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are you ready to look at it of three two one [Music] to my channel and today this video sponsored by Snickers so my parents told me that they have like a huge surprise for me downstairs so I'm really really excited I want them to tell me I have never had a surprise this baby for so let's get to it sure I suppose I'm gonna walk you downstairs okay Oh hand bod your bowl a annoyance but I don't you to fall down there oh it's so vague Oh 909 okay stand right here and keep your eyes closed okay they were here okay you ready to look at it as 3 2 1 [Music] [Applause] it is bigger than Everly what do you have 20 years [Music] all right Robin it's a big day and we are celebrating everything happy mode Sun egg amazing delivery which include a super exclusive first meet peak of the collectibles let me a dish lamp it's longing spring 2020 stick around to see it we are hosting a super exclusive contest on our community tab and trip for a chance to win a huge collection of hash tables price let's Hatcher right now to see what you can win check out hash symbols on Instagram and on YouTube YouTube /ox web craft so we are going to attempt to open this giant heart [Music] [Applause] [Music] here you pull on the heart that way okay we try steam it's cracked open a good amount where you guys can get some stuff all right yeah this is vacant oh that hatch will hatch topia life no even seen that one before what else is there oh oh the royal snowball hatch most collectibles that should win right yeah these are all things that you guys can win there yeah Wow oh that's what you were talking about okay what do you say what's more those good things oh the branch [Music] [Applause] secret surprise oh are you getting in there okay alright so now we're gonna do the toy spending 24 hours the side of a real life hatch my leg alright have fun I really there you go what's like in there so there's twelve eggs inside each carton comes with accessories in every single egg so open them you have to rub the heart until it turns pink so it starts off as purple it starts off as purple paint look it's turning pink and then once it's pink once it's yeah nice push down until it cracks then you crack it pull up and then it reveals which adorable friend that you have [Music] I like it so cute where did you get that did you get up on your little unicorn alright so now we're gonna open [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] to hack Simoes and the curtains are exclusive characters that you give me so let's just let's just get going again okay we have to rub the Purple Heart crack it cute little accessories this one comes with a little hairbrush the hatch most from royal hack and royal snowball are royally ready for the royal snowball get them ready and glam and mix and match them all some love to ice-skate there are royal rare mermaids and some are limited-edition glitter salon friends with real hair the princess pairs of royal twins are ultra [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow [Applause] [Music] okay guys all of the glymphatic optimal collections are either decorated on the outside wing or inside me many don't forget this comes out in spring of 2020 [Music] [Applause] [Music] confetti inside shake it so you guys can see [Music] like these so it has 12 exclusive HMOs that you won't get anywhere else [Music] [Applause] alright guys without the new collection coming through 2020 super excited about you we are hosting a super exclusive contest on our community tab enter it to win a huge collection of hats more prizes then you get a Spin Master for sponsoring this video and hope guys like this video and make sure you go get these if you don't get all the hypotheses and mikay this video a big thumbs up yes and subscribe to my channel and [Music]
Channel: Everleigh Rose
Views: 7,481,864
Rating: 4.6556139 out of 5
Keywords: Everleigh, opens, toys, hatchimals, review, games, unboxong, reveal, rare, collect
Id: Q3kL-uVxxpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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