Hawaiian Shirt Man SPEEDRUNS the Bots!

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okay let me just beat them all well i'm  just gonna i'm just gonna start i'll just   go from the beginning i think that was  a big mistake it's bishop c6 yeah but   i mean it's just it's too hard to play i'm  just gonna play i'm just going to beat all   the beat as many as i can because that  i think was just a strategical mistake okay let's just go here okay let's go keep going next game probably i mean yeah the problem is a mistake i  mean me i should have been winning at the start   i should have gone for the um you know what i did  wrong in that game so i let it get to an end game   that was my mistake i should have gone  king b2 and just won it with all the pawns   instead of king d2 trying to get the  technical technical one that was a mistake these are adaptive bots yeah let's play d4  here let's take and go here uh let's go here i hung this pawn i don't know why i did that from vichy to jimmy uh yeah let's go here okay let's keep going why is jimmy so  bad these are all adaptive bots that's why look at the pawn uh stick with the pawn okay go here okay let's keep or wait this is  the next spot i don't know if   this is the next spot but anyway let's  keep going oh wait what was knight txt just blend it wait it just blundered  a knight for no reason what was that   that was very weird i just assumed it wouldn't  blunder like that okay that was very weird let's go here and take because it was it was cheating or something  yeah okay let's take and take i guess is that what adaptive means that like it oh  that's a terrible move okay let's just castle   i guess i go rookie one okay let's take the  pawn okay let's just attack h4h5 just all in well okay okay all right let's see so let's play next one i mean it doesn't matter what i missed as long   as i win the game fast that's  all that's all that matters taking castle so playing he5 to hit the bishop here to hit  this i've got this this my ponies are actually um how's this okay oh here hit the bishop maybe i guess i'll go here maybe d3 c3 my rook  should have been on e1 too this is a   okay for me but not wonderful d4  over here d1 i really misplayed this hopefully the computer is bad but it finds rookie  4 which is a problem as well let's go here in here   hey rookie 4 is not so great e3 uh let's just go here this takes takes i guess here should have gone to d1 there very very bad play by me oh you're in here i guess oh is nim here watching oh oh hey how's it  going nim it's been a long time since i since   i've heard from him um okay  so d4 i just need to move   why am i thinking i just need to move d4 is a  very good move by the way i guess i'll just take i just blunder or something no uh  that's a mistake maybe maybe not okay now now i'm fine now the computer has  misplayed it now we're gonna win this game   okay now we just uh we just need to finish this  game off fast that's all we need to do here   welcome to just chatting in 2021 best of luck  with your speed runs you look well thanking him   hope you're doing well yourself hope all is i  guess i mean i i assume covet is just like a as   a dinosaur now in sweden it's just something  that doesn't exist anymore but if it does you   know hope hope you're saying well i hope all is  good for you too adapting means it will blunder   if you're losing no that can't be what it means  oh let's just go here in d7 just win the game i mean it's it's just doesn't exist in sweden  anymore right or am i wrong oh oh it does exist oh   oh okay well i take that back then  sorry so yeah i really yeah stay safe delta is everywhere okay i just assumed it  was like a dinosaur it's that thing that like   you know it was real but it just  like doesn't exist or something   anyway delta's adaptive okay thank you hey  we're checking out f595 just win the game   i have this check connect everything  check go here try to win this game quickly not completely in the clear yet wow crazy chuck take the rook win the game go check anti-doctors deny that  dinosaurs existed too very funny i was trying to get a style mate isn't it okay let's keep going covered bones if soon be in museums near you true  uh let's keep going let's just beat all the bots keep playing our vienna okay i mean i just  want to win this game as fast i humanly can wait that's a free queen dave in manhattan for the two alejandra r  for the prime martin's gonna beat me yeah okay let's keep going i was trying to checkmate me or something okay   how do you get paid beating bots  uh this part of a chest on quick just take the pawn go here bishop four collect  everything just end the game actually checkmate which is kind of nice quick  win here that was a question mark yeah let's go   here hit the rook probably just win these games  as fast as i can do i understand espanyol i   do understand i understand spanish somewhat oh  that's nice another quick one let's keep going yeah i am basically speed running  the bots essentially that's true i do not speak 15 languages however okay here we go when we're gonna checkmate i speak 20 languages in the corner a mile in three   minutes nobody can run a mile in  three minutes right isn't it some   wait nobody can run a mile in three isn't  it isn't it like 320 or 330 or am i insane when you can't win it when you can't  win he got the real opponent you play   250 and you win you feel really good okay yeah okay let's keep going the free knight uh i guess let's take the pawn why not  hidden bounty in eight minutes true okay double stack are two queens  very rare that you get a double stack take chuck mate let's keep going all right checkmate one oh i'm sure  i did but like it doesn't matter trying to end this game as fast i humanly can  basically this is actually almost checkmate checkmate all right let's keep going did you  do all the bots unfortunately yeah that's why   i'm just trying to beat all them quickly because  because now the only way you the the only straps   you either play all the bots or you play the ones  that are um like either you play all the ones   that are are really weak or you have to go after  vichy and vlad and all the bots that are really   difficult and i felt like i wasted 15 minutes on  that last game strategy wise i think it's wrong objectively go here hit the pawn how many hours   do i stream usually i stream like  five to six every day more or less checkmate this is what 550 still i don't i don't know how  many of these bots there are yeah there's gonna   be a new bounty in five minutes as well i think  you guys so i have to keep my eye open for that go here knight f3 bishop g5 and a castle as well bots playing well or it was playing well all right let's keep going 700 okay queen h4 was the best move i'm gonna attack the free queen i think it's sworex for six  months they're 104 bots okay take that mate let's keep going these are chat bots i don't  know what they are but yeah go here there's a good chance it'll play i was going to  say there's a good chance i would play g5 but it   doesn't even take the piece this is yeah this  is kind of like a vienna speed run that's true   it's actually almost made it in one oh it's  just meeting two okay there we go next game   i mean i could play it i'm just playing  stuff that's gonna help me win the quickest   this is this is kind of like a speed run i  i agree this is feeling like a speedrun i   think a great clear for the prime i don't really  like playing an end game but i guess i have to   i'm going to win i'm going to  still win a bond cloud okay   okay really aggressive bond cloud close to lost jack is there mate here let's just check me right and go here yes it is i think it is that was checking  me out thank you to quest terry for the   prime and great clear for the prime as well  thank you so much you guys appreciate it oh it's just meeting two go next spot and play f4 i mean i'm literally  just playing with every opening oh that's actually a good move take the pawn i guess i'm just going to play e6 i don't know  if i have to but it's some move let's go here   we have new new uh we have new bounties in  a second so after this game was figured out check i think it's fun bowling players  less than 2000 elo not really   let's go checkmate yeah i guess we  have time for one more bot let's see chug and take oh i just hung my queen i was kind of stupid i'm still winning  the game but i was kind of stupid too okay okay one second check shock hey checkmate okay gotham  chest next okay all right um streamers where's gotham chess   somewhere here there he is okay okay let's meet  him with let's begin with a bond cloud go here okay with the pawn i guess i'll go here maybe king 192. i  actually kind of like my position weirdly   looks a lot better than i feel like it should be   i just blend her wait did i just blender or did  levy blender we just blundered someone blundered i guess i blundered or did  lovey blunder i don't know here maybe nighty am i missing something here  i'm probably missing something okay so let's think who blundered  here yeah exactly who did blender   i've made i feel like i have  something here but i don't see it   i also don't want to spend forever  thinking right that would be a big hopefully i'm not getting mated somehow am i  getting just mated here yeah probably is just loot   wait is this losing wait a second  queen i thought what this is tricky i don't see it is there actually made here   no there is no mate so levy blundered but  i'm not actually in great shape here anyway this is weird go here check oh man i feel like i should have something here   it's just this queen a2 and i  just have nothing apparently i still three queen e4 i also see i think i  misplayed this i got a bishop a2 here play b3 maybe no i'm queen e4 i keep forgetting oh bishop c8 oh i didn't even see that wait maybe now i'm kind of okay consolidate wait i think i'm maybe just  better here somehow so here wait i think i'm better let's go here  oh i let his night out oh my gosh   i forgot that i could go to e3 uh oh that was so stupid if i got b3 i was  just better okay i still have bishop d3 maybe not losing but probably not winning  maybe i can still win though if i can get knight a5 i have chances i  guess let's put the knight back over here go a3 consolidate maybe knight  c4 maybe here just a4 a5 even over here and take the free pawn i don't want it though i'm gonna  go here go c4 then he's okay let's just go here how do i win this let's be kind of careful not to blow this let's  go again this is still it's still very tricky i'm just h5 the four doesn't actually create a threat  per se but it's very hard to win this it goes [ __ ] bait that seems like a very weird   move i love you i don't understand  that let's go here and hit the pawn what is levy doing i always go g4 here if i  want i don't really want to i also b6 here b6 is a move that looks right but i  don't see a clean one so let's just go go here i'll add rook g5 and this probably  somehow i've messed this up he's going to   get e4 and i have to go check takes isn't really  what i want i'm still better i think but not great   is levybot better than levy probably not  i mean i don't feel like it's playing   particularly brilliantly just just my oh wait  wait wait a second okay i guess i go here   no i mean levy is better than the bot  the bot is not playing particularly well actually i've checked two i realized  wait this is just winning i think of a7 i also got an id i mean this  has to be winning somehow   oh it's actually very tricky still  you're gonna check and go knight d 395. this is definitely winning  um but it's not easy at all not easy at all here to win this this is exactly   what i didn't want with one  of these kinds of end games i also go here check maybe yeah it's it's winning it's just  it's another stupid end game so   it's gonna be difficult to difficult to play oh let's see a7 is a move i have  no other real ways of winning i guess i'll go here in 95 maybe   because bishop d6 that's a strange move  wait that seems like a really odd move to me wait there should be something i don't  know if it's night before or knight b2   there should be something that's  winning here though a7 or k4 924k3 a7 no oh benjamin just win oh yeah benjamin  won so yeah so i missed the window or not did someone get it or not i mean  either way i should focus on the   uh i should focus on the on the game but i guess i'll play a7 i don't  know why i did that but   yeah you got it i wasted too long  okay let's go here let's go here i thought i had this in rook b8 whatever b8 here i guess i'll go here   and king d3 was a stupid move also by me  just allowed some king e7 to check i guess if king i broke b8 maybe and taken check but is this  actually winning even oh no this isn't even winning i don't think  an opposite color bishop's end game i mean it did blunder i mean to be fair to be fair the bot already  blundered the previous time i think it's funny though i bet  this bot is not going to blunder it this one's not gonna blunder i i don't think yeah it's just not gonna blunder i literally did   the only thing where there  was no chance of a blunder yeah that's just a draw try this  actually it's just a draw right or wait wait a second did i trick it somehow wait a second i think i just tricked it wait how did i trick love i just tricked levy  he loses i just tricked levy or did i not   i think i just tricked levy yeah i  just won the game that's hilarious   that's hilarious that's pretty  funny that's actually very funny that's hilarious there we go all right so let's see okay next  we're going to be um level 23 is this the   engine apparently i'm supposed to be at 23. okay  let's play let's play the engine at level 23. go here go hear me g3 oh let's see okay i can go bishop g2 i can play  d4 i think i'm gonna play bishop g2 and just take this actually looks kind of weird i don't  think computers played this super well so here i guess i can take maybe   yeah i'm not gonna do this i'm not gonna do  this actually let's uh go back to the start   yeah i beat all the beginners i beat beat that  let's let's just play all the adaptive ones no no i i think it's a mistake actually i'm  just going to do a different different order   g1 let's take the bishop here go back take the pawn oh i don't know why i did that that was stupid oh he hangs the queen okay take the rook let's go rook here let's take let's go knight c6 i need a pretty turk thingy to fetch i think of  the handsome viking as well thank you so much   i i think my uh what i'm gonna do is i'm  just gonna keep going let's go knight f3   go here maybe take maybe take that's the call in progress i have no  idea what they're doing i'm going to say   and play d4 i'm focused on winning  my money here let's play d4 and d5 let's just go back here maybe queen  hit queen d4 they beat earnings nice um let's just go here i  guess and take i don't know just take obviously uh let's go here go back i think i'll go here and hit the bishop just take oh castle he'll hold her over the crown for the  five months and so much the holder of the crown   i think music volume is fine you guys   i need a wood a for the prime as  well i think it's so much the wood a oh wait it's my movie let's take what country  is the spot from i'm not actually sure keep going you know do i know the flag is  against me no i don't i don't actually czech republic okay so a4b4a5 just attack oh let's go queen e2 here i'm gonna go e6 maybe  knight g5 maybe knight e5 here just keep attacking   hans from greenland oh is that  greenland that is that is greenland yeah okay you can go here checkmate okay  let's keep going let's go e4 knight c3 i don't know how many bots there are  after this but i'll probably go after them   go e5 play and peasant at bishop  d5 maybe knight g5 let's just take go check and i guess take or  actually let's go here and here maybe let's just go 95 just take with the pawn taken here okay let's keep going next body for knight c3 let's just take oh let's just go hear me bishop  d3 maybe before next move go here knight b6 maybe b4 castle maybe e5 i thought it's in the  olympics i don't really have thoughts be careful i heard these ones are strong  these are intermediate like i should still   beat them without without too much too  much effort um okay that's a free piece go here i played vishy bot once and i didn't  win so i like i was actually winning that game   and i didn't win i wasted like 15 minutes so it  was a big mistake take and go rookie 8 i guess oh let's just take because now it's a checkmate by force i just keep taking i just keep munching  everything here darren queen and mate all right let's keep going uh let's just go here and here  let's open it up a little bit   oh i just wonder i did just  blunder but he missed it back give it up king f8 is a very weird bomb  let's just attack yeah i don't know how   many of these bots there are i feel  like i've played a ton of these bots   like way too many of them already let's go check here how many more of these  are there does anyone know at least seven okay like a foreign just takes oh okay okay  we gotta we got a blunder here from   from mexico they're nine intermediate  oh eight more okay eight more to go okay yeah they're 104 in total this is true we got a blunder here from mexico yeah these bots  are either insane or full stupid is crazy well   that's that's the problem with trying to program  i mean it's just very hard to program them   it's a free piece i guess i will just take and go knight g5 shock and take in here keep going actually why did i play this i don't know  why i played this opening probably dubious this is all okay as an opening but it's  probably not right against 1200 too stable   level 25 bot i hope to get to level 25  bot at some point we've got what like   an hour and a half left i guess i'm  not mistaken let's just tango here everything about doing a tsm jersey giveaway i'm  pretty sure we've already done that once or twice   we've given away jurors as part of our charity that's a free pawn this is castle here guess what c4 just take  this is an ai bully session pretty much why did i do that i just  hung material let's go here i go 95 or knight g5 running threatening too many checkmates here keep rolling okay now we play against quarter jade let's play  knight c3 maybe a four what are my stocks say i   don't know i bought some calls on tesla i bought  a call spread so hopefully it goes up um tango   queen e2 ah what are you pogging out let's go  queen too oh wait sorry no no wait never mind   95. sorry i mean i mean jade not i i just like  quarter jam i meant jade just take and take i   have 95 i'm gonna go for the quick cheese i'm not  a six next move intake just castle here go queen   c4 maybe d3 bishop d2 no place for hope in the  markets what do you mean by hope i mean tesla's   going to go up it's going to go to like 800 again  let's go b3 bishop b2 just a question of one bingo here i guess and chuck mate go e4 knight c3 let's play g3 f4 maybe maybe  knight d5 actually let's go d4 here oh what am i doing actually i'm kind  of misplaying this i guess i'll go here okay let's go here 1300s don't give away pieces  like that but i mean sometimes let's keep going yeah this is like i'm playing  vienna and grand prix every single game now   pretty insane okay i feel like a 1300  would not play knight d4 there the queen let's go f5 here g3 maybe knight d5 really  good position let's take queen of seven gonna go bishop g5 this will take and  take bishop g5 next move bishop e3 as well actually i'm not going to trade  queens because i want to win this   game as fast as possible so  i'm not going to trade queens don't call you guys what surely yeah i beat all the personalities  that's where i started at trying to win as fast as i can basically 95 is a good move all right let's uh let's go knight f3 here well i  try against vishy and vlad i actually was beating   vichy earlier but then i played then i got into  a long end game and i messed it up at the very   last moment so like i will play them but i'm not  going to do them until the very end because like   i'm i'm gonna i'm gonna have to spend time to  try and beat them and it's very costly like if   you play long game like i did and you don't  beat them you lose like 15 minutes and you   and it's like it's not the right  right approach i don't think   yeah i was like a 96 move game and i didn't  win like that's the thing like it's just like omnipotent power for the two months let's just take oh i slipped  that thankfully i'm still winning wow that was bad um let's go here it's actually very tricky to win technically i don't think i'm  winning here which is insane go here and hit the rook hit the  hit hit the rook at the bishop funny thing is with correct play this is  actually a draw this won't be a draw but   with correct play it is a draw wow okay let's go geared at the pawn who won chess played quick is still going on what is chest on quick um it's an  event what's going on right now how do we know it's over yeah it's  time it's three and a half hours okay let's keep going i think  it's one of the last spots   that there is an intermediate but i could be wrong okay i think i'm just gonna  castle and take the pawn hey go rook g3 rook f1 maybe c4 maybe b5  and c4 even attack the bishop hit the pawn because d5 collect the knight should be winning yeah i'm just trying to beat all the bots there's  not like really a specific rhyme or reason i'm   just trying to win the most boss beat and that's  my prize that's basically what i'm aiming for i've beaten i've be i don't know how many  i've beaten so far but i've beaten a lot   test.com interface looking strange yeah  it's a little bit weird um definitely when   you play against the bots it's laid  out much differently so here in here i'm gonna ignore it actually i'm gonna try to  keep queens on the board here like knight f4 trying to trap the queen somehow take the queen let's castle play rook d6 and queen g3 i guess here let's  just take oh why did i do that it's kind of   stupid still should be winning but i shouldn't  have done this so here queen d5 i guess big check okay let's keep going i think we have like   still more of these intermediate  bots crazy let's go e4 knight c3 let's go d5 maybe bishop e3 next move take i'm gonna probably play a five  here and just try to open it up these are i think those are i don't think these   are considered advanced spots  but i don't actually know um oh this is the second out of  19 advanced spots oh this is   okay so there are 19 advanced spots  this is number two all right okay so advanced yeah not not really superman can  i beat 18 bots in one hour i would hope so there's 17 to go right 17 bots go c3 i guess just takes next move um go here g7 probably work h8 i mean i'm guessing  most people have not beaten the uh have   not beaten the um the personality  bots might guess tango king f1 looks like i'm just going to go here  just go for the queen get another queen make a queen uh there should be  some way to win here let's go here okay there we go all right next game 16 to go oh i just blundered e4 whoops  still okay but that was a mistake take and take maybe it's actually not great for me i'm going to give this up i'm going to  go here and takes maybe actually maybe   i have some weird i maybe have some weird ideas  with knight c7 but no need to get creative here   oh that was a good move go here take the pawn take the pawn go here let me drop the knight back okay  now i should win this pretty cleanly run the pawn now it's not checkmate let's go here take the rook let's just run the pawn up the board oh my gosh well i didn't expect f3 that that  actually took me by surprise um that was really   took me by surprise uh i almost just blundered the  game away very lucky i didn't but here in rook g3 so here we have knight d4 oh here maybe okay that's just a blender all  right now i'll just mop it up all right next game yeah bots never resigned though okay let's keep going that game went a little bit longer just a little  bit longer let me good enough to be a gem if you   want to has nothing to do with if he wants it or  not it has to do with the level that he plays at   but love you love withdrew he's supposed to be  playing this tournament charlotte and withdrew   from the event so um so i guess he's not gonna  be going for the norms at least not anytime soon   those tiggers go check this  pretty class collect the queen   so yeah it has nothing to do with like it  has nothing to do with how much he wants it   let's do it like training the right tournaments  like there are a lot of things that go into it   yeah he withdrew from the event as far as  i can tell um let's go here maybe just 95. make a check i mean i can also just drop back  maybe queen of three check taking castles okay all the sack let's go check go here queen c7 maybe maybe rook d8 next move  um looks simply winning mostly spots   i mean this is not really overly stimulating but  um but still i got it got it got to win the event   go back and now we go this  way again saxophone let's take i'm sure there's a quick mate  here that i'm not seeing but it's   looks like me yeah there we go wait  what just happened okay let's go here it's 1500 for most wins let's just take okay let's play a string  queen f3 here play d4 maybe just takes so here in id4 i'm gonna gambit upon here it has  but again you guys when you act like it's it's   you're acting like it's some easy thing or all  it takes is like just playing tournaments like   anybody who acts like that's all it takes to  become a grand master i mean you really just   don't understand chess with all due respect  you don't know what you're talking about can play bishop c4 next move  hit the pawn bishop e5 is here   should be winning go here take the rook next move so i guess i'll just go here maybe put  the rook down drop back i've worked e7 i guess let's go here line up  the double stack new queen b3 let's go queen c3 go queen e3 hit the knight of queen h6  next move should be winning over here uh check bring the rook down i mean it's a  legendary triple on the seventh rank go here excuse me let's keep going play e4 go here  let's go here 14 to go in advance okay like here maybe knight f3 let's keep it rolling can i handle 1700 yeah hopefully i can no i didn't get sick besides i think  i have allergies to stuff these days   that i didn't used to have plays  bishop d sum which is a good move i really don't want to take but i will so here are king the two bishop too thank you  diazog for the 10 months thank you so much um i mean it's that magnus can play a universal  style mainly it's that there isn't like a set   style magnus can play a bit of everything and  um and he just ultimately doesn't blunder i know   it's i mean when i say it's like oh well like  how surprising but like there's a difference   like the the level of play is just significantly  higher this it's just that simple go here and here   more coffee just probably down the  road yeah i'm gonna go check and take so here takes there i'm just going to take i don't know  if this is best but it looks simplest rookie or is it no maybe it's not  but it should be good enough go here and take i actually i'm not  roasting jabba at all but yeah it's just   the stronger the players are the  more universal style they have i see a ronin splatter i don't  know what you mean by that check me 13 to go let's keep rolling   yeah there's no clock on these this  is just uh three and a half hours you can take and take i'm gonna just come back play d4 should be very  very pleasant because there so i'll take so   here queen two bush b3 i guess he has this which i  forgot about but it still should be winning for me and take on a7 i don't know if i should but i will more more free pawns free  pawns are everywhere go here just go i guess i'll go back to c1 so here no actually it's weird i think i mean  it's just a standard theme let's go here and take   i really didn't want to trade queens i'm  kind of annoyed that i had to but i guess   it doesn't matter who needs her anyway that's  a little bit rude uh let's go rook h1 that was   a little bit rude a little bit rude by mr mr  jonas um a little bit rude let's go knight e4   play h4 jonas needs to get canceled right  let's just take the pawn and go g5 um go here i'm gonna start running my  pawns at this point go here um i think i can play i mean many  moves work but i'll just go d4 i mean even this is probably  winning with g g7 and rook h6 if he takes and make a queen i have  f7 i mean everything just wins here there's no style mate i was just making sure  with this pawn there's no stalemate here   it doesn't appear that there  is make a queen let's take chuck mate all right let's keep going so here bishop g oh let's drop back me bishop g2 oh that traps the queen the queen just  got stuck okay we're up we're up a queen   and okay so i see isla also  says who needs a queen anyway is this sarcasm yeah let's go 94 here and take let's just take take here go bishop g5 and hit the rook there's probably some twitter nerd out there that  will try to cancel you over jokes about cancel   culture cancel culture is a disaster i mean it's  just a disaster that's all that needs to be said go here in rook f1 and rook  cafe and it's just winning uh what is the time round left for because it's  the time to then it's three and a half hours trying to win this game as fast as i can here so here should be me hey there we go let's keep  going let's play e4 knight c3 actually mods how many how many um how many uh   how how many bots are left in this i  assume i must be leading surely by now   considering the number of bots that i've  played and you know beginner and intermediate oh that's a free pawn i'll take it 10 left in this   category cause i assume that i'm  way ahead i have to be ahead um spots are getting a little bit more  difficult yeah they are very slightly   lorenzo is um is struggling so here  i'm just going to go e5 ricky one go here i guess let's just take select the rook knight g3 i didn't play bishop yet  no i i didn't play vichy um   or no i drew victory i played a 96 move game that  took like 20 minutes earlier and kind of if i   don't win the prize for most spots beating overall  that's going to be the reason and so we'll see let's trade i know i should have done this but i mean i am winning here i guess go here trying to put my knight on f6 i just hung h3 we'll go share and take maybe oh there should be a way to win but i  don't see this i'm just going to take   i just hung my knight oh my gosh whoops okay i'm gonna win still but that was very bad and someone a little bit stronger i would not have  won this game i i have four pawns so this this is   pretty straightforward still i just start running  them up the board there's not much black can do they start rolling okay that took way longer than i would have liked  but we still got the win we're playing wall-e oh let's just go here in d3 i guess while e yes  wall e exactly whoa thank you numsko thank you   so much to to uh to nemo for the raid appreciate  thank you so much hope you had a good stream hope   all's while in poland or wait or wait no she's  back right is she in toronto or shim poland still   because i saw tweets um anyway big shout out to  to namsko nemo hope you hope you're doing well   i hope you had a good stream uh if you guys are  unfamiliar with that is uh zhao she is a streamer   uh some i guess i'm a professional chess player  she's from toronto so make sure to check out her   channel if you haven't already oh whoa i was  i was not expecting that what was that that   was weird okay weird thing is i might still win  this somehow like what was that by me okay wait   go here i think i might still win this is  ridiculous i'm still gonna win despite that take and i go back yeah this is ridiculous  i'm still gonna win the game that's absurd   or am i no i wasn't expecting queen h6 either i actually didn't see knight before g4 who sent my professional know how true i think i is it's ridiculous i'm still gonna  win this game that's what's absurd about this   i'm just not worried i just  run this bad boy down the board big make a queen check and then here in here so here and here all right keeps finding a way out of this mate   kind of annoying i lost probably  a good 20 seconds right there frustrating let's keep going so many of these  bots are playing f5 it's kind of weird i think that neto lip for the 12  months there's so much to needle it thank you appreciate it thank you  so much i lost 13 seconds okay   yeah i know there's less than  one hour left that's why i'm   just trying to beat all the bots as fast  i can't i'm going to avoid queen trades especially um how do i do this i mean i'm trying very hard to win  these games quickly but it's not easy oh my god i hung up two here thanks still gonna  win but pretty yikes wait isn't that oh that's   not a blunt i thought i had checkmate on e8 yeah  this is going to be not what i wanted at all so here oh let's go check in here maybe i  guess here i want to go here and here let's go check you want to go here and check maybe i don't have  a mate i don't really want to do this but it's   safer to take the win than to gamble and miss  a checkmate and the game goes on even longer oh there should be some way  to win here but i don't see it i win there's no checkmate hmm oh i go here and  it's made it's made actually should check me so i'm going to play miguel miguel najdorf here go back go here go back i'm happy it took  with the pawn now i should be winning   oh sure i want to go knight h4 okay fine abandon the game okay fine five   five fine okay um where's the me  he's under personalities i guess you
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 72,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, twitch streamers, chess game play, chess tricks, master chess moves, TSM, hikaru vs chess engine, hikaru vs anand bot, hikaru vs giri bot, hikaru vs hikaru bot, hikaru vs master bots, Hikaru bot battles
Id: DGYvZBicwhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 36sec (4896 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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