consumables you want to use protection potions like greater fire protection potion and molten core in blocking their greater nature protection potion and Ahn'Qiraj grade a frost protection potion for severe on these are all pretty typical doesn't matter what class you play the as a warlock your best friend isn't going to be a guild mate your best friend isn't going to be someone you do quests mate quests with those are going to be your best friend your best friend in the whole game is going to be a potion called limited and vulnerability potion trust me when you when you play a warlock you'll understand warlock damage causes a lot of threat and it's pretty usual especially in dungeons that you're not gonna have any way of reducing your threat so if you get a crit your first shadowbolt crit your first shot about you cast is a crit you're gonna get threat immediately and you're gonna die immediately because you're wearing cloth and if you have shadow wrath gear on or something like that early game you have no stamina on your gear you need limited and vulnerability potion to make you immune to all physical damage and allow the tank to have time to pick it back up and on on most private service I'm not sure if this is going to be how it works on classic while you're under the effect of limited and vulnerability potion it acts as if it's blessing of protection it's the same sort of buff that is on you which means during the effects of limited and vulnerability potion you're unable to generate more threat meaning when you put let's say you gain aggro on something you pop this potion you can keep casting shadow bolt and you'll stay at the amount of threat you were before you pop the potion it was kind of like it's kind of like a blessing of salvation sort um kind behind a button how long is limited well intercepts with six seconds six seconds there you go all right let's talk more what other potions do we need well beyond these potions this is when it starts to really get into min max small additional effects so you can use elixir of fire power elixir of greater firepower to increase your scorch damage to increase our goblin sabotage damage because that does have a small coefficient on spell power increases your Hellfire damage you can use major trolls blood elixir to give you HP 5 which over the duration of the whole raid adds up to less healing which means more mana for the healers you can use elixir of fortitude for more health you can use Gore doc green grog you can use rum zero dark label to increase your health meaning less chance for you of dying and losing your potions or world buffs etc you can use mage blood elixir after GG is released for more mana regen mana regeneration for less life types you can use oil of emulation oil of emulation you can activate before you go into Hellfire that way you do damage while your hell firing each time your hellfire tix and each time your hellfire tix oil ventilation is also doing AoE damage to all targets near you you can use magic resistance potion on some fights to increase your base resistance and so on there's tons of things wizard oil depending on when they implement implement wizard oil you can apply it to your weapon for a spell critical strike chance and spell power and the list goes on virtually forever there's juju that increase your fire resistance and so yeah absolutely so many consumables so many things to choose from these are definitely the main ones though correct and and now that we kind of understand consumables we have we're basically ready to raid here let's talk more about the rating play style that's the most relevant thing how not just rotation but rotation and how you kind of play a warlock and in multiple situations in the rain environment I see you've got a breakdown here of single target and multi target can you kind of break down how we can expect or how warlock players can expect to play their class in classic yeah so basically like I said earlier warlocks really volatile except out of mages out of all the out of all the caster classes you have the most multiplicative amplifying damage debuffs so like I listed there in the guide you have nightfall axe which increases all spell spell damage by 15% so that's for all casters but in addition to that you have curse of Shadows which is 10% shadow weaving which is only for you and Shadow Priests which is 15% and then in the crew of shadow bolt which is another 20% so if you add all these together you're getting 60% more spell damage which is huge compared to the arcane or nature damage from boomkin or the elemental damage from a shaman or the elemental damage from a mage however like I said earlier warlocks don't start out with any hit rating which means sometimes if you have all these debuffs and you get a priests buddy to pee I you you can get a huge crit you can see huge numbers pop up on your screen also you can see three misses could pop up on your screen for misses pop up in a row or two misses one hit and then another two misses and you'll do no damage and you'll be under the tanks damage and people will make fun of you but there's also going to be times where you create five times in a row and you can make fun of everyone else luckily this moves out later on when you get more gear this is this is typically why in most expansions of well warlocks are weak early and good late because warlocks scale very well with gear so for single target usually what you do it's pretty simple you just keep corruption up if you have a corruption slot not all warlocks are gonna have a corruption slot you have to speak to a raid leader ahead of time to figure out how many corruptions you're able to use if you're able to use your corruption you approach the boss put the curse on that you're assigned to put on put corruption up if you're able to put corruption up and then cast Shadow Ball you don't want to clip your corruption which means you don't want to put corruption up when it has three seconds left you want to put corruption up ideally right as it finishes sometimes that doesn't always work out because it doesn't time up perfectly with your shadowbolts but do the best that you can if you if you can tell that it's not going to time up with your shadowbolt shadowbolts a 2.5 second cast and it's gonna run out in one second instead of shadow bolting you can life tap so that you keep your corruption up at a higher percent uptime your other ability you can use is Shadow Lord Shadow burns an instant cast ability that uses one soul shard so a lot of people you'll say oh well I'm just gonna use shadow burn every cooldown that's instant why not well that's not always worth it because let's say the only ability buff you have up is improve Shadow Ball it's gonna consume a stack of improved shadow bolt and it has a lower spell power coefficient less than half of the spell power coefficient than shadow bolt does so that stack of improved shadow bolt would be better used just with another shadow bolt however since the D buffs that we have for warlocks are percent and damage increase they they scaled directly with the damage done by the spell so even though shadow burn doesn't have a very good spell power coefficient if you have multiple of these debuffs up at the same time then it's good to use during a boss fight so let's say you have nightfall axe up five out of five shadow weaving cursor shadows you can do a shadow burn or you have improved shadow pulled up shadow weaving curse of Shadows go ahead and do a shadow burn if you have all four of them up do a shadow burn if you have two of them up in a pie do a shadow burn otherwise if you only have two don't do it ever like I said earlier if you're casting on a boss and you notice the boss is going to die soon and you don't have enough time to fit in another shadowbolt you know that the boss is going to die when your shadow bolt is out is at two out of two and a half seconds it's not worth casting the shadow bolt you're better off ending the fight with a shadow bird so let's say the boss is going to die in 1.5 seconds you can just tell you've played warlock for awhile you can tell you're better off not casting a shadow but casting a searing pain shadow burn boom under the fight the best way to end a fight is the boss dies right as your shadow boat goes off and then the boss is dead that's how you perfectly end a fight there it has tennis monka whom did there's a lot of really good information I don't want to rub - you call call me new to twitch but I don't even know what monka whom means is that a good thing or a bad thing it's a good that you know it's good that you don't know what it is you're still you're still pure dude you still pure you haven't descended they're gonna corrupt me yeah exactly exactly I think so so is there anything else you wanted to go over to single target just do your thing dude just I'm just freaking listening then I'm taking this on well single target it really depends on the boss like for COO Magus for example it depends on what vulnerability crow Magus is using if it's shadow vulnerability you want to just pump out as many shadow spells as you can so typically playing a caster whether it be mage warlock anything there's no such thing as a rotation there's only a priority list so at the top of the priority list would be frost bold shadow bold etc you want to cast as many of the high priority spells as you're able to although if you're not able to get those spells off you start going down the list and priority what can I fit in you want as little amount as of dead time as possible so let's take Crow magazine for example crow Magus you just want to pump as many shadow spells as possible and if you see that the vulnerability is going to run out in two three seconds and you don't have enough time for a shadow bolt toss a death coil toss a shadow burn in there just get as many spells in as you can same for fire vulnerability fire vulnerability it's not the most optimal to cast cast soul fire it's not the most optimal to cast emulate over and over and over the best DPS you can actually do is apply immolate and then spam searing pain searing pain causes increased amount of threat it's one point five threat generated so when you spam searing pain you really have to watch KTM watch your threat meters to make sure you don't go past the tank but as long as you're under the tank keeping Emma laid up on chrome Magus and spamming searing pain is the best fire damage that you're able to output and then other than that it really just depends on what boss you're on typically like I said you just want to follow priority list cast as many shadow bolts as as you can if you can't go on to the next spell can I fit in a searing pain can I fit in a shadow burn etc awesome awesome honestly I think this is a great time turn over to to the viewers I know a lot of people have a lot of questions for you yeah the more questions the better yeah the more in-depth the question you can ask the more like detail about there you go there you go so guys everybody that's watching right now if you have any questions about warlocks or rating in general alive has played the game he's also played mages Ally he's played the game on a very broad and deep level so I yeah please sorry I know I know quite a bit of in-depth information about every class because I've played the game at a high level for such a long time however I specialized primarily in caster I do I've done caster Luke Council for my guild from the beginning of the game to the end of the game on multiple different servers for the whole duration of the server I've been cast our management of progress and many other top end guilds so that's primarily where I focus my attention there you go and we'll start off with the first question from digital Tyler who asks does using a shadow resist potion negate life tap damage and healing you know that's so there's only been one private server where it does most of the time most of the time how it's been scripted in the past life tap will actually bypass that I'm not sure how it's going to be on classic so I can't really give you an accurate answer as to what it will be but I'd say it's better that it doesn't consume it on most fights on fights like Saphira or any fights we're taking heavy damage and all the healing matters obviously having it absorbed your life type damage is better but I'd say overall it's best of it bypass bypasses it question we have from mr. GM What's Up mr. GM he says did you feel any difference with the classic demo on any classes no the classic demo at that level you don't really have many talents you don't really have many abilities to really test the mechanics in depth to test the the mathematic tape so I can't really give you any significant differences that I felt because of those reasons for it and simple the classic demo obviously there's a lot of things off on the classic demo in terms of just like but they had the légion rate frames and stuff like that it's still very much a work in progress but I think most of the classes themselves all the talents were there and stuff like that next up we have a question from shala 100 who says how about soul harvester staffer pre-raid biz it has 1% spell head so soul harvester staff he's talking about the staff from a class question we go into sunken temple and every class has some sort of item that they can get from this question however usually usually this question is not out upon launch so this isn't a staff that you can get right away when you hit 60 mmm most likely I'm not sure what they're going to release so maybe it will be good it'll be better than then the da remote tribute staff but it won't be better than having a VR your answer right there next question from the real Thanos he says what are your thoughts on Doom guards and their crippled I used it to you I used to use it as an SM room lock on certain encounters but I don't know of others doing so so actually Doom guard is sort of like a little niche thing that I've been doing on a bunch of servers that a lot of warlocks don't do because it's really dangerous but uh doom guard is a demon that you can summon if you farm the grimoire off the demons and blasted lands or you can do a quest train taking you into dharma to summon the doom guard though you need five people to click on the altar and one of them will die so most times in raids you won't use this because having one person die means one person loses all the world loves although the nice thing about doom guard is you can go into demonic sacrifice you can demonic sacrifice your succubus get the 15% shadow damage that you would normally do anyway and you can still get the doom guard out because technically the doom guard doesn't count as a summon demon pet if you summon any of your other demons it gets rid of the demonic sacrifice buff however if you summon doom guard since it's special you can keep your demonic sacrifice buff and you can keep the demon so there's no negative downside at all and the doom guard actually does quite a bit of damage has really good and useful abilities the only bad thing is it has a chance to break and that chance is increased when you have no hit rating it goes off the hit table so there will be times especially early game where if you try to do this in raid it might break in the middle of a boss fight and come smack a healer or caste crippled on a melee and the melee has increased attack swing time and 50% reduced strength and it's really bad but at the times where it doesn't break it's really good most times though I would say that your raid leaders not going to allow it unfortunate for all those warlocks ty wanted to bust out that doomguard here's a really interesting question from slide doggie because I think this is a fan favorite question he wants to know about tanking to an emperors as a warlock how does it work how can you like make it work even better what goes into that okay so taking to an emperors it's not really as intensive as a lot of people put it actually you don't even need to maximize as much shadow resistance as you human possibly can you want a good mixture between shadow resistance stamina an actual threat gain because if you're going for just stamina just shadow resistance your casters aren't really going to be able to do much damage to the boss because you're not generating that much threat so typically I go for a mix between hit crit and shadow resist so for example funeral cuffs funeral cuffs are shadow resistance bracers off of the second boss and lower Blackrock Spire funeral cuffs don't give any spell power they don't give any hit reading they don't give any crit they just give shadow resist and I believe intellects no stamina I believe so I'll usually bypass these four damage bracers and then the most the most shadow resistance tape that you can get before a cue is Jew nose shadow Jew no shadow gives the most shadow resistance and it gives some stamina but it doesn't really give create hit or any spell power so typically I'll go for the epic cape from the recipe that you can get in da normal north from the box called chromatic cloak chromatic cloak gives a little bit less resistance but it gives one percent crit meaning you can generate more threat and as for actually tanking twin ants it's really not that bad typically you'll take the twin emperor's over to the steps whether it's on the near the entry side of the room or the other side and all you really do is right before your Emperor is about to teleport to you you stand near his hitbox because he will automatically target the person nearest to him so you just stand within the red circular hitbox and then as soon as he teleports to you you move away because he'll do he'll do an AoE ability that knocks you away from and you want to out range that so as soon as he teleports to you you want to move about five to ten yards away and then just spam searing pain and while he's not teleported to you you just sit there and wait you can summon a void Walker sacrifice it for his shield you can do whatever you want to prepare yourself for when it comes to you but other than that you just wait as for actual spells you use pretty much you just spam searing pain as it's your highest threat generating and use a shadow ward every single cooldown that you can there you go and the entirety of twin Emperor's tanking right there from alive rammie rammie asks a very interesting question now this is very long like it's gonna have a long answer I'm sure it says how do you feel about the current content release schedule and I'll open it up here in the background so you can kind of see it as well if you forgot how do you so okay so I it's not the way that I would prefer it classic Wow is and even for me you know I'm not a role player I don't play the game casually I play it competitively but even for me classic Wow is a game that's all about the longevity and increasing the amount of patches makes the game better it makes you more invested in your character it makes you play the game more it it it would actually even be a good business move for Blizzard to keep their community more intact with their game because every single patch that happens let's say die or moans not out then you're missing out on a bunch of Dharma you can't get sublime risk cards you can't get dire maul tribute buffs you can't get the staff from Dharma let's say as you're go some Kazik are not yet that means that you can't you can't farm those you can't get fel infused pants from Kazakh you it makes your it makes your character weaker and the weaker your character is the more time you have to spend in the game actually progressing through raids so I think the more patches the better the more patches the more things you have to do and the longer the sir the server will survive the less you'll see people raid logging so ideally I'd like the server to be launched in as many patches as as it normally is you know it should be the initial patch with just molten core no battlegrounds and then we should introduce world bosses which would be Kazakh and Jurgis and then we introduced the first battlegrounds then da normal then AV patch then Blackwing Lair then Z G then war effort with emerald dragons and so on and so on however the more patches that we introduced the more time and resource and money Blizzard has to expend to get there so really if the community wants more patches you guys have to stand up for yourself and make your voices known tell tell people that you want more patches make it apparent that you want more patches and you want the game this way we as a community are the people who even made classic Wow come alive so we as a community are the ones that can dictate what we will get we just have to prove to Blizzard that that's what we want if we don't prove it to Blizzard they're going to release the game the most time and resource efficient way that they can gamer's rise up gamers rise up there it is speak speak up you have the power but no I absolutely agree forums every forum there's the official classic forums there's the dis chords there's the classic Wow subreddit anyway to kind of put your opinion out about the the the patch progression the better just keep spread the word and that's actually the topic of today's classic ask guys which starts in about an hour and fifteen minutes here so we got to wrap this up pretty soon we'll take one more question and then I want to talk to you guys a little bit about about some of the stuff alive is working on this last question comes from s'more Oh who says isn't there one warlock who has to have imp for Blood Pact is it viable to go master demonologist for the for the threat reduction so this is a topic that has come up quite a few times oh wait wait before we answer this simple asked a very important question who said ass or tits ass all the way 100% anyways about the threat reduction it's come up a few times especially on horde threat is a larger problem on horde because if you don't have a shaman in your group you're not gonna have any sort of threat reduction from the tranquil air totem and shamans are prioritized to melee groups because the whole reason you go horde is so you can play with win fury if you have a shortage of shortage of shamans they're gonna take it away from the caster group before they take it away from the melee Kurt which means you're typically going to not be having a threat reduction pretty often however it's it's common for people to raid with an imp out with SM ruin like we had talked about earlier and you usually have one of those in the tank group although you don't go into master demonologist for the threat reduction because if you go into Master demonologist you're missing out on too many damage increasing abilities you're either going to miss out on ruin or you're going to miss out on improved life type etc the answer to this threat problem is to get a better tank not necessarily a better tank player but geared your tank more especially on hoard as horde it's pretty common because everyone knows that there's threat problems you know warriors rogues are getting Winthrop rocks they generate more threat it's it's quite common that the tank will get the first band of a courier off Ragnaros the tank will get the first Drake Bank talisman the first chromatic boots and he'll get these hit raiding items and crit rating items so we can generate more threat and he'll go from more agility gear for more crit and more hit gear than actual defensive gear he'll get enough defensive gear to make it past the boss and get as much threat gear as he can get away with depending on his healers and depending on what gear he has great way to to end the Q&A section guys alive before we go before we go I want to ask you if there is one tip or trick you could teach anyone in the chat about warlocks what would it be what is something you think every single warlock must know going into classic going into classic I would say that warlock has such a huge amount of spells such a huge amount of abilities at its disposal try to think in the most min/max way possible don't just look at an ability and say oh that's cool look at an ability and think what can I do to make this ability add more damage what can I do to utilize this ability in my race to increase my performance I can use fel domination an instant cast of a void Walker for a shield if I'm going to die I'm going to instant cast a succubus I'm going to use all of the abilities that you possibly can to increase your performance Garrity's guys min/max to the core as a warlock thank you so much alive for for joining us today and spend that knowledge and lightning us on how the class works I appreciate it man and for everybody in the chat right now I'm gonna go ahead and link a lives YouTube channel he's just started off on YouTube he's made a couple of videos with more to come please check him out please throw him subscribe if you guys likely had to say today but almost more importantly I don't wanna say more importantly but almost more importantly I will say you should definitely join his discord channel which I just linked in the chat as well he's a great yeah please go and honestly guys if you join the discord on a few people have joined my discord and they feel like they're bothering me asking questions I'm not I'm not a super famous streamer I'm not a super famous anything so I'm just a guy that loves classic well so you're not bothering me by any means the more people that join my discord the more people that tag me at alive asked me questions the happier I am I joined my discord all the time and voice chat and I'd love to talk to you guys I'd love to get more integrated into the community that's really important for me and even subscribing to my youtube channel I'm not really trying to get rich or anything like that I just really want to talk to you guys and I want to make the classic Wow community a tight-knit community where we can all help each other and all improve as a whole absolutely and it's very is very awesome for him to be doing that a lot of times high end players are so busy with things like just playing the game and stuff like that it's very rare to see a high end player kind of descend from from Mount Olympus and chill with us plebs you know what I mean so again if you guys have any questions he's a great resource to have a rare resource to have and just all around a beautiful blue-eyed blue-eyed young man with a very deep v-neck that's turning me on right now there it is there all right we got we got to end the stream because we got to get busy being him but no for real guys thank you so much for tuning in alive thanks once again no that's his discord channel one more time I got to end the stream guys we got to go prep for class caster is going to be live in one hour on s fans channel alive thank you so much men and any final shot thank you yep shoutout to my dog he really has to pee and he's kept quiet this whole time so shout-out to him he's a good boy he's a good boy alright that I'll talk to you later dude please [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Tips Out
Views: 300,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic wow guide, classic wow warlock guide, classic wow how to play wa warlock, how to play a warlock, warlock guide, vanilla warlock guide, how to play vanilla wow warlock, classic wow how to play a warlock, how to play a warlock in classic wow, classic wow warlock deep dive, classic wow warlock pve guide, tips out warlock, tips out alive, tips out alive warlock, warlock wow guide, world of warcraft warlock guide
Id: 6PZFUpzpRE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 4sec (5704 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 18 2018
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