Chicken Bacon Ranch Pizza

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hey everybody I'm Chef Tom with and this is chicken bacon ranch pizza well today we're mixing up our pizza game by leaving the red sauce behind and instead we're going to make a buttermilk ranch dressing from scratch that's going to be our base on top of that we're going to have chicken we're gonna have bacon some mozzarella feta and some nice fresh juicy cherry tomatoes it's great summertime Savory Pizza let's get into it first thing we're going to do is put together our buttermilk ranch dressing so I'm going to start with equal parts creme fresh and mayonnaise a half cup of each if you don't want to dish out for creme fraiche or make your own you can always use sour cream instead because that's kind of the base of the dressing then we're going to add in our herbs we've got a quarter cup of fresh parsley and a tablespoon each of chives and Dill next we're going to add about a teaspoon of lemon juice I like the lemon flavor better than a like a vinegar in this case although you could also use that instead and then we're going to get some garlic in here and just grate it on the microplane break it down really fine so you don't bite into any big chunks then we're going to hit this with a little seasoning our Cattleman's Grill Lone Star brisket rub which is mostly just salt and pepper with some garlic and celery seed in there let's go ahead and give this a mix is our last ingredient is the buttermilk and we're just going to use that to thin this to whatever consistency you like I'd say since we're using this kind of as a base today we don't want it super runny should still have a little bit of body to it that's that throw it in a squeeze bottle and put it in the fridge today we're cooking on the Yoder smokers ys-640s pellet grill we also have the Yoder Wood-Fired oven set up inside which is where we're going to be cooking our pizzas our bacon and our chicken right here on this pan to start so let's go ahead and get this loaded up with some bacon so we can then use that Bacon Fat to cook the chicken in so I'm just going to lay my bacon into the pan cold and it'll gradually heat up with the pan inside the oven probably only need about oh six slices total but might as well just fill this thing up it'll get eaten all right last one here slider in there now while the Bacon's cooking we're going to prep our chicken and I'm gonna pound this out so it's nice and even so I'm just hitting it with a little bit of fat I'm gonna throw a bag on top you're gonna take the flat side of your Mallet and start working the fat end of the chicken breast not hitting it too hard we don't want to tear it apart just trying to even out thickness a little bit because when we go to put these on our pizza they're going to be sliced and it'd be nice if they're all roughly the same size next we'll go ahead and get these seasoned up we're using the Cattleman's Grill Italiano to get some of those nice Italian herbs and spices in there plus your saltiness all right that's good to go as soon as the bacon comes out all right Bacon's been going for about five minutes I'm gonna turn these to make sure that we cook them even also give the pan a little spin you can even out any hot spots all right a lot of our Bacon's looking good it's not super crispy yet but we want to stop before we get there because this is going to go on a pizza and go back into the oven for at least a few minutes here in a little bit some of these could go could go a little bit longer though so all the bacon is off now I haven't taken any of the Bacon Fat out of there because we're just going to let the chicken cook in it and these have been in for about six minutes now getting some color on there soaking up some of that bacon flavor we're gonna cook these to internal temperature of about 150 155 because once again they're going to go back into the oven on the pizza this guy in the back is ready to come off for the reading on this guy right here right in the middle I'm gonna find that cold spot too 150 we're calling it good now just a little bit of knife work to do before we actually make our pizzas I'm going to start by having our cherry tomatoes next we're going to slice up our chicken this has had a little bit of time to rest it was super juicy looking good and then our bacon I'm going to slice lengthwise it's just for a fun presentation on this pizza today so now we're ready to put together our pizza I'm gonna turn out our dough ball now this is our typical pizza recipe we use all the time you guys can find the video on how to do it yourself it's real easy in fact I'll throw that link into the video description just getting a little semolina down on our work surface to help it move so once I've kind of pressed it out I'm going to form a border for my crust just letting the weight of the dough kind of stretch itself out and then we'll help that along over the tops of our Knuckles here so it should be fairly thin throughout the center with a nice mounted crust around the edge at least that's how I prefer to do it for this particular style of pizza I'll get some semolina on the peel to help things move and then we're going to build that pizza right here on the peel so all times we're going to make sure nothing's getting too warm or sticking if it is we can always add a little bit more but this should be just fine the way it is right now we're going to start with our Ranch on the bottom then we're gonna go light layer of low moisture mozzarella and we've got our chicken and our bacon just gonna lay this out like so get in here with some bacon now a little more mozzarella over the top this is kind of going to help protect these pieces of chicken and bacon from burning from any Flames coming over the top then we'll Place some of our cherry tomatoes on here I'm going to do some crumbled feta and then just a little Shake of seasoning over the top we're going to use our white pizza Mojo this has got like huge flavored parmesan in it lots of great herbs and spices but also like this really funky cheesiness to it so now we are ready to go into the oven so now the grill temperature has been turned up to 550 degrees we're going to slide this off and give it probably about a minute and a half before we even peek at it so here we are about two minutes in getting some great color on that Fireside we're going to give it a little bit of a spin let it keep going just over three minutes in now getting some really nice Browning on the crust Browning on the cheese let me check underneath oh yeah that looks good all right let's pull it off and we're gonna finish it off here with just a little bit more Ranch on top and some fresh chives let's eat um Ranch is nice it's creamy but it's also very Tangy and fresh from all the herbs the lemon feta offers a funky little bite in there the chicken's got that Italian flavored thing going on and then you've got the freshness from those Tomatoes just to kind of burst break things up Smoky bacon never a bad addition to a pizza um this is the crust that I use this dough recipe I use all the time for a reason was I love it I love how light and fluffy an area it is out here but it still holds its structure in the middle when it's properly cooked and that color on the bottom is fantastic as well this is a really fun pizza a really great way to mix things up from your normal pizza game well thank you guys so much for watching be sure to check out for all the products featured in today's video if you enjoy the recipe hit that subscribe button and if you have any questions or comments if there's anything you'd like to see me cook let me know in the comment section down below and let's be good to one another for more recipes tips and techniques head over to thesauce All Things barbecue we're barbecue Legends are made
Channel: allthingsbbq
Views: 33,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chicken bacon ranch pizza, pizza recipe, chicken bacon ranch pizza recipe, chicken bacon ranch pizza sauce, pizza recipe at home, pizza recipe homemade, pizza recipe homemade easy, pizza recipe homemade chicken, chicken pizza recipe, chicken bacon ranch, pizza recipe at home easy, pizza recipe without oven, pizza recipe homemade simple, chicken pizza recipe at home, cooking interest, pizza recipe at home without oven
Id: riuc0vpsX0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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