Hasan And His Parents Visit 'Subtle Asian Traits' | Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj | Netflix

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So this is Subtle Asian Traits. Okay. This is a Facebook group. These are Asian people. - Mhm. - Mhm. You put a post here. - Okay. And then all these people submitted questions. Do you know what memes are? Not really, you can explain. Do you know what memes are? No. Okay. Hey guys, it’s Hasan. So, a few months ago I did an AMA in a Facebook group called “Subtle Asian Traits.” And the response was incredible. It was such a cool community and such a cool experience, So I decided to do a second AMA in “Subtle Asian Traits.” But this time, I brought my parents. Seema: Hi! Najme: Hello everyone. So this is round two with Najme and Seema. So did you guys see Subtle Asian Traits– the video that we did? I think I did. Did you watch the Subtle Asian Traits video? Yeah. No you didn’t. No you didn’t! No, I did! “Najme and Seema, when have you been the most disappointed at Hasan and when have you been the most proud?” When we started persuading you to maybe get into medicine... Uh-huh. And then you said, “I’d rather be a dentist.” Then you did some internship, and that, dental association. And then you came back and said, “I cannot look into someone’s mouth for eight hours a day for the rest of my life.” I was not disappointed, but I was a little worried. Were you sad? Yeah, I was sad that he’s not choosing, like, - straightforward profession– - Wait, wait Mom, remember the time you said you came to my first apartment in LA... Yeah. Oh, that was disappointing because it was, like, crowded, multiple people were living. And then you had, like, an air mattress. And you went for your jogging and I was sitting on that air mattress and I was so sad... that I didn’t visualize my only son living like this. What’s he trying to do... - Because... - Over here– It is hard for a– to imagine for parents, you see, “oh, my God.” Did you feel like you had wasted all that work? Sometimes. Okay. I was actually– I was quite impressed with your dedication because you were not worried about the air mattress or living in that tight space. Do you remember when you were most proud? I was very happy when you went for that White House Coorrespondent’s Dinner. I was there, I was all dressed up in my black sari, and watching you perform. You were scared though. No, I was scared– I was watching you and dad, you guys were scared. I was scared in the beginning because it was such a big crowd and all hi-fi people sitting there. And I was sitting on my edge– edge of the chair. But I was very happy. When was the most– the time I let you down the most? When I would take you to soccer field. Soccer game. Ball is going into this direction and you are running into this direction. Every parent thinks that okay their son or daughter should be able to make a goal, you see, score a goal and all that. But you wouldn’t be able to. You were disappointed that I couldn’t score a goal? Yeah. Yeah. This is from Adit Abraham. “Hey, Hasan Minhaj, not even a question. Can you reply to this with literally anything so I’ll have some clout by association in my brown friend circles?” Okay. This is from Proteche Sarkar. It says, “We wanna hear your parents side of the story when you went to do stand up, but they thought, well at least your dad thought, you were at the library.” I used to cover you up– that you were in the library studying late. And then you used to drive to Bay Area, and then while you were gone I used to keep on telling, “He’s working hard, he’s studying. Did you think I was at the library? No, actually, I mean every library closes at around 10 or 11 o’clock p.m. You were coming late usually like 1 o’clock, 1:30 sometimes 2 o’clock. So, what did you think I was doing until 1:30? I did not know. I don’t know. Maybe I was just wondering – No remember you asked me one time, you said, “Are you doing drugs?” Yes, that was kind of a little later. I said, “My God, Hasan, what are you getting into? Is everything okay?” Okay, this is Rachel Li. “Who did you inherit your wild hand gestures from?” Who do you think I got it from? But you think I do it too much, right? Yeah you do. Not too much, but more than you should. Maybe me because I was using my hands too. I’m holding them. This is from Robert Gu. “I want this to be real, but I am not convinced yet, lol.” Tell Robert this is real. Actually go to this camera, dad, and say, “Robert, this is real.” Robert, this is– this is real. You have to– you have to believe. This is from Grace Kim. This is to the parents. Okay. “What was your greatest fear regarding Hasan?” I was actually worried that if you don’t make it, how long will it take for you to get over that sadness and the depression? And I wanted to be there for you, but I cannot change how people are going to react to a failure. Okay, what was your– what was your biggest fear, dad? Uh, my biggest fear that you will– you are losing all this time, a couple of years of your life, you see. And uh, sometimes, uh, I will hear from my friends, who say, “Najme don’t worry, he will come back then he can restart his schooling and all that.” And then what would you tell them, “Would you do this with your son?” Then, no then it’s basically as a parent you stay quiet– you sit there basically. You just, you hear those kind of comments and then you stay quiet, you say, “That’s fine.” Alright, this is from Amber Khoa. “Najme and Seema, what was the naughtiest thing Hasan did when he was a kid?” Well you did one time very scary thing, you see, there was a hot iron sitting on the table. And you came and you hold the iron and you put over here at your tummy. - What? What? - Yeah. Oh my God, you see, and then you got burnt. There was a little triangle. A little triangle, you tried to, instead of clothing, you tried to put that iron on your tummy. “Great job raising your son, Najme and Seema. My question for you two is did you have a go-to or favorite punishment for disciplining Hasan?” McDonald’s– You see, when they had those, uh, kind of– - Happy Meals? - The little Happy Meal - Happy Meals. - with the little toy. And if you do something bad I say, “Hasan, you are not going to go to McDonald’s and get that, those Happy Meals.” Uh-huh. - What would I do? - Then you will get sad. You say, “Oh, dad, I won’t do it again.” This is from Darren. “Who’s your biggest supporter, mom or dad?” I’d say mom. You say mom? Yeah. How you can say Mom? I would say mom. - You know that for sure, dad. - No you can’t do that. No, no, no, no. This is from Claire. Fine, you can answer this one, dad. “What’s your secret to raising a successful child?” - As a– - Claire’s asking about Ayesha. What was the secret to raising Ayesha? This is what you learn– because Ayesha was a second child. you learn when you raise your first child. Yes. And Hasan had a different personality. Ayesha had different personality. So we learned that, um, Hasan will listen to us more carefully, but Ayesha will some– many times will question. As a parent if you want to raise a successful child, you have to also listen carefully and with patience to the child. Don’t be so scared because – what I felt– that if you are taking four years of life– of your life to experiment– I have to stand behind you. If you failed, at least you won’t feel that my parents were not helping me. How many years do you trust them? My advice is don’t give unlimited kind of– there has to be a cap. - So, what’s the cap? - Three years or five years. - Three years or five years! - Yeah. If you feel that it’s not going to that, uh, place where you want it to be, then just give up and then start doing something different. You give up on the dream or you give up on the kids? Not on the kids. Kids will always be your kids. - Okay. - How can you do that? You cannot do that. This is from Zabreen. “What’s the best advice your parents ever gave you?” That’s interesting. What’s the best advice my parents ever gave me? What do you think, Dad? Don’t go to medical school. Dad that’s– now you’re– now you’re lying. I’m not lying. I told you, you see, I went to India. - Manipal, this is true, - Manipal. people in India that are watching, you know Manipal’s a medical school. I went to Manipal. And you threatened that you were gonna put me in Manipal. No, no, mom. Mom wanted to– Don’t throw mom under the bus. Mom. You said, I was doing comedy, you were like, “I’m gonna send you to Manipal,” and they had bars on the windows. No, no, no. And you went– And you went to go see Manipal. I went to Manipal. And people who are, you know this, anyone who’s going to Manipal med school– I pray for you. So, I came back and I said, “No I’m not going to send Hasan to Manipal...” - Why’s that? - ...for medical school. ‘Cause you saw the school? I got scared, you see. But, anyway. Okay, the best piece of advice, it wasn’t even advice, it’s stuff that I saw. I saw from you– you really taught me to be an entrepreneur. ‘Cause I saw the way you would always make stuff happen. You would make me my Halloween costumes, or you would have an idea for something. And you would just come up with it– you would make it, you would do it. And that’s how, like, a lot of the stuff that I’ve done in my career I sorta had that entrepreneurial spirit. But I saw that from you. And then from Dad… I learned conflict mediation. You don’t have a lot of enemies. I care about people and I think this is what I notice in you too is that you basically care about people. No, but I would see you sometimes, like, ladai– full on fist fights in the mosque parking lot. Yeah. And you would, like, be breaking it up. Yeah. Don’t get mad at each other and don’t try to hurt each other. So, this is from Simu Liu. “Sick!” Um, Dad do you want to do a shoutout to Simu Liu? Just say, “Good luck, Simu, you’re gonna be in a new Marvel movie and we’re proud of you.” What is that? There’s an actor named Simu Liu. So dad, you can just go to this camera and just say, “Hey Simu Liu, we’re proud of you and good luck with the Marvel movie.” Hey Simu Liu, we are very proud of you and good luck for your movie, uh, Marvel. What was it? He’s doing a big Marvel movie. Big Marvel movie. Okay, this is from May Bautista. “Oh, what’s your favorite item from Costco?” I like the bread. The brown bread. - Brown bread. Multigrain? - Multigrain bread. The Kirkland multigrain bread? Yeah. Yeah yeah. Okay, what’s your favorite? You love Costco, Dad. Yeah, I love Costco. I like free samples. I like different kind of cheese over there. Cheese samples. - Okay. - Yeah. I love that. This is from Rei Patrick Ramos. “What does your mom think about you standing up to political norms? Asian moms would usually be scared.” So, when I do all the political stuff... I am scared. Why? There are people who like it and appreciate, but there’s lot of people who don’t like it. And I mean sometimes crazy things happen and I just worry. This is from Dominique. “Hey Hasan, I always love hearing the stories of parents. So this is for them. What is one thing they wanted to do when they were kids? Were they able to accomplish this, and why or why not?” I wanted to sing. And also pursue a career. Do both the things. Just to be on the safer side. But you really love singing. Yeah, I love singing. You used to sing all the time when we were growing up. I do, mhm. And that is the good part about you guys coming here, and we are raising you as first generation immigrants– you can take that risk. In our situation it was a little different. ‘Cause you guys had to get here? Yeah, we had just came here, it was too many new things we had to do. So, your passion, your hobbies, you put it in the backburner. So, for you guys, I’m really happy that you can do it. So, what did you want to do when you were a kid, dad? From the very beginning I had two passions. One is basically I got fascinated with Bollywood. Okay, I would watch movies and, you see, I would get fascinated with that. Okay. And when I got to the college then I got fascinated with politics. The most scary part for me was that pressure from the family. And they will to keep telling me, “Najme, you have to keep pay attention to your studies.” “We don’t want you to waste time and do all these stupid things.” - You still like movies? - I still like movies. Dad, what are your favorite movies of all time? Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge. - That was a good one. - Yeah, that was a very good one. - Kuch Kuch Hota Hai. - Kuch Kuch Hota Hai yeah, good ones, but uh – Favorite actor? Bollywood has many, many great actors. You see, if I name one, I think that would not right thing to do– Okay, name five. This is Najme’s top five. Of course, Dilip Kumar, then Amitabh Bachchan, Salman Khan. - Shah Rukh Khan. - Salman Khan. - Shah Rukh Khan. - Aamir Khan. Aamir Khan. Alright, those are your five, that’s your five. Okay. “What is your parents’ favorite episode of Patriot Act?” Student loan crisis. And I like the one with the cruise. You give so much information and – But you like cruises, mom. I like cruises and now I’m thinking because after learning all that, it was kind of scary that lot of things can happen while you are traveling in a cruise. Alright, this is from Rachel. “If your parents each did an episode of Patriot Act, which topics would they choose?” Najme would do Bollywood. Something to do with– Yeah. you would do an episode, a Bollywood episode. Which one would you do, mom? Healthcare or– Healthcare would be good. Yeah, healthcare would be good, yeah. Alright, so you’ll do the healthcare one and dad will do the Dilip Kumar one. Yeah, that is true. Thank you guys so much for sending in all those questions. This was a really great opportunity to spend some time with mom and dad. And uh, how’d you guys feel about it? We had a good time. Did you enjoy this, dad? Yeah. it was really enjoyable, thank you. A lot of fun. Okay. Are you guys gonna join the group? Yeah, I will, I would love to. You on Facebook? I’m on Facebook. Dad, are you on Facebook? I’m not. He can join. Please tune in Sunday, November 10th for new episodes of Patriot Act. And Simu Liu, me and Dad can’t wait to see you in tights. Waiting for your movie. Alright. What movie is it, dad? - Marvels. - Marvs. Marvel. Marvs. Dad said Marvs. No, Marvels. Marvels. Hasan.
Channel: Netflix Is A Joke
Views: 1,898,741
Rating: 4.9597359 out of 5
Keywords: Netflix, Patriot Act, Hasan Minhaj, Netflix Series, Streaming, Television, Television Online, Comedy, Featured, Comedian, Hasan Minhaj Comedy, Hasan Minhaj Stand up, Global News, Politics, Late Night Comedy, Late Night Talk, Indian American, jokes, talk show, latest episode, Subtle Asian Traits, Facebook, Facebook Groups, Q&A, Parents, Internet, Bollywood, Curry, Amir Khan, Amitabh Bachchan, Salman Khan, Shah Rukh Khan, Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, Immigration, Immigrants, Asian, Indian, Marvel
Id: cc0mZ5RHkXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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