Have I Got a Bit More News for You S66 E1. Victoria Coren Mitchell. 6 Oct 23

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[Music] [Applause] oh good evening welcome to have I got news for you I'm Victoria Corin Mitchell in the news this week during lunchtime drinks at the Conservative Party Conference to raas Coffee attempts to dispel the myth that the government couldn't organize a piss up in a brewery Emanuel macron saves himself at the 11th hour after realizing that Camila had a packet of scampy fries on the Train to Paris and in Stockport the man who's been putting dog excrement through Angela raina's letter box is caught on camera on Ian's team tonight is a comedian who describes himself as Spain's best export and with post brexit import fees we were lucky to afford him please welcome igno Lopez on Paul's team tonight is a writer and broadcaster who has a pilot's license and is aiming to one day fly solo around the world sounds tough but it's easier than getting from Birmingham to Manchester by train please welcome Carol vman we begin with the bigger news stories of the week Ian and ignio have a look at this oh yes hi I'm prime minister yeah yeah I am I am that's the annual handing out contracts to mes Festival that's the next prime minister God that's where they want to take us back to and no one will sit next to her I think that seat was reserved for for a head of letis where do you want to start well why don't we start with the warm up for the Prime Minister do you see that who's warmed up by his wife yes usually you're introduced by a colleague or a friend but that's obviously not going to happen this time Richie decided he'd get his wife to come on and she came on and said he's a really good bloke he's decent he's honorable and you thought this is the conservative party this isn't going to work should have come on and said look he's a pathological liar he's completely economically illiterate vote for him and they'd have been screaming on their feet she did actually describe him as my best friend yeah she said we're one team which will interest the um [Music] revenue and what was the big announcement that he had to make that he's still prime minister one year on the the big thing they're going to do or perhap not going to do is it uh something to do with hs2 by any chance yeah because they're following on their policy stop the boats and also the trains this was amazing now they went to Manchester to announce that they're not going to take the high speed train to Manchester I mean the implication presumably well we've been here now we won't need to to come again is there anything good to be said about that decision I think it's quite a good decision I mean for years we've been saying this isn't a colossal waste of money money it's staggering the mismanagement it is a colossal failure in cost management so I'm quite happy to to scrap the lot what the conservative party they sort of announced okay we're not going to do this we said we were going to do we're not going to do it but here's a whole bunch of schemes that we are going to do but then so many of the schemes that they announced on the Wednesday we've found already exist like extending the tram system in Manchester to Manchester Airport which actually opened in 2014 oh right yeah it's a bit safer isn't it announcing things that have already happened they're not even sure that it will reach London no so they might not get to Houston you'll have to sort of speed from Birmingham and get up and walk the last four miles it's a 36 billion pound saving apparently they said we'll extend the West Midlands Metro will build the leads tram Electrify the North Wales Mainline upgrade the A1 A2 A5 m6 and the a75 which point someone shouted house he was desperately trying to do politics which isn't really sunx strength which was to try and save the big announcement for himself which meant that he had to spend three days effectively lying well the Sun newspaper for some reason described the High-Speed Rail Link as the woke hs2 so I thought we might play a game of woke broke or having a [Music] smoke you serious about this oh yes here's the first one okay it's science it's the concept of science well it's broke no it's woke oh this was a fringe meeting about whether the Earth was flat uh yeah science woke blob libtard left something you know if somebody invented a robot that looked like Ian it would behave like that let's try another one what's this going for smoke smoke meat it's not smoke is it veganism and what would that be do you think well that's woke as heck isn't it I mean this is fake meat all right have you heard about this here's some actual fake meat and what's wrong with fake meat do you think I'm sure I've seen British people floating on the in Spain in this is the tax on meat is that right whose policy is that well it's like all these things they're not saying there's going to be attacks on meat that was just made up should we have a look at CLA coutinho this season's Energy Secretary talking about it on Sky News you said it's no wonder labor seems so relaxed about taxing meat so K starma doesn't eat it and Ed leand is clearly scarred by his encounter with a bacon sandwich did you write you didn't write that did you I did actually write that I think you know it's good to have a a light moment in your speech as well but the point is actually proposing and me the point is actually very serious so some of the things that labor are proposing are incredibly hard for Working Families so whether you have whether you have things like meat tax that's what you're saying here well so the point is they are proposing things which are pushing families too hard so you've got things like the UL tax expansion which does cost fames 12250 a day say it but that is very difficult and they've got things like proposing that you would decarbonize the electricity grid by 2030 again which would result in very difficult choices for families tax genuinely there is a new tax it does seem the conservatives constantly leave a massive open goal and Kon was just kind of behind it vaping and playing [Music] word but that's Labor's main policy we're not conservative it's quite it's a great policy how did Michael Gove compare Kia starma to Tony Blair what was he saying was the main difference their names so Michael go said there are some politicians who are accused of being all Sizzle no stake Blair was definitely stake and K is just qun mush they are next week of course the labor conference already organizers in Liverpool are preparing the auditorium for K starm speech would you like to see Michael go jogging no no we say no but it's part of the quiz because I want to know is he woke broke or having a smoke let's have a look in I think the answer is he's having a stroke Lord I don't know what he's got in his left hand pocket but he want to see a doctor about that putting the way to Chichester sure I read somewhere that he was caught having a on the balcony in the hotel and it wasn't allowed or something exactly right yes having a smoke how is smoking going to get more difficult for young people because they're going to start Banning people from buying cigarettes when they're 14 and they increasing every year I think that's the plan is that the idea is not to be too cruel to people that smoke already they'll raise the smoking age every year so you're sort of chasing it and people that are 14 will never get they haven't said if they're going to do the same with a pension age it was also noted that he hadn't banned vaping and it's nothing to do with the £300,000 donation to the Tory party from someone who has a vaping company nothing to do with that at all what you're saying that the cigarette companies haven't given them more that's pretty shocking it is what was Michael Gove most excited about though at the conference oh was it the clubs in Manchester close it's certainly about the nights out and the party Spirit let's have a look if you're putting together your conference diary there is one date you won't want to miss Tuesday evening 900 p.m. B at 1 deansgate it's the LGBT plus conservatives final night of conference party we all know what the final night of conference can be like it will never be better than this music cocktails every opportunity to meet the man the woman whoever who can be that special person conservatives believe in bringing people together at be at one you can be your true authentic self and have the time of your life it's funny it feels like a hostage video what would Su bman do to upset people well she made a a sort of Home Secretary plus speech of of Rabel rousing um and um used a lot of words like a hurricane of immigrants but surely worse than Rabel Rouser I mean what's she doing here she stood on a dog's tail she stood on a dog's tail yes you can't do that a guy dog and she's in heel you see they're genuinely shock for the first time yeah but you know that's what sella DeVille does you know there would you like and I would think carefully before you answer this question to see pretty Patel and Nigel faran themselves um yes I mean brace your El this is a tough watch we'll be able to unsee it here we go all [Music] [Music] right it's not often you see a double Nazi salute is it see one of those was that the Liz truss event the growth of no it's the GB news Disco oh although they did go to list trust's event what was that called I've learned nothing yeah let's make Britain grow again that was called let's remove this growth how's this woman no shame the conference did last longer than her Premiership s but why is Nigel farage there what's he doing at the conference what does it mean what he's taking over the party some people say he's going to be leader he's going to become no no leader of what the conservative party he'll come in as leader you're just trying to scare people late at night it's the Charisma it's the sort of froggy Charisma of the man no this is what's being said and I tell you what some conservatives are delighted because of his electoral attributes how did this man GA Towler former ukip Aid how did he explain farage's appeal well first of all he was very annoyed because he was raised from the dead this is the poster boy for rishi's anti-smoking campaign right it's quite the turn of phrase he explained njel farage's appeal brace yourselves he told the political website Nigel farage has this unerring ability to touch the clitoris of public [Applause] [Music] opinion can we get five buckets oh my god let's cleanse our palletes with thoughts of the lib Dems course they had their conference last week Ed Davey has been working hard as they often do it his visual gag yes prepare yourself as an excellent visual humor let's have a look what's going to happen like somebody's run over a cucko what is that you see on that picture there with the curtains behind it's like the doctor will see you now what do you think PA of the great Pantheon of Silent comedians where would you put Ed Davey ninth this is the Tory Party Conference where rishy sunak announced scrapping hs2 leader of the House of Commons Penny Morant made an impassion speech saying stand up stand up stand up and fight until an annoyed rishy sunak shouted I am standing up environment secretary to raise coffee has promised voters she'll do something about the mythical EU ban on bent bananas so if you believe SW bravman a lot of the bananas coming here are just pretending to be bent Fallen Carol take a look at this yeah oh yes this is the speaker Kevin McCarthy and that's Matt Gates the man who brought him down don't know who that is so yes Kevin McCarthy was sacked as the speaker the first time it's ever happened in American history and he only got the job in the end because he said that he would agree to a uh a clause that anybody could get rid of him at a moment's notice which they did it's a terrible mess they're even suggesting amongst themselves that maybe Donald Trump could be the new speaker he just needs to learn out to speak first but he lasted I believe 2 70 days thereabouts which is about 5 and a half LZ trusses long time I'm glad we got you on for the mcar I would and do you know while they wait to find out who the new speaker is who's doing it on a temporary basis do you know I don't know no no Patrick T McKenry this is him yeah rather a fun looking chat he also came third in a Richard Curtis look Alik and what was special about his first Bang oh it gave it a real wup well let's have a look chair declares the house in recess subject to the call of the chair what strenger of news exactly that guy hates tables why did McCarthy's party turn on him well because he supported um Joe Biden's spending plan I think here they are these are the Republicans yes it's like the worst ever Panini album they're all Trump supporters yes and it takes eight of them basically to derail the US and all those people say why don't we have a government system more like the US well this you mentioned Matt Gates yes why doesn't he like McCarthy I heard there was some personal animosity between the two of them but I don't actually know why there is speculation that it's because McCarthy wouldn't use his position of speaker to kill an Ethics Committee investigation so according to the New York Times Gates is being investigated for sexual misconduct illicit drug use misuse of state identification records misuse of campaign funds accepting impermissible gifts and sharing inappropriate images or videos on the house floor among other allegations if there wasn't enough Li me he's going to be the next president is as you say the Republicans want to replace McCarthy with they're floating the idea of Donald Trump but I mean it's not going to happen he he he was given a new nickname last last week do you know who gave him a new nickname no Chris Christie oh yes Chris Christie yes I know yeah he's got a real Zinger that he's obviously been practicing should we enjoy him yeah let's have a look you're not here tonight because you're afraid of being on the stage and Defending Your record you're ducking these things and let me tell you what's going to happen you keep doing that no one up here is going to call you Donald Trump anymore we're going to call you Donald Duck all right well he's nearly he's nearly right he's only one letter out isn't he so pleased he's so pleased but Trump himself should we have a look at the kind of things he's been saying lately yes let's have a look there has only been listen to this one such whale killed off the coast of South Carolina in the last 50 years but on the other hand their windmills are causing whales to die in numbers never seen before nobody does anything about that they're washing up and show I saw it this weekend three of them came up they wouldn't you wouldn't see it once a year now they're coming up on a weekly basis the windmills are driving them crazy they're driving they're driving the whales I think a little baddy as always hands all over the clitters of public opinion recently recently heard this who doesn't like it you're assuming you'd be able to find that public opinion this is typical of the right wing though like Trump is saying that you know wind Mills are killing Wales and in the UK the right wing is saying that the 20 m per hour speed limit in Wales is killing Wales you know and what about his latest court case according to the times he's been accused of fraudulently gaining over a billion dollars on favorable business loans by vastly exaggerating the size of his properties in one instance he overestimated the size of a property by2 100% And what defense well you're a mathematician C how was this explained by Trump's lawyers uh he's an idiot no they explained which I hadn't realized the calculation of square footage is a subjective process who did Trump claim was on his side during the court case the American people more powerful even than the American people or Putin Jesus Jesus Jes yes yes let's have a look at the sketch the court sketch they're both nepo babies so it makes sense okay The Daily Mirror helpfully added there are no confirmed reports indicating Jesus was actually present in the court at time the dangerous thing about the speaker cross is it might be a problem for funding Ukraine should we check in with the Russian Minister of Defense Sergey shyu to see how the Russians feel it's going we have an Air Force God this is his pose when he's pushed out the window what key bit of Kit did the UK recently sent to Ukraine to be used in the war effort was it a sausage no but it is bendy bendy bus yes three of London Lon airports bendy buses the Ukrainian front line here's one on location oh I get the ideas for the Russians that they're heading the wrong way look we're in L we just got to go back that way again look we're near Ukraine we've come the wrong way we'll be in Bedford before you know it bus operator goahead told the telegraph these vehicles have done years of Duty shuttling loton Airport Holiday makers they're more than ready for life in a war zone this is the historic voting out of us speaker Kevin McCarthy despite a republican attempt to block Aid going to Ukraine ukine the US sent 1.1 million bullets to the country which should make American schools slightly safer for a couple of days in case you're wondering this is Donald Trump's business fraud trial this is not the attempting to overturn the national election trial nor the hush money to a porn star one not the hiding State Secrets One or the abusing a journalist one or the interference in the Georgia election one it's his diary secretary I feel sorry for so to round two the pi to spin quiz fingers on buzzers team fall and Carol oh now this must be the uh Spurs versus Liverpool game and the failure of V to correct a referee's mistake and everybody's got very upset about it particularly in Liverpool but that's what it's about yeah and I was Furious were you let's have a look at the picture well you can see what's going on here can't you it appears to be football yes and see what it is this match was played during a partial eclipse of the sun you see half pites in the dark the point is you can see that he's on side but the goal was given offside and it went to V and they upheld the decision and then realized their mistake was too late and why did the V get it wrong what are the theories out having a or something like that people have pointed out that the Ridder cup was in play at the same time oh there Al of course episodes of only connect are also available at all times on I player possibly watching something else this is a theory but we've actually got the audio yes of the V room would you like to hear it discussion so 2D line on the check complete check complete it's fine perfect thank you mate wait wait wait decision was offside are you are you happy with this yeah are you happy with this go yeah does what unfill decision was offside are you happy with this image yeah it's onside the image we G onside back he's play he's gone off oh it's an extraordinary high level of intellectual debate going I know you feel strongly about it I mean yeah he supports Royal engineers and do they have to swear they are being sponsored by um Fred 356 that's yeah with football how did David Beckham make a timely intervention this week to correct a factual inaccuracy uh they've just released a series about him on Netflix he was in the documentary and we see him here giving Victoria the Paxman treatment we're very working working class be honest I I am being honest I am being what did your dad drive you to school in so my dad no one answer my dad what it all it's not a simple answer because what car did you get your dad to drive it depends no no no no no in the ' 80s my dad had a Rolls-Royce no but to be fair the chauffeur was working class speaking of sport in gaffs where did a South Korean roller skater go wrong this week South Korea what did he what did he do I saw this it was in the paper it was in the sport section and I just about to turn over um U they celebrated too early they they said yeah we've won and they hadn't there's a real penalty this is why I read this story and because they didn't actually win he's got to do national service it's absolutely incredible he thought he was the winner so he raised his arms and then the Taiwanese rival was able to just out pip him huh look at that foot yes it's there yes and and you're absolutely right Ian this according to the telegraph South Korean athletes if they win an event in an international competition they're exempt from National duties but by coming second the whole team must now complete at least 18 months of military service but if they've still got the skates and they've got to catch them first this is the controversial V offside which happened in the recent Tottenham and Liverpool game it has to be said that Liverpool's disallowed goal did see a rare moment of unity among other Premier League managers who all agreed that the decision was hilarious in other Sporting News at the English open snooker championships China's ding Junu was penalized after playing in Brown trousers rather than the required black he did change from brown to black but there was quite a delay as first he had to put on Blue trousers and then [Laughter] pigp fingers on buzzers [Music] tees oh Ian and ignio well the co inquiry started again yes yeah and what did we find out well the two major science officers of this country said that this man was chaotic and an idiot which shows you that science does work bloody walk science man just on the science Patrick Valance said no one in number 10 or the cabinet office had really read or taken the time to understand the science I think Boris Johnson was quite engaged by the science I mean we here's the BBC's Hugh Pim explaining uh how Boris took the time to understand it a document on long coid had been circulating and it was said Mr Johnson had scrolled the word bolock on it according to the independent messages going around Downing Street showed attacks on colleagues with a paper adding a significant number were about Matt hanock and what's he doing at the moment sis something with the S fall celebrity SAS who dares wins right but of course the the former Special Forces instructors are taking no pleasure in the H stream where they have to to meet out I mean let's see the reluctance that that's part of the training is it there's a brilliant bit of channel for continuity announcement in advance of the show have a look at this 16 recruits in an inhospitable land scape next tonight though as the country's favorite stars and Matt Hancock all take part in Celebrity SOS who Wi on the more General subject of inquiries and investigations what have GB news been looking into uh yes so Lawrence Fox was on Dan woodon show M and he said some terrible things about a female journalist called AA Evans and then there were lots of complaints and then Lawrence Fox was sacked but Dan wooden apparently there's an internal investigation into Dan wooden he's the most incompetent broadcaster because Lawrence Fox is saying this stuff and Dan is just sitting there giggling he doesn't challenge it he doesn't agree with it he just he doesn't speak he just thinks it's funny more importantly though Carol about Fox would you shag him so is is uh Lawrence Fox not a RAR character no see I think I probably would but that's no call me Gen X a difference of opinion is no bar who wouldn't you shag then well not that I'm forming a queue or anything but you know GB news is obviously repitching itself as a serious News Channel yes and I think we could help them by showing one of the broadcast highlights of the summer this is the news anchor Martin Dorney reporting on the capture you remember that prisoner Daniel khalife and he was captured and this is top-notch news reporting but first it's the news headlines no it's not we're going straight to me this is breaking news it's fast happening because as we just said um with with the a the teraman see chip Chapman and we have him coming up soon on the arrest of of the terror suspect he he escaped from wesworth prison and he's been apprehended it's all coming up in GB news we got our first guest there is pce of Escape of Arrested prisoner Daniel khif beg your we get the in the right place the story is Just Happening joining me now for the latest is GB news home security editor Mark White are you there mark this Tri we have chip Chapman Army um for the Army anger former head of counterterrorism Major General chip Chapman chip dramatic breaking news I feel like we're watching him act out the VAR conversation for the you know I don't think the mainstream media have got that much of a threat do you this is the co inquiry which has started to look into the inner workings of number 10 during the pandemic according to the times during the inquiry this week it was revealed that Boris Johnson was nickname to the shopping trolley because of his tendency to Veer off in all directions and because he wouldn't go anywhere until someone put money in that's very very good time now for the odd one out round just one between you this week your for our Sir Patrick Stewart us golf caddy Joe lver pereus and Kim Jong-un Paul and Carol the second one along he was the caddy that got into a bit of trouble with Rory maoy so they two had an argument in a car park um so that's him want about exactly what the C was doing yeah perus yes he um used a shield when he took off the gorgon's head cuz he couldn't look her direct in the eye what else did he have he had a a helmet ABS I was thinking yeah that the odd one out is the caddy because you wouldn't want to be related to any of the others because Kim Jong Un yeah had his half brother assassinated and then perus killed his granddad is that right perus yes yeah who did Patrick Stewart murder apparently Sean Luke piard his entire family burned in a house you are completely wrong good go good go well you want to you want to think about what exactly the caddy was doing you say he was celebrating was he waving his hat around yes yes keep going is waving around somebody's head so therefore you can't wave around the hat and Patrick what what do you mean no well Patrick Stewart sir sir sir Patrick Stewart has brought out a book in which he said he was bored yeah from the age of 19 and therefore has no hair no hair and um so this is amazing Revelation I think you better tell us white wearing hats it's to do with headgear as I think you know yeah yeah Kim Jong-un is theought out put your out of your misery there so the golf caddy was waving a hat as a sort of rub down because the Americans wouldn't put their hats on as a sort of protest about not being paid and the hat distracted Roy mckoy Patrick Stewart according to his Memoir you're right Carol he would go into auditions wearing a wig yeah and then whip it off halfway through to reveal his bald head to show they were getting two actors for the price of one not not usually what a director means when they ask you to take your top off but in that case that's what he did so he got that Advantage pereus as you said and he had the Helm of Hades to render himself invisible so they all got an advantage over someone with the use of a hat but Kim Jong-un received headgear from Putin in return for giving Russia an advant Vantage convoluted and silly odds can't believe we're still talking about this fine they all they all got an advantage this round been sponsored by dignitas when Kim Jong made his State visit to Russia the North Korean leader was given a traditional Russian fur hat along with a rifle I I wish I had a bloody rifle I tell you that with five [Applause] bullets later on Putin asked him for all of the military Hardwear North Korea had at which point he gave him the rifle back Kim Jong-un traveled from Pyongyang to Vladivostok a journey that took 20 hours on a slow moving train I know exactly how he fell according to the mirror onboard catering included Ed North Korean Delicacies like donkey meat obviously that has to be rationed if you eat too many of them there aren't enough left to pull the train which means at the end of this round it's three points each three point yeah still there time now that round made no difference to the scores whatsoever time now for the missing words round which this week features as its guest publication the British origami Society magazine yeah it's going to fold the B monthly publication devoted to the art of origami origami is Japanese from the words Ori time and gami waste of and we start with 100 meter Sprinter wins race after what running 100 meters after the runners fa drugs test I'll take it the answer is 100 meter Sprinter winds race after all other competitors drop out when drugs officials arve wow this was during the Delhi championships one competitor got a personal best of just under 10 seconds for the 100 meters not bad for a swimmer next what is the most fun you can have without getting arrested being a member of the royal family create always G me depiction of the perisian landscape Circ 1925 well close enough what the British origami convention in Milton ke is the most fun you can have without getting arrested right right one demonstration showed attendees how to make Plankton origami in other words putting the paper through a shredder next Bradford Council prepare for storm by what is it destroying Bradford before the storm could changing b day I'll accept that cuz it is about the bins dude Bradford Council prepare for storm by laying all the bins in Bradford on their sides laying it down on its side because wind is expected I do that with the dog next scientists in Japan invent what to help workers what uh scientists in Japan invent rubber Pavements to help workers bounce the work Bo it's almost the opposite scientists in Japan invent pillow to help workers sleep on the job here's the pillow invention oh oh this brand new napping pillow will be on sale in Liverpool next week just in time for Kia starm speech next man called what becomes Bishop Bishop correct no it is is it Mr Bishop I thought it was Archie man called them make me a bishop hotline then becomes Bishop the answer's already come up is correct man called Mr Bishop becomes Bishop should see look there i' call that i' call it more than a clue that's more than a clue he won't be called Bishop Bishop will he not no he'll be called his first name they call Bishop Andrew or Bish yes yes he will won't he So my answer of Archie is interesting because Archie would then be called Bishop Archie anyway I I just bring it up as after being consecrated in Thetford the new bishop was visibly moved presumably [Laughter] diagonally next the editor of the British origami Society admits that most of his folded animals what are dead are made out of paper are folded have been put down yeah you're both close is to do with being dead dead but I I can't for give it the editor of the British origami Society admits that most of his folded animals look like roadkill origami is still hugely popular in Japan even more so now because if your effort turns out to be weirdly misshapen you can simply claim it's a creature from the beaches at Fukushima dear Victoria so you think that's an appropriate topic you do you there I've saved you the trouble next Nick Robinson asks the British origami Society magazine what why do you bother how did you find out where I live Nick Ron asked the British origami Society magazine are you planning to move away from your headquarters in wsel because your car parking facilities are rather limited if you move to Bishop stford I can recommend an area which can take up to 15 cars which includes three moris miners two Volkswagen and a Jaguar finally enough no no no okay oh I know this oh yeah Nick Robinson Nick Robinson asked the British origami Santi magazine are you going to go digital and therefore be paperless can I just tell the to cut that that's your best bit Nick Robinson takes the matter of origami seriously yeah of course he does you should have been able to get this yeah Nick Robinson asks the British origamy Society magazine what's the difference between a creas and aold because I've been using the phrase crease and unfold but I considered just saying crease because it's implicit in that word that you would also unfold and that's called a headline and finally Sweden holds competition to find mind what any ugly people in Sweden is it Norway Sweden holds competition to find ugliest lawn according to the competition organizer it is the cultural norm in Sweden to have a well-kept front lawn well it certainly is in the films I've seen so the final scores are Ian and ignio have four Paul and Carol have six sorry you were actually right every time before we go there's just time for the caption competition Ian and ignio have this oh look there's the cost of living are they saying oh we wonder what happened to Epstein's jet Paul and Carol get this Arts Council Cuts hits the London Symphony or on which note we say thank you to our panelists Ian hlop and ignio Lopez Paul Merton and Carol veman and I leave you with news that in Washington to counter the claim that he has no successor Joe Biden meets some of the young Democrats coming through at the Tory conference one staffer Whispers to her colleague don't look round but apparently that nut a Liz truss is here somewhere and as they tend to their first floor window box an elderly couple spot their son and daughter-in-law coming up the drive good [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] night check imposs wrong score 64 toan on the board that's fine check complete check complete well done boys good process wait wait wait onfield decision was 64 poll yeah yeah wi for win for Paul that's wrong Dez it should have been for Ian delay delay stop stop the show delay I can't we played on
Channel: ViVaHD
Views: 237,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0j6_jjNLC_c
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Length: 44min 8sec (2648 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2023
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