"DISCIPLINE Your Mind!" | Tony Robbins (@TonyRobbins) | Top 10 Rules

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40% of all jobs they project in the next 10 years are going to disappear because of technology it's gonna be replaced by an algorithm it's gonna be changed you know all these guys on Wall Street you're seeing all these algorithms take over and they're getting rid of all these traders there's nothing unique about your thoughts they've been around for thousands of years you're just tapping into the because of what you're doing with your body that makes you too fearful or passionate or courageous or whatever you're feeling as you go in those states you get different thoughts I always tell people knowledge is not power it's total BS knowledge is potential power execution Trump's knowledge every day of the week and some of my life is how do you get yourself to execute need motivation watch a top 10 with believe nation what's that belief nation at seven my one word is believe and I believe in you I believe you have Michael Jordan level talent at something and I want you to find it embrace it and use it to make a difference so let's get your motivation to attend and get you believing in you grab a snack and join today's lessons from a man who went from growing up in a chaotic and abusive household leaving home at 17 and being a janitor to becoming one of the most recognized and successful coaches speakers and motivators in the world he's Tony Robbins and here's my take on his top ten rules a success volume for joy okay let's kick it off with rule number one retool yourself I always tell people the most valuable lesson I got from my mentor Jim Rohn was I asked my father worked two jobs we were always broke we had no money for food and we lived in a community we moved to it's just I thought they were all rich and we're on the other side of the tracks it was a lower middle class but compared to where we lived before these people seemed rich compared to us and I just didn't understand it and Jim said to me Tony it's not about the value of your soul it's about the value of you and the marketplace and your father's skills are not that valuable he used to take he was underground parking attendant and he would take people's ticket and make change well the research now shows is being done at Yale's being done overseas in England as well and they found that 40 percent of all jobs they project in the next 10 years are going to disappear because of technology it's gonna be replaced by an algorithm it's gonna be changed you know all these guys on Wall Street you're seeing all these algorithms take over and they're getting rid of all these traders right it's changing radically these in these hedge funds there's 3 million truck drivers self-driving cars are here in the next five years they will be the standard certainly within seven or eight years are you gonna hire someone who can only work eight hours a day and sometimes gets drunk or can make a mistake when you can buy a machine write down the Machine and be in a position where it works 24 hours a day driving but no one is telling these drivers this and it's they have to retool now so technology is the biggest challenge labor is less valuable because of efficiencies with technology and it's gonna get that are in better for technology which is scary when you think about what's gonna happen for jobs so I say to people you got to participate in your own rescue you've got to retool yourself the idea of the Bernie Sanders has of providing free education it sounds wonderful but the education he wants to do is Community College there are no skill sets in Community College's today for the most part that are gonna prepare you for the economy or a job that's there so what is that gonna do you're just going to waste more money more time we need to retool ourselves the government's not gonna do it for you rule number two discipline your mind these thoughts we have we think there are thoughts or makes it really hard to change them people meditate try to not think possible show me somebody found that successfully consistently the potion hey everybody the mind thinks thoughts but here's the distinction if I told you 100 years ago we're gonna fly the moon and back you would call me a lunatic that's where the term comes from people still use it it doesn't make any sense because a lunatic is somebody thought we owe the moon back we've done it right I didn't know that but if I would have told you 100 years ago that there's gonna be a box in your pocket and you're gonna pull this thing out you're gonna hit a couple buttons and then it's gonna capture invisible waves that are drifting around the earth and bring the waves in and you're gonna see somebody on the other side of the earth and you're gonna talk to them you're totally nuts thoughts are those invisible waves and when you use your body in a certain way if I sit like this I'm gonna channel I'm gonna tap into a different channel those waves than if I'm sitting like this kind of like a TV set if I turn one channel might be a comedy channel I'm gonna see a lot of laughter turn another one it's a horror channel turn another channel it's a romance channel this is what changes which of those waves you touch in so if you can start to realize that your thoughts do you think are your thoughts there's nothing unique about your thoughts they've been around for thousands of years you're just tapping into the because of what you're doing with your body that makes you too fearful or passion or too courageous or whatever you're feeling as you go in those states you get different thoughts so what I want people to see is that learn how to just see those thoughts go by learn how to be entertained by those thoughts because I have crazy thoughts then but what I've got good at is going look at that crazy thought That's not me that's the mind not your mind cuz if it's you how do you change you pretty hard but I really truly know there's I haven't heard a thought come out of you that's original you've called them your thoughts but they're not you've stolen them they've been around forever when you see that it's easier to let go of them and letting go of those thoughts is one of the ways that you free yourself and then again the more you do it just like a muscle you get better and better better than all of a sudden they used to make you crazy or stressed out or make how many things you'd be worried about then never came to be and some people their life is good so they worry about other people they're never not worried right so it's really just a pattern if you want wealth real wealth is not just money it's emotion that's like what are we really after in money you know on money you want piece of the paper with these pictures of deceased notables on it you want we think money will give you think it'll give you freedom or security or stability or love it won't give you love it'll get you sex it won't get you love right so really what you're after is the emotion and so what I want people to get is the emotion they want down and all it is is a new habit it's learning to discipline this mind right by realizing the main thoughts are out there and letting them float by and constantly coming back to what can I love about this what can I appreciate it's like if you can learn to love or at least appreciate start to enjoy the things that you used to get upset about how much freedom would you have how much more joy to have and I know people got billions of dollars I've coached them who was like holy Sh they live in scarcity all the time when man I'll never forget he's screaming at his wife I'm in the meat I mean I'm in the house and he's screaming his wife because she spent some money on a bunch of outfits and stuff like that he's a multi-billionaire he couldn't spend all his money in his lifetime and then he's totally upset at his daughters in her 20s who spent some money too and I'm like I pulled almost afterwards and I said what do you do this for and what do you do it for it he's like well it's just it's the principle thing I said no the principle thing is do you love these people and do you want them to have an abundant wife when you have you don't have one loss but you live like you're poor you know it's like I finally got through to them but so many people that's why I say money doesn't change you money magnifies who you are so you want to expand the depth of who you are and free yourself from suffering by just knowing it's a pattern of thought and you can change the pattern of thought rule number three learn to execute I know you get on an airplane what's the first thing they say if we get into trouble masks will come down oxygens there and the first thing you got to do is put it on your kid right no why they literally tell you to put it on yourself you selfish bastard what's the deal here right but it's because we don't take care of ourselves we can't tear them so for leaders when I was telling this it's you first it starts with you and it starts with your psychology 80% of growing a business if you look at what the choke hold is on our business it's always the leader and 80% of that chokehold is the psychology at 20% the mechanics I mean people in this room know the mechanics and strategy is beyond what anybody on earth knows in their category so it's really about you being in the state where you execute it's like I always tell people knowledge is not power it's total BS knowledge is potential power execution Trump's knowledge every day of the week and some of my life is how do you get to yourself to execute an execution comes from learning to put yourself in that right state of it it rule number four master the skill of influence I believe that leadership is really a skill of influence it is the most important skill that any human being can master and I don't think of leadership as a position I see it as a skill a tool that all of us have to have in other words the quality of your life either really believe comes down to your level of leadership other people don't have to follow you to be a leader but you have to live life on your terms and the first person you have to influence it yourself you know whether you're fit or fat you know whether your kids are out you know on drugs or not it's who has more influence the guy in the street corner or you with your fitter fat is can you influence your own hands your own body your own mind to do what's necessary so I think to be able to influence the thoughts the feelings the emotions and the actions of another human being that's what leadership is rule number five build work-life integration I believe in work-life integration I don't think and I might be disrespectful - oh no no yeah I'm saying everybody has a different metaphor I'm telling my metaphor I'm not making somebody wrong focus my balance but to me if you say balance it's like okay let's use a teeter totter or a seesaw okay we're gonna let's balance it now now that we've done that how long are we gonna stay in there balancing this thing before one of us wants to jerk this thing around just to feel alive right yeah so I really think balance is is more about integration for me it's more about like how do I make sure that I feel like the errors of my life my wife my children my grandchildren my health sports I got 31 companies I got 1,200 employees and seven radically different industries we do five billion a year I mean it's so all these things are going on how do I do that well I believe that the way I do that is the streaks that he streaks of unbelievable intensity work and I just reeks of like let go and being you know paradise and enjoy and so I like running hot I wanna I wanna at the end have the climb in the amount that's just me so I'm not singing that track for other people I'm saying gotta find what it is but the idea of balance for most people makes them torture themselves and I say it for me it did tortures you get rid of it and instead of saying talk about innovation I asked Mary Callahan Erdos who's if you're not familiar with her she's probably the one of it's not the smartest person in the financial boil female she's had a JP Morgan and manages 2.3 trillion with a team how to be trillion dollars with the money well the nicest human beings over me breaks all the moles on people in the financial business there's not an ounce of manipulation in her body I mean just good good soul and I asked her about the balance thing the biggest bank in the world right trillions of dollars and she said Tony I don't believe in it and she told me were concise don't laugh or complete each other's sentences she has the same philosophy but her dad used to take her to work and he was a financial guy when she was a little girl she has never brother be the secretary if the she took her dad see Iran Michelle and she said doing that with my dad she goes I loved it I was a part of his life I got to be a part of see that part of his life instead of coming home and me not knowing it and she said that's what she's done with her kids in a JP Morgan she leaves and picks her kids up and she still runs the biggest thing the world goes trillions of dollars so when she say it's found she'd say no it's not bounce it's integrate she knows when to move into one or the right so that all the parts of her life are rich maybe instead of balance it's a rich life in the areas that matter yeah right rich with your children rich with your husband or wife rich with your dear friends rich with the impact that you want to have your mission rich in terms of successful business and or whatever your career is that you really feel a sense of meaning and enjoyment to me that's more important than balance and I think but I'm a very passionate balance a little boring if you're tortured by balance trying to be balanced by um people hard not balanced enough instead enjoy yourself enjoy your children enjoy the time be where you are right now that to me is more important trying to make everything balance because that becomes negative cerebral it makes you evaluate things a more you evaluate the less you can actually experience what's here right now rule number six give energy everything in my world is based on coming up with the outcome that will serve and then going at it but most the time your approach going at it doesn't work no one else knows that but you know you can see it doesn't work so it's constantly changing your approach until you can get where you want to go and I enter an audience and I'm gonna give a talk of any sort I do a huge amount of homework in advance I prepare as he is there but then when I stand up here I wouldn't be sitting like this I'm scanning constantly who I'm looking for the people think it's bull I'm going to have the people who got dragged there I'm not looking for the people clapping for me you know that those people will always be there and there's some people clap even if you're terrible so you don't want to other people's view make you feel good I'm looking for who isn't there so that I can reach them so I can show them that there's something real here because you know most people don't know who I am they'd see you know ten thousand people jumping in a stadium and they go it's just a big motivational pump up I've never been a motivator it's never open up what I've been about I think motivation is useful is like a warm bath you should probably take a bath or a shower every day but you need more than that you need strategy and but what I really believe is the energy most of us grew up and right now most of you are learning and the traditional style you did leave when you're in school you were trained to go to your seat and be silent and be polite and nice but the world we live in today isn't like that the world today if somebody sits down and waits for someone tell them what to do they're in trouble so my approach is constantly stimulating and seeing it's real getting people to be raw and getting to truth you know corny as it is the truth sets us free and we all can find our own truth as long as we put ourselves an environment where we don't tolerate anything less than that rule number seven my personal favorite learn how to lead I really believe in order to influence people you got to know what already influences them huh the mistake that we make is we don't connect enough to figure out who this person is and what most of us do is try to lead other people by influencing them the way we'd be influenced they try to influence their kid to clean the room the way that would make you do it but even though they're your kid they're different than you and so they're gonna do it for a different set of reasons than what you would do it for you might have done it because someone told you to but your kids come all day long that's not it there has to be something else it's a sense of freedom they get from it or a sense of mass just something that's gonna move them so I always say there there are two things that influence everyone if you want to be a leader you have to know how to change other people's States a person is in a no state a person's in an angry state persons in a frustrated state you have to be able to influence their stake is if you change their state you're gonna change the result they get but the second thing you have to understand is what are people's blueprints blueprints my shorthand for what are the values what do they believe what do they fear I always say to people that life is found in the dance between what you desire most and what you fear most if I want to lead you and support you I got to know your goals your desires I don't know what you're scared about what you're fearful about what stresses you out and if I understand that I can communicate in a way that will inspire you to maximize not only when I'm here that's management leadership is ungodly ways your own standard and you're gonna continue to perform at a higher level rule number eight change your story how to do something is the wrong sequence to start with like what's the strategy for being fit and healthy it's not that complex and yet 70% of the u.s. is overweight he doesn't have to do it it's not a strategy problem but it is is why are they doing it it's because they have a story and everyone does is entrepreneurs business people everyone does this when we get fearful when we've tried something that we're not succeeding as fast as we want when we are afraid of failing we but with a story about how it's not our fault or how we're gonna do it in the future because they would not have to feel bad feeling bad makes us have to deal with it most people are overwhelmed so they just they come up with a story that I tried everything have you tried everything you'd be fit you know I tried million six millions name of three things they did any times that don't work but I think if you can come up when you change the story when you come up with a new set of beliefs you'll find yourself finding the strategy or using the strategies that already worked in there that right now your mind says are won't work and the best way to change people you got strategy story is state and I only share this with distance owners you've got to be able to produce a different state of your people there has to be something compelling there has to be a sense of mission rule number nine get feedback how do you get better how do you know listen I was good today but I want to be great what are the metrics you use I mean is there data you get back how do you improve well we have all the social media data which we we use big data to take a look at but I also look at it individually because there's nuances that you pick up in that way so I feed that look at that but my biggest piece is watching the audience and then you know every day in my life I get feedback and walking down the street a dozen people come and tell me these beautiful stories the other life has changed and very much like like she shared earlier they'll give me way too much credit so I always try to go look you did this I'm glad I got the help and I try to keep that balance with everybody but my measurement is both emotional state impact as well as execution did they lose 20 pounds did they go turn their business around you know my business is organized around I really wanna help people improve all the qualities the areas of their life but there's about seven that matter the most it's your body it's your emotions that your relationships it's the way you manage time its finances it's your work and it's the spiritual side of life and so what I spent my life doing is modeling people that are the best the world you find a couple have been together for 65 years in their 80s late eighties and they're still making love and passionate not just hanging out they're not lucky they're doing something different so I'm constantly finding those patterns so that hopefully I can compress the decades in today's I can learn from those decades of life experience say that bring the answer here to myself and others and see a immeasurable impact and rule number 10 the last for a very special bonus clip is find happiness and when you're in a negative state you don't perform at a higher level when you're in a negative state it affects your biochemistry affect your immune system your negative state affects the people around you when you're in a great state perform better enjoy life more greater impact all the above so it's intelligent to be in a peace thing but you know you only can manage what you measure like a business you know if I want it when I take company over turn around start measuring things and I measure the most important things and the more you measure the better we'll get because you get more yet instead of measuring once a year if you're measuring you know once a week you got 52 times to improve it versus one so I started measuring and I said I'm gonna live in a beautiful state no matter what every day now in order to do that I have to do two things a I have to acknowledge that I've been suffering and I need to figure out what my favorite flavor of suffering it and I and I played off of that with myself and I thought frustrated and pissed off or pretty useful for me in fact I realized that my happiness was so cheap because all I needed was this thing and I could lose my happiness because ding something cool or games something not so cool you got 1200 poise what are the chances right now that one of them is doing something to screw up hey not consciously they're just not doing what they're supposed to do basically 100 percent chance and if I was near this I get triggered my god and my happiness that disappeared so what it again say is I want to be happy even if they screw up I'm gonna be happy in there they lost the million bucks I want to be happy like if I happiness is depend upon other people behaving a certain way the way I want them to I'm pretty influential guy but I'm not God hey and everybody's got their own things that they're doing I'm never gonna stay happy and if I have to even make my happiness based on me behaving a perfect way every mom that's not gonna happen so I gave room for life and I decided to make a real decision that's my invitation to people and that I'll answer your question hi now first you got to make the decision that says life is too short to suffer I mean I don't know what's gonna happen in your lifetime with your children with your wife with your economics your business I'm sure gonna be well everything but there's things outside our control the government could change the rules on something right the rules have changed before around direct marketing and so forth um you're somebody your family could get very ill someone can die in our families right no let's talk about it what could happen if your happiness is only gonna be what everything matches how do you think it should be you're not gonna be there and my view is that there's power it happens we downplay it in this culture that when the person is happy they attract other people when a person is happy they look longer that's the back well people are happier they earn more right they do better in their careers I mean these are physiological these are measured facts in our society and yet we poopoo happen to Center well my gods being enthusiastic or something like that no it's being inspired in spirit healing oh I so what I did was this is much energy or passion I had before I still had that but what I found was what was the stuff that would suck away that energy and so now to answer your question how would I know number one I put the line lists and and said these are the ones I tend to drop into I'm not doing anymore and if I find it I need a rule I got 90 seconds to get out at 90 second rule that should have been the for our world uncertain things everything is easy you know certainly to get put totally that was like four out maybe before Dave Ruel example of initially but as I did it more and more it's like a muscle and when you use the muscle over and over again it works it's their key and so how I know and an special already discussion but without that I think people are sad we're talking about is I sense tension in my body but when you're in a beautiful state things flow when there's a you can feel at your pace yet somebody said something somebody is them somebody didn't do something already use a certain term somebody you brought something out or you did something you should've done whenever that happens attention and so I'd really train myself to feel that tension and when I feel they go 90 seconds and it's a game now 90 seconds and since I value that happening so much not like the deluded person I'm so happy like I value being in a beautiful state because it may not be happy it may be driven it may be courageous it may be feeling bold it may be love it may be compassion for someone else or either myself hi Alan I guess I always have compassion for other people or never for myself okay and so what I began to do is realize holy cow this is something that could change everything and so that 90 said we're gonna feel the tension and then here's what I do I know that it's triggered by one of three language patterns as a trigger as an example loss less than ever if you perceive that something someone you're counting on they failed to do something that it failed the sale something say something or or you fail to do something or say something you should have then what happens is that tension starts to show up because your brain goes I lost that opportunity I lost this moment I lost that respect I lost this love I lost the money I lost whatever you thought your loss and loss is always an illusion it was like the next opportunity two minutes around the corner you know it's not that complexity if we look for it if you find it if we don't live in the illusion of loss or less of the next one if you think because he or she did something that didn't do it you have less of something you value less love less joy less excitement last time plus the energy last economics less respect you're gonna suffer inside you know some people suffer by being angry some people suffer by feeling sad everyone has different flavors right right you're gonna suffer and the worst one is never if you think because she or he did mr. Donald Trump did something or didn't do it or Mary Sue or you self to do it and now you'll we have that love you'll never have that respect you'll never have that joy you ever have that economics what you believe that stuff then the suffering stays so the way out of Los West never is always appreciation or gratitude or love now I've got a really special bonus Tony Robbins clip on how to find your mission but before that question today I want to know which of these two rules impacted you the most learn how to lead or discipline your mind let me know in the comments below thank you guys so much for watching I believe in you I hope we continue to believe in yourself and whatever your one word is much love I'll see you soon and enjoy the bonus clip people say they don't care I think what they really mean is I don't let it stop me I've dealt with presidents the countries that dealt with the top celebrities everybody cares I care but I don't care level where I'm gonna modify me I don't care the level where I'm only gonna do it to try to please somebody because I know they'll turn something positive into a negative there's sodium fearful whenever people say to me by the way that I'm skeptical or I'm pessimistic I said come on let's be honest you're gutless it doesn't take any courage to say nothing's gonna work cuz what you're really saying is I'm afraid to try cuz what if I get my hopes up and I'm disappointed what if I try and I fail and then I look bad so the hipster approach is yeah I'm just not giving not giving us a way to have a terrible life I think you do give it I think you do care but I think you just don't let it stop you and I think the way that gets done is you find a mission that you value more than your fear many of us will do things for our children we would never do for ourselves right I think that's the beauty of human beings will do things for people we love even more than ourselves that's what makes us human I don't get it every day when I'm exhausted or tired or burnt out my body hurts when I don't get up because all this still so wonderful I get up cuz I have a mission I have something that excites may have something that keeps me up late gets me up early it makes me feel alive if you tell yourself a story long enough you start to believe it don't you believe it act like I am Tulsa what a whale out of handcuffed lightning though Thunder in jail now you know I'm bad over the last week I've murdered a rock into the stone hospitalized a brick I'm so mean I make medicine sick the fundamental key to success is it can take between 18 and 250 4 days of taking action for a new habit to stick I've created a new course called 250 for confidence or every single day for 250 four days I will be sending you a video between 30 seconds and 5 minutes long that you start your morning with around making you feel confident it's absolutely free check out the link in the description below to get access
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 86,409
Rating: 4.848485 out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, tony robbins top 10 rules for success, tony robbins motivation, tony robbins advice, advice for success, success motivation, tony robbins interview, tony robbins speech, motivational speaker, public speaker, inspire greatness, be hungry for success, tony robbins, motivational guru, inspiring video, entrepreneurship, entrepreneur advice, entrepreneur motivation, success motivation - tony robbins top 10 rules for success, discipline your mind, build discipline
Id: 41KvicQjIrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 49sec (1609 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 12 2018
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