Have You EVER Asked Yourself THIS SIMPLE QUESTION!? | Dan Lok | Top 10 Rules

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why are you broke have you ever asked yourself that question our money is not the important money doesn't buy happiness oh my goodness let me think then you think you're broke now you may have heard of the saying people say well I love this so much I will do it for free I think it is a broke person's mentality leave motivation watch a top 10 with belief nation what's that belief nation it 7 I believe in you and this channel is designed to be a part of your daily success routine so let's get your motivation to attend and get you believing in you grab a snack and join today's lessons from a man who went from having his first job working at a local grocery store when he was 16 to failing multiple ventures as an entrepreneur to eventually becoming a self-made millionaire by the age of 27 he's Dan Locke and here's my take on his top ten rules a success vol 5 okay let's kick it off with rule number one have an entrepreneurial mindset save yourself before you try to save the world the best way to help the poor is not to become one of them it is your duty it is your obligation it is your responsibility to maximize your profits as an entrepreneur think about it let me give an analogy it's like if you want to give blood how many bags of blood you can give before you pass out and die [Music] that's that's linear thinking that's an employee mentality you want to give blood bill hospital that's entrepreneurial mindset that's entrepreneur mindset now some people may say but then money is not that important right oh man you know money doesn't buy a happiness I'll talk to my wife you don't think money yeah if you talked to her she would say you know you'll think money can buy happiness you don't know where to shop okay and money here's the thing money it's not supposed to buy you happiness money is supposed to give you two things how many things two things first money gives you comfort makes your life a little bit easier and second thing is money allows you to do to extend the goods that you do beyond your physical presence to only two things when people want to hear oh yeah my name is not the important money buy something buy happiness very often oh it's a stupid statement first of all but second thing is usually it's a defensive statement it's usually people would say that you either don't you don't have any oh they don't they don't know how to get some guarantee so from now on you can be a psychic you hear people our money is not the important money doesn't buy happiness oh my goodness let me think let me think you're broke and it would be like how do you know rule number two love what you do what would you do non-stop even you never got paid for it no is not playing video games that's not what I'm talking about what are some the skills some value some expertise you can offer to help people even you never got paid for it you know if you remember there was a scene in the Dark Knight and the Joker said well if you're good at something never do it for free he was talking about the gang side the Mafia trying to kill Batman I believe that's true if you're good with something you're good at something never do it for free now you may have heard of the saying people say well I love this so much I would do it for free I think it is a broke person's mentality it's a very 97-percent mentality here's my belief and you don't have to buy my belief but he's my belief I believe in life you should find something and you would say to yourself you know what I love this so much it is the only thing I - for money when you can find that when then when you can identify your brilliance when you can find something that you truly enjoy doing then your work and your life becomes one it's not so much I go to work and I finish work and I go home then don't talk to me about work it's no it's working life integration you love what you do life is work and work it's life then guess what you never have to work another day of your life because work doesn't feel like work anymore rule number three develop high income skills you of Brooke why are you Brooke have you ever asked yourself that question and how do you never be broke again I was broke when I was a teenager when it came to Canada with nothing no money and was in debt a hundred and fifty thousand dollars in debt I was so frustrated I try so many different things I started and fail at thirteen businesses thirteen not three not ten thirteen businesses or disaster not only did I make money from the businesses I was in debt lost all my mom's money borrow from friends and family and I didn't know why I wanted to succeed so bad but I just couldn't make it work until one thing until I had an epiphany what is that PIFAN II you don't have a money problem you have a skill problem if you try to solve your money problem with just money your problem doesn't get solved money problem is not solved by money money problem is solved by your intelligence and your skill set your mindset and your skill set now what am I talking about your skill set I want you to think about some of the highest pay people in the society they say doctor they say attorney let's say lawyer let's say accountant engineer who is making a decent pie income what do they have they have specialized skill sets that me you may not have see the people with low-income skills in society in our society low-income jobs chances are desk used now that doesn't mean it'll work hard it doesn't mean they don't hustle it doesn't mean they'll work long hours but the skills that they have that they offer to the marketplace to society people companies they are not willing to pay big money for I call them low-income skills that's the problem you try to make big money with low-income skills you need to develop your high income skills in order to make more money so if you're struggling in life you're struggling in business I can guarantee you the biggest issue how I've overcome how I was struggling how overcome not want to be broke again it's I learned to close I learned to communicate ideas thoughts concepts when you learn to close you'll never be broke again because in business nothing happens until something is sold in life nothing happens until something is sold you're single you're not good closer you can't go you're not getting our people to do what you want they're not following your leadership you can't close you're not getting sales because you're lousy closer you can't close when you can close you can move you can influence you can persuade people everything that you want in life guess what other people already have them I don't care what is it you want resources money capital influence relationships whatever it is that you want you got a close someone else to give it to you so if you're struggling financially it means you're a lousy closer it is that simple what that's the downside upside is this once you know how to close you will know how to create income on demand you will know how to make money you have the ability to make money anytime you want that's the power of closing that's how you never go broke again rule number four do whatever it takes business is tough I fail at 13 businesses before having my first success so my question is how bad do you want it see statistics 96 percent of companies go out of business fail they all fail within the first 10 years it means that only 4 out of 100 companies make it in 10 years so you look at an audience of a thousand people in 10 years time only 40 of you would be still here so business a game of business it's not for the weak the game of business is not for the wannabe the game of business is for the ambitious the game of business is for the committed the game of business is for the people who do whatever the it takes to succeed rule number 5 don't be controlled by media the mainstream media and advertisers they want you to consume why do they want you to consume is so that they could better control you starting at a young age you were taught to spend money that you don't have to buy things you don't need to impress people you don't even like in your life you want to buy that toys for your kids put down their credit card you want take the vacation put it on that credit card hey you want to buy their Neil cotton you cannot afford that's ok get a second credit card borrow from your mortgage it's perfectly normal to have some debt do you have a lot of debt and that's the problem that we have in the world especially in North America that's why families they are heavily in debt and when you are in debt you are controlled by the media and you're controlled by the financial institutions and your control by the banks remember that rule number six have a strong why I believe most entrepreneurs fail because they start the business with the wrong reason and intent every single time I speak to a group of want to be entrepreneurs or entrepreneurs and I ask them the question how many of you want to start your own business and a majority of the hands we go maybe 50 60 80 % then I would ask them the next question why and usually I hear one of these three things I want more money I want to make more money or I want more freedom or the most common one it I one more one time now if you want to start your own business or you have the aspiration to start your own business because you want more time comment below now the problem with this is M if Michael Gerber talks about the book email he said most entrepreneurs they're actually not entrepreneurs they are what we call employees suffering from an entrepreneurial seizure and that's the e-myth entrepreneur myth meaning that one day they did something the boss yell at them what they feel like they have a good idea and they say you know what this I'm gonna start my own thing they are employee with employee mentality and skill set but they're suffering from an entrepreneurial seizure-like who know I want to do this I'm gonna be my own thing I'm gonna fire my boss and quit my job and do my own thing right if you want to start a business because you want more time let me tell you this starting a business because you're one more time is as if you say I want to have more time and have a baby I want have a baby and I have more time it's not gonna happen so you have to start with the right intent start with the right motivation and knowing that it's going to take some time is you're not gonna get more time in the first two three five maybe even ten years and you're okay with that can you endure that frustration the pain that sacrifice if not then don't be entrepreneur just go get a job do something else this is not your path there are other ways to make money you don't have to be an entrepreneur to make money don't be sold on the idea that yes I need to be entrepreneur in order to be wealthy not necessary it's not necessary there are the ways to make money rule number seven serve a lot of people see in my book a few money I talk about freedom see freedom is not the ability did not be ability whatever you want it's not freedom is having the luxury of not having to do something when you don't want to so you don't need to take crap from nobody that's freedom because it makes no sense to me when you work hard and you do your best and students have to struggle to make ends meet I believe that entrepreneurs who do a good job deliver value to the marketplace deserve to be well paid let me ask you a question how many believe you deserve to be well paid hell yeah you see money earned write this down money earn it's a byproduct of value creation money and it's a byproduct value creation the more money you make the more value you deliver the more people it just simply means that the more value deliver to more people more impact the more money you gonna make I make a lot of money because I serve a lot of people is very very simple there are some other people like you know of Wall Street guys and this and that they do it some other ways but most successful people they're successful because they serve a lot of people rule number eight get clarity but when it comes to reading I read a book sometimes if I'm looking for any book that I read I have a simple question I want to get through what are the three ideas that I can get from the book that can implement right now just a suite not 10 not 20 not 100 three ideas if I could get those three ideas from the first three chapters I'll highlight those I will take those and I'll put the book away one of the most powerful tool when the boat most powerful mindset you need to have in life on business is clarity and clarity is power clarity is power and what is power the power is the ability to take action so if the more you read the more confused that you get it gives you less clarity it means it takes away from your power if more reading gives you more clarity and gives you more ability to act that's good that's powerful right that's that's on the right track so there's a big difference between information and knowledge and knowledge to wisdom let me explain this would gives you a lot of clarity information is just facts data numbers figures theories principles that's just information there's a lot of information on the Internet there's a lot of information on YouTube there's a lot of information on Google there's a lot of information but information itself does not help you it does not make you richer it doesn't not does not make you happier it does not make you healthier it does not make you smarter information is just information it's like you need go to school right you're reading you're going to class you you're your textbook there's a lot of information in the textbook right that's the first stage once you gather enough information now you're accumulating what I call knowledge so you get a lot information and you now learn about the distinctions now you take that information you apply or may take that information and you you take a test that's knowledge after the test you know after the exam in school oh that works so oh no that's what's the wrong answer or I didn't pass the the the exam or here they're the mistakes that I got wrong well you're learning from it right that's accumulating your knowledge so a lot of people they read books to acquire information you want to be there quite information and you wonder how come I'm watching a lot of videos I'm learning but my life is do the same because you haven't convert information to knowledge and from knowledge into experience now how to convert knowledge into experience so now you get you acquire some knowledge you to implement and the only way you get experience and you up a lot right you make the mistakes you see this stuff works right now you're getting experience you're seeing a pattern of things go goes back to the the school example now you take enough exams remember the class you take from like grade 9 10 11 12 right now you're taking of exams studying the same subject for many years in a row now you see a pattern okay I'm accumulating more things I'm getting more experience of what works and what doesn't now experience that's much more valuable it's more valuable in knowledge and knowledge is more available information so books itself is just information information does not change your life information doesn't change your life you got to convert it by gathering a filter into knowledge from knowledge now you implement now you get to the next step which is experience then from experience from now you you have done it long enough a long period of time now is evolved into your wisdom a lot of people are smart but they're not wise wisdom is something completely different okay wisdom [Music] is knowing what not to do wisdom is knowing when you don't have to do something so let's say enough experience you know what this is how I'm going to make this work these are 20 things that I could do my experience tells me these are the 20 things I could do to make me successful wisdom is knowing okay 19 these is [ __ ] just do this one that is the difference rule number nine understand the marketplace so I always say the amount of money that you make is in direct proportion to how how deep you understand your marketplace is pain the amount of money you make is in direct proportion of how well how deep you go how much you understand your marketplace is pain so you have to understand what it is one or the other or what are the things that you will have and how can you help them relieve some of that pain and rule number ten the last one before a very special bonus clip is invest in good relationships with mentors so when looking for a mentor yes let's say we take you out of the picture yeah right how do you know if they are in in this just to to be a guru in so you should or if they're actually are able to help you you don't you don't it's like how do you know is you just say any single people in the room okay couple of people how do you know when go on a date that that's gonna be the one you just don't know but you will find out pretty quickly you will find out pretty quickly you look at this stuff you connect with them are they being helpful are they actually helping you right and you can see well you know yeah it is helpful then you know you keep you continued relationship the good thing about this simulation ship versus like a marriage it doesn't work you can you can stop anytime you can stop calling them you can stop asking them questions so I think it's not being afraid just to ask and say like just today is interesting today I just finished an interview with a gentleman called Cordell for my podcast just before I came here and he is very successful zero entrepreneur company doing about 50 60 million dollars a year raised about hundred million dollars and at the end of the interview I said hey no Dell can I can I can I ask you some stuff can I hire you can I can you be my mentor they said well you know Dan and I'm quite busy but if you need help yes you'll be a mentor I just asked I said I'm more than happy to pay you I pay my mentors don't feel like it's not so much that your mentor doesn't need your money you understand that but paying them it's it's some skin in the game and they know you're serious it's just like I have probably now a 12 a dozen entrepreneurs they pay me a thousand bucks a month one hour of my time every month thousand bucks an hour you know it's not only the money but if they pay that 1,000 bucks I know that they're serious and they they're gonna implement what I teach them that's that's fine that's totally fine so I do that little bit you know in my spare time but that's what I mean don't be afraid it you know invest in your mentor you know I find my mentor gifts I just like my mentor my Dan Pena seventh birthday SMI nice gift how can you expect your mentor to invest in your relationship when you don't even spend the time and effort in the relationship it makes no sense you want them to help you you want them to help you grow you want em to help you succeed but what have you done for them what have you shown nothing they don't need anything from you and I'm always very humble very grateful all my mentors I always thank them I appreciate what they've done because it is it is because of what they have helped me to do so that's what I would say don't be afraid you don't you will know but all you can do is ask and then do it now I've got two really special bonus clips I'm dating on how to read books and be willing to do the things that you don't want to do that I think you're gonna enjoy but before that it's time for the three-point landing questions time to move from just watching another video to actually taking action in your life or your business and if you're feeling bold leave your answers in the comments below here we go question number one who could three potential mentors be in your life number two how will you reach out to them and bring value and number three what one question do you want an answer to from them number one poor people watch TV and rich people read books how many hours you spend in front of the TV and when was the last time you read a book how many books do you week per year how many have you heard of the saying that you know do what you love and the money will follow how many Ricardo did that before okay it's a load of crap okay let me ask you this let me ask you this how many of you are doing what you love and you are following your passion and you're wondering what the hell is the money so that dog doesn't hurt it does not work you see it's the other day I was having a conversation with a friend of mine he's an international sales trainer and he travels around the world and goes into companies and and trains different companies and we were having this discussion about you know do what you love and the money will follow and then he said to me we know Dan you know what I would love to do I would love to just stay home spend time with my kids holding my wife one hand you know holding a beer and watching a hockey game but the problem is you know what then I can figure out to get people to watch me do that and pay me so until then I had to get on the road and travel and train it's a lot of people yes you want to follow your passion but you better make sure your passion makes you money you better make sure can you build a Bible business from it can you get rich at it yes follow your passion I love what I do I love what I do I'm a very passionate guy but there are certain things in my business that that I didn't like to do while I was building a company nowadays yes I spend 90% of my time doing what I love let me give an example I love speaking I love speaking teaching business I could be here all day no scrip don't need a script problem is I hate traveling hey and I got here last night it's like it was horrible but it's because it's because I am willing to do what I don't like to do that's what allows me to do what I do like to do does that make sense so lesson number two write this down it's not to you what you love and money we follow is love what you do and you'd be damn good at what you do and you'd be exceptional at what you do hi this is Dan Locke if you're a fan of Evans work if you want to know exactly how the model my success I want to invite you to join me for a special online training all you have to do is click on a link below you can join me for absolutely no charge so click on link below and I will see you in class if you want to learn the five powerful habits that will change your life check out the video next to me I think you'll enjoy continue to believe and I'll see you there the one habit that you must develop that would change your life will change your world is this one thing
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 159,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, entrepreneur motivation, entrepreneurship, success motivation - dan lok top 10 rules, dan lok top 10 rules for success, dan lok, the king of high ticket sales, dan lok interview, dan lok speech, best of dan lok, success story, dan lok advice, dan lok motivation, success motivation, success advice, how to make it as an entrepreneur, entrepreneur advice, boss in the bentley, why are you broke, how to never be broke again
Id: vX2noxBHwQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 28sec (1588 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 26 2018
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