Hawaiian Pizza

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foreign [Music] with atbbq.com and this is Hawaiian pizza well today we're going to tackle perhaps the most controversial of pizzas in all of pizza history it's the Hawaiian pizza now why is the Hawaiian pizza controversial well if you've been living under a pizza-shaped rock it's because there's a lot of people in the world that think that fruit and specifically pineapple does not belong on Pizza however there's a whole lot of people in the world that absolutely love pineapple pizza so that leaves us with a few different options here we can take to the internet and make some passive aggressive memes about it you can just kind of throw your hands up and say hey it's not for me but you're not hurting anyone to do whatever you like or third and what we're doing today is we're just gonna fully Embrace this see if we can make something cool out of it so with all due respect to the classic pizzas of Italy sometimes it's fun just to break a rule and while we're breaking rules let's just go ahead and break two or three of them I'm switching out the ham for spam and we're going to cook it on a pellet grill in four minutes or less I promise now I'm excited to be cooking my first ever recipe for you guys on this channel on the Yoder smokers wood fired oven that fits right inside your Yoder pellet grill we've got the Yoder wood fired oven set up right in place inside the grill so you can see it sits right over the Firebox so that flame lifts right over the top so you get the kind of top down cooking that you've never seen in a pellet grill before now today we're going to be preparing some of our ingredients in here before we actually cook the pizzas so I'm going to slide our lodge pan in to preheat and the skillet right on top for us to cook our sauce right up here there's so much heat coming off this thing we can actually just use this as a side burner just a little bit of knife work to do today for these components that are going to go on top of our Hawaiian pizza now we are going to use fresh pineapple today which isn't uh how this was originally made originally it was a canned pineapple product that went on top of Hawaiian pizza and interestingly not in Hawaii the First Hawaiian pizza was actually made in Canada just taking that outside spiny edge off so we don't end up eating any of those pokey little Piney things yeah so in the 60s shortly after Hawaii became the U.S state there's sort of this Tiki craze going on and this dude up in Canada decided he was gonna mess around a little bit and put Hawaiian on a pizza or put a pineapple on a pizza and call it Hawaiian I should say we're gonna take it to the next level today by including spam as well as our pineapple one of Hawaii's favorites right here so the same kind of thing here just gonna cut slabs out of this we're going to give all of this a really nice Sear inside the Wood-Fired oven so we can get some great texture on it and then dice it up to be cooked very quickly on a pizza next we're going to put together our red sauce for the pizza and we're starting with a full can of San Marzano Tomatoes I'm going to break these down until they're smooth in the blender so we're just going to add all the ingredients to the blender and then start cooking it down in the oven I've got about well I've got four good sized cloves of garlic here I'm going to do one tablespoon of Jacobson's black garlic salt one tablespoon of sugar just for a little extra sweetness and one tablespoon of chili infused oil with garlic and onions infused in there as well so a lot of great flavors and that fat helps to really coat the mouth and share all those flavors throughout every bite all right should be nice and runny ooh smells incredible already we're going to cook that down to a little bit thicker consistency over there in the oven the sauce is going to cool that pan down just a little bit but this will easily simmer away especially once we close the door back up now inside the oven we're going to put a sear on our spam as well as our pineapple this thing is cranked hot I mean it's 650 plus is what it's reading behind the grill so in the actual oven is going to be 800 plus right now probably which means we're going to get a great sear in no time good color without totally mushifying everything a few minutes here oh yeah beautiful sear you can already see the fat rendering out the top of that here just a little bit of char on the edges of that pineapple that's what we're going for still a little soupier than I'd like it we'll let that go a little further so about five more minutes on our pineapple on our spam here this stuff is ready to come off we're gonna let this cool just a little bit dice it all up pull our pizza sauce off here in a moment we'll be ready to build some Hawaiian pizzas yeah this is looking a lot better now you can see how it's really thickening up as we move it around and it'll thicken a little bit more as it cools down so let's go ahead and pull that off as well oh that's got a good crust on it now if you guys haven't had spam you might be shocked at just how tasty it can be although I will tell you I bought the low sodium stuff because the regular stuff rocks a lot of salt but yeah just listen to that crunch and have lots of texture and lots of flavor here for the pineapple we'll just cut around the core and then go on to dice it up from there and get rid of the core we're ready to put together our first Hawaiian pizza here I've got my pizza dough that we use all the time you guys can check out our tips and techniques video on how to make pizza dough if you want to see that I'm just going to put a little border where our crust can puff up let the gravity do the work here starting to stretch that out a little bit this has been chilling in the fridge for a couple hours which is nice because it stretches easily but not too quickly you don't want to stretch this super thin and put your finger through it or something but with the gluten development we've got on this we shouldn't have to worry about that so let's start building this pizza starting with our sauce on the bottom you don't want to go too heavy on this the batch of sauce that we made today should cover about four pizzas for you next we're going to do a low moisture mozzarella I love the way this stuff melts and Browns up and then our most important toppings of course we've got our spam then our pineapple look at that beautiful Char on that pineapple already softened up just a little bit and then finally and this is optional but a must for me do some fresh jalapenos on top all right make sure it's moving we'll head over to the oven so this is our first time looking at this about a minute and a half in we got a little bit of a hot spot right next to where that flame is coming through so I'm actually just going to do a full 180 spin slide that back in there so three and a half minutes total now look at this Browning on the top here I mean total blistering of the cheese for checking the bottom fully done as well let's get this out of here so let's slice into this guy dude six good sized pieces Finishing Touch is now with my Hawaiian pizza I like to finish it off with a little bit of pepper infused honey just for that added sweetness and then some fresh green onions it's looking pretty dang good the bottom looks really nice got great crunch on the crust it's loaded up I know it's too hot to take a bite but I'm gonna do it anyway Smoky charred goodness the crust is that first thing I noticed I mean this is Wood-Fired oven quality crust under four minutes once again you just don't see that in a pellet grill especially with the kind of Browning that we got on top now as for the issue at hand when it comes right down to it pineapple and Ham are delicious and when you put them on a pizza they're still delicious paired with that sauce that's got savory and sweet going on in it and then just pure stretchy cheesy goodness I was not a Hawaiian pizza fan growing up but I can't deny that this is a pretty magic combination right here well thank you guys so much for watching be sure to check out atbbq.com for all the products featured in today's video If you enjoyed the recipe hit that subscribe button and if you have any questions or comments so there's anything you'd like to see me cook let me know in the comment section down below and let's be good to one another for more recipes tips and techniques head over to atbbq.com the sauce all things barbecue we're barbecue Legends are made
Channel: allthingsbbq
Views: 37,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ATBBQ, allthingsbbq, all things bbq, all things barbecue, bbq, barbecue, pizza, wood-fired, wood-fired oven, pizza oven, yoder smokers, yoder, ys640, ys640s, pellet grill, grill, oven, pineapple, jalapenos, spam, cast iron, hawaiian, hot honey, chef tom, the sauce, pizza sauce, red sauce, tomato sauce, cooking demo, recipe, hawaiian pizza, hawaiian pizza recipe, pineapple pizza, homemade pizza, homemade pizza recipe, pineapple pizza recipe, homemade hawaiian pizza, hawaiian pizza with ham
Id: avkj4-5z7io
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 21 2022
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