Have I Got a Bit More News for You S65 E9. Harry Hill. 9 June 23

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right deep breath firstly are you okay I've got a bit of a bunged up nose otherwise I'm fine [Music] [Music] thank you good evening and welcome to have I got news for you I'm Harry Hill in the news this week in Shropshire one man is not entirely happy with his wife's trip to this year's Chelsea flower show after police discover a huge Hall of class A drugs at house in central London one government Minister clears his diary and offers to personally inspect the crime scene foreign driving past someone who's broken down Rishi sunak spots an opportunity to help a constituent in need on Ian's team tonight is the presenter and editor-in-chief of digital broadcast advice who says it's the youngest group of people she's ever worked with but that was before tonight please welcome zing unpause team tonight is a comedian who once thought about becoming a priest but decided against it I don't blame him who wants to spend their entire career wearing a silly collar please welcome Jack D [Music] we begin with the bigger news stories of the week Ian and Zing take a look at this his Rishi sinak celebrating Pride by deporting some gay migrants he is deporting them by air just to make sure oh and who's the bloke on the right this is our prime minister he's an incredibly busy week he's been in boats planes meeting chickens meeting I think it's an eagle okay I hate that yeah actually I think it's a man in a costume it's in costumes well in the US he was staying in the White House's 14-bedroom guest house but he said he didn't mind stumming it it was only for a couple of days it's quite funny that guest house is called Blair House it's got 35 bathrooms I think really yeah why would you have 35 bathrooms and only 14 bedrooms why would they built the bathrooms before the bedroom yeah ran out of money yeah yeah you're quite right at the ratio of bathrooms to bedrooms is all wrong it's Madness to do what me and my wife do which you share the bath water no she has the bath first while I watch uh naked attraction but anyway start with that trip why was he there I think he went to America to get his photograph taken with an eagle okay and also to meet Joe Biden Joe Biden has got to fit him in and it's he's got an incredibly tight schedule you have to go before the afternoon nap the mid-afternoon nap and then the evening it's all gone and you would think he'd pronounced Rishi Cena's name right because the first the first time around he said it was Rashid Sanuk yeah but this time he called him Richie which is nearer oh Trump when he was reading the autocue and he came to the word Yosemite said yo semites it says John Burman a news anchor and CNN who himself is Jewish he said that's how Jewish people greet each other the ego is the baseball mascot of the team that you know ceremonially people get invited to throw the first pitch at a baseball match if you're a visiting president or prime minister unfortunately Rishi literally chickened out well he couldn't even throw a ball no he couldn't well it's all over isn't it Mariah Carey did it wearing four inch heels and yeah Rishi sunx asked to do it he says no I don't feel I'm really up to the job I mean we all know that we're talking about throwing a ball he declined the invitation to throw the ceremonial first pitch at baseball according to the guardian this is because conservative MPS were Keen for the prime minister to appear broadly competent President Biden was on typically great form [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he is a walking metaphor isn't he just let the poor man rest yeah well in peace he blamed the sandbag didn't he he did yeah well I think I blame the sandbag as well it was right there next to him he didn't know what's going on he's got all these bodyguards talking through oh yeah they're looking out for snipers but he's got no one there looking out for like trip hazard coin that's what you need you're not scared about being shot at that age just scared about falling over yeah that's true that'd be difficult to shoot anyway because he keeps falling over so you do and Mrs Biden uh is looking forward to receiving the 250 quid from you've been framed yes yes you've been framed 15 years of free money as I call it no um here's where she on a plane heading to the U.S on Tuesday a reboot of succession with all the Attractive people taken out I think they're watching this morning if you look carefully you can just see BBC's Chris Mason there at the back can you spot shall we play no offense to Chris as sort of where's Wally game yes yes do that about yeah yes I'll show you some pictures of ratio surrounded by journalists and you see if you can spot Chris Mason okay here's an easy one to start with ready it's Chris Mason see he is next to the current prime minister looking very worried there he is yeah why is he looking so sad he's on a plane with Russia look how big that mug is in his hand he must be so tiny yeah yeah he can hardly lift it okay next one please where's Chris Mason where's Chris um I think he's right at the back yes I like this game it's good isn't it yeah it's a good game isn't it yeah ready for the next one yeah yeah where's Chris where's Chris Mason foreign this could be a trick question I suppose it is him in the blue jacket it is Christmas it is you're watching BBC One that's much longer before he went to the states Richie went on a day trip to Dover what did he take the opportunity to do there he took a tour of the White Cliffs and he visited the Vera Lynn monument and he sang we'll meet again to agree with immigrants who are coming back again it was something to do the boats was it he went out on a board of force boat yes he was there to announce that he'd made a new deal by the very very unlikely policy of talking to the French he'd managed to cut the numbers down he turned up in his big pair of boots didn't he yes shouldn't that not say stop the boots like no real explanation why he's wearing them is all these things yeah just that's the way I roll these days aren't they very special boots though I think they're from Timberland yeah yeah this is actually what kids nowadays call drip what does it mean drip in this context it means that he's got style right he'll get a free pair of Timberlands at some point I'm sure yeah which he needs because he's quite short of money well to be fair they are very good boots yeah [Applause] blue did everyone agree with Rishi about the Improvement in the migrant figures they didn't not everybody agreed no apparently some of the opposition leaders inside the cabinet others claim to downturn your numbers was down to the bad weather Nigel farage declared on Twitter stop the boats is not working it's just windy Minister was Keen to talk about stopping the boats but what proved so we've done that it's the boots isn't it yeah yeah we've done all that though this is a repeat on BBC One yeah people complain about repeats on BBC One but not normally within the same program let's turn to the ongoing covered inquiry what's Heather Hallett hoping for or the unredacted information yes from everyone because there was a problem the government didn't want to hand over the WhatsApp messages and she asked for um all of Boris Johnson's and he said I'll give you I'll give you all of it particularly the bits about Rishi being responsible for killing everyone during Kobe um allegedly no I think that's pretty clear baroness asked the Barrister acting for the cabinet office why it was refusing to hand unredacted messages over which brings us to our I beg your pardon of the week even though Mr Johnson himself says he would reveal them to the inquiry without reduction the government office is going to apply redactions to somebody else's material have I got that right well the position is the cabinet office is working out its position why isn't Richie sunak want to hand the messages over it's too busy pausing with his friend the bald eagle according to the mail on Sunday various ministers may have criticized his eat out to help out scheme introduced during the pandemic yeah Matt Hancock dubbed the scheme eat out to help the virus get about uh he is a modern day Shakespeare professor John Edmonds who's a member of the sage committee during the pandemic told the Observer that scientists were never consulted and that sunax scheme was spectacularly stupid finally number 10 put out a video showcasing all that the Prime Minister achieved in the month of May is an extract what a month it's been kicking off with the coronation it was a once in a generation event from the big allowance for the big half hour of course the big day itself this month like every month the pm has been relentlessly focused on delivering your priorities who did the voiceover yeah I was going to ask that his heart doesn't sound completely in it does it no no why did they remove it because there's a bit pants wasn't it yeah he didn't have much drip let's face it yeah very good thank you this is Rishi sunak's trip to America according to the Sunday express it would be the fourth time Biden has met sunek in as many months honestly Joe you have you have met him before this week the government published crazy month a rap video summing up Rishi Sue next month of May which they then quickly deleted after it was ridiculed online now I've got to go at next month's in advance here we go yo my name is Rishi I'm the channel Hopper stopper but personally I like to go everywhere by Chopper immigrants take note because I speak with total Candor if you cross illegally you'll end up in Rwanda I got me prior to shoes and expensive suits but to prove I'm just like you check out my boots I'm taking the Tories in a new direction oh and we lost a thousand seats in last month's local elections crazy month oh Paul and Jack here's yours what's this about oh sorry that doesn't sound quite I think there's a it's got a bit of a blockage so I do that um do that again [Music] what's the point why is that an in use there was a new story about it going out of fashion it's not the kids don't they don't they're not interested anymore which is a shame because in the old days it was just parents and teachers who hated the damn thing you're quite right this is the news that the recorder is dying out because they were worried about it in covid that it might easily understood how the virus might be transmitted from one to the other if you're putting something in your mouth and blowing yeah yeah yeah they're basically let that sink in for a minute yeah yeah you're making up you should be ashamed of yourself and it's sad you know it's an instrument that's going to go out of fashion like so many other instruments spoons very difficult to tune a spoon yeah people don't even know what they're there for they're you know they just eat them yeah they're not realizing not realizing what magic they hold yeah like stirring your pudding with a Stradivarius it's probably what was the original appeal of the recorder it must have evolved from one of the basic musical instruments of civilization you know the bone flute or something like that when you say bone flute bone flu yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah they're going back to the same joke again did your children learn that we call to school or was it the harpsichord [Laughter] it started on the viol de Gamba Real Madrid what else is new in technology news oh not the Apple uh thing on you Ed an October phone to William Tell the um Vision thing reality thing yeah apple have introduced an augmented reality headset called the Apple Vision Pro yeah reality headset I've got one I'm wearing it now this is the reality yeah experiencing it's that thing where they say oh you put it's like you're actually in the room I get that feeling when I go in a room yeah isn't there something weird about them yeah so basically when you put the goggles on and if you look at the video of yes the product you'll see eyes on the front but those aren't people's actual eyes they've just digitally captured your eyes and projected them on the front of the goggles so if you die in the goggles and just kind of Keel over people who just think you're alive right would you like to see one in action yes please uh no I I wouldn't actually look on the way now I'll look away now okay yeah when you put on Apple Vision Pro you see your world and everything in it your favorite apps live right in front of you but now they're in your space this is Vision OS Apple's first ever spatial operating system it's familiar yet groundbreaking you navigate with your eyes God yeah you can see the world and everything in it yeah you can see an elephant scratching his ass in Botswana no no I disagree now I see what it can do I mean you can see pictures of your own Furniture in the room that's got your own furniture so you can you can put them on and then you you're traveling through the cosmos and if they are not yeah you're on your way to Stephanie yeah I was sitting on your mum's sofa in Basildon yeah yeah and it's all over when she says Tea Time Captain Kirk Apple have also introduced a modification to its auto correct function do you know about this yes it no longer autocorrects the f word to ducking it's a bit confused though but if you have a garden fate and you've got a barrel full of apples in it you say come along to Our Fate you where you can be [ __ ] apples will there be a Granny Smith foreign oh you've been up here what's the latest artificial intelligence warning didn't number 10 advisor say it would take two years for AI to start killing people um can we choose who yes should be an alphabetical order yes you're right he said AI could become powerful enough to kill many humans in two years time so there's just enough time to pay off the mortgage of course I haven't really got a mortgage paid it off with an advert for direct line in 2007. anyway so um if you were an intelligent machine how would you wipe out Humanity throwing it out there well there's the the pay-per-clip scenario do you know this this idea it's if an intelligent machine is asked to make as many paper clips as possible it might start to look for sources of iron and eventually it might find out that there's iron in our blood and kill us to get the iron just for paper clips yeah well that's how it might happen thing just keep Raymond stop with paper clips or just carry a paper clip but I think that's what you're looking for this is the tragic news that the recorder is on its way out it's not always easy to understand why some musical instruments stop being popular with children I can never work out where the stylophone fell out of favor also this week Apple have launched a revolutionary new headset at the cost of 2 800 pounds boss Tim Cook said it's the first Apple product you look through not at I think we can all see through that Tim the times describe the headset is allowing you to live in mixed reality I guess like Holly Willoughby does and so to round two the fishing rod of news fingers on the buzzes of soap bemused by the special effects to even recognize who the person was in the photograph well that's Prince Harry isn't it yes yes it is uh thank you thank you everyone uh he's in court with the papers about the phone hacking thing he's taking on The Daily Mirror isn't he the mirror group the problem with this case is just it wasn't very good I don't think there's any doubt that the tabloids all of them were um up to phone cacking but he spent eight hours answering questions many of them which he didn't know the answer to um again I think he thought it was Opera when you say it was Opera was he expecting somebody said where were you it's not over to the fat lady interviews yeah she's not anymore I never thought I'd hear myself saying hey leave Piers Morgan alone I just feel like you think well he's making a lot out of a little it seems this is a court of law and you've got to go in with evidence and yes he really didn't have any throughout the eight hours there's this feeling that Harry just thinks if he says it it's true and that that's just not good enough because he's never been gain saved in his life get that sense don't you that no one has actually sir that's that's bollocks yeah you should have done with someone telling him that a few times I mean if he'd rung me I'd have told him have you seen what some newspapers are doing though they're getting actors in to talk through his testimony have we got any pictures of any we have actor and Prince Harry lookalike Lawrence dobius who starred in Sky News Recreation of the trial the telegraph pointed out that he was chosen because he had a beard and red hair let's have a look at Lawrence these two is a bit too neatly trimmed though isn't it but compared to the real Prince though he looks like a dog's tennis ball here you know he did use the occasion to make lots of grand statements he said at one point that the government at the moment is Rock Bottom you thought does Liz truss ring a bell Harry GB news had their own version of Prince Harry watching it though I didn't realize just how small Prince Harry is Sunday Mirror 13th January 2002. show you sharing a joint with your friends and your father's response yes your complaint I've never smoked a joint in that Pub or in my father's house he's got the voice anyway what was significant about Harry's appearance at the high court first time since Edward VII a royal member of the royal family has appeared in court and given testimony actually the queen mum was done for shoplifting there to wear a tag for the last seven years sorry I made that up I made that has anyone else been phone hacked around here I have right yeah you did yeah what happened I got Paul them yeah yeah I got I got doorstepped by a journalist who who said um did you manage to get that loaf of bread on your way home last night something's gone on here so you know they've been reading mode messages from Jane and um and that's obviously what's happened you know but I I sued them we settled quietly you know it was solid I hope your mortgage off with it where did Harry not appear there was a picture taken out away from the National Portrait Gallery wasn't there I'm sure they've put it in storage and then just Chuck it on a skip outside this is the picture looks like an illustration for the ladybird book of family feuds hahaha to me yeah I like how they obviously said we just want to catch you in a sort of casual thing just wear what you'd normally work yeah at least it's a British uniform according to the times art circles have been questioning the decision specifically because it is seen as being of considerably higher quality than many modern Royal portraits oh get out of my Pub yeah finally what other likenesses of the queen made the news this week usually call this past isn't it someone sees Queen's head in Cornish past it people not this thing but it can happen you know I I cut open a pork pie a few weeks ago and inside was the exact image of a hard-boiled egg yeah it was the Queen Elizabeth II wax work in a museum in Indonesia which looked like this yeah that's David Bowie oh it's not quite as bad as this one in the German wax work Museum the wonder she always wore a hat if that's what she looked like I'm sorry for the poor cow and how about these Kate and William ones in Poland yeah because that's a royal vampire movie somebody's obviously been paid by the tooth this is Prince Harry's court case to stop him being followed by the paparazzi much of Harry's evidence is about press coverage of his relationship with Chelsea Davey to be clear that's his girlfriend not his King's Road drug dealer Harry for intrusion caused my breakup with Chelsea Davey so even he's a bit cheesed off he's ended up with Megan singers on buses teams wait for it what I don't understand is why is that not on the end of that rod this is a cheese company they were in the papers because they've put the uh sir nabus man on the cheese but they've uh they've well they've taken his his genitals off yeah and so there's an outcry about that yeah it wouldn't help with all that word in would it selected for its special flavor yeah really yeah matured for over 18 months yeah great big picture of a penis on it yeah spread that on your toast grandma you can see why they've done it yeah I always think about that sir nabus uh giant that if I think it's kept us safe over the years because I had this theory that an alien hovering over looking down at that think well we're not Landing here this is the news that a cheese maker has been accused of censoring the CERN our Mass giant they removed his 35-foot penis that's not easy to get through customs believe me I've tried I don't know if they actually removed it or just put a pair of trousers on him yeah that would have been nice wouldn't it just tucked him in yeah that's the the actual giant but there would have had been a huge pair of trousers like Simon Cowell's trousers no one really knows though when which bits of the giant were added so you could make a case for removing it what should we remove the penis or the man just leave the penis there yeah it was it was the penis added later well now it's quite cute I think some schoolboys did it or something yeah yeah I think it was a face originally if you look looks like a penis to me Ian [Laughter] how did the people of Dorset react with horror Mr Chisholm the mayor of Dorchester said it's just wrong his member is what makes him magnificent Vic Irvine head Brewer at the CERN Abbas Brewery whose branding shows an intact giant said I'm incandescent with rage for God's sake I hope they don't send us any cheese because we won't eat them speaking to the telegraph the company's seller Master Paul Watson said it was done so the labels doesn't get too cluttered but in a conflicting report by BBC News the company claimed the supermarket said please give him trousers how old is this is the surname 800 1200 1300 according to the times it's believed to have been created between 700 and 1100 A.D I took a long while although in a recent survey by The National Trust one woman was asked how old she thought he was and she said it looks about 21. foreign this is the Oxford cheese company that have censored the image of the CERN our best giant here he is or here she is I'm not walking into that trap according to the Sun the full figure is on all the company's cheeses except for those sold in one Supermarket not sure which one but I'm guessing it's not little time now for the odd run out round just one between you this week your four are holly Willoughby Eric pickles Jack D's daughter's dog and Chris waffles now Jack I'm assuming that is your daughter's dog it is my daughter and her boyfriend's dog that's right okay so uh do you have any idea why it's there um I don't know why she's there who was the last guy Chris waffles Chris waffles now he was on this program recently I said it was very well done it was just about sort of like multi it was something about multi-story car Parks Car Parks falling down we had that story is it that they're all going to be on this morning it's Holly and Eric Holly and Chris Holly and dog yeah maybe it could be Nelly on the sofa with Holly is that the dog's called Nelly Nelly yeah yeah you wouldn't make it up Nelly yeah nearly off the Telly yeah Nellie's Let Down by Jack she's not called Nelly she's called dog I hope you can back up this accusation yeah no no evidence Harry yeah just made it up it's my truth it's something to do with Telly yeah my daughter filmed Nelly watching me on this right that was I think that's why this has ended up being here so it could be Nelly likes to watch Telly Nelly is a watcher and the others are she's a viewer and all the others are participants in the medium that's not correct no they've all been upset about something on telly apart from Holly she went on telly to say she was upset and the others were upset about something on telly this is the Fallout from Phillip schofield's departure from ITV what did Holly say on her return to this morning her tone of voice suggested that Phil's Schofield and everybody he'd ever known had all been murdered by terrorists so I can't believe he's not here with us it's all right he's at home he's beeping he's having a lovely time with this vape and that is drip wait let's have a look right deep breath firstly are you okay I hope so it feels very strange indeed sitting here without Phil and I imagine that you might have been feeling a lot like I have shaken troubled let down did you feel let down Ian I was just wondering if that was a cocktail she couldn't let down I think the audience doesn't feel anything except well this is quite interesting unlike the show normally still bitter about being turned down as weather girl yep you know what my main beef with this one is that it goes on to half past 12. so oh yeah still The Show Must Go On for Holly and uh this morning family bring it in thank you all right thank you I need a joke thank you thank you thank you all we can do now is be the family that we are exactly exactly oh so here's what we've got coming up many of many of us sunny weather this weekend but if you have hay fever you might feel differently that's the most fantastic segue yeah oh my God my heart's broken and hay fever understand is why did he calling a family because it's like the mafia yeah they call them the audience really yeah they are yeah confusing you've got more respect for that yeah I mean if me and Ian looked in the camera and said hello like what you've done with those curtains who chose the wrong time to make a joke about it Joseph Stalin no it's this morning editor Martin Frizzle oh no yes the OMG basically it was his attempt at a joke should we have a look at it yeah is there a toxic work environment at this morning I'll tell you what's toxic I've always found toxic it's aubergine do you like aubergine it's just a personal thing well in defense of Martin he's a neighbor of mine and I'd uh had him over for dinner the evening [Music] oh unbeknownst to me yes I served up aubergine and in order to head off further controversy this week's British soap Awards was hosted not by Phillip Schofield but by Jane McDonald famous for her TV series cruising with Jane McDonald I tuned in to GB news to see what Eamonn Holmes had to say about the situation but no one told him the cameras were running If Only They Knew Only They Knew pussycat me oh no how the [ __ ] do you get home today climate change is making turbulence on planes worse that's according to Paul Williams he's a professor atmospheric science sure we're on air be nice if somebody spoke to us I think our batteries were changed thank you very much indeed [Music] when he says oh how the [ __ ] do you get home in the background you can hear someone going ah foreign because the audience goes from naught to our entire audience yeah that's how Eamon Holmes pays off his mortgage Eamon I think he's called Eamon I don't actually know who he is Chris waffles was mentioned on this program recently by Richard ayawada let's have a look according to research multi-story car parts will struggle with increased number of electric cars on the road because they're much heavier than their fossil fuel burning counterparts that is according to lead scientists Chris woppel why was he upset that's not how you pronounce his name is it Chris waha please Chris emailed to say he wasn't a lead scientist but in fact a structural engineer and parking consultant you can't park there there modest of him it is very modesty yeah so I'd like to say sorry to Mr Waffles winner of best new car park 2011. winner of the British Parking Association Lifetime Achievement Award 2015 chairman of the British Parking Association structures and asset management special interest group but categorically not a lead scientist and what was Mr Pickles upset about he's meant to regulate ministers taking jobs no one told him about Nadine dory's having a show on talk TV yeah that's because no one's seen it no one told anyone that's shocking yeah I don't think she runs anything by anybody no she went on uh I'm a celebrity give me the money didn't she without telling people yes that's right and said she could best represent her constituents by not being there which is true we talked about Jack D's daughter's dog before but let's see what was on TV that upset her for sending that video in uh just make sure she gets it they've all been upset by something they've seen on the Telly apart from Holly Willoughby who made a special statement about how upset she was on the Telly after everyone else had said their piece it took Holly Willoughby more than a week to make a statement not like her to be last in the queue for the missing words round which this week features as its guest publication buzzword the magazine of the Bumblebee conservation trust you can get your copy for cash or if you've got enough of them nectar points with in summer bumblebees spend their nights what sing Sting's greatest hits Sergeant brothel that was the biggest hit um yeah in summer bumblebees spend their nights cruising hedgerows looking for Queens way ahead of us in all of these confusing road sign tells drivers what welcome to Britain you're clear for takeoff to turn left and turn right yes we need to see that one one sign road sign always gets me the one where it says low-flying airplanes like how are you meant to adjust your behavior sort of sitting lower in the seat or something yeah isn't it turn do not turn your head that's it not to turn their heads ah here's the sign in full no turning head and the one above it was supposed to be an H for hospital but the conservatives haven't built it yet if you find a what consider yourself very lucky GP a reason to live level cool reason to live as the show been that bad beehive behind you sir beehive you're quite right if you find a bumblebee Nest consider yourself very lucky next llama what in Lancashire um kidnapped goes Rogue yes llama goes Rogue in Lancashire llama from Yorkshire found in Lancashire they offer just alive already llama causes traffic chaos in Lancashire BBC news report began with the words Alarma caused a drama but sadly didn't end with when it crashed into Bananarama and kirstan were on their way to Panorama be Enthusiast Malcolm Spooner should be what avoided a cocktail party should be applauded for his efforts to raise awareness about bees close should not be applauded considered most important be recorded in Devon and Cornwall before 1990. Spooner began counting bees in the 1920s obviously it's easier now is there's hardly any left when I say that there's always loads in my B traps the Royal Hotel Horticultural Society has seen sense and what what banned Malcolm Spooner disbanded I've seen sense and has stopped calling tulips your highness embraced weeds has it's not on your card I can't find it no it could be anything finally The Royal Horticultural Society has seen since and stopped labeling Garden animals as pests under the rhs's new system the word pesto only be applied to nine species of slug a few species of aphids and his Royal Highness the Duke of York dog breaks record for world's longest tongue I saw that story yeah tongue here is the record breaker yes that's it oh extraordinary that looks painful yeah I bet your dog Nellie's paying attention now yes she is if you've we've found the level yeah that brings us to the end of the show so who's won well I liked Ian's team but I also like Paul's team but which was better there's only one way to find out by checking the score well done well before we go there's just time for the caption competition Cheese Company auditions new model new pope is chosen so we can see you're not Jewish yeah on which note we say thank you to our panelists Ian Hislop and zing zing Paul Merton and Jack D and I leave you with news that as he tries to shake off the captain hindsight nickname before the next general election Kia stama immediately regrets letting Twitter users choose his new one preparations get underway for the Hampton Court garden festival a member of the kingsguard privately wonders if anyone has a spare hay fever tablet country Factory in York attendants tried to help Jeremy Hunt after a terrible accident with the chocolate dipping machine you did order a flake with that good night [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: ViVaHD
Views: 213,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GsZibugSEcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 9sec (2649 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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