I said “yes” to all peer pressure and this happened

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what would you do if you're kind of a loser at school but then you're forced by your mom who is on hard times to move in with the most popular guy at school who hates your guts well let's find out i'm a little nervous my bestie's a little nervous too aren't you nora very nervous i don't want to let you down as your bestie well here it is willow hill one of the richest towns in the whole country it's got everything you could ever want a lot of rich and famous people live here important people hot guys hopefully i get to meet a few of them and then there's me i live in uh you know it's it's not as nice as everybody else's houses i'm luna james and i'm a little cutie i'm in my little school girl outfit luna penny's here my best friend penny coming there you are i was worried i'd have to send this search party that's penny myers my best friend since grade school although i have to admit that since we started high school she's a little boy crazy you'll never guess what just happened i don't know like they canceled school today you decided to get bangs again and decided it was a disaster i don't know what destin k just announced his big first friday party so this is our big chance to break into high society you just wait she always gets me into all the parties and makes sure that i talk to everybody yeah but dustin k doesn't know that either of us exists not true i sit next to him in chemistry and just the other day he called me patricia and that starts with the same letter i mean yeah penny patricia i see the resemblance tomato tomato well then i'm gonna call you patricia now the point is he acknowledged my existence and that's step one okay oh i mean just barely though anyway it's a start okay i don't know about this all we have to do is get on his radar and we're home free penny i don't know like there's things more important than being popular you know but also like it would be cool to have friends we only have each other i'll think about it in the meantime we better get to school here we are at school and uh you know we're the losers yeah we're not too popular but did you hear that parker lockwood got a convertible he literally couldn't get any color if he tried girl that is kind of cool you know penny there's more to life than just being cool you know you're right i should really get highlights what highlights i mean can i get behind that that's not what i mean or that would totally help i mean i feel like a little highlights would help but all right fine get the highlights thank you oh my god ugh there's bella one of the most popular girls on campus well well if it isn't little miss eye bags tell me do you have to check them in before you board a flight not that you could ever afford to buy a plane ticket or anything that bella i can't stand her she's so used to getting her way someone should really stand up to her are you saying i should do it i'm scared i can stand up for myself and take her down give her a slow clap or say nothing slow clap yeah i want to give her the old good one we get it i'm poor i'm sorry are you slow clapping me yeah it sounds like you've been working on that one all summer and i didn't want to be rude what i'm a little bit more popular now how dare you mock me listen i'm only gonna say this once don't mess with me i own this school got it come on girls our clothes are going out of style standing next to this piece of trash and her ugly friend i don't understand this karen hairstyle as the popular girl yeah like get out of here with that karen haircut that was so awesome but you better watch out i think you're right the last girl to challenge bella got expelled for vandalizing the gymnasium yeah that's because this whole entire school is rigged like she's paying the administrators even though everybody knows it was bella that framed her oh my god he's coming he's coming parker lockwood is coming okay girl that is a fan girl at the highest degree and there he is the richest kid in school the self-proclaimed king of willow high himself parker lockwood girls love him boys want to be him penny's obsessed with him obviously but make no mistake the person who loves parker lock with the most is parker lockwood we can't compete yo parker where were you last night you missed it ladies as far as the eye could see don't you worry boys i had more than enough last night if you know what i mean ew he's a pig you're the man parker he's kind of hot though isn't he are you gonna encourage me like do i think he's hot i'm obviously gonna be the type that goes he is so dreamy he is kind of dreamy and you're a bad influence on me yeah obviously oh he's totally the top he's just the coolest sorry can i get a barf bag for one please [Applause] well that's a bell see you at lunch see ya love you love you i miss you already miss you too let's get those boys good morning class today we've got a new student by the name of tony turner tony turner say hello tony hey the new kid the popular girls like him he's mine he's a total smoke show i love him it looks like there's an empty seat next to miss james you can take is that all right with you miss james uh sure yeah i mean i don't have any friends that's why there's no one sitting beside me but you know hey seat's warm get in oh that reminds me miss james you know the school pretty well would you be willing to show tony around here after class i'd do it myself but i've got stuff with all due respect mr taylor why choose a nobody like luna besides as class president it's my responsibility to give new students a warm welcome oh he likes her well i suppose you do have a point but i offered it to miss james first so it's up to her well oh gosh maybe this is my chance to meet a nice guy without having to share him with bella and her cronies and he is super cute i'd love to show him around before bella convinces him i'm a loser oh spend it spend it sure thing i'd love to fantastic mr turner i leave you in miss james capable hands thank you love him i'm even your best friend as a teacher ready for the best darn tour of your life what makes it the best because i'm giving the tour of course okay well first this is the cafeteria blah blah blah we like to eat in here it's really gorgeous you know the rich kids eat macaroni salad and i bring my own lunch from home this is the gym we get pretty ripped here especially you can't wait for you to start lifting heavier weights this is the drama apartment this is where i'm going to kiss you in the play just kidding or am i and this is the library oh gorgeous so many books i've never read a book in my life that's it any questions no i think i got it you're a great tour guide thanks oh anyways i should probably head home my mom is crazy and she's gonna scream at me where do you live oh all right i gotta i gotta text penny penny what do i do i think you should say why you like me already because you know you gotta show them you're desperate okay fine you're so boy crazy i'll just be desperate exactly why do you like me already well you are a great tour guide oh he didn't deny it i live in burrow hill you know the dump buy the nice place that's where i live me too come on i'll walk you home it's the least i can do for you showing me around really okay i can't wait to text penny all about this i'm stalking you thanks again for showing me around i would have been so lost without you that place is way bigger than my old school well why'd you move here anyway my dad got a job here oh what does he do he's a cop actually oh i see apparently the crime rate here is on the rise yeah well that's what you get when you mix the haves and have-nots let me show you around town a little bit cutie all right well what are we looking at penny what do i do it's me you have to go besides me bring his eye always back to you you mean besides me i mean uh don't worry it's fine i'm just kidding what we're looking at is willow hill impressive right i'll see but did you know that this whole town is actually two towns rolled into one a really rich side and a really poor side so this is where we'll be living we need to get a janitor in there i gather you're not one of these super rich kids i gather that since you also live in burrow hill you're not either guilty is charged my family doesn't have two cents to rub together does this mean i won't get invited to all the cool parties oh girl i've got a friend named penny and we are climbing up that social ladder so don't you worry about that you can join you have to say you'd much too good looking for that you're gorgeous oh my goodness smooth luna real smooth oh penny i'm sorry i can't be perfect he rolled his eyes at me well if looks matter then you must get treated like a queen are you kidding me though the girls treat me like garbage that's probably just because they're jealous yeah well that's what my mom says but i don't know if i believe it oh my goodness this boy's gorgeous and well-educated because any guy saying that about me must be smart and has good taste great taste we love him well let's get back lead the way well this is my house my uh you know it ain't much but it's home really wow we're practically neighbors oh well looks like it listen thanks again for giving me the lowdown on everything it's nice to know that there's someone else from the bad side of town anytime i love you let's make out quick right now we're vomit i guess i'll see you tomorrow then definitely we sit next to each other remember i guess no kissing all right bye no don't go penny's disappointed in you no mom i'm home maybe she's in the kitchen i said i'd be able to pay next week no not all of it but at least enough to make a dent please i just need more time mom are you okay why are you crying who are you talking to do i have to punch someone what's wrong luna it's nothing everything's fine it doesn't sound fine come on mom i thought we told each other everything you're right and you deserve to know the truth well that was mr gilling he needs the rent and i don't have it you don't have it what do you mean with the cleaning job on the side in the hospital job that should be more than enough i'm afraid it's much worse than you think darling you see uh i'm four months behind darling your father's medical bills left us in debt i didn't want to mention it but yeah we're in big trouble he's evicting us what where are we gonna live my poor mother i can tell she feels so guilty so penny um we're gonna lose our house we don't know where to go i'm kind of mad at my mom for not telling me because we're supposed to be best friends what do i say you know what you are her best friend you should make her laugh it's gonna be okay mom we've gotten through worse together ha ha funny one huh that is so funny besides to tell you the truth i've always hated this place and hey there's a bunch of rich hot guys right down the street maybe we can get in there oh my gosh she's laughed so hard oh honey always know what to say to make me feel better i'm going to fix this luna i promise i know you will mom things will look brighter in the morning yeah mom get scheming get schemin that's us oh she's making a call a call to someone she hasn't talked to in a long time it's a rich friend the very rich friend great another sleepless night although i guess this time i actually have an excuse i'm homeless i don't get it hasn't your mom been like working two jobs it's like three if you can't be a mom and the hospital cut her hours they can't afford to have her there and now she owes four months rent i don't know what's gonna happen now we'll be homeless i guess i'm sure your mother will find a way she always does after your father died she stepped up big time she's resourceful all right and somehow she's managed to stay ahead of it all these years i just worry that she's finally run out of time crap speaking of running out of time that's a second bell with better hero will be late to class i hear the new hall monitor is really cracking down on tardiness that's true i don't want to get spanked let's get to class you mean the captain wannabe didn't he used to be like in the military or something no he wanted to be in the military but they wouldn't take him because he's crazy oh so he's our hall monitor he's crazy they call him cobra kabari because he's such a snake anyway see you later see ya thanks i'll watch my back oh and remember if you run into dust and be extra nice we need to get invited to that party you get us in or i'll get us in we're getting in someone's flirting with him bye i better head to class what the what what are you doing out of class soldier no nothing i was just on my way there and what tardiness is unacceptable at this establishment and it is punishable by detention oh i smell an opportunity to save the day that's dustin he's getting busted by that cobra kabari thanks to him if i'm quick i should be able to sneak past although maybe just maybe this is my big chance if i save dustin he'll definitely invite me to his party and i love him so much and he's so cute i'm saving him right hey save him save him save him right hey yes save him the teacher's like penny stop yelling you're in math class shut up petty benny's running out of the class door saying save him all right we're doing it there you are i never got to thank you huh well well another student caught out of the belt looks like you'll accompany him in detention oh uh well you see it wasn't dustin's fault he was caught after the bell he was helping me find my medication i i i can't i what medication i'm diabetic you see my blood sugar gets too high and i get really weak and i couldn't find my insulin so he went to find the nurse but while i was gone i found my insulin and i took it and now i'm fine so you see right dustin yeah that's right i'm sure glad you're feeling better luna luna yeah how do i know you really have diabetes well easy one of the primary symptoms is being rude to people in positions of authority while diabetes are not you were still both outside after the second bout so it's detention for both of you oh my goodness power trip come on mr kabari i'm sure a smart guy like you wouldn't want to get tangled with a wrongful health infringement case right a what a wrongful health infringement case you know a wick if an educational organization punishes a student for situations arising from an established medical condition they can be held accountable in a court of law it's a felony i believe yes you'd be in big trouble but then i'm sure you knew that right uh yeah yeah that's that's right wrongful health infringement just checking to see if you knew about it yeah right anyway get to class the both of you oh we got out of detention and dustin likes me wow that was wow i don't know there was such a thing as a wrongful health infringement case there isn't you idiot but he doesn't know that not bad hey listen i really appreciate what you did back there i'm having a little party this friday and it'd be cool if you stopped by can i bring a friend yeah bring whoever you want anyway we better get to class see you on friday penny i got us in he said no take backs yo penny's dying of happiness right now i got us in so now my mom is meeting up with this really rich woman named loretta are you okay your message made it sound like something was terribly wrong oh it's a long story an old friend like you i've got all day linda hold my calls dog sit butler run away there now i know just the place where we can have a nice long chat follow me here goes time to kiss some rich butt you're way too good at this i love it oh great there's that oh parker lockwood it's just the two of us where's cobra kabari when you need him maybe if i tiptoe past him he won't see me oh what's the rush gorgeous uh gorgeous penny what do i say say gorgeous thanks i know obviously i'm flirting with everybody you have to gorgeous thanks i know i need to get to class don't you you kidding i'm parker lockwood i don't have to do anything i don't want to now it just so happens that i'm in the little mood for shall we say female companionship you know what i mean and uh you're the only girl in sight it's not my first choice but you're here so what do you say how about we step into my convertible you can see what it's like to be with a real man i can't stand this guy he thinks he's god's gift to women you should school him i'm gonna school him i'm gonna teach him how to treat a woman like that he is hot but i can't stand it take him to class a real man you sound more like a spoiled child to me and by female companionship do you mean your mother see we big kids have something called rules that we have to follow it's what keeps society from spinning out of whack and destroying the world but i'm guessing your brain is too full of money and testosterone to comprehend that so i'll put it as simply as possible so your stupid brain can understand get out of my way fine geez never had someone treat me like this before i'm not really used to it after you he's just gonna moon walk out of here see that wasn't so hard now was it get out of my way oh huh i wonder who that was she was kind of cute someone likes it when someone punishes them that's awful i'm so sorry to hear that amelia i honestly don't know what i'm going to do how's your daughter what's her name again nobody can ever remember her name's luna and she's fine when i told her the news she offered to get a job but i couldn't have done that to her i'm her mother i'm supposed to look after her not vice versa that's very sweet of her what about your son he's around my daughter's age right yeah he's good i don't see him as much as i'd like he goes out a lot well luna's completely the other way she always goes home i wish she'd go out more not because i don't like her being home you understand i just wish she'd have more friends more fun like we did when we were younger i feel like she's missing out sounds like my son and your daughter could teach each other a thing or two hang on i just thought of something i think i might have just solved both of our problems oh girl i think i know what it's gonna be i can't believe you got us invited to dustin's party you're amazing guilty as charged i just turned on the charm it's gonna be awesome i'll call you later tonight and we can discuss the deeds girl what are we wearing anyway i gotta run give your mommy my best give me a big old hug love you see you later we're making a mess on friday mom really thank you so much yes talk to you soon thanks again well you certainly sound happy what did we win the lottery or something not quite but i've got some good news i found us a place to live oh what that's great mom we'll be staying with an old friend of mine she offered me a job to be her live-in maid her maid mom i don't want to see you cleaning up after other people well her and her husband needs some extra help around the house and we need somewhere to stay listen i know it's not perfect but it's the best we could have hoped for we'll make it work like we always do love you mom now can you tell me where we're going oh i almost forgot she has a son about your age and he goes to your school really cute cute cute cute is he cute yes uh his name is parker i think parker lockwood the guy i just screamed at today the guy we just schooled it's not that bad most girls would give their left arm for the chance to live with parker lockwood and i've got a lot more than that oh penny you're so thirsty i yelled at him yesterday and it's only temporary okay just until we can save enough to get a place of our own well that's perfect a few months of the rich life and then back to normal like cinderella true come on you're the toughest girl i know you can do this and think of all the parties we'll get into kenny you're hopeless you're seriously hopeless i was looking at the bright side of things speaking of parties i can't believe you got us invited to dustin's party i know i'm so excited what are you gonna wear for it all right i got a little excited there but i have more important things to worry about right now like moving in with a crazy idiot oh yeah yeah sure i understand but like do you like my highlights love them such a good job all right now we're in class would you please just sit down sure that wasn't so hard now was it wow he's so spoiled i can't believe i have to live with him i roll like under the same roof penny i'm dying yeah but he's super cute so it's worth it i know he's cute but like there's more important things in life than having a symmetrical face oh he's really symmetrical though you mean like six-pack abs a muscular chest and a nice tight beep anyway the point is he's a pig and i hate him great the bell anyway you're gonna be fine you're smart you're gorgeous so you can handle anything okay thank you for always pumping my tires just try to keep your mind off of parker lockwood and you'll be fine because we've got dustin's party to worry about so parker's next i don't know what to do without you penny me neither all right well i'll meet you here after school you better see you then mwah the day direct by i tried to follow penny's advice and focus on something else but girl was hard no matter how hard i tried he seemed to be everywhere ew flirting with girls and it works on them they let him do whatever he wants oh somebody kill me it's called jealousy so what are you up to tonight i was thinking of checking out the new club that opened i was thinking about going there too they renovated an old school diner from the 60s it's supposed to be the coolest place in town right now i can't tonight i got to prepare to move in with a super hot mcjerk face already i thought you weren't moving until the end of the week so did i but my mom managed to get a few people from work to help us so we're starting now okay well hit me up if you change your mind i'm gonna try my best to get out of it so we go to the club since you're my only friend i'm gonna go alone what the there you are how was school i mean it was all right but what's going on i'm doing the moonwalk i'm i'm fuming i love it i see most of the moving has already started the movers came earlier we only have upstairs left to do i think most of the kitchen stuff can just stay here well cool what can i do to i mean can i leave we've got it under control sweetie okay what should i do then diner i don't know darling maybe you should go out have some fun why don't you call penny seriously we've got this under control oh okay well penny did ask me to hit the new club tonight see there you go do that mom it's meant to be she's really trying to like make me social have some fun easy for her to say i've been responsible for so long i don't actually know how to let loose maybe i should call penny after all hey penny is the invitation still open they're almost unpacking of course so glad you changed your mind i'll pick you up in an hour get dressed look hot the place should be hopping so dress nice dress nice all i ever wear is my school uniform but penny's right this is the first time i've gone out since starting school it's my cinderella moment my big chance to make a new impression i'm gonna wear something hot wait hot or fun and flirty penny confident and sexy because you're the strong one out of the two of us okay smoke show oh i'm getting so ready i'm gonna go and make all the boys remember who i am i feel super confident in this like i could take on the world and who knows maybe tonight will be a night to remember i feel like it will come on penny girl you ready yeah i just picked you up get in okay we don't match at all i didn't know this many cuties went to our school yeah i think there's more people from school here than i actually see at school come on there's some space near the back all right i'm well nobody's dressed uh i'm the only one who's dressed up maybe this wasn't such a good idea are you kidding you look amazing in that dress like i feel like i tried too hard i showered in everything shower yeah stung look hot guys are already checking you out we need you as the bait you're right i can be good bait see if you were any hotter they'd have to call the fire department to put you out okay i love you penny besides the second you don't like it we can leave trust me i'm here for you girl oh no it's karen great the idiot brigade just arrived all right well i officially don't like it here can we leave are you sure look who else just arrived oh it's my little baby tony from the poor part of town oh my god he's seen us he's coming this way calm down he's not gonna bite okay okay i'm sorry i'm just so excited unless you're lucky girl i'm gonna get lucky hey fancy meeting you here nice to see you again tony luna aren't you going to introduce me to your friend oh sorry um this is my best friend penny penny this is tony he's new in town and lives in burrough hill with us nice to meet you you don't have a twin brother do you ooh love that penny no i'm afraid not why no reason well well look who it is i'm surprised you two could afford to pay the cover nice to see you again tony i'm sorry who are you again i'm bella debris and you're lucky i found you when i did you don't want to get off on the wrong foot in willow hill and you certainly don't want to hang out with losers like these two piss off bella we're not in the mood we're really not yeah look there's no twin brother unfortunate word choice penny or should i say hissy penny what no how how could you come on luna let's go yeah that's right your hair looks like pee i think your friend needs a bathroom besides it's getting late don't you people turn back into pumpkins after midnight or something i uh oh no everybody's coming around to look oh no sparker everybody's watching if i go now i'll never live this down bella will think she can get away with picking on penny whenever she wants i need to defend my girl damn straight personally i don't blame her for wanting to go it's your breath have you been eating your father's cheap frozen dinners again got em how dare you insult to pre-frozen dinners they're not cheap they're affordable sure just like you're not a terrible person you're just ethically challenged stop it stop laughing this instant anyway just because penny and i aren't rich and spoiled like you doesn't make us bad people it makes us real people but you're just like your father's frozen dinners a nice picture on the outside and inside there's just a bunch of fake icy mush ooh tony liked that and parker yeah ice queen and you can have your stupid club i have better things to do come on penny let's blow this joint oh i can't believe you just did this yeah what she said you know she's honestly right this place sucks yeah let's all get out of here wait where's everybody going it's only 11 30. well what do you say it's just you and i wanna dance i'd rather fall down a sewer and die i can't believe he stayed just to say that but that turned down was juicy i love it oh my god you were amazing thank you bella dupree didn't know what hit her good it was nothing really what are you talking about it was everything and you better believe tony parker noticed heck everyone in their notice speaking of noticing i couldn't help but notice that bella said something to you back there one minute you're standing up to bella and the next you want to leave what happened sorry about that it's just she brought up something that i'm really sensitive about when i was about eight or nine i went to summer camp and one night i was so scared because we were telling scary stories and yeah you wet the bed obviously and they had to call my mom to come and pick me up it was a terrible experience i'm scarred so she was making fun of you for peeing yourself yeah the other girls made fun of me and i never went to summer camp again oh penny i thought they'd forgotten about it but i guess i was wrong don't cry it's not even a very creative nickname you can tell a child made it up and besides she doesn't deserve your tears penny but it matches my hair i didn't think she actually knew my real name see you're not a nobody too soon thank you for always standing up for me and for tonight especially when i couldn't stand up for myself anytime give me a big hug okay we're in this together um look at us we're dancing together do you feel better penny come on penny let's get the dance one i'm starting to feel more confident now with what i'm doing good and you deserve to feel confident the week passes so quickly and before i knew it it's moving day it's time the moving van's outside are you okay yeah it's just sad to see this house go well we can make new memories somewhere else mom come on let's go give me a hug yeah bring it in goodbye house you've treated us well what is a sad day hey you guys ready to go or what the van's waiting yes we're ready all right get in there the guy has the sensitivity level of a potato this is where we live now welcome welcome welcome thank you so much for letting us stay here loretta nonsense this house is more than enough space and you must be luna oh man that one holds our entire future in our hands without her we're basically on the street i'm gonna turn on the charm that's right and you must be parker's sister sister oh you definitely know how to flatter a lady i'm actually parker's mother loretta well he could have fooled me she likes me now mother-in-law peruse emilia your daughter is such a delight i know i'm very proud of her oh here comes mr lockwood darling come and say hello you remember amelia right this is her daughter luna yes of course i remember gosh luna you look just like your dad i prefer to look like my mom but thanks anyway anyway i'm afraid i have a meeting i need to attend but i'll see you later at dinner please make yourself feel at home you poor little things must both be exhausted let me show you to your rooms and this is the painting here this is a big hallway emilia your room is down the hall first one on the left i bet you your neighbors with parker and this is yours luna there's a bigger one a few doors down but it's right next to my son parker's room and wouldn't want any hanky-panky through the night figured you want a little privacy of course it's ultimately up to you though hmm a bigger room right next to parker or a smaller one down the hall you know which one penny is gonna advise right penny what do i do get next to parker but he's a jerk it's okay you can change the bad boy the playboy actually if it's all the same to you i'll take the one next to parker's i've never had a big room and it'd be fun to stretch out that's the reason yeah i want to be able to like reach from one side to the other you know good choice it's actually one of my favorite rooms in the house here let me show you well here it is wow i love how it's already decorated it's enormous it was just a spare office frankly it was gathering dust we moved one of the spare beds into here for you so make yourself comfortable and if parker makes any noise just bang on the walls he always does i'm afraid he's a bit of a night owl that's fine so am i well then you two should get along famously see you at dinner tattles toodles battles oh this is a really lovely room and mrs lockwood is as sweet as could be maybe things are actually starting to look up after all she better be thinking of texting me and inviting me for a sleepover later that night oh the dinner table oh what nice decor so much food lots of noodles looks like chinese food delicious well i'd just like to say welcome to our home it's a beautiful building how long has it been in the family luck would matter why many generations hundreds of years ago oh that's impressive why i yo what's going on hi i'm parker parker my sweet child you're home are you coming to eat with us nah i've got a date later but you haven't even said hello to our guests oh yeah hey sup anyway i'm gonna be late so i'm gonna bounce but when will you be back sweetie how the heck should i know why losers did he even see you didn't look like it he would have recognized me as the girl who yelled at him i feel like he would have stopped and been impressed by you sorry about him he's going through such a difficult time right now no no it's fine we completely understand right han i guess yeah like totally totally like totally sure well that was a disaster i need to talk to penny he's an even bigger jerk than i thought really yes did he say anything to you no it was like i was a ghost he didn't even say hello to his own mother well it's start anyway try to get some sleep i'm sure things will look better tomorrow and try to make sure you look rested you're a great listener you know that anyways see you tomorrow the problem is i can't sleep it's 4 13 a.m i have insomnia remember oh it's no use new bed new house same trouble sleeping i was hoping a change of environment would make it easier maybe a cup of hot tea will help that is if i can even find the kitchen in this place it's huge it's like a maze it's i get lost in it look at all the pots and pans they have it's obvious a chef works here great wait what's that sound is this place haunted sounds like somebody's down here with me it must be a burglar what do i do do i sneak around the corner and see who it is do i run back to my room penny sneak sneak sneak sneak around the corner are you sure yes okay oh yes penny scores parker parker whoa what the heck are you doing down here listen i have trouble sleeping but also put some clothes on you know what ignore his disheveled state tell him you have trouble sleeping i couldn't sleep i've got insomnia i've had it ever since well for a long time huh me too you're joking nope haven't slept a full night in years well that makes two of us great so that means there's gonna be two of us down here every night uh i could stay in my room if it's a big deal to you no that's all right i could use the company usually it's just me down here in my undies honestly it gets a little lonely and cold yeah i mean it looks cold did parker just show a little vulnerability though like am i dreaming could it be that there's more to parker lockwood than meets the eye what are you doing down here anyway me i was about to go exploring penny do i go with them oh say well so am i exploring well so am i why are you always texting i have to ask penny well i suppose students are going to be living here now there's no harm in showing you showing me what sorry if you want to see it you'll just have to come with me and see it for yourself you know what i mean oh that's so what do you say once in a lifetime offer luna it'll just be the two of us while the rest of the world sleeps i don't know if i trust him but this might be my chance to get to know the real parker lockwood parker one sec penny what do i do okay okay listen anytime lead the way why but i'm scared no no no he won't hurt you okay i mean we are in his home turf parties i'd like that just maybe put on a shirt first okay cool then follow me check out my haunted basement ah where are we there's a catacombs beneath the lockwood manor you know that right there's like dead people down there like skeletons catacombs yeah crips this place was bought over stone by stone from scotland it's creepy what do you do down here parker back in the day they used to keep bodies of my ancestors down here ah but nowadays i just throw parties yeah don't worry this isn't what i wanted to show you girl come on i'm scared he looks like he's from high school musical with his uniform sovereign lying come on it's safe where are we this is what i wanted to show you sweetie look they're romance wow this is the most beautiful thing i've ever seen what is it this is a natural limestone cavern it was formed millions of years ago by underground springs it runs underneath the whole town i come here sometimes when i can't sleep it's relaxing to be honest it's like all the problems in the world are so far away and i can just be me you know why is it glowing like that ah it's a special kind of bioluminescent fungus that only grows here i don't know if it's infectious but gosh it is pretty bioluminescent fungus yeah it's a type of mushroom that only grows in the darkness when it interacts with oxygen it creates light i failed science but i did ask the science teacher why that happens because i was scared i don't get you parker lockwood i don't think i've ever seen you attend a full chemistry class in my life and yet you are spouting off about bioluminescent fungus hey just cause i don't go to class doesn't mean i don't learn when i can't sleep i read by the time the morning rolls around i'm beat besides school sucks the teachers don't care so why should i huh i guess you've got a point but school's like anything else you get what you put into it i don't know maybe it's just not my speeder right now you know it's weird i've never brought anyone else down here before in fact i think you and i are the only two people who know about it so i guess that makes it our little secret guess it does speaking of secrets you need to promise me something okay what you can't tell anyone that i have insomnia why not let's just say it wouldn't go with my bran what you mean rich and flawless in every way you could say that see i'm the alpha male on campus and dustin's been trying to step up lately and take my place and if he knew that i couldn't get to sleep at night well he'd find a way to use it against me you're joking he'd really do that you guys really do take this popularity thing too seriously seriously yeah well it's ruthless at the top you're lucky you're nobody whoa backhand of compliments excuse me sorry i didn't mean that i just meant you're lucky you can just be you you know wow did parker lockwood just say something that wasn't completely jerk-like all right fine i promise i won't tell anyone that you have insomnia except penny except penny thanks anyway it's getting late we should probably get back it'll be getting light soon the last thing i need is my mom thinking i'm gone and calling the cops again come on the next day the sun's already up i must have overslept but getting to see that side of parker was totally worth like i think i'm in love girl i get dustin he's a bad boy on the outside soft on the inside where are you off to in such a hurry oh sorry mrs lockwood loretta but i overslept i got a runner i'll be late well why don't you just get to live with parker me i'm not a taxi service mom you should say i thought you were i i thought you were but seriously it's fine i can walk don't be silly you're both going to the same place get in the same car no really i nonsense off you both go parker oh fine i don't really want to be seen with her though look let's get something straight just because i showed you the cabins last night doesn't mean we're friends parker you were so nice to me why are you mean don't worry i never thought we were and anyway i'd be just assumed to kiss a snake then be friends with you it's nothing personal we just run in different circles you know i've got an image to maintain penny what do i say you have to say so do i because you have an image too you don't like hanging out with douche bags but i don't really have an image at all penny okay fine well so do i good good yeah stay in your lane i'll stay in mine parker well here we are well why did you pull over we're still a mile from the school i know listen there's something important i have to tell you all right and i'm afraid you're not you're gonna have to what is parker going to tell you and what's going on with dustin's party find out next time on why me well that was really fun so far i'm really excited to see where it goes and nora thank you so much for being my friend my penny you're welcome i've been honored and blessed to be your friend and i really appreciate the opportunity to guide you to parties and cute boys i'm having so much fun with episode thank you guys so much for requesting me to play it also please check out nora's channel she's revamping her channel and she's coming back so if you enjoyed her make sure you go watch her tune in for some more episode because i love this game a lot and i'd really love to play some more if you'd like to see me again make sure you push notifications and i will see you on the next one bye
Channel: undefined
Views: 4,200,515
Rating: 4.9336877 out of 5
Keywords: episode, episode game, gloom, gloomgames, kassie, 2020, gloomykassie, episode app, phone app, mobile app game, iphone game, android game, android app, girl code, mean girls, sleep over, awkward date, strange, crush, peer pressure, nora, noraverse, collab
Id: CFI4ix3Sf6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 47sec (2087 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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