Enchantimals 🌈 New Neighbors & Sheepless In Wonderwood | 💜Kids Cartoons | WildBrain

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[Music] [Music] Hey enchanted malls we're besties forever [Music] it's okay I'll close your eyes so I can finish taking care of your sore beak I don't know that's strange come on show me where that's very odd I better get back inside that is one cranky owl [Music] [Music] [Music] I just got the owl to sleep table how could it be gone are you sure there was a table out here yeah oh my treasure chests and tables you do have a very good imagination sprint hmm I better get back to the owl who knows what else you're going to find back here [Music] [Music] I hope you didn't get hurt from that bump no we're fine thanks I'm Santa and this is my bestie suffer with your new neighbors oh hi and welcome I'm Vanessa and this is sprint Oh yep it's moving day hey why don't you come up and visit we'd love to I always wondered what that treehouse looked like on the inside [Music] Wow those squirrels are real acrobats but how are we going to get up there deer can't climb trees I don't think so do you want to use our upsy-downsy instead I guess so but I'm not sure what an upside down Z is don't mind the mess we're still unpacking you guys have a lot of bull stuff huh oh look at this one it's so beautiful this is dumb fur loves collecting it's a squirrel her latest fashion is gathering shiny rocks for our mosaics the proof is health oh the treasure chest you saw is it yes stumper brought that all the way from rainy wood it was on the banks of the babbling brook we spotted it half hidden in the mud we dug it out and open the lid why don't you find yeah yes was there treasure inside nope but the chest itself is a treasure a perfect place for some for shiny stones I like the way you think I like to find out where stuff comes from so I looked it up in this old book that stumper found turns out this treasure chest is hundreds of years old it may have belonged to the very first enchant amals Wow oh we still have one more box to bring it from below we do have a lot of stuff [Music] [Music] you guys hungry haha I made some banana nut bread I think I can find it though sometimes I forget where I put things [Music] hey want to see the rest of the treehouse I hope we'd love to [Music] that is our bedroom pod and are you guys okay yeah we're fine wonder where semper is I'm just gonna swing down and see if she needs help with the box but we'll come with you cool I think we'll take the upsy-downsy [Music] here but the box is hey didn't you say stumper likes to collect shiny stones whoo she stirred us can't resist him looks like stumpers gone collecting shall we [Music] another shiny stone more shiny stones another clue looks like there's a whole trail of them going down the hill I'll see if I can get a better view she's down a wagon wheel a wagon wheel her spring can catch up with her he's really fast [Music] [Music] you found a wagon wheel stumper looks like the start of a new collection I [Laughter] better check on my owl patient I wonder if she's woken up yet yep still grumpy oh boy I think stuber's just started another new collection well at least feathers make for late packing we'll be up to get you in a jiffy [Music] looks like you guys have another visitor [Music] perfect are you a sporty fashion line is sure to be a hit clap oh you really should think about designing a new window display so customers will know about it oh you've already done it and it's amazing Oh what would I do [Music] welcome to the sleek Beach boutique you must be Potter I'm Lorna Lorna laughs I've seen you around wonder would but it's great to finally get to talk to you same here everyone's been telling me that this is the place for my bad so [Music] here we are this is my bestie flag never leaves my sight which comes in handy since I can never fall asleep unless I can't sheath one anyways I just worry that she gets lonely when I need to do something by myself well it looks to me like she's just made wood who lets a relief don't you think definitely look at the way I'm going on and on how I do that sometimes no worries I do that sometimes you do Wow you really get me don't you I have a feeling you and I are going to be best friends like I said second best friends and my bestie and I fully plan to beat you in everyone else at the badminton tournament the two of us make quite the team I don't know about that flap and I were badminton legends in juggling well may the best team win Oh flap and I are planning to do a little Batman practice this afternoon would you in flag care to join us [Music] yes one scoop of raspberry mustard seed ice cream yes please still my favorite out what she's having are his flag imitating olive flaps badminton muth to be honest some sheep can be real followers I do wish flag but he was some muth of her own what makes sheep great badminton players is our excellent jumping skills you should see us jump fences maybe so poet peacocks have flying skills on our side tell me about yourself what kinds of things do you like well I love fashion me too and parties me too and making beautiful things me too sorry it was your turn wasn't it oh I'm sure there are plenty of things we don't have in common I am sure to why you weren't kidding about that ship thing were you does it show nah leave you to see bit but one thing we do have in common is that our besties are becoming good friends they don't say keep enjoying each other's company yeah me too I mean that would be nice [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh Lorna hi Patrick I was just wondering his flag over here actually she is but I'm not sure she's ready to go home yet I overheard a flap suggesting a sleepover Oh a don't stay up too late with the badminton tournament tomorrow I need my partner in tip-top shape [Music] hi Pat er I know I look a fright hey tossed and turned all night I'm sorry to hear that I tried to count sheep but couldn't make it past none I guess I really miss my bestie of course you do flag Lauren is here to see you her bestie spent the morning playing dress-up if they're playing dress-up who is black the only one dressed ah [Music] I'm glad flag found a new friend but I'm starting to feel like she's really found a new bestie maybe she just needs to discover what she is not in order to finally know who she is I hope so if it makes you feel better I feel like I've lost my bestie - those two are spending all of their time together [Music] [Music] let's hope they show up for the badminton tournament I guess that makes us partners I guess it does [Music] [Applause] [Music] so tired and confused I don't know whether I even want to win against my own bestie me neither [Music] laughs is stuck in that tree I could fly over to help them but I'm too big to get into that novel me too oh we need someone who can jump high enough to get to the hole but who's flexible enough to fit inside sounds like a shape to me flag there's no one to follow this time only you can save my poor bestie flavor [Music] so glad you're okay flap I don't know what I'd do without you I knew you sheep are super cute but I had no idea you could be superheroes sometimes we sheep have a little trouble being ourselves but right now have never been prouder to be a sheep well I for one love seeing your real sheep sides in the meantime we have a badminton tournament to get back to what do you say Oh glad you're safe it's hard to get back to the tournament is everyone here now I think so let's count heads good idea one [Music] you
Channel: WildBrain - Cutie Cartoons
Views: 1,030,174
Rating: 4.2273064 out of 5
Keywords: Enchantimals, enchantimals episode 1, enchantimals full episodes, enchantimals dolls, cartoons for kids, enchantimals tales from everwilde, enchantimals song, enchantimals english, tales from everwilde, ever after high, cartoons for children, cartoons for girls, full episodes for kids, tales from everwilde full episodes, enchantimals toys, enchantimals episode 3
Id: vGvOH_2uWLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2019
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