Hawaiian Garlic Shrimp Scampi - Food Wishes

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I get it that it's better with the shells on, but I hate dealing with it in my plate. Looking good though

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/username_here_please 📅︎︎ Jun 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

what does TFH mean

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Speedwagon_Sama 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

This guy kinda talks like my little cousin when she cry-tells a story, but calm. Odd but familiar at the same time.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/goldiegoldthorpe 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

Good but needs salt and pepper

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/PatrickBee3 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

his humor is gold. just the right measure. the first time i heard golden black i lost it.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/spacedebris98 📅︎︎ Jul 05 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello this is chef john from food wishes como with hawaii and garlic shrimp scampi that's right i've received a bunch of requests to make this and after tasting it i understand why and if you're a garlic lover you're gonna want to grab a pen and pull out your bucket list and add this recipe to it and yes by the way scampi does mean shrimp so this recipe is actually called hawaiian a garlic shrimp shrimp bob redundant names aside I absolutely love this and I really think you will too and what we'll do to get started is peel an entire head of garlic and to do that I'm going to show you an old trick for doing it all at once by using a couple bowls and all we need to do is separate the cloves into One Bowl and then once that's done we'll put the other Bowl over the top and we will give it the OL shake of shaken for about thirty seconds or so or until all those peels are knocked off the cloves oh and let me give you a little warning if you're freakishly strong like I am I think I might have shaken this a little too hard or a little too long because it appears that one or two of my cloves broke apart but forget that the point is all those peels came off really easily and we didn't have to peel those one by one oh and I was too lazy to walk over to the sink but if you pour a little bit of cold water into this bowl that's close a real easy to grab out and then what we'll do once we have about eight or ten nicely peeled cloves of garlic is take a knife and chop them up but not super fine okay we don't want mince garlic here because what we're gonna do next is toasted golden brown and some butter and if it's too small there's a chance it could go too far and burn and when I first start out with this I'm not just mindlessly chopping down I'm actually aiming for some of those bigger pieces and going a little bit slowly and deliberately until it looks like I have a lot of consistently sized pieces and then we can speed up and chop this as small as we want which like I said is not gonna be super small okay I think the perfect chop size for Hawaiian garlic shrimp is right about here and that's it that is now ready to go into our butter so what we'll do next is melt four tablespoons of butter over medium heat and we will all take a couple seconds here to watch that butter slide across the pan which I find very relaxing and maybe a little too relaxing since I never focused the camera for the shot of the garlic going in the melted butter but anyway once that butter melts and starts to foam up we'll go ahead and stir in our chopped garlic and our plan here is to cook this during over medium until it turns a beautiful golden brown and while you don't have to stir constantly don't go anywhere all right golden brown is good the golden black is not gonna work so we're really gonna need to pay attention here and catch it right at that perfect level of toastiness which for me was right about here and don't forget after you turn the heat off this is gonna toast even a little bit more so you're not gonna want to go any farther than this and then once that set we'll pull it off the heat transfer it into a bowl and we'll reserve that so we can add it back into the pan once our shrimp are cooked speaking of which what we're gonna need here is one pound of fully thawed deveined but shell on shrimp which is usually sold with some kind of name like easy peel and while you can make this with the shell off that's not how they do in Hawaii and by leaving that shell on you get so much extra flavor or at least that's what they officially tell people okay I'm gonna be testing that theory later as I'm gonna try second batch without the shells oh and the reason for the paper towels is you want to make sure these are as dry as possible so make sure you drain these very well and then Pat them nice and dry and then once those are set the only other component we need is our star cheese spicy coating which is gonna be made with a couple tablespoons of rice flour or if you want regular flour but rice flour does work better and it's not that hard to find all right just head for the gluten-free aisle and then to that we will add a tablespoon of regular paprika plus a teaspoon of the finest Cayenne you can find and then we'll finish up with some salts at which point we'll simply give that a mix and once combined it's ready to toss with our shrimp so we'll go ahead and remove those paper towels and then go ahead and sprinkle over that kody mixture and the reason we're being so generous with that as well as with our garlic butter mixture is because if we are using the authentic method and we're peeling off the shells a lot of that goodness is not going to be attached to the meat so we want to make sure we have plenty to go around but anyway we'll sprinkle that over at which point we'll take a big spoon or spatula or spoon eula and mix these until they are very evenly coated making sure of course every nook and cranny is covered and that's it once those are thoroughly completely covered in our coating we will head to the stove to cook these up which will do over medium-high heat in a nonstick pan in a few tablespoons of olive oil and a pound of shrimps gonna make two portions and I'm just cooking one here because we do not want to crowd these all right we definitely want to use what I call the Beyonce method which is just a single layer just a single layer just a single layer just a single layer all right so if you want to do the whole batch you got to use a bigger pan and since we're not gonna crowd these they're only gonna take a couple minutes per side so we'll give that first side about two minutes and then we'll flip them over and then give the other side about the same and of course when I say two minutes per side that's just a guess are you're the one that actually has to decide based on how big your shrimp are I mean you are after all the con Aloha of how long to go brah but a couple minutes per side is a pretty good guess oh and in case you're wondering the best size shrimp to get for this dish I think are the 21 to 25 per pound size all right when you buy shrimp there's usually two numbers on the bag like 16 20 21 25 and those numbers simply refer to how many shrimp per pound and then what we'll do once these have been beautifully cooked on both sides is well go ahead and toss in our toasted garlic and butter and we will stir all that together and cook that for about 30 seconds or so at which point is going to be ready to serve and if you enjoy the smell of cooking garlic which I really really do it does not get any better than this it is just absolutely intoxicating but anyway let me pull together and pull these off the stove so I can serve them up on some white rice alongside the traditional fresh lemon and please do not be shy about spooning that toasted garlic and butter over the top and that my friends is nothing short of garlic shrimp heaven or in this case garlic shrimp shrimp heaven so let me go ahead and squeeze over some lemon and dig in and with the shells on these you basically have two approaches to eating we can go ahead and pop the whole thing in our mouth and then spit out the shell once separated and that method will deliver the maximum amount of flavor which by the way was tremendous but the downside is the feeling of shrimp shells in my mouth is not one of my favorite sensations so the other much more popular approach is to pull the shell off before eating which is of course very messy and does take a good amount of effort but in fairness and isn't quite as hard as I'm making it look here since I was trying to do this with and which is not recommended alright what you want to be doing is not filming this at the same time and eating this outside on a picnic table going at it with all ten fingers and also adding to the challenge here every once in a while you get a batch of shrimp where the shells are really really super thin and paper like and this batch was like that and don't worry I will go back and eat that meat I left in the tail sections when I should mention just that toasted garlic butter on the rice is pretty much worth making this recipe for all by itself so good and yes at a certain point I did give up on the one hand method which did make things a little bit easier but anyway to summarize Hawaiian garlic shrimp scampi with the shell on is insanely delicious and absolutely one of the best garlic shrimp recipes you'll ever enjoy ok searing these in the shell really does add some flavor and does help keep the shrimp from drying outs but if we're being honest definitely a little bit of a hassle to eat so in the name of science I did a second batch and other than peeling off the shells I did everything exactly the same all right same garlic butter same coating same searing in the pan same rice and same fresh lemon although I did change the placemat and in my opinion I found these to be just as flavorful are just an explosion of garlic shrimpy goodness and of course way way easier to eat however there is one major difference right with the authentic method we're not necessarily supposed to be eating all the coding which is why we use so much whereas here it's seared right onto the shrimp so that aspect is definitely more pronounced and we do get somewhat less of a pure garlic and shrimp flavor profile but when you weigh that against how much easier these are to eat I think I do prefer these over the authentic shell on version and I keep using the word authentic although I'm not really exactly sure how authentic these are since I've never been to Hawaii all right to be honest I've always been a little bit afraid to go ever since I saw that Brady Bunch episode when I was a kid but from what I've seen what we did was pretty close so ultimately if you decide to make these you're gonna have to decide whether to go with the shells or not but the good news is no matter which version you make they are both incredibly delicious and a must make for any garlic and or shrimp level which is why I really do hope you give these a try soon so please follow the links below for the ingredient amounts a principle written recipe and much more info as usual and as always enjoy you
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 465,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hawaiian, Garlic, Shrimp, Scampi, chef, john, food, wishes, recipe, seafood, shellfish, prawn, authentic
Id: 9r_EWx06Wdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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