Baby Bullsnakes Hatching!!

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I love the hatching videos!! Such cute little hissy noodles.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Mandyissogrimm 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2020 🗫︎ replies
this is where we are incubating some of bread and peanuts eggs and I wanted to show you how that weird egg is doing it's interesting this guy right here if I looked a weird bit of like mold on one of the sides but then I treated it with some low German powder and it didn't seem to ever get any worse and the rest is still pearly white so I think that egg is actually going to be okay the paper towel is because a couple of the eggs seemed to be like denting in slightly the ones on top so I assume those are the ones that weren't making contact with the perlite so I put a little trick is to put like a damp piece of paper towel oh my gosh they're hatching these eggs we're not due to hatch yet and they're not in a weird temperature anything are you guys just ready early uh okay yeah look I know they're not due yet they're just overachievers oh I want a pink I'm stuck behind the camera oh this actually works do you never on that side and I'm on this side here why don't you do the peeking in time you did wake up like five minutes ago you ever heard that they were itching yeah just the two that are hatching so far four that means this one's got to be ready too a lot of people were asking if this egg would hatch at a different time than these but the difference in temperature is going to be more of a height thing in the incubation room so since this egg even though it's in a different container and we separated it just because it looked kind of funny it's still at the same temperature as the rest cuz it's at the same height so that wouldn't still should be due today as well ah this was like a super overachiever he'd cut an entire hole that's like the hole that we cut for them I don't know if you want to a be too eager to come out of your egg right now it's 2020 yeah so we left this clump together because they were probably the first ones bred laid so they were kind of cemented together too much by the time we took them out and put him in incubation but as you can see you can leave the clump together and they'll often hatch just fine we just separate ours in case one develops mold we want to be able to take it out so it's not potentially exposing the rest of that mold - that's crazy I was just checking to see if they had reinflates it after I put the wet paper towel on top of them and then they started hatching so they were denting because they were about to hatch not because they were dry that's so cool well we're going to leave them be yes oh my gosh well are you gonna stimulate the rest so what it is doing is he is acting as if the tweezers are a sibling snake that hatched and is slithering over the eggs and that's what stimulates babies to hatch when they start sensing their siblings slithering over the other eggs it's like up there ready so I guess I'm ready so I had better hatch so this should encourage those to start pipping to go well we are going to check back in a while and see what else is pips oh hi baby oh you're so cute we have another one that's tipping right here and over here we have another one that's pipping or do you have an attitude already do you have an you do you haven't even come out of your egg and you're already hissing and striking 9 goodness no I don't want that to be the reason why you okay guess you're coming out of your egg right now welcome to the world welcome to 2020 oh you you just keep coming out how did you fit in there is your egg like a clown car hey oh my goodness you just came hi that was really cool well it's been 24 hours and guess what the rest of Brad's clutch is starting to hatch too and we looked up the date these started Pippi at day 45 which is 10 days earlier than they were do I the only thing I can think is they were incubated at 84 to 85 degrees which is a little higher than normal but the weird thing is the eggs and thick bullsnake eggs were supposed to hatch a week ago and they're on day like 63 now I think roughly and they were incubated at the same spot that these were so I don't know why these hatched so early but it's time to cut them open and see what we've got going inside we're going to start with the clump that started pipping first and if you look one two three babies have already come out they're all scrunched together right there oh hi beep oh my gosh look at this one this one has a bowtie on the back of his open sorry buddy here look at something smaller to point with he has a bowtie like right here behind his head oh you're so fancy with your bowtie angry yeah you're right they all look so weak I'm just gonna hit them here - yep your bread and peanut babies of course you are you guys have kids so we've got the three babies here the one I'm really interested in checking out is this egg this was the wonky looking egg from day one so we had separate it in case it went bad and we needed to remove it all together but I treated it with Lotrimin powder and it didn't seem to get any worse than this black bulge and the rest of the egg looks perfect so we're going to cut this one open to to see what's inside and I bet there's a good baby in there the reason why we cut the eggs open is because in case they aren't able to make a slit by themselves to exit from they they could drown in their own fluids if they're not able to get out of their eggs soon enough that's actually what inspires them to hatch is they start running out of oxygen in their eggs so they need to get out in order to breathe and survive so by cutting open a small slit for those that don't have a very well-developed egg tooth they will all have an exit this looks like a healthy baby oh he's a shy little baby he's not ready to come out quite yet so the last one to cut would be this one what I'm going to do since the baby will rest on the bottom of the egg is I'm just going to cut a very shallow slit in the shell up top then peek inside make sure baby's okay and assuming it is we'll just let him come out on his own and baby he looks good nice healthy baby okay so all the babies in here are great if they're not all already hatched I love their red oh that's so pretty oh really hi welcome to the world I bet this one's a girl look at how short that little tail oh that buzzy tail is thankfully the bull snakes are big enough we can probe them before sending them out so we know what they are for sure oh my gosh Gary they've got baby snake smell oh yeah oh my gosh I missed this this is our first clutch to hatch this year where's our fancy boy here's our fancy boy or girl hang on fancy girl that's a short little stout tail this one instead of a bowtie has a boat on her Oakley a bow clip oh that's adorable that's like a butterfly yeah Oh or is it a butterfly oh your heart oh my gosh there's a heart there to your right this our cute oh do you guys see a butterfly a bow clip or a heart on the back of her head yeah I think I see all three okay you are so cute okay you can go back out you actually have teeth bit latched on there should we open this one now or open all the wrist person then we're gonna make them wait nope okay we'll make everybody wait we'll do that one last well that means we are going to cover up these babies and then we're going to look at these more babies are pipping i think it's so cool how even though they were incubated in completely different containers they all know to hatch at the same time and they all hatched ten days early how do they coordinate that how do they know clutches they're just ready they're just ready mm-hmm this isn't overachiever do you see all of it cuts this one's made one two three four five six geez that one doesn't have an expression they these are the emoji eggs too huh so we've got laugh you cry you face has got a tomato nose sticking out and the third one to pick wasn't this one which also didn't have a face that was before we decided to do faces but that baby looks perfect as well and none of these babies should be albino or any fancy worse they're just the offspring from bread and peanut who are two huge bull snakes so these babies should be big as adults too I think oh there's that emoji it's an upside-down smiley face oh yeah that one's supposed to be we're going to cut this little baby this is probably the biggest egg of the clutch oh I've got the goop it's clear goop though that's a really good sign when it's like all cloudy and yellow that is a hit-or-miss so I'm if the baby is good or not see one there yeah I see a baby sucked way down in there are you an alive baby yeah it looks fine all right cool hard to see that one but there is a baby in there this baby oh geez okay well then and the red here is not I've just saved this every year because people freaked out if you see any red it's not blood from the baby I didn't cut the baby there are veins lining the inside of the shell and those veins are pretty much useless right now because the babies are already developed so it's not hurting the baby what's in here got huh I don't know baby in there I mean I'm sure it's in there well the goop looks clear so I'm assuming baby's fine but it's scary out there sorry I'm gonna be cutting into the face well inside up sit down smiley face we've got the baby we can see the veins that's pretty cool there you go everyone you can see the veins that run along the inside all right you know ready to come out yet huh well that's okay we'll set you aside team come out when you are oh I see your belly scoots oh okay glasses baby has a healthy baby probably ready to come out oh yeah probably pretty soon this one better be indifferent about everything I'm sure it'll be just mad probably mess face another healthy baby looks good you respond oh yeah oh yes don't touch me three left and then then we are looking at a cut around the spectacle baby another baby oh wow look at all these veins yeah that is really cool you can see the whole network how many did you pull out of here I think two went bad one was that one maybe there was one here two maybe three I can't remember how many were in there originally or which emojis went bad but there were a couple that just right away went bad Larissa yeah the rest were fine no kissy face in three two one baby responses yep oh he works it's not a broken toy how would you describe this pace anxiety that's okay perfect anxiety face you're about to cut him I know why he's got anxiety yeah really okay anxiety face has good baby right up top to look at that nice healthy vein right there any poke test book don't touch me well all of these babies look fantastic I cannot wait to see them all out that means it is now time for the weird looking egg do you think it'll be good baby I think it's gonna be just a perfectly normal baby I think so won't be small we've had babies hatched from eggs like these just behind this is why you always incubate eggs even if they look funny cuz chances are there's a good chance they might make it so let's see this is a very special baby didn't even do a face on this oh all that that looks good we're ready they're cleared ooh that's a great sign oh okay just deflate in my hand it could be a stillborn I mean there's always that chance twins yeah right let's find out yeah it looks like a perfectly normal baby in there yes it does pokum poke test oh he's responding Wow I might keep this one separated in this container yeah just to show ya see what he looks like when he comes out that is really exciting that egg made it through incubation the baby looks fine from what we can see but we'll know more when it comes out we are going to put all of these back into incubation now for another day and we're going to allow them to come out at their own speed these three years just the overachievers I guess Oh babies oh my gosh I didn't realize how much I missed this anyway we're going to set them all back for another 24 hours and we'll check back on them tomorrow to see what all has come out of their egg well it's been about 24 hours now and almost all of the babies have come out of their eggs including the very special little guy from that moldy egg which we're going to check out in a little bit first let's take a look at the bigger bin of babies oh look at them all staring at the camera it looks so confused we have one two three four five here a sixth there here a little baby or your teenie you're adorable oh my gosh look at how tiny you are Wow there's quite the size difference there oh you're just a little baby okay here I'll put you in your pile we've got one two three four wait five six are you still in the egg I think this one is - oh my gosh guys yeah that's a bread and peanuts babies for you don't don't find each other guys okay okay fine we're gonna remove these they don't stress out too much time out bit now I want to check and see if the ones still in the eggs are okay empty empty empty empty empty alright the rest of these I think wait how many babies are there 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 this one must be out it's just really heavy maybe loaded with stuff maybe yeah it just must be coop I guess there's still a baby in there really yeah hang on let's recount 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 eggs twin are those twin is that way this one's so small oh we might had twins this year oh my gosh I think we had twins no way we have six babies out but five eggs hatched this one is definitely got something still in it still in have in it and there's something out of it I mean it's not full no we got twins this year I think we got twins that would explain why that was so tiny let me count one more time so there's five there is there a baby in here how about this one I would have to assume yes baby in that one definitely baby baby an egg and still a baby in this one there's totally a baby in there still moving um I don't know mmm doesn't look good are you checking out your twin I'm glad you made it okay so that is definitely the second baby oh wait thanks so I can't really tell I'm gonna leave him alone I guess for a little while and we'll just have to check him tomorrow or something oh okay well that was more exciting than I was expecting yeah um we're gonna leave these in here to encourage the rest to come out and then we're going to check on the other bin and see who's hatched from their babies oh my goodness so many babies be going in the shed I think oh my gosh they are five six perfect okay we've got six babies it's what we're expecting and look at that ones colors yes super yeah really pretty these are nice big babies too ah you're so curious are you in a strike post Oh you're short angry this one's a sweetheart though no you're a friendly one so you did not all angry little firecrackers in bread and peanuts clutches because most just most yeah it may all come down with handling - you are gorgeous okay well now I think we have to finally take a look at the baby from the mold the egg you ready sure here it is three two one hi cutie I'm sorry you were isolated I wanted to make sure you came out all right guys that was so me and I've been in isolation since yesterday this just goes to show there that even those questionable legs incubate him anyway they might hatch and he looks perfectly healthy although sometimes I mean they might have kinks if they have a weird egg but no I don't see any kinks at all he looks great hi buddy yeah you were the moldy egg baby he's got a really pretty dark mask well since these are all out and have been for since this morning at least arts since last night really time to set up baby bins now we finally get to use our new vision rack which we bought last year but we got it a little later in the season so we didn't get to utilize it to its full extent but now we're gonna set him up first like always we're going to put paper towels at the bottom so it's easier to monitor their droppings and to feed them they won't drag it around any bedding or anything and then for enrichment for like the cave in the back we're still trying to find a good cave that fits well in the vision bins so for now like we we have these black ones but they'd have to go in sideways and the coconut hides aren't going to fit unfortunately so I think for now we're going to use some plastic tubing for them to hide in and then we can just use some broader leaves for them to hide underneath and crawl over this should be enough enrichment bull snakes are pretty easygoing there we go we're just going to extrapolate this to all of the babies cuz they each get their own bin next we're going to add water dishes and water dishes we use kind of a variety of different dishes recently or this year rash we've actually gone out and bought a bunch of PVC caps because they work great for little baby snake water dishes and finally just to give them something rough to slither against to help them shed we're just going to give them each a rock and of course we won't be doing this just for these four bins we're gonna do a bin for each baby but you get the idea now we add the babies oh they're babies you're so cute you are you gonna go just gonna sit on the leaf check out your new digs up and into the tube Willy come out there oh I do too you cute okay you get your own bedroom you get your own bedroom and you get your own bedroom are you angry at everything angry at everything oh my goodness now with these guys all having huge parents since they have Brad as their mom and peanut as their dad they may be small now but when they become an adult they should be big bull snakes and now we get to repeat the process for all of the babies turns out we're out of water dishes so we actually have to go to the hardware store to buy more PVC caps so they will get water dishes just a little bit later [Music] so many babies I'm so excited every single egg so far has at least one healthy baby inside I only say that because we had that weird twin thing going on a very exciting twin thing happened I don't know if the second baby in there is alive so we're going to give it a couple days to come out of the egg and we'll do an update at the end of this video for you so you can know whether or not between survived however in the snake world when you have twins in a single egg often both babies are very small because they had to fit in that egg together and usually one baby survives but the other one does not so if the baby if the other twin doesn't make it and she's behind me that's why I'm pointing back there if the twin doesn't make it it wouldn't really surprised me as sad as it would be but we'll see stay tuned at the end of this video to figure out what happens thank you patreon backers for your amazing support and for everybody who actually sent us the decor that we used in there baby bins all those leaves and flowers those were all sent by fans so thank you so much for your generosity and everybody they may not appreciate our efforts right now but they will yeah you're gonna love your baby bin so I'm gonna put you in there it's of cool holding a whole handful of snakes thank you guys for watching and joining us on this adventure and congratulations to Brad and peanut for being parents yet again we'll see you all next time okay consider yourselves properly warned because this is probably gonna be kinda gross this is our remaining twin baby I've been letting it sit for about four days thinking maybe he just needed extra time to develop but my hopes aren't very high that does not look very good but I am curious what's on the inside well there's our baby no definitely does not seem alive so and I would have seen some sort of responsiveness by now I feel yeah there's nothing going on in there so I'm still curious though to see how far it developed so I'm just gonna go ahead and pull it out unfortunately that's all I can show you guys in today's video because the rest of it was unexpectedly kind of morbid almost it's like the baby developed inside out and I feel like that wouldn't fit well on YouTube so we'll post the rest of the footage and the entire dissection video on our patreon in case you want to check it out but it is not for the faint of heart I'll make it a public post so that you don't have to be a patreon backer in order to see it and I don't think you'll even need an account to see it it should be there I just think it's unfortunately a little too gruesome for YouTube but thank you again everybody for watching it's too bad that that baby did not make it but it really doesn't surprise me especially seeing how it developed that's just bizarre but thank you again for watching guys see you next time you
Channel: Snake Discovery
Views: 5,999,379
Rating: 4.8984542 out of 5
Keywords: snake hatching, bullsnakes, bullsnake hatching, egg hatching, snake eggs, snake egg hatching, snake discovery egg hatching, egg cutting, baby snakes, snake discovery, snake egg cutting, baby snakes hatching, bullsnake breeding, breeding snakes, baby bullsnakes
Id: Lg6QOHFiE8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 59sec (1379 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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