Hatchimals | Adventures in Hatchtopia S1 | Episodes 1-11

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[Music] time to hatch a new friend come on little one the world's ready for you hey what do you guys think our new hatch to mobile wanna see first icicles and polar paradise singing trees and fabula forest for you definitely ug tree here we go come on let's do this [Music] welcome I'm peg wallah this is tea tree and that's draggled hi what's your name [Music] [Music] [Music] that's the Bell from the schoolhouse it's time you write school puppet you get to learn all the cool stuff that makes hatch dope you the hatch dopiest [Music] here we are you learned fry how to help hatch eggs and about all the coolest plants and hatched oak like glittering garden Oh amazing does that smell looks like a scroll do we open it do we need to bow to it or maybe like wave let's just open look there's a message from Boris two lakes of flower patch a magical journey and eggs to hatch travel the land vents are near and far find the golden links bright as a star Wow Oh links at school puppet that's where you'll learn it all [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I haven't been an aide for a long time I'm snail tail what should I call you shouting screaming what did you find wait Oh see every hatch more you're lucky the meat makes your journey of joy your quest completes her golden wings excuse me we need that scroll dude you're kind of hogging the scroll let's look at it together oh where are my manners I'll just take that face okay it is a little mysterious so yeah but together we can figure it out the truth lies in a nest you'll see there's magic there a clue or three that's crystal clear crystal clear oh yes crystal Canyon has those mood nests let's go I'll go to Crystal Canyon while you go after that egg well I really think we should stick together [Music] time to hatch a new friend you can help this time puppet [Music] [Applause] [Music] to enter 19 is going to be best friends with the magical hold the names [Music] [Music] I love you but you gotta stop asking that crystal Canyon is just a song away whoa who's feeling fabulous and fabulous forests secret is magic the secret is magic it is magical so let's get to Crystal Canyon before a certain sticky Sun one finds that golden links as soon as I find that golden links he'll be my magical friend popular guy enhanced ophea cool that we got ourselves a new partner in snail tail huh right the cutest what do you think he's so helping doesn't he give anybody else weird vibes nope nah personally I think we should be open to a new friends help don't you of course but jeez I just really want to find the golden links so everyone in hatch dopey can experience something magical I know too much [Music] [Music] let's do this [Music] [Music] it's a magical strong rebound and it leads to new friends like you oh wait I need snail tail he's hilarious actually we're not sure we're headed to Crystal Canyon come on [Music] [Music] [Music] Crystal Canyon crystal nests this is my absolute replacing all of hatch topia remember we're looking for the crystal of truth let's go with all these nests it's not gonna be easy we love you too puppet pink crystals are for love orange crystals boo ever wonder what magic is where does it come from oh is it magic I mean what if I said in this nest all day what I turn orange oh yes we'll never know okay maybe the weirdest thing you ever saw well I get a super dreamy kind of way what's it all about can we get this nest to go [Music] what puppet your hugs are the warmest things ever and you're so adorable [Music] congratulations you found the crystal of truth I most certainly did you think this one could be the golden links hi hope so but I can tell ya [Music] the scroll all glowy the eggs power one spell will challenge the Sun its magic is strong and cannot be undone the musical trees must mean Beulah forest [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well doesn't find me who has to enter nyan hates when people burst into song [Music] when I catch the sniffles I'm going in to help can you see what's wrong [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] gee tree you gotta see this there you go buddy [Music] [Music] Snell CEO just ran off with the scroll [Music] [Music] we're almost at Rock Lake snail tell miss crook gotta be here somewhere finally I can find the golden links by myself it must be awesome having a show like that oh I see spoon by the way um you okay no something in this bowl a purple it just rolled up de l'Γ©pΓ©e in school oh I saw it floated right past me like turn see purple yep but not forever so you gotta enjoy is wait where's the scroll can you see it why is he looking at a lake we gotta help that little guy hatch it could be the golden blanks would you mind diving down one can dream [Music] I'm su spoon but I'm on an important mission for mr. snail tail I have to rescue the scroll let's do this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] look for all the sparkles and shimmers [Music] [Music] [Music] we can't talk like that we gotta stay positive you got a lot of nerve snail tail why did you steal the scroll steal it no no I borrowed three so I yeah took it somewhere with more light in and then I came back to tell you the clue Oh what was it Camarena you got this zbrush Keep Calm cuz this party is not gonna decorate itself did she say party the Foxman twins are gonna break oh my gosh we totally forgot about their hacci birthday party oh yeah it's the social event of the season if I could put these decorations in the trees I'd be a it's a surprise so keep it on the DL so exciting bit of a cinch I have everything except a gift can you come up with something super fun sure just leave it to me ZBrush I know just the thing meet at the edge of the lake and five who are the Foxman twins okay that is perfect [Music] check it out looks like we missed an awesome party [Music] Wow Wow thanks you guys [Music] now it's a double birthday party Hey ZBrush asked me to stay we're friendly bonded over our love of party planning we're talking HFF level here so I'm gonna do it oh okay I'll uh I'll miss you you too Drago Oh do you remember anything about the clue no just sparkly something [Music] [Music] [Music] scroll check tic-tac King shimmering sands is big we got a lot of sand to cover let's split up we'll cover more ground meet back here in 10 and hang on to that scroll we're splitting up [Music] good work you guys let's check the scroll maybe it says what Jake is a problem you lost the scroll just placed G tree it's cool we'll just retrace your steps let's go huh wait we can't all go who's gonna watch the eggs snail tail I don't think that's such a fine come on golden links I could just take you we'd be HFS except I have no idea how to add you nation it's somewhere around here you find it thank goodness I better hang on to this from now on hmm let's check it out [Music] the one edgy patch will lead the way to the golden links and a shiny new day yeah except we have two eggs [Music] [Music] hmm the one egg you hatch will lead the way um little help here Gigi your age already started to hatch too maybe it's the one here let me give you a few pointers see you got a rub it hug it give it a little of you try this helps if you actually touch the egg hatching an egg feels awesome bones but you're gonna be fine [Music] the one true egg is the one word congrats on helping hatch your very first day [Music] okay the clue said new shiny new day okay the clue said the one egg-like who's Eric is the one [Music] new like you and shiny like moonlight we should go hey where you doin we should follow mine mine asked first so I think we should follow mine they host at the same time use track of both of them if you don't pick a side I'm following my Turton because I think she's the one and I'm following my dirt effing because I know she's the one well I'm going with Gigi it'll be okay [Music] okay let's do this [Music] [Music] [Music] it sure is weird without peg wallah isn't it oh you guys doing fabulous just sliding through the dark while things I can't see clinging to my belly the scroll said to look for something new that narrows it down to about a thousand things baby is here in crystal Canyon huh and voila would know what to do man polar paradise is amazing freezing but amazing I bet Chi tree would dance to stay warm wanna dance to toughen I'm sure we'll meet up with the others soon [Music] [Music] [Music] here I'd love to hear poppet laughing right now that wind sure sounded like puppet wait where's Archer toughing going now now where they going I was too stubborn I mean there's always more than one way to do something truth just like there wasn't one right egg but two eggs that led us to the right place for no one we're gonna stick together no matter what here I know you'll keep this safe [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you believe how magical this mountain is [Music] [Music] yes I did we finally get to see all that golden links magic oh well once you a happy Hatcher is a do your job maybe it needs all of us snoot ale we need your sticky self to help us huh you do you did it before [Music] he is magic just like I imagined [Music] who turned out the lights I haven't had breakfast yet my friends you found me never fear a magical eclipse is here the light is gone the land is dark but always trust your inner spark let's take a trip pass giggle Grove will fly up high and see good morning all I know it's dark the sky is black and calm but hark across the sea is someplace new an island waiting just for you you couldn't see it not till now the Eclipse has made its shine and how Wow is that it that is a luma island when the egg moon hides the sun's great light hatch topia goes dark but illumise stays bright venture out across the sea to tropical shores to parties and glean a whole new world a magical new best friend [Music]
Channel: Hatchimals And Friends
Views: 1,994,724
Rating: 4.4922147 out of 5
Keywords: Hatchimals Show, Hatchimals Series, Hatchimals Episodes, Adventures in Hatchtopia, Hatchimals Colleggtibles, Colleggtibles, Hatch Colleggtibles, Collectible Toys, Toy Collecting, Toy Unboxing, Surprise Egg, Surprise Toy, Mermal, Mermal ColleggtiblesHatchimals Mermals, Mermal Magic, Mermaids, Mermaid Tails, Mermaid Doll, Mermaid Toy, New Hatchimals, New Colleggtibles, Magic Water, Changing Color, Hatchtopia, Hatchimals Cartoon, Hatchimals Movie, cartoons, kids cartoons
Id: Pt25NDTmGko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 8sec (2408 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 05 2018
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