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you can always try hate comments all youtubers get but some people choose to use them in a more creative fashion than just crying themselves to sleep and that is the musicians that make hate comment songs and today I thought we would do a deep dive into all of the different hates comment songs that people have made I made one just the other day so it's been on topic for me without further ado let's check out some hates comment songs different youtubers have done and you know talk about right to them hate zone anyway let's get started first off we have Medellin Bailey's hates common song we saw a clip of this in a tick tock video a while back let's listen hello it started exactly like the tmartn video the classic T Martin video what an iconic moment no not at all manipulative T Martin not at all manipulative hate comments are always so bad it's 12 year olds like the grammar is all losses for me at the end of the day someone who's like really hating on something on YouTube it's nothing going on critique is one thing but if you're just gonna be like oh shucks mega poopoo and then it's like yeah okay [Music] the songwriting in this is actually really good Madeline's got such a great voice it's super fun to hear this I mean the B word you can't sing is obviously not very nice gotta say that's not very nice is that a controversial statement I just unsubscribed when she's smiling so much you know smiling and like saying like she's so overrated I think one of the reasons these kinds of videos do so well is that yes you can interpret it as like oh yes she's actually sad she's angry and that's why she made the video I think most youtubers are so immune to this stuff by now that it's not ever gonna impact anything [Music] [Music] you can always try that I can't believe she left that end that's so awesome Oh God obviously there is a pretty high bar set for who can do that professionally and earn money and stuff so it's a little but also you don't write it on anyone promise me Kurt if you're watching this don't do it Kurt's stop it stop typing right now [Music] I'm subscribed [Music] [Applause] [Music] classic comment that covers get I used to love the samba no I hate it like who destroyed my favorite song how do you even destroy a song that's not how we worries you can still go back and listen to the original one it's a waste of time to write a comment like that Jey flies this cover singer has been blowing out she gets crazy look at this shape of you covered by J flaw 260 million views that's pretty many views guys if you're not aware stop writing about J flock Kurtz I see you there Kurtz by the way leave a comment right now telling me that J flies better than me that would make me feel real good I love that [Music] I'm subscribe [Music] what is this covered hahaha someone's 12 and fangirl e if you like an artist and people cover it it means that that artist will get more attention so maybe support it if you really like the artist just saved [Music] real nice work Madeline what a nice hate comment song now let's move on to another hate comment song from a friend of mine Elsie Eckland bye [Music] I like the no offense devil emoji had a little censorship there that's cute also I used two Christmas lights when was this release in July why do you have Christmas lights in July Allie's I'm gonna leave them an angry comment right now leaving hate comment hey Elise why the Frick you got Christmas lights this video was posted in July great hilarious [Music] with your singing was awful you see thank you guys so much for watching and being here I hope that you enjoyed this song I hope you have a fantastic day don't forget to drink your water eat your vegetables and be a good person I love y'all bye she's such a mom such a youtube music mom I like it very nice and fun to see there is live and everything great stuff next hate comments on Oh James Charles singing his hate comments let's see what this is like it's gonna be emotional guys you can see it in his face meat oh hey big nostril Bloods James that's like the lowest hanging fruit that's like the worst oh I am a 12 year old conservative joke he can make nice stuff James is singing pretty well here he's doing a bit of a comeback here this a little bit preachy for some reason that type of thing works a little bit better to me when people talk about it then when they sing it I don't really enjoy when people are like oh you tubers such a hard job like yes we work really hard but such a fulfilling job and you're like your own boss like saying that oh if you worked my job one day you'd cry yourself to sleep I don't know man I got nothing against James but like it's [Music] we foot that if lifted guys I think this video is definitely well-meaning and you know it's nice it sounds like something that's a very like beginning songwriter wrote he's got a loose grip on kind of like what he wanted to do but the way he did it doesn't really come across to me it'll be hard to watch but you know the hearts in the right place No he's singing has gotten a lot better over the last few years - it's definitely shaky here but if you listen to his more recent stuff it sounds a lot better he's also done a lot of collabs with like different vocal coaches and stuff on YouTube they can check out if you want [Music] you really wanted to cry there in the end okay so here we have colleen ballinger clean bollinger dang why can't I not pronounce that ball you're Bailey's you're balling her Bollinger yeah this seems to be the originator of the trend of singing hip common so let's check it out Colleen Bob Bollinger same guys please leave some nice comments down below tell me about your day tell me about the biggest poo poo you've ever done I just ruined my compensation [Music] what that's so weird God says pull it's interesting that's so hard to make a youtube video without people commenting about your looks I get it you can see someone but it's like why of course that's how all these guys look it's such a perfect picture of someone being angry or being toxic online this is what they look like [Music] yes yes that's a good one how do they know about the cat's food thing how would they know kollene you have some things to answer to let's be honest anyone who has grammar that terrible is very uneducated and is probably living in their parents garage or basement at age 42 I think it's more likely that they're like 10 and that you're like literally and roasting 10 year olds butcher anyway that was nice iconic to start to trend like that there's so many people who do this ok click here for my eighth comment song and other performance videos I've done and click here for more music commentary videos I think musicians get more hate comments than most other types of youtubers so I think it's only fair that they can also write songs about them I will see you in another daily video tomorrow bye
Channel: RoomieOfficial
Views: 1,803,393
Rating: 4.9347725 out of 5
Keywords: roomie, joel, roomieofficial, hilarious, comedy, funny, amazing, hate comments, hate comments song, hate, comment, comments, commentary, reaction, react, singing, haters, madilyn bailey, james charles, colleen ballinger, elise ecklund, miranda sings, music, pop music, singer, song, songs, voice
Id: -CZg1absOxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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