undertale but it's scary a little bit

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up up down up down down youtubers staff [Music] hello there little tiny baby boys and girls my name job and the welcome to my dog film today we take big look at undertale but Gary I don't really talk like that I'm over it sorry horror tale is this whole alternate universe for undertale I played a version of it a long time ago this is a new version that came out 2019 so naturally I waited about five months and now I'm checking it out take a look horror tale chapter 1 - Dirty Sexy games are so scary everything's a exe breath you're gonna make me install it first oh oh you better work you better not mess it up go okay go how many years ago another human fell down to the underground I'm trying to off monsters believed that frisk would be the one to set them free but the human deprived monsters of this possibility they had to fight the cave of monsters özgür dreamer Donna miss hi you're required to pronounce his last night in the end the human was victorious Oh standing over the monster does look at it look at the boy look at the child they took away his soul and left the underground is great be missing some time after that the ex Queen regained her for all Toria looking look who's in charge nice she passed a law under which all fallen humans were considered their friends well that didn't really help you last time but okay monsters displeased decided to overthrow the Queen ooh they rise up London looks like she's in charge the mighty undyed ex leader of the Royal Guard has retaken the thread she passed a new law under which all fallen him she looks like she smoked a ton of weed Oh [Music] must be killed oh that's bloody and violent so they want to kill everybody everybody you fall down there you might die but let's guess we're gonna find some friends anyways the name of the Fallen human ah please at least tell me what it is a ray of light cutting through the cracks somewhere up high made you open your eyes don't don't thought high enough yeah about as high as Undine was in that photo memories of the fall which it seems lasted forever start to flash in your mind right you fell you dropped over a thousand feet you counted them on your way down yet by some miracle you're alive only from the monsters to kill you okay look they made it it's like they put a little extra padding on the on the on the flour mattress it seems these flowers soft in your fall and this disgusting puddle of mud where are you now somebody cushion that extra cuz they want the kids to live darkness surrounds you making it difficult to see past the circle puppies in the student noses flowers I'm sorry she knows her flowers he knows her flowers they know their flowers until he's working right at least they're alive just like you aren't well except for the ones that you just crushed you decide to get up to explore this place looks more like a girl this time oh no wait why you got one eyeball please be quiet don't scream look there's nothing I could do to hurt you so you could have bit my butt while I was laying on top of your head to say good powdi how unexpected another human who fell down here by mistake what a surprise I guess that makes you the clumsy and stupid type all right Wow not to be mean or anything i'm flowey flowey the flower they hit the remix dude [Music] flowey the flower where'd your mouth go he offers his leaf like a hint I'll shake your hand buddy don't shake your head hey you can consider me your first friend out here I might seem harmless but don't be so naive seeing us down here it's eat or be eaten am I gonna get eaten right off the bat such as the rule of our world alright but but like don't eat me jeez you look like the saddest human alive okay okay I didn't mean to scare you well what's your name but as Ellie's Eliza out mm an interesting name I have never met a kid with such a name you couldn't help but smile shyly you know you look cute when you smile and now be so kind as to proceed to the next room that room will be a great place to begin I'll wait for you here but you mean wait for me there golden flowers frail yet somehow they managed to soft in your fall the fact that you're still alive defies all reason okay uh she looks like a girl in this one I think I'm gonna go ahead and say it's a girl yeah I'm a girl on track look at my butt crack don't actually do that so you're here welcome to the underground some time ago it was a blossoming in lovely place but it is all in the past now we don't have much time she might be coming and so I'll tell you this much this place is more dangerous than hell well especially for you human all of this because one psycho Queen hmm here put me in your pocket seeing as none of us want to stay here maybe together we can get out of this place what do you think Eliza I actually get to choose open oh I agree well then I'll just hop in your pocket oh it's evil toriel oh my god she's burning alive did you literally just kill flowey bud are you good flowey oh my gosh she actually just straightened burned him we had a barbecue Oh No we're about to run speeding no you're shaking your soul is filled with fear who dis don't touch me no means no stranger danger yep evil toriel my child come on she's the one that wanted to pass the rule though so she'll be nice what a horrible creature torturing such pure innocent youth oh well please don't cry don't be scared you're safe now see she wanted to pass the rule to protect everybody she might she might be okay the big monster gently wipes off your tears ah that's better I'm so glad this vile lead hadn't managed to hurt wait he was gonna be my friend file weed it seems she doesn't understand what she has done oh I forgot to introduce myself my name is torie L I'm the caretaker of the brillance I passed through this place every day to repeat these lines every time I've played this game poor girl I told you you don't look too good you must be very hungry let's go I'll take you to my house and cook some knee it's gonna be you I'm gonna cook you to feed oh oh I don't know about this the ruins menacingly looming over you bring sent a stale wind and seclusion your soul is filled with fear and near game has saved man this place has gone on some hard times yo got cobwebs all around welcome child this place is called the ruins the ruins are an old place filled with puzzles ancient Nets of traps and keys ah these buttons there used to be a puzzler but it's no longer working time has left its mark but there are a lot of puzzles ahead you will have to solve them they however will be less broken I hope they will manage to brighten your mood now go dear adventure shall not wait all right I'm gonna step on these of us that's what it was before oh I didn't even walk through that fortunately this puzzle is still working in order to proceed you still have to press a few switches I marked the ones you need for you hold on but what about she could be trying to kill us proceed to read sighs Wow stay and look what's with this pile of leaves there are no trees nearby where do those sleeves come from that's a really good question asking the hard-hitting questions that we all have been needing I'm gonna step on the other one I'll see you later I'm going to step I can't okay fine bop mommy did it what if I hit the wrong one need my help again just press the switch I'm gonna hit the one on the right no no you want to press the other switch toriel made these no specially for you why are you talking about yourself in the third person okay we can't do it huh that flips at a bunch of times it's not working is something wrong look out dude she's gonna fall let me try something Bad's about to happen huh you're gonna break it mom quit weird why is it stopped working maybe if you'd let me hit the other switch like I wanted to it seems to have stuck again we can't continue without activating this switch then how did you get in here wait a little bit toriel will try to do something why are you talking in third-person it's so weird you're weirding me out and you're just trying to flip it more times rust and Spike stand in the way I'm just gonna hit this one switch doesn't even work okay I guess I'll go this way can I hit this one again would that help no she's still down there flipping that switch would be impolite to leap okay my freaking bad you didn't know what to do payment hey mom are you done yet toriel presses a switch non-stop the lack of any reaction is starting to annoy her is it even supposed to work oh you got it hey oh I shouldn't leave her huh you stupid piece of metal work uh-oh she just locked us out or she locked herself up oh wait where's the child oh how did you how you get past the spikes ha child you you are don't wander off like this again alright it can be dangerous here you don't want to make aunt Oriole sad do you you wouldn't like me when I'm set this room is useless now but before you child there were a lot of humans I taught them the rules of fighting gear in this dummy so many memories and monsters used to live in the ruins - not all of them were friendly but we managed to co-exist very well such a pity that these times have long since passed oh no time for nostalgia I'm sorry toriel is such a chatterbox she's lost her marbles a little bit dude she's lost her marbles little but she's referring to herself a third person see that dummy I often talk to it when I'm bored or have nothing she's she's wild which is crazy I've noticed you're not very talkative herself maybe you could try talking to dummy ah don't look at me like that dummies are not that scary to talk to they may not be able to answer but they're good listeners who knows anyways you know anyways what's that vibe we're gonna talk to him dummy stand still in front of you I'm not gonna punch him in the face even though I'm probably good let's talk to him it seems incredibly stupid to you you hesitate yeah timidly say hi toriel is very happy there is a reassuring smile on her face it seems she waits for you to continue the dialogue tension alright let's head listen him a pun it has become rather tense so you decided to tell the only pun you know don't worry about what it was I guess no reaction you feel even more stupid than before okay talking you decided to ask the dummy how it's doing hey how are you oh you're a dummy okay that's fun I'm a I'm a little girl you decided to ask the dummy about the kind of books that it likes well I can't read I'm dumb it's in my name dummies don't read books the dummies eyes are pinned on to you you don't know what else to ask the dummy's eyes are pinned on let's spare him okay bro can I look the Merciless mercilessly ragged dummy stands on awkwardly button eyes are unfocused you can see grief and age old grudges of them who could have done all this can I check dummy mangy piece of trash rude no I don't want to fight is it gonna make me fight because I really don't want to I can't item we've done all the actions oh I can run away I don't have to smack it oh you ran away sorry just foolish of me to make you talk to him but it's alright toriel is always there for you don't be shy come to me anytime I'll tell you everything you want to know don't mess this up for me dummy there's only one puzzle in this room I wonder if you can solve it hee-hee-hee I bet I can I bet it's gonna be the exact same as the one i played in undertale the western room is the eastern rooms blueprint so this is a puzzle but here take my hand for a minute you won you said you wonder if I can solve it but you're gonna just teach me it you're gonna just hold my hand through it didn't even give me the chance although the front of your shirt is ripped open by the way the sharp spikes hide under the floor as toriel walks across the right steps toriel must already know the solution of the puzzle it's all good yet one odd Stefan your grip on toriel's hand becomes harder how cuz I'm scared it scared mom don't let me spike myself Thanks this puzzle must be too difficult for you don't walk here alone alright it's dangerous around here toriel has forbidden to walk here it's not like you wanted to they kind of did but you won't let me make any of my own choices I had one task in store for you but why don't we unwind a little bit let's rest from all this heat it's a long way so take my hand that'll make me feel better another one of these rooms walk away from her get your frickin hands off me this is how you get kidnapped oh she's cute big goat anspaugh slightly presses your hint this is adorable toriel doesn't seem a stranger to you anymore you feel an aura of safety around toriel you pluck up your courage to ask her about her life want to learn something about me it's not like I have much to tell I'm just a silly old lady who loves children and I don't like to boast but I'm the only monster in the ruins who makes great pot ogen but she's gonna say she's only went down here I remember that I once won the family monsterpiece competition I could still feel its taste I put a figure of a little monster on that pie it had white fur and cute long years it seems so tiny and even reminded me of an angel in a way why you you have lost your marbles the stuff she talks about huh this pyre was one of a kind I'll treat you to us sometime my dear drooling already look what do you like more cinnamon or butterscotch both perfect thanks for the information no okay did we did we pass that section of the game okay that was very cute very nice here we are you seem to look better child it seems that the puzzles amused you too they always make a good job of it let's go there are more puzzles to solve oh good how about these bricks the ruins are in a worse state than you had expected and what did you expect when you fell the wind is playing with your hair as if it were a pile of leaves on the ground autosave it's so hollow and lifeless here fills you with fear a little bit [Music] I should stop what up mom child I've been thinking you were so docile this whole time it's time to reward you want a warm hug with your aunt Oreo we're about to fall down these but I kind of want to see what happens hug her she's evil after all oh it's a big Polly okay maybe it was just maybe she was just trying to have us have a fun a fun time we fall in the leaves fun time what you got to say for yourself well done Eliza come here and then we get the hug breaks the neck see I didn't lie to you I just tricked you and made you fall down again even though I know that dramatizes you cuz he already fell did that offend you child it was just a test of trust I'm sorry I had to use this trick the giant pile of leaves down there was meant to soft in your fall well I missed him and broke both my legs thanks for trusting me my cha oh we're hugging on her it's so cute don't break my neck mom can I go down here again ah this kid straight Falls everywhere just always falling bunch of clumsy kids this one is very simple I think you're smart growing a saga without my help probably not it's covered with dust and you can't even see anything better not get your hands dirty why push this rock my child look at how slowly it moves it must be very difficult for it be a good girl and help it okay they go bud great now thank him you have just thanked the rock now you feel even more awkward this should just be called awkward tale not horror tail still confused I understand there are lots of creatures in the other ground even stones here have their own feelings and desires and by the way there's nothing to be afraid of they're quite harmless the only things they do are talking and crawling across the floor okay bye oh this puzzle again oh hello my child please close your eyes why so I don't see the freaking that's not how you spell that so I don't see the solution I can't remember oh she wrote she graffiti'd would you graffiti my child toriel will be very glad if you use this tip the leaves will point the way leaves a point the way point my way easy done so soon Eliza here's your small reward I have a few on me butterscotch candy who thinks why not please yourself with some sweet treat let's get started with this puzzle okay can I just darn on it I don't have to talk to you right beep Bob Bob push the rock what you got to say oh thanks Wow we did it together the table together we can do anything yeah I'm still a little I'm still a little skeptical of Tori oh boo moldy cheese no no my child don't touch that filth I don't have long it's been there a long time we'll need to get rid of it let's get out of here and quick why are you what do you think the cheese is gonna do to me child listen you remember the flowers from the cave you woke up in how about we put some flower beds here it's just nothing much has changed here over the years I'd really like to spruce this place up since you're a newcomer your opinion is highly regarded would you mind helping me later excited you happily not Hubbell it seems toriel will have some gardening to do okay bye oh isn't its leaf stub Luke Wow I remember meeting my old friend here and oh he's still alive are we gonna fight him or is it's gonna be an absolute right he went back never mind Oh toriel stop murk she's murdering everyone she straight killed him you didn't have to do that uh Eliza have I scared you again huh you're safe silly it was just well never mind a nobody just a parasite don't pay any attention to it everything's all right she is a little trigger-happy you've killed two people since I've been here I'm going this home let me see what she says nope I'm going this way whoa this room is scary the sign is wrapped in web spider bake sale the finger you follow the text with stuck to the plate huh no Baker here oh-oh I'm walking in the webs I wonder if you can get stuck in here scene if I can get stuck in them and then a spider come eat me or something I guess not okay bye bye sorry naps of Luke's are you had to freaking die for no reason did you miss it spider tick I type I listen how is that sign perfect all the other side's been covered in crap iliza I have to leave you for a short while you'll have to stay alone a little bit I'm really sorry can you get past the ruins on your own well hope you don't die no I shouldn't put you in such danger could you wait in this room for a little while it won't be long be a good girl won't you know I'm definitely look you decided to wait until Torrio comes you're a good girl right but it's just so boring stay in one place so you decide to sit oh we have no choice again the game gives me no choice right you look like your crying girl sitting on the cold floor is still better than getting into troubles because of your own carelessness or something even worse even a blind would pass through those traps though but not you a stupid clumsy girl too scared to talk to anybody but uh hatred towards your friends has filled your head had you been braver you would have started swearing shaking the walls of the ruins traitors I hate you for some reason these dumb heads made you climb this Kirstin mountain language why why why why did you agree why did you go with them it doesn't matter anymore you're left to be filled with hatred and complete silence a quiet girl is a good girl that's what your mother used to say I'll probably tell my kids that - is everything adults say is everything adults say true you wonder know your thoughts are interrupted by a loud sound of a dying whale that's just your belly it's your group it's grown desperate to fill the cold emptiness of your stomach you feel as if the hunger has created a giant hole inside of you well how about I mean I've got a butterscotch candy we can eat you should heat it up a little if you want to keep your teeth intact okay my bad you've been sitting here for a long time your grim thoughts push that you deeper and deeper into the abyss of despair which brings terror yet despite everything you decide to keep going okay they were like ah well we'll stay here we're a good girl immediately leaves there's just one switch Thanks this one striker I can't remember Oh your boy oh never mind I messed up I want to see what that says on the wall up there though well let's go down here [Music] this one says something and I want to know I need to read it was this a mr. midnight a nice reference okay here we go again the far door is not an exit it simply marks a rotation in perspective so you have to hit both I can't remember which one you hit oh it's you don't have to hit anything it's already open press the blue switch I press the blue switch now we go to the next room I press the blue switch I place a red switch ah you hear a strange sound seems like someone's screaming someone's crying for help looks like it's coming further from the ruins uh-oh buddy are you okay what's the manner if you can read this press the green switch I don't remember which one it was I think it's this one yeah oh I'm so smart these puzzles can homey can't hold me the puzzles kid the can't pull me back Oh what do we got what's this an odd metal items glimmering in the light take it yeah what do we got a part of a switch mechanism well it's freaking epic out here someone died right here there's a monster dust I wonder if that's what all this fog is monster dust just everybody's frickin dead that would be disturbing doesn't breathe in do not breathe in the monster vest it's going to give you asthma I think oh I've got to visit her what if something happened I'm already here you left me for like hours my child what are you doing here have I not told you to wait for me in that room what if something happened to you you can't be so reckless that must have been away for too long so long you've grown tired of waiting forgive me for this not a scratch perfect don't just stand here come on in okay yeah compared to the rest of your surroundings this little house looks really comfy yet deep inside you have a feeling something bad is about to happen deep inside you're filled with fear and save the game welcome tutorials home child I didn't expect any guests so this place may be a bit messy there are probably some things lying around in some dusty corners you aren't allergic to dust are you good good I kill a lot of people and they they leave dust when they die and I killed that Orioles gonna thoroughly clean the house I want to think that you can have some real nice time here come now I want to show you something and I'm immediately gonna go the other way see you later I need to know what's going on in here there's a fire in the fireplace which makes the air noticeably warmer feels nice you decide to warm up for a while suddenly you remember about the fudge Tori oh it was not fudge but it's very stern yeah you can try to melt it yeah it's melted you unwrap the treat and hold it before the fire surprisingly the fire doesn't feel hot it wraps around your hands gently finally the fudge melts and you eat it yummy yummy it wasn't fudge it what it was a butterscotch you have freaking idiot the doors locked you feel a nice scent coming from the kitchen so she locked the door to the kitchen like why big and comfy just like your mom's but one of the books on the Shelf piques your interest you'll get back to it once you're finished with the rest of the house looks like it hasn't been used for okay let's get out of here let's go do what she said what if I just go straight to the basement it won't let me but I'll try oh it let me oh I'm sorry I'm sorry hey you shouldn't go down here there's something I have to say upstate [Music] sorry mom my man Warren books and magazines toriel loves a good read alright let's go oh hi here it is your own room it's a little bit gloomy but I hope you'll like it get your hand off my head you're gonna give me dandruff uh and here is a humble present to you oh so cute look how happy she is you're such a cutie with this bow I'm glad to have found it another child forgot to hear someone I freakin murdered a long time ago unfortunately she wasn't so well-behaved a little pushy and naughty girl I'm sure you can understand it's hard to get along with such people but I believe humans can change over time do you agree yes ah now you're a well-behaved little girl what a relief it's such a pleasure to be around such children well this room is at your disposal you'd better look around for now my modest library holds a lot of interesting books cool don't be shy to take them feel yourself at home is that uh is that a phrase feel yourself at home [Music] look that someone freaking was dragged down this hallway over here it's Eliza its Eliza I thought maybe it would say something different but it doesn't look like it's going to who could have thought to put a water sausage in a flower veins room under renovations the sign is covered with dust will freak inside the drawer our flower seeds its of broken crayons about this room surprisingly locked well what the heck I'm pissed let's go in our room oh it is dusty turn on the light lamp doesn't work i catching empty sheet of paper is glued to the wall but you don't lay a plush toy it's lost its color it kind of reminds you at Oriel you take a peek inside the closet all shelves are stuffed with different looking clothing some of which don't fit you what why would it fit you it's like she buys stuff for you before she met you there's something collecting dust in the box Oh toys you don't want to touch them not in the slightest one of the items however picked piques your interest we had a box of crayons one of them looks bitten okay someone whatever kid she had was freaking eating crayons just got riding the bed um apparently we just got in the bed and breakdance and came back out she's so happy right now it's Sookie the door is locked okay where is toriel then she said I could take a book if I wanted lots of books you take that book 72 uses for snails yeah Liz Rita random page fact number 32 snails have a ribbon-like tongue we knew that actually ripping food into tiny pieces snail horns are actually noses turn inside out snails can not only drink but also hook up moisture with our body like a sponge oh hey oh hi Oh child here you are the pie is ready you like this book what a coincidence me too hmm I have an idea are you gonna read it to me am I gonna sing your little lap oh this is so adorable you and Tori all discuss different topics longing to the night as if you were old friends even a boring encyclopedia about snails can turn out to be interesting given you have someone to talk to sweet butterscotch cinnamon crust is crispy pleasantly inside its crisping delicious ever so kind and caring monster has certainly come to your liking her happily shining eyes and cheerful voice have made your fatigue wither away the translation is weird on this friendly chatter paired with the sweet treat fills your heart with joy isn't it perfect did you poison the pie you did it ah child wait I'll be right back I'm like choking on this pie did she poison the pie dump poison the pie you piece of poop here here deep breath oh I'm so sorry I forgotten how Monster food can affect humans it's nothing we're gonna fix this there there I don't know if I trust you oh I'm sick you made me sick oh dear I cannot let you travel home in such a state you look so bad dear you will rest here until you've recovered your strength so unfortunate stay put I shall fetch the medicine from my garden yo bro she's trying to poison us let's get up look we gotta go we gotta go I don't trust that she did that on purpose dude she's trying to keep us here what the Freak is going on these are fan games with their chapter 1 how many different versions of the ruins have we played what's crazy about this as I expected lots of death and murder but really the only people that got killed got killed by toriel hey there was horror tale 20:19 edition the link to this game is in the description if you want to play it it is free cuz it's just a demo right now undertale people it was good to see you I hope you've been well everybody else thank you for watching the videos I make it means a whole heck of a lot thank you to my patreon supporters remember you guys keep your chins up work hard and believe in yourself I'll see you in the next video and as always have a by 5 [Music] [Applause] okay well uh
Channel: YuB
Views: 1,454,950
Rating: 4.8880072 out of 5
Keywords: undertale, undertale fan game, undertale fandom, undertale fanfiction, undertale fan animation, horrortale, horrortale full game, horrortale sans fight, horrortale megalovania, horrortale sans, horrortale 2019, horrortale 2019 chapter 2, horrortale 2019 gameplay, horrortale 2019 full game, horrortale 2019 secrets, horrortale 2019 download, yub, yub horrortale, yub undertale fan games, yub undertale, horrortale fan games, undertale horror game, undertale horrortale, horror tale
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 2sec (1982 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2019
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