ALL THE EPISODES: MEGA COMPILATION | Adventures in Hatchtopia: PIXIES | Hatchimals

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] different nice to meet you [Music] I wonder why I'm so much taller than you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] never find one of these clouds most amazing cake I've ever seen I don't know what you are but I'm gonna give you the shiniest welcome ever [Music] okay this can't be real [Music] okay that was weird that girl is magic g3c you're like part three cool cuz I will Oh get it how did you make that star fly well you made a wish and then that happened guess so I wish mmm okay my turn I wish I could paint with the stars [Music] I wish for want you to meet my friends but they're hiding all over hatch topia patch whoria hatch topia you're gonna love it [Music] [Music] now where's the last place papa would look for you so beautiful no thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] my promise usually I'm just like hey I'm King guala and then you'd say crystals [Music] [Music] right how'd you do that oh wait I still didn't get your name [Music] now look at you oh I love it if the bixie thing do you think there's more Pixies in hot topia I'm sure of it oh are you the only Hachem oh oh no no no can you imagine there's tons of us but my HFF Archie tree puppet and Drago they're all hiding it's a game we play I love games do you dress up um not exactly oh I can't wait for them to meet you well let's go me I can accessorize [Music] [Music] next time puppet wants to play hats and see fall over hats topia I'll pick somewhere warmer huh see that's just to Cofer I'm seeing you who are you it's sorry little dude I have no idea how I did that maybe I could do it again hmm what is this wicked winter wonderland anyway you bored - mm-hmm [Music] looks like we're going boarding oh wait [Music] [Music] ready what happened your one fearless little dude you took on Piper's peak and survived I did wait I don't even know your name I just told you Piper I have my own peak now you've gotta meet my friends [Music] [Music] [Music] I love showing you around friendship farm Cassie guess who I met I'm Gracie Gracie oh my gosh badly in your hair really makes your eyes pop you guys I have the best idea you love dancing let's have a dance I'm right here at friendship bar fancy dresses bright lights maybe some hats or a seat tell me an Elvis cupcakes will spread the word hopefully we can find tea tree and Dragons you [Music] the icing in your hair look it's so last year sorry chess trips [Music] [Music] really good hiding spots yeah that they're gonna miss the best ever started crazy bumpy with a cupcake it was an accident hmm dance-a-thon can't you use your magic to clean up the barn we can thank Walla we will it'll just take a little pixie power [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] don't worry I'll get carried away like that again [Music] [Music] yeah I do [Music] [Music] [Music] believes nope plus when you're thirsty all you do is grab an ice Everage from the sweet little lemonade stand where are those cuties doing jumping up and down on one foot this is my boy Drago get this makes wishes come true Wow can I wish for yep I haven't even said it yet answers still yep okay hmm a sand board it's like a snowboard but for sick one sad bored [Music] willow is not responsible for Falls bumps or hatch moles eating sand worth it I got a few pixie tricks up my wings too you know can't wait to see them Piper know what I wish for a brand new flavor of ice-cold drink no probs tiny tree one icy drink comin atcha in lavender Logan berry lemon [Music] delish delish is it you said you wanted an ice-cold drink now how about I wish us a warm winter you rose the entire coast I did not mean for this to happen let's focus on the positive I'll just wish for things to go back to the way they were Willow okay I wish things were the way they were before okay weird I can't grant that wish so what do we do hmm why don't you to warm up the chilled hachis and Willow and I'll figure something out [Music] there you go dude you feel any warmer [Music] [Applause] this is too many frozen smiles to warn them all hmm we hear you we've got a plan you to wish for the clouds depart so the Sun can beam down then I'll make the ice was like the sun's rays and turn him into a sweet eight beam Oh that'll melt all his ice yeah okay I wish the clouds would parts [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank goodness we fix this together yeah [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] careful puppet you'll be asleep before you know it guys this meadow is whispering wait you speak grass hmm I want today to be wild and adventure [Music] everything you say you're gonna nap when we have four amazing pitches right in front guest lullaby grass only works on hat cheese must be a pick seaport check out her tiny cheeks I want to watch him sleep forever me too [Music] [Music] um the grass just whispered what we said this meadow must make everything you say come true no no there's no crazy talk grass again magic meadow we want our vegetable friends through wake up [Music] try harder this grass has an attitude [Music] [Music] we said we sleep forever and the brass made it come true cool [Applause] okay okay good try Cassie next I wish [Music] [Music] it's the first time I met him hmm I wish our sleeping HMO friends would wake [Music] The Meadows magic is too powerful let me try talking to the grass again [Music] rhyming oh we each tried using our magic but nothing worked that's it we haven't tried it together we harness all our magic but there's nothing we can't do [Music] [Applause] [Music] we were stronger when we work together I bet there are others out there lost like we were hmm I wish we could find more Pixies I think I can help us out with that [Music] you you
Channel: Hatchimals And Friends
Views: 3,397,241
Rating: 4.4638824 out of 5
Keywords: Hatchimals, hatching toy, hatchimals, surprise toys, toy collecting, toy collector, girls toys, kids toys, new toys, magic toy, hatchimals toys, HFF dolls, collectible dolls, collectible toys, pixies, fluttery wings, pixies accessories, pixie haven, pixies episodes, adventure in Hatchtopia, hatchimals pixies, hatchimals dolls, fairy, fairies, hatching pixies, egg pixies, hatching fairy, egg fairy, toy unboxing, pixie unboxing, royal pixies, cartoons, kids cartoons
Id: 9hegJG8kxGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 47sec (1667 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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