We Stumbled Upon an Abandoned and Fully Furnished French Farmhouse!

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As we explored the vast French countryside,   we unexpectedly came upon a neglected farm.  The entire property was covered in wild growth,   but we could still see the outlines of  old houses that had once stood here. With no idea of what we might find  inside the walls of this deserted farm,   we set out on a mission to gain entry. After finally getting inside, we were amazed  by the untouched home. It seemed to have been   abandoned for several decades, with all  the residents' possessions still there,   covered in spiderwebs and dust. Valuable  items were scattered about, hinting at a   tragedy that may have happened to  the family who once lived here. As we delve deeper into this mystery,  we invite you to join us on our quest   to unravel the truth behind  their sudden disappearance. Welcome back, everybody, to the Bros Of Decay.  I am Lesley and as usual, behind the camera,   we got Mr. Danny - hello, hello everyone.  Today, we have been searching all day long   for an abandoned location to film, but we actually  haven't found anything. But we got a hint from a   friend that here, in the middle of nowhere, there  should be a house that is worth seeing. He took a   picture of the place and he said it was something,  but he didn't remember anymore because it was so   long ago. But yeah, I hope the third time is the  charm. Otherwise, I'm just going to give up today.   I'm literally going to go back and give up today.  Yeah, but I already see something over there in   the corner. Yeah, that might be the house. And  there are a couple of buildings over there. It   looks like also a house down there. Yeah, this one  looks more like a shed, yeah, barn or something.   But this place is going to be an absolute mystery  for us. We don't know anything, what's going to   be inside, any story at all. Normally, we always  start with we know something, but yeah, the story   or something, yeah, nothing. This is like the true  exploring, the true exploration of a house. Yeah,   exactly. If we find something. This one is  completely open, then. Yeah, yeah, okay. You're   good. A challenge for me with the camera. There's  a bottle over here on the ground. Thank you. Oh,   there's definitely been a house back in the  time. I always try to be very careful when I   first enter into a house. This one looks very  echoey. Yeah, very. The door is open so yeah,   now echo, you hear it? Yeah, yeah, definitely.  No, this is not the house that he was talking   about. Or it has been emptied out, I hope not.  I don't want to film something today. Yeah, no,   that's not the one. It used to be a family house,  but as you can see, this still looks in pretty   good shape though. Yeah, yeah, it does. All this  overgrown on the outside, yeah. If you cut the   weeds and everything, you could still make a nice  family house of this one. Yeah, but no, that's not   what we're looking for. Maybe down here something,  it's like a side kitchen or something like that. No, no, nothing. Nah, nah. Okay. Oh, Daddy, the  road sign. Oh my God, it's a huge road sign. Oh,   wow, "Danger for cows." I think they stole this  road sign. Yeah, yeah. Oh, wow, it's pretty cool   though. Yeah, it's different. Yeah, I love it.  Yeah, we're just going to leave it like this   here. The next person who visits this house will  be like, "Whoa, there's a huge road sign there."   Okay, no, but it's not what we're looking for.  That was definitely not it. Nope. Or I hope that   was not it. Yeah, but it doesn't seem like it  has been emptied out. Like, there's no signs of   anybody coming here in a long time. This is also  in the middle of nowhere. Yeah, so people don't   really care about it. They're really in the middle  of nowhere. Just for you to have an idea of how   middle of nowhere this is, there are people  hunting in front. Yeah, so we have to be careful   for that too. We constantly hear gunshots in the  bo... I think it's hunting season right now. Oh,   yeah, yeah, probably, yeah. The barn is also just  wide open. Okay, that must be the house. Look how   compact in nature and the trees around it. It's  not been used for... We don't see the house,   but it's kind of beautiful. Yeah, okay, let's  see this first. I think that must have been   farmers then, yeah, for sure. Wow, you hear  the gunshots of the in the back. Wow, yeah,   like constantly. This looks like a place to store  animals or... I'm not sure though. I have no idea.   Still, everything of the people left behind here,  definitely forgotten for a long time. Smells real   bad. Yeah, want to have a quick work around  it? Yeah, you have no idea what this is for,   a storage or something. Oh, wall of wine and some  machines left behind. Yeah, this looks for animals   though, Danny. Yeah, but this too. But this looks  like a certain type of animals, maybe pigs or   something. I have no idea. They would fit in here,  I think. Let's see. It's also falling apart here. Even the bicycles are left behind. Oh wow,  that's cool. Yeah, look at those. Oh, spiders.   Very French bicycles. Yeah, for sure. They look  like bicycles from the Tour de France. Yeah,   true. There's even more back there, but it looks  like a place for animals over here. The feeders   are to the side, so we can definitely assume  that these people had farming as an occupation.   There seems to be one more room over here that  we haven't checked out. Is this something like   another section of the barn? There's even some  hay and everything left behind in here. Yeah,   so probably cows or something, most likely.  Okay, I want to see that house. Yeah,   I'm super excited for it. I hope it's something.  Me too. Let's check it out. I just hope it's   something that we didn't waste our whole day  on searching, but that's part of the game,   I think. Yeah, of course. Wow, ah, I already  see that it's falling apart on this side. Yeah,   over there, the whole barn seems to be completely  collapsed. Oh my God, no. Yeah. Oh no. Oh,   what's this part? It's like a little outside area.  I'm going to, oh yeah, this part is all collapsed. Oh, it's open. Oh my gosh, the whole roof is  gone. Yeah, no way. Okay, no. Oh, they even   have a well over here, Danny. Oh yeah, wow. Let's  see if we can open it up. Oh, that's deep. Whoa,   that's deep. Wait, do you have like a rock or  something? Maybe I control, okay. Oh, be careful.   Oh, oh, that's deep. That's deep. Yeah, it's real  deep. They even have a hinge mechanism up here for   the buckets and everything. Wow. Okay, I see a  little window there. Okay, let's check it out. These windows look pretty new. Oh, there's stuff  inside, Danny, you can see it? Yeah, I can see it.   Yeah, stuff inside. Yeah, these windows do look  pretty new, but it definitely is abandoned, that's   for sure. Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, yeah, also  part of exploring. Ow, ow, it's not pretty. Okay,   don't move too much, just stay there and show  through the window. I want to show through the,   yeah, I see a piano or an organ or something,  Danny. Really? Yeah, yeah, it's like a patio over   there. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I hope we can get inside,  but yeah, that looks amazing. Okay, it looks so   dystopian, like everything rolled over and someone  is in pain. Those windows seem closed, yeah, yeah,   see, let's walk around it. Yeah, that door, hey,  there's a tree in front of the door. Yeah, let me,   you see? Yeah, I don't think it's going to open.  No, it doesn't open up. I see a pathway through   there, yeah, okay, let's see on the other side,  maybe the house is collapsing, so there must be an   entrance. I mean, I'm stuck. You good? I'm stuck,  okay, yeah, I'm kind of good, I'm kind of okay,   yeah, this props to Danny, he's doing all of  everything that I'm doing, but then can you go   a camera, can you go a little bit more back so I  can crunch over here, the camera and wired 'cause   I'm wired to the camera? Okay, out there and then  through here. This is the type of adventures that   we do to get inside of places. Seems like the  windows are open. Oh yeah, I'm like on all fours   crawling through here. Oh, can you grab the camera  again, help you there, trees growing everywhere,   I cannot even do anything, okay, come back to  me, it's absolutely crazy, I had to stop for a   second over there. This one seems completely  closed, yeah, let's check the other one, is   a front door any, wow, oh my, open. I see already  a bedroom, no, it's not open, but look over here,   there's a bedroom, there's a bed, okay, nice,  yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, open, we are in, success,   M O, welcome you. I think the whole house is  furnished, I see furniture everywhere, okay,   nice, that's so interesting, oh wow, watch out,  Annie, behind you, the beam is already breaking   where there in the middle, the house is going to  collapse, this house is going to collapse, okay,   oh my, the whole door, somebody kicked it in, look  at that, the room behind it seems to be collapsed,   collapsed, yeah, jeez, we just came into what  looks like a very preserved bedroom, not from   the decay, but I would say this is how the people  left it behind, wow, yeah, we're going to now go   on an exploration hunt, exploration, we're going  to see if we can find something about the people,   Monaco, Monaco, really Apollo in Monaco  attendance, so these are the keys of the mansion   that says over here tied to it, I love that little  thermostat with the cats, and then the bed itself. There's not much left of it. Yeah, it's  so moldy. Yeah, it's been probably lying   here for a very long time. Even the purse  of the lady is still left in front of it,   nothing in there anymore. Wow, this is  a double bed, so this is definitely for   maybe the owners of the place themselves,  yeah, who slept here. Even all the clothing,   Danny, it's all still left in here, this looks  like clothing from a woman, yeah, yeah, true,   and children like children socks and everything is  still there, and a little doll held in a plastic   tube, this wardrobe is completely molded  up, oh, still full of clothes, yeah, oh,   they look very nice, oh, see, they're still  in their packaging, when you go to a steaming   place they put it inside of those packages,  inside of that plastic, oh, it's so full,   look at all the mold around it, yeah, the mold is  very present, let's not stay here for too long. Oh, there's a chandelier on the ground, it's  on the ground, that probably fell and then   all the clothes in this one as well, oh,  so disgusting, what's that? It's Monaco,   it's the same one as the, oh, it's the  palace, yeah, it says 1956 on the postage   stamp over there, that's definitely new one,  it's a picture, all this from Ludas I think,   yeah, it's from Lus, oh, okay, nice, beautiful,  okay, that's already a nice start to the video,   amazing room, yeah, I think all the whole house,  the whole house is furnished, the kitchen, yeah,   have you seen the yell of them in the room? Look  at that, what is that, some, that looks like a   liquor bottle or a wine bottle or something, yeah,  see this is the cork, show the cork again, yeah,   it's not even a cork, right, no, it's not even a  cork, it's like some sort of rope that they used,   look at that, oh my god, it's incredibly heavy, oh  yeah, there's some sort of, yeah, there's weight   inside of it, dirt or sand or something, this  is Roso Toscano produced a product of Italy,   it looks like it's a Veno is a Veno the Pasto,  yeah, hoso it means, yeah, red wine, oh yeah, this   was a complete bottle of red wine, can you imagine  pouring one of those? I would want to have one of   those, it looks more like a vase or something than  I think they use it as a vase because that's maybe   what I do it inside, can I just point out the  wallpaper, it's really beautiful, oh wow, it's   a hallway, right? Yeah, I haven't even shown it,  that's beautiful, oh, there's some amazing rooms   over there, yeah, okay, look at this looking, wo,  is this an, yeah, I just saw it, I was like what,   there's an amazing kitchen, waa, that's crazy,  the kitchen is like beautiful, and this, yeah,   and so decayed, and I am stunned for a so, this  is the room that we saw on the other side, yeah,   right, yeah, yeah, exactly, oh my god, yeah,  it is that whole room is just collapsed,   there's some stairs here that was and upstairs for  sure, can I put the camera up maybe we can see it,   I can try, I think it looks like an attic up  there, yeah, it's an attic, yeah, it's probably   not much I couldn't see much but I think that was  an attic it's so cool that this side of the house,   this side of the room just collapsed and the rest  is still intact, it looks like everything is going   to collapse but yeah, at one point it's probably  going to, is look what I just catch on the corner   of my eye, oh, it's a lovely painting, small  church or something over there in the corner, wow,   no idea what's depicting but beautiful cabinets  still some things inside, see the cups are still   standing in there, wow, lovely, all the dust and  particles and paint around it and then the cups   still neatly standing in there, where you want to  go, what you want to show, yeah, just keep going,   look at this, oh wow, the brush for the shoes,  it's, they're so clean they look like they look   new, yeah, they look like they can just be used  next time, oh, and this camera is falling apart,   the door, it's literally falling apart, yeah,  have a look in here, sorry, I'm tripping on this. As you can see, everything is still  neatly in there, how they used it. Okay,   let me put this back. Okay. Oh, and the bunny,  excuse me, I was putting you back, be careful,   there's something heavy I can feel. Oh, this  one of those things that we also saw in Spain   but didn't know the purpose of, a little bunny  plushy bunny, I love it, maybe from the children,   wow. Oh, what did you see? The medicine,  oh, there's a lot of medicine left in here,   looks like somebody needed a lot  of medicine in this place, yeah. What's this? No, it's for, it's a musical  instrument of some sort. Oh, it's an accordion,   um, this isn't, oh, this is a complete  accordion, Danny, yeah, look at that,   and it's complete, I mean, it's yeah, completely  falling, but oh, oh my god, oh no, I'm so sorry,   yeah, but it was all moldy Andro, yeah, put this  all back, oh, that's so sad, the whole accordion   is just falling into pieces. Hey, that doesn't  have reparation, it's so cool to see, yeah. Wow,   I always try to do everything with as much  respect as possible but these things are so   old that just fall apart, yeah, it's so sad,  even the wallpaper, everything is peeling off,   the house is showing its age, some more mans  skating over here, yeah, training jackets, yeah,   look very 90s, this material still looks new,  huh, yeah, I mean new, new, new, that new vintage   old. Here you have a jacket and this one, he did  repair multiple times, probably worked a lot with   it on the farm, wow, even a suitcase, yeah, still  clothing inside of it, crazy things in this place. So, there's an old tree, so this was the  entrance or the side entrance to the house,   now the spiderwebs are all present and taken over,  there are two chairs standing here in the corner,   thermometer, wow, here's the corner of the  kitchen where they cooked or where they washed   the dishes and stuff, you can see still bottles  of liquor and everything's still standing there. Yeah, oh, what did you see? A date, finally? Oh,  really? Can I? Underneath the wallpaper, 2005,   2005. Oh, that's almost two decades ago.  Oh yeah, almost. I feel like the house is   pretty decayed for only 20 years, like, I mean,  yeah, it's like a hole in the wall over there,   true. Can see Christmas decorations here and  a seat next to the fireplace makes for a very   cozy corner in the house. I would love to sit here  if I lived here, like, nice and cozy next to the   fireplace reading a book. That's probably what the  people did. I also saw these patches on the side,   probably handmade, and it's for children, I think,  like that they don't bump themselves into it or   themselves to not hurt themselves if they are  small or, yeah, if they're small people, yeah. Wow, you read French, can you come here and read  this? Of course. Juh Rose for a day, it's like   a quote, right? Yeah, it's like a quote, but I  cannot properly translate it. Okay, no worries.   A lovely fireplace, there are vents, yeah, I think  to blow out hot air or suck in cold air, I'm not   sure why, though. The lovely vase above here,  the roses still inside of it, and the fireplace   underneath, wow, it's a lovely fireplace. And next  to the fireplace, they have their kitchen, so they   actually had everything combined into one room. I  think they had a living room and a kitchen in one   room because you can see over here, and the dining  room, the dining table is here as well, yeah. So, okay, these people were probably not very  rich, but they lived a nice life, yeah, for   sure. And the dining table is quite big, so six  people, six people, that's pretty common, I mean,   that's a set of the table. Magnifying glass still  lying here, yeah, love this table though, oh, the   chandelier above it, very chier, very beautiful,  yeah, this definitely depicts a French farmhouse,   this every feature that we see in this place is a  French farmhouse, I love it. Kitchen over here in   a corner, I still find it pretty strange that the  kitchen is in this room, yeah, see all plastic box   is still left there, everything from when they  lived here is still left in this place, wow,   all the cutlery, all the knives, even left here,  yeah, it's like water is going in, yeah, probably   through that, this is full of water, everything  is dripping, everything is falling, look at this   wall, Danny, wall full, full, oh, even the vines  are starting to grow inside of the wall, yeah,   I think the wall has water itself that's going to  collapse pretty soon, wo another lovely chair here   in the corner, oh wow, the glasses are still here,  there, that's so crazy to see, right? Yeah, oh,   even more on this side, and look how neatly they  are all stacked in a one movement and they fall   but they haven't until this year, can I just show  that my grandmother has the exact same cups that   she took from France to Portugal when she moved,  I love the built-in cabinet over here as well,   I'm pretty hesitant to open it but it's lovely  made, it's empty, yeah, something from Spain   Odo the ESP is it's like Rodeo it's to the  wolf fight the things with Wolves, oh wow,   that's a water Jug, yeah, and then yeah,  like the room completely collapsed and a   pristine wall clock is still standing here in the  corner, this is the craziest imagine more beer,   it sounds like something German, something  French, even the peace in here is still left. Wow, Jesus! I don't know how it's  still standing here. Even the hoof   of the horse still hanging here on  the wall, wrong side, right? Yeah,   it has to be up to catch the luck, yeah,  to catch the luck inside of it. Danny,   I do not know how we managed to find a place  like this. Yeah, like and we're not finished yet,   we're going to show you the rest as well. I hope  we're not finished. There's is Unfortunately not   much of the people left behind, and no  pictures or anything yet, or documents. No, back into this hallway, this is a small  bedroom, Denny, this is the one where we just   saw through. Huh, that's the door, that's the  front door, that door doesn't seem used at all,   okay, yeah, it's not used. I was going to say that  the bed looks beautiful, it is beautiful. Can I   show the bed and end the door? Yeah, for sure,  wow, I love it, it's like a typical French bed,   look at the hat sort of a vase worked into  the top of it, it's really is still made,   love the blankets as well, wow. And have you seen  the artifacts lying over here, there's a couple   of things from those people left behind, glasses,  very thick glasses, I would not wear one of those,   and here we have a lovely watch from the former  owner, wow, some religious depictions, of course,   those you always find in abandoned places in  France or anywhere in Europe, and another watch,   this one's quite nice, can you see if that paper  has a name or something? Man plot? No, it's not   a destination, yeah, no, everything from these  people seems to have been taken out or... Yeah,   just want to smell if it's nice, of course. Ooh,  no, this is something for the bot, really, yeah,   okay, yeah, it's really nice, even the comb and  everything, and a small little painting over here   on a stand, that's quite nice. Have you seen the  mirror on top? Yeah, yeah, still some cool thing,   what I got something, got something, oh, a photo!  It's a photo of a person that left here, can you   flat your hand? Yeah, exactly, so you can focus.  It's very decayed but here we can get a sense,   she looks like a woman in her 40s, 50s, yeah,  see I saw a couple more things here on the floor,   that's just a card, a business  card, and here's another paper,   I'm like really on a quest to find something  scar hunt, oh here we got something, me DM. that might be the name of the person  yeah I don't know cannot read 78 this   paper is from oh so it's old really old  paper yeah wow yeah let's oh there's   another really beautiful picture  on the wall here what does it say. So, it's the name of the hospital. Oh, that's  L Denise, yeah. It says "L0 92," that's the   religious place of France. They took the whole  hospital to the religious place of France to seek   healing, yeah. You see like people in wheelchairs,  everyone is in wheelchairs, most of them are in   wheelchairs. Yet, I think the ones they are not  are nurses. You can see them. Wow, that's a cool   picture, yeah. And this was the front door of  the place, as you can see, yeah, clearly was,   yeah. Hasn't been for a long time, I think they  closed it off, yeah, they probably never used it. So, some sort of jewelry box, oh, pearls,  still some pearls inside, still some things   inside of it. Wow, love the jewelry box itself  as well, yeah, some birds on the front, wow,   it's really beautiful, nicely designed, wow.  Okay, see in this cabinet, yeah, of course,   everything, all those books look old,  they are cool, you want to show them,   maybe just one, yeah, yeah, wow, they look  very cool, oh, they're religious, I think,   yeah, of course, and this looks the same as the  bed. Oh my God, the microphone is going to fall,   yeah, it's the same set, yeah, okay,  lovely bedroom, lovely small bedroom   but very difficult to walk in, yeah, it's very  small. Can I open this up for you? Yep, okay. Oh, ooh, this H plastic, yeah,  it's just something for Carnival,   yeah, a bunch of things here. What do you find,  a depiction of 1983? Oh, that's um, a calendar,   yeah, but that's a painting from a museum,  something you see on your right hand, yeah,   yeah, cliche museum National, National Museum, and  here is a map of Europe on the wall from '96, wow,   it's amazing, it's a calendar with a map, yeah,  and they even wrote things on here what they had   to do, not much, 5 hours, 3 hours, okay, oh wow.  I think this must have been the master bedroom   of the place, for sure, really beautiful, the bed  still made, and everything is so pristine still.   How this house on one side is so fallen down  and on the other side is still so nice, yeah,   true. I'm just going to start here, yep, it's  a singer, you think it's a singer? Yeah, I can,   I already read it, I read it underneath, yeah,  Singer Manufacturing Company, wow, so beautiful,   the tread is still there, yeah, they're  beautiful, like the whole structure is beautiful,   like I talked before in another video. These  are literally made as decoration pieces in the   house but all were functional sewing machines, and  that's what I loved about design back in the time,   all the pieces of furniture were all made  so that they had a place in the house, yeah. This is, I think, uh, Switzerland, yeah,  depiction of Switzerland looking from   the things these people, people definitely  traveled a lot. We saw Luris, we saw Monaco,   we saw Switzerland, Spain, Spain, yeah, they  definitely loved to go around. Love these fans,   these wavers, beautifully made, they seem also to  be very typical from France but also from Spain,   wow, typical from hot countries, yeah,  yeah, yeah, Portugal after them as well,   of course, yeah. Look at this mirror, Danny,  isn't that magnificent? It's beautiful,   look at the piece at the top,  yeah, it's completely plaster work. Wow, that's something else! And underneath is the  fireplace, and even the sewing equipment—still,   the sewing equipment, wow! That's how she stitched  up that jacket of her husband, yeah, yeah,   with that equipment. Of course, you don't have a  French house without a bunch of built-in cabinets,   all still have the clothes. Wow, even some  hunting clothes, as you can see. We already   heard a lot of gunshots in the woods, so it's  probably very common for people to hunt here.   The sofa has a little Crest emblem on there,  looks like a rope, yeah, it's a baton rope.   Wow! Let's close this up and another wardrobe  over here, all still full. You can see most   of these clothes are men's clothes that we see  in this place, yeah, so we can probably safely   assume that the last person was a man, yeah,  most likely, all still neatly folded in there. Wow, can see the deck up there, almost fell, don't  fall, please. I'm just looking if we can find more   clues about these people. Oh, Fatima, that's  Portugal. Have you seen this one, DD Miami,   Florida? Wow, so they traveled actually quite far,  yeah, they're not just traveling around Europe,   they're traveling around the world. Don't know  where it is from, I think it's luch again,   looks like it, yeah, the place where Maria came  back. Where do you think this is? I have never   seen this one before, so I've traveled  quite extensively, but this one I have   not seen. I think it's a French place, yeah,  most likely. Everything is written in French,   of course. Another alias depiction here, yeah,  lovely. Can I just show you more in detail? Yeah,   sure. I have no idea what this is, 1937, the  post AIC half, don't know, I have no idea,   but it's beautiful this one. I love the castle  wallpaper, also beautiful, it adds such atmosphere   to every single room, yeah, every single  room has this unique wallpaper. The bed,   this is probably the bed where I last slept,  also the best one, the best shape, yeah, yeah,   and this you see also quite a lot, this is  to put on and off the light there, oh, oh,   it's like it's literally just a cord, yeah,  it's just a cord, oh, and this house is old,   the wiring is on the outside, I have no clue  about the age of the house, but I would assume   like early 1900s, 1800s, 1800s, yeah, yeah,  for sure, wow, this one is also beautiful. Those sounds, oh my! Everything is neatly  in here. I love how you still have stacks   of towels. That's the last thing those people  did. They folded it up, they put it in here,   and afterwards, they did nothing else anymore.  It's their last work in their own house. The patio is beautiful, right? Or the outside  area? That's such a wonderful outside area.   That's the one we just showed you  from the window over there. Oh my,   it looks so green as well. Yeah, it's  probably because the roof is completely   covered with leaves. Plants are already growing  inside, but they love their outside space. I   think they would sit here a lot, yeah, for  sure. It's a very cozy space in the house. And here's that doorway to the kitchen. This looks  more like a door that they used regularly. Yeah,   but this looks like the front door and this was  built on later, yeah, for sure. Part of the house,   yeah. No, that's not open. That's not open. Have  you noticed? Oh yeah, there's a... Oh, that's the   date of the house, yeah. 1700, 1788. This house  is 240 years old. No, almost a quarter Millennium.   Okay, now I understand a bit why it's so decayed,  yeah, yeah, for sure. But it's definitely   renovated at some... Yeah, of course, of course.  But this house is 250 years old, everybody. Wow!   This is a typical thing that in Europe we  do, it's putting dates above doors, yeah.   Oh, a trophy! Somebody had a big win somewhere,  yeah. See all the shoes and everything else is   still left in here, Denny. Wow, it's all men's  shoes, as you can see, all of them, for sure. The house makes a lot of weird noises, yeah.  I feel like this is going to be the next sport   falling down, yeah, that roof, doesn't seem stable  anymore. It doesn't. Oh, and all the everything   hanging from the roof is also so cool. Yeah,  I love the lantern. We have a small hanging,   I think it was for plants, but they put the  kitten inside of here. So cool, I love it. That's how you would play an organ. Don't do it  slowly. That's the sound of a boat. Oh! Yeah! Ah,   wait, wait, this one is stuck. Wow, it still  works so good! That's incredible. I don't think   you can open that now, but that's a beautiful  organ, everybody. Yeah, it doesn't have any   brand or anything on it. Do you see something?  I think we can... No, it doesn't do anything,   unfortunately. Beautiful one, though. Yeah, I  love the plates and everything up there. Again,   from L, it's definitely religious. And  here in the corner, all the plants are   still standing. I love those, but those are  definitely plastic. Yeah, definitely. I mean,   this is the only real one. Yeah, and it's  kind of... Yeah, this is also plastic. Oh,   look at that coffee table down here. Danny!  Oh, wow, that's handmade for sure. Yeah,   looks like part of a trunk that they cut.  Yeah, and also a nice chair standing here,   still completely decayed. And back there, all the  plants left. All that, wow, crazy. What a place,   what a room, bro! I'm so happy that we could  still find the place today. Unfortunately, not   much information about the people, but we found  out a couple of things. Most likely a man, 1900...   What was it, or 2005? The date... yeah, and yeah,  I just love the building, the date of the house.   It's a 250-year-old abandoned house. Crazy, crazy!  I'm so happy about it today, and I want to thank   you all for watching. I want to thank the man  behind the camera, of course. You're going with   me. Check out his link in the description, like  the video, subscribe to the channel, and write   nice comments down there. There are also a couple  of links in the description on how you can support   us and help us go on these adventures because  we search a lot and it costs a lot of money to   go to these places. Thank you all very much.  See you next week in another amazing episode. Bye.
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 346,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: urbex, urban exploration, urbandecay, brosofdecay, abandoned places, abandoned houses, bros of decay, abandoned home, abandoned house, abandoned farm, abandoned farm france, abandoned europe, decaying farm, forgotten home, forgotten timecapsule, exploring an abandoned mansion, mansions abandoned, abandoned mansion with everything left, abandoned places in europe, exploring abandoned, abandoned mansions for sale, unlivable homes, unlivable house
Id: pmSddHL3t3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 24sec (2484 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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