We Interviewed Deepfake Tom Cruise

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I'm going to show you some magic hundreds of millions of people spent over a billion minutes absorbing it the face swap with uh Tom Cruise you haven't seen it no you got to see this incredible I don't know what I'm talking about it's crazy I believed it though so did the rest of the rest of the world yeah and then it became very scary very fast okay tick tock impression time this is nuts yeah and I was like let's make another one Tom Cruise has become a viral hit on Tick Tock or has he's a serious Breaking News Congress has held hearings on deep fakes and Ai and the FBI tells NBC News they're following the rapidly developing technology closely the ultimate gauge for all of time I'll believe it when I see it yeah and now maybe no longer the future is here this conversation is one of the most unique and forward-looking conversations we've ever had on this channel Miles Fisher AKA deep Tom Cruise is someone that we met a while ago because he watched our Channel and he introduced us to what he was doing with deep fake synthetic media and we were completely blown away but what we learned about miles was that he's been a Creator on the internet for a very long time he's gone viral across YouTube and Tick Tock and even been in movies before as well as started a coffee company that ended up partnering with Emma Chamberlain to launch Chamberlain coffee so one of the most Unique Individuals we've ever met this conversation covers an incredibly wide range of topics from everything he's doing with his company metaphysics in the world of deep fakes and Hollywood his partnership with Emma Chamberlain and his history of going viral on the internet this conversation really gives you a glimpse into where the future of the Creator economy is headed I found it incredibly valuable to be a part of this conversation and I think you'll find this super valuable as well anyone ever told you you look like Tom Cruise I have heard it before I've experienced a lot in my life people just naming any Indian actor when they come up to me they're like oh my God it's a season sorry but they believe they don't even say you look like they just believe it like fully yeah yeah I always get you know you remind me of Michael Sarah yeah okay and I used to get that in like the the heart of the super bad Juno era sure which like he is like he's awkward yeah that's just who he is that's his character yep and I'd be like oh all right thanks it requires a bit of a disassociation because it's not personal to you of course at all right people get really excited I mean if it's just a template for and sure there's there's you can take offense to that a little bit uh I have gone through my whole life almost the you know the classic whatever they are six stages you know of uh denial anger depression and then finally acceptance and there's no escaping it when I first came across the account I remember coming across it and being like floored by it because I was convinced I looked at it then I was like how interesting it's a pandemic if celebrities are doing interesting things like it was the perfect time for that moment right because they couldn't make movies they couldn't make television yes it was this and they were all showing up to the party kind of like what's up internet yeah like what's been going on here all the celebrities were coming like that's strange totally that's yeah well also the funny thing about like Tom Cruise right is he is the last of the last of the last I mean when we think of the shiniest A-list Talent like George Clooney came up through a TV yeah frankly Tom Hanks came up through TV but like everybody has had like a walk-on Cameo and like friends or what sure Tom Cruise has never been on a single episode of any television show whoa ever once ever whoa Tom Cruise has never advertised any product ever once ever whoa and so when you shrink the we've all known this person in our imagination by sitting a distance of 60 feet away in a big black public box with his face three stories tall to you know Tick Tock which is the ultimate selfie medium where the distance literally is you know two and a half feet and it's creating this character of like okay what's up internet uh today we're gonna today we're going to talk about unclogging a toilet okay now here's what I like to do you know and just imagine like does Tom Cruise unclog his own toilets and like how does he do that and then how does he share that with like 19 year olds over the Internet like that's so silly yeah and it's very very fun yeah the one thing I'll say after watching a few of the deep Tom Cruise videos what slowly started to sink in with me was that this was interesting because you were a fantastic actor like if you weren't a good actor that's not that interesting yeah and I think that's one of the most fascinating uh things to recognize about deep fakes and AI right now is that in order for them to be interesting there has to be some level of human talent that it's either based on or that it's complimented by right like it's the mix of the human Talent Plus the technology that's making this interesting right now you're kind of say that um I agree with you I think you know the the effect of it would wear off quickly and what what matters most like with all things is you know storytelling the craftsmanship yeah and then for me embracing the creative Joy of this character but you're you're nice to mention the uh the acting chops because there's been a little bit of this whole thing of D it's like hey you look like Tom Cruise and then people are like well you should you should be his stunt double of which there's a lot of dignity to being a stunt double for anyone um but part and parcel with that is yeah you should go out to Hollywood and be a stunt double because you know you probably don't have all that much horsepower up here to do anything else because you look like Tom Cruise and you know you're the equivalent kind of like a dumb blonde joke or just like a mannequin and that was from a really early age I mean you sent us some like clippings of you at a really young age and the all the lines of copy are like the next Tom Cruise or like right you know like it's it's all these references uh did it excite you to go be a creative and be an actor or did it feel like you just had to I felt like it was so my idea of a good time let's get into that yeah yeah is uh is putting on a show for friends yeah it always has been yeah well I'm one of four children uh have three siblings and you know my my siblings are very thoughtful and very accomplished and I think you know the role I saw uh I identified with from a very very early age was that of Entertainer to be worthy of my parents love and so because I could do accents and because I could I grew up a musician and you know I was the one who brought levity to the dinner table and stuff like that and and when I saw my parents react I thought it was great now at the same time having gone to high school in DC and my father uh was in the Clinton administration at the time various very high profile people would come back to our house and my dad would you know and they would say well you look like a young Tom Cruise and my dad would say do an impression you know and would kind of do an impression and it was almost these handcuffs that I like I liked the Adoration but I also um slightly resented being put kind of in that box yeah and then at school I went to a school where every day the entire High School had lunch together so you know my kind of social capital I would do these sketches I would basically make YouTube videos before YouTube and would show them in our school assembly and then teachers started you know having cameos and it became really cool and fun it's like have you do you want to be in Fisher's next video and my audience was only you know 300 students in this little Auditorium but I loved doing that yeah it was I want to continue doing this for the rest of my life yeah but be creatively entrepreneurial about it you know I had I had to find a way where so I'll age myself a little bit I graduated college in 2006. Google had just acquired this thing called YouTube Brands were taking 30 second TV spots and just slapping it on the internet um I had enough hutzpah to start reaching out to Brands and say look this is a different type of Engagement this is called social media it elicits a different emotional response let me make videos for you and so I started at a little digital Ad Agency it was called Milestone media and started signing you know the very reputable clients like Range Rover and Vizio and K-Swiss making fun videos getting lots of views where's the video going the videos going on YouTube on Range Rover's account or on vizios account or on yours just on mine just online and no because at the time it was just this was like Peak like you know straight up banner ads right yeah right and so because it was dinky digital videos that nobody took seriously at all had no Prestige associated with it at all um people were being pretty flagrant and so I was like I will make music videos that the thing about music is if music's good people play it over and over and over again and YouTube was a way for people to get free music and I remember one of the first big hits I had as a music video I did a cover of uh David Byrne the Talking Heads this must be the place and all the visuals perfectly matched we rebuilt kind of the set of American Psycho [Music] and it's a really cool video holds up it was nominated for some awards um and that video is an incredible Recreation and again I would I would say like in that video like the performance matters a lot in that if you're not performing that as well as you're performing that it's a little bit less interesting that's an incredible Showcase of you know artistic abilities and craft and you know I recall kind of crazy yeah people were like crazy why on Earth are you spending incentives yeah what's the exactly why would you do this and that's what makes it remarkable as yeah yeah back then well uh one my idea of fun is putting on a show and so uh I also I grew up in a somewhat established family in the world of Finance in the world of government and I wanted to go to a place where there was no leg up where my last name didn't mean anything to anybody and where you know it was not oh man you went to Harvard it's like dude you finished high school like why yeah like Welcome to Hollywood yeah there's there's some fascination with like you were creating YouTube videos that led you to auditioning and acting first of all I want to ask you what was the what did you feel the primary difference was on a it being in the traditional creative business versus the independent creative business well one is there's there's there's a sense of feeling hey I've made it yeah insofar as a legitimizing um you know wow this is a real movie set and notice is gonna have like a marketing budget which is like like what like ballpark um 1382 an hour the next level of my career was you know the lead of television shows in media roles and I got down to kind of me and the other guy to test for the leads of shows maybe 20 times it's not an exaggeration um and what I found out was the ultimate decision makers kind of as you imagine behind like a one-way glass window wearing suits was okay well do we want kind of the interesting uh slightly off-kilter artistic take or do we want the Tom Cruise guy um I have had Studio heads to my face call me discount Tom Cruise uh and I realized there's just no shaking this um and so kind of quickly realized as I was approaching 30 that I had to find something else and the the next kind of step for me was um you know this this Advent of direct to consumer where you had I had a I had a buddy he created this incredible thing called Dollar Shave Club his friend's father came to him said I have a warehouse full of razor blades if you got any ideas you know sell away and he created this YouTube video um obviously that video was extraordinary as a case studies kind of lightning in a bottle but having seen that kind of from day one I thought okay like this makes sense humans are loyal to convenience um you can now kind of build a website easily on your own with you know this was just kind of before Shopify really took off but the consumer brands of the last hundred years were introduced on shelves the brands of today and tomorrow are introduced through the phone screen I'm I think I'm good at kind of selling cool and inspiring the imagination through the phone screen I've been a coffee nut my whole life uh who's trying to do this for coffee my partner and I quit our jobs and founded Bixby which coffee should be easy I partnered with a guy named Remington Hotchkiss who wow what a name what a name right like chances he played lacrosse yeah on the East Coast hi uh none of these guys from from California okay from California his full name is Remington Bixby Hotchkiss okay and uh I was the one who really wanted Bixby as our name um because it's a great name and we started we started this little Coffee Company and it grew and it grew and it was kind of tough and then we you know I had an idea of white labeling for influencers and so we were able to White Label with some podcasts and that worked really well and then we worked with some influencers and then um you know kind of pitched the idea of creating a coffee company with this extraordinarily talented girl Emma Chamberlain Who Loved coffee yeah and was created an entire new visual grammar and vernacular on YouTube I mean she is an artist I remember seeing some of her videos and just thinking what an extraordinary gift uh this girl has and if she loves coffee um you know let's do it we have the infrastructure so built built up this brand slowly and then you know credit to her and her team have turned this into an extraordinary brand a real real brand but what is beautiful about that is you know it is a it's not just about the commodity and the coffee it is proof of value of the relationship that the consumer has with Emma for example over 50 percent of direct to Consumer sales of Chamberlain coffee include merchandise wow you guys have found that too so what does that mean that means that consumers are drinking the coffee they like the coffee they come back for the coffee repeat purchase but they're badging themselves with the brand yeah yeah it's a sign of community and identity the opposite really of going to the grocery store and grabbing whatever's available yeah right and Emma was just brilliant really one of the first things she ever said when we first met was I don't get it I I go to a grocery store and I look at like the coffee and it's all brown bags all the bags are brown they all kind of look the same yeah what a great concept and she's like I want how come you know you look at the wine category thinking you're an adult and it's all fancy French words and Engravings of chateaus and then there's a brand that has like a cute little kangaroo and a penguin on it well that Australian brand turns out to be a world industry leader because you know they yeah it's like let's do that for let's do that for coffee that to me is like a is a skill that you learn without knowing it by publishing content to the internet that's right because Emma is getting all this data when she's posting videos about thumbnails and oh that one's stuck out from The Crowd Oh that one's different ooh people like this one more than that one you're getting it's probably the most rapid data collection for creatives ever right because you're you're just putting stuff out and immediately getting feedback and then trying again and with a format like Emma's that's heavily based on her personality in the way and she was editing herself too um she's applying the feedback within the same week so I think that's it's interesting like the observations you make based on consumers from publishing content to the internet you start to get that depth of understanding of like wait all this looks the same shouldn't I just do something that sticks out Emma Chamberlain is a all World Timeless All-Star Talent yeah agreed that's all you want and by the way while we're at it let's actually build a real company where you're the equity stakeholder and this can this can go to the moon it's super super exciting yeah so I want to ask you've brought up Emma Chamberlain you went to school with Mark Zuckerberg if you just scroll through your Tick Tock you are I always call ourselves Samir and I the Forest Gump of YouTube because if you look at some of the most historical videos or if you just search around you'll see us kind of in the background yeah and the more I learn about you the more I watch of you I'm like actually miles is kind of yeah YouTube social video at what point in this journey is deep Tom Cruise when you have a copy Coffee Company you've got Bixby you meet Emma Chamberlain where are we in the Deep Tom Cruise Journey uh as the coffee company started to become a real entity I thought okay um let's continue to do kind of some fun stuff on the side and to market the coffee we did very classic kind of you know call to action marketing so we would make I'd made these videos and they did really well and we sold a lot of coffee got millions of views and when that happens you get tens of thousands of comments this is no exaggeration Colin one out of three comments was whoa when did Tom Cruise start a coffee company yeah hey this is tighty whitey coffee is it you know and all this stuff and I just thought my God what am I doing like again yeah I can't get away from it and uh and it really ticked me off and then and I'll never forget I I was like can you believe this and I scrolled through it again and then I saw the Emojis people were adding and the Emojis were genuinely happy they were smiling they were you know LMAO they were people were sharing them and it was great and I just thought okay let's let's get right sized here maybe this has nothing to do with me these people don't know that I had an acting career and I feel sometimes like I was a failed artist and I had this existential crisis it just brings some joy that brings Joy coffee brings Joy this whole time cruisings me joy I had mentioned I think I grew up in a political family and when I was able to own my own insecurities about this Tom Cruise thing I thought God you know it'd be kind of funny what does Tom Cruise do better than anybody in the world he runs what if Tom Cruise ran for president what would that even mean like in real life like if Tom Cruise were actually and at this point this was the first yeah it was Biden versus Trump yeah and I thought well what did Tom Cruise actually entered the race yeah like but in real life what would his campaign video look like and uh director Stephen Vitale he and I collaborated and came up with this incredible idea that Tom would actually run in a very cinematic in a full suit for and give a whole Soliloquy while sprinting why he's qualified because he's not you know just any man he's literally every man and he's played it and it was so fun and so we shot this video I mean this thing's over the there's f-14s in the background are those real uh those are those are not those are not real but the meat running was very real in fact I really screwed up my foot I was running a lace-up ferragamos in a nice suit uh and just to practice the Soliloquy and of course my friends were like Fisher you're spending this kind of budget for like no you're just throwing a video on YouTube again and it's like I just love this stuff and so did that video and uh it blew up it was a lot of fun it holds up very well and got millions of views and then uh months later somebody sent me a clip of that video saying whoa check this out and uh somebody had deep faked it and it was Tom Cruise's face on me and that was a really bizarre thing just to experience because it's like wait a minute that's my video I know that's my body This Is My Everything But like it was Tom Cruise and it wasn't perfect it was a little glitchy this was this was now almost three years ago when this happened um and thanks to the power of the internet track down the guy who did it Chris ume who is a Belgium guy who's living in Thailand and really created this software and so you know I was just giving him advice and we kind of developed this relationship and I could also since he was a real artist he was a genuine artist and passionate about it and so at one point he just said oh and by the way you know that model that I built has just gotten better and better because it's AI it's kind of self-generating so if you ever want another video um just let me know and we can turn it around so what are you talking about he's like just take out take out your iPhone and just shoot a selfie video and I'll turn around something in 48 hours that's crazy yeah so I took a little video and I sent it to him in 48 hours I had uh the first real deep Tom Cruise and it was a very bizarre thing and so I put it just up on you know my Instagram just on my stories and then this was at the time when like everybody was talking about like well linkedin's really trying to juice their like video games so I put it on like my LinkedIn feed yeah and uh and then Emma Chamberlain who is like no no miles like tick tock's where it's at now really Emma was the one who said to put it on Tick Tock yeah because I didn't I didn't know you know that's cool I was gen one Facebook and like know enough about Instagram but like I wasn't on Tick Tock I didn't download and put it up on Tick Tock and I just remember like a day later like I checked like Instagram and Linkedin and my friends were like this is weird yeah like what is what is this match and like I took it down and then another day went by and I was like oh wait a minute there's that thing and I had to like remember what my login was and opened up Tick Tock and it had six million views oh my God and I was like that's not right wait was this uh the golf video or which one was this uh it was originally a video the thing that I had sent to him I had uh I have a podcast and so I just in my backyard was like hey I've got this podcast and you should check it out and I took that so it was that it was a video that I'd since taken down because it was five million views and then it was something like I mean it was outrageous it was it was literally like a hundred thousand like comments got it yeah so I took it down and I was like this is nuts yeah and I was like let's make another one yeah and I thought okay well what like what what is what it first off what is this and what would Tom Cruise do and this was early in the pandemic very early and so one of the only things I could do was one of the one of the only things you could do outside was actually play golf because it was open and spread out you could legally play golf this was early on when like you can legally go to a grocery store right and so there was a driving range nearby and I just set up the little thing and I thought okay well what would Tom Cruise and so I set it down and I was like what's up internet who loves sports you guys cool if I play some sports if you like what you're seeing just wait till it's coming next and that thing went berserk I don't remember seeing that so excited I believed it though so did the rest of the world the rest of the world yeah and then it became very scary very fast right it became a global phenomenon it's a famous deep fake I mean very quickly in the first year hundreds of millions of people spent over billion minutes absorbing it and since then it's only grown yeah and the story the initial story was not hey I made this enterprising guy in California and in Thailand the story was deep takes are here and you and your family need to be afraid yes there's so much fear tied up to that yeah for sure it's like deep fake start with amazement and then incredible fear what else would I believe yeah sure what's Real uh what does this mean for my job like everything there's so much fear attached to it and and it's it is understandable listen the the the ultimate uh gauge for all of time up to now was okay well I'll believe it when I see it yeah and now maybe you're no longer what what it like what was the experience of deep Tom Cruise like the rise of it because like from the first video you said some of that motion was like a little bit of fear of like oh my God this is so big this is bigger than when did it shift from like that to this is exciting and fun and like well it was always exciting it was always exciting and fun because again it was a way for me to just to really share share Joy with people it was a creative Outlet during the pandemic and I gotta say also like I grew up loving Tom Cruise yeah of course those posters on my wall like I I I I wanted to do it in a way that if I ever you know met him in real life he'd be like hey like you're a good kid like I really you know there's no no cheap shots on him in any way I I grew up loving the guy I want to ask about um how you internalize the the ethics and the relationship of of you and the actual Tom Cruise I take pride that I feel uh you know I've never exploited or had any cheap gags towards him we've never monetized this at all boy right a bunch of brands have reached out and I think that's kind of the the the cheap yes over the correction now in the long term and so we've never done that now we've been able to use that to build an actual meaningful company right um and we consider ourselves and we are the world leaders in you know hyper real synthetic generated content that is Cinematic quality yeah um I think again we've increased his relevancy actually measurable by billions of views yeah and I am now at this point I don't know what else I have to prove I just I would I would I would I'm it's not that I'm performing for an audience of one but uh you know I just hope that he uh appreciates that this has all been done with great great reverence his team's aware right like you guys have had some level of Correspondence his his team is aware you can't everybody's aware yeah there's no world where he hasn't seen it right yeah if he really wanted it taken down and erased uh how would you perceive that well if if that's something he wants um I think that's that's absolutely worth listening to I offered him the passcode offered to take down the tick tock when it had 100 you know very early early days and they didn't want to validate or anything again to the younger generation of consumers next thing he has Mission Impossible coming out well the whole DNA of Mission Impossible is the phenomenon of yeah so we could do that yeah I remember when I was young watching MTV Music Video Awards and it would be like Ben Stiller oh that was so good it's like why is it okay for Ben Stiller but like the oh no the guy who's kind of I don't know I've always felt a little guilty until proven innocent which is why it's like yeah but I want to do this and I want to do that oh yeah so granted hard to like feel sympathetic for the Tom Cruise looking guy yeah yeah but I again it's it's trying to in a positive way uh yeah did selfishly uh coming off the heels of top gun Maverick which was an incredible movie I would love to see a Top Gun movie with a young Tom Cruise yeah um and I guess that would perhaps be your your re-entrance to uh acting in a major Motion Picture well we we could also just have Tom Cruise play himself at the age of 20. hmm um we can de-age and age people up interesting I think his first movie was a movie called losing it that he starred in at the age of 17. so um we have the data and with his consent if he so chooses uh we can we can do every single age that he could desire and it could be him and it could be his performance and it could be real and meaningful and you will see something like that with the new Tom Hanks movie that we just rap shooting that Bob zemeckis is directing and um you'll have never seen anything like this and the creative concept would not have been possible you know without our visual capabilities so because because like Tom Hanks you have him in big and you only work with people named Tom yeah uh yeah so you can like you can make him look like he looked in big or and then all the way up to you've got mail and you get you have all this data so that's right but but it's Tom Hanks today that's right and he's acting and then he he looks playing up till this moment of time you would have had to have cast right 20 year old version wow you know you can do certain stuff and again this is you know one of the more recent examples was a big very expensive Netflix production called the Irishman yeah um it was very cool and there was a bit with like Al Pacino yeah yeah yeah trying to eat them and it was okay one great um this is extraordinary and what that unlocks for creativity like this is right now this is Cutting Edge visual effects work yeah but what it could mean is extraordinary and I always in talking to Chris ume said you know what is what is the dream what is what is the dream and his dream was I want to be able to have a real conversation with my great grandparents I want it to be lifelike I now it's just like a memory of what I was told they were never alive when I was alive and I just thought that was such a beautiful vision and knowing that he had an artist's kind of like soul you know we started making making more videos and then building this uh this team and this operation and it has been it's been terribly exciting um I think it's changing so fast you have to remember you know when this company started which was only two years ago the biggest things going were nfts and the metaverse yeah yeah garyvee this is the most important thing that's ever happened in Civilization [Laughter] uh things change yeah we are right now smack dab in the middle of a huge hype cycle but it's real generative AI is real um and it's only kind of 1.0 um and so the future of the internet who knows if it's the metaverse or whatnot it is going to be increasingly visual I think one of the great Promises of this new technology is empathy that's really what makes us human it's it's hard to do business it's hard to have a real conversation with sexy unicorn 324. right yeah yeah you know what you want to wear in the metaverse is your real face the the future of the internet where we work and education and gaming and commerce shopping therapy will be populated with Hyper real life-like figures that are deeply personal and relevant to you so it is really important um how that content is made and the rights of the individuals yeah the consent of the individuals for any model that is built off of biometric data so you guys went on America's Got Talent and use the technology to in real time bring back Elvis it's crazy it's crazy because also the guy kind of looks somewhat like Elvis but not really right not really right did that like what what is the process of that did you have to get that the rights for Elvis his face is that it was a lot well it doesn't exist right now right like we don't put into a trust saying like when I die miles can have the rights to my face which sure you can use this legally as you just got the rights to my face uh but yeah but uh like that's not a current thing where it's like my name image likeness voice you know like where did you go to get Elvis's uh likeness rights so the the first part of that which is important was listen it's always easier to show people what works than tell them what can work we need to be entertainment adjacent just like deep Tom Cruise to Showcase creative Joy people in the audience and you know I saw it just leapt to life they've never seen anything like it before you would think wait a minute but this is synthetic and I'm gonna it was it was just incredible I'd like to thank Tom Chris and metaphysic for having me here tonight the thing about hyperreal is when it is really good which Tom Cruise deep Tom was the first example it just leaps Over The Uncanny Valley and then it is just real to you so it is definitely a new paradigm in the visual grammar of Storytelling yeah not only with deep Tom Cruise I can do the voice it's my voice yeah it's my acting and ideas and you know wrote it and also the mannerisms and then just lay it on top of me we can now also create You Know audio of someone and so imagine being able to speak any language in the world with perfect fluency to right anybody else and that's happening like in concert with all this like obviously you know Mr Beast on YouTube is translating everything into multiple languages but hiring uh voice actors to do it and they're dubbing it that's an expensive Endeavor right to do that right in every language I went to one of his videos recently and I couldn't believe the languages that are featured you know like it's not the it's not okay we'll do Spanish in the end you know French think about what that would do for our show yeah instantaneously you could listen to us speak in any language yeah that's what I wonder is like how available is all of this going to be for people like us you know well right now it starts what with all AI and right now you know uh chat GPT yeah and all of that is kind of at the center of our Consciousness it's all about the data it's all about the data that you put into the model um so if we begin to and again anything that's built off of your biometric data your Visage part of your appearance that makes you human you need to own all that content and how it is applied I don't know if right now I'll be able to talk to my deceased great-grandparents sure but I got a good feeling that my grandchildren are going to be able to interact with me in a hyper real very realistic way and what you're saying is that like because there will be enough data on how you interact how you would speak how many emails have you written yeah right now yeah a lot maybe 30 000 maybe more or how much video yeah I guess there's so much video high definition all of it all of it all of it um but it is really important on again who who makes this and who kind of has you know hands out even the library cards um right now you try to get your cookie data from meta and Google good luck to you oh my god the future promise of web 3 is is real yeah um and the blockchain is real but we need to get a lot smarter there needs to be a verified way where you own all of those assets and you can do with them what you please that also brings along new ethical ramifications yeah for example so we could now have a show where it is Barack Obama interviewing Martin Luther King Jr we can have Serena Williams interviewing Muhammad Ali okay very cool who writes the dialogue for Martin Luther King Jr even if it's like a Pulitzer prize-winning like historian once it's out there it works in your memory hyperreal just becomes real and so it's like oh but he said this thing and he said you see even to this day like the British royal family is furious about the show The Crown right because it's a manifested approach it's like but that's a but it's a TV show this isn't real yeah Netflix it's like well but it is real yeah to people and you know history is perpetuated by those that continue to tell that story and that's interesting I felt that way about the narrative show on HBO about Magic Johnson and the Lakers sure because he was unhappy from what I understand with how he was portrayed right and I don't have that much of an understanding of the actual story of the Lakers that was sort of my first entry point and I kind of just take it as well maybe it's not totally exactly how it happened but that was the feeling I'm sure everyone had that was kind of the sentiment right of what happened and I take that with a grain of salt but also that's the closest thing to truth that I have because that's what I'm exposed to if deep Tom Cruise has done anything it's really just way raise awareness you know there was no like no this is really like time it's like you're right this is it and let's kind of show you a little bit behind the curtain and let's talk about this because this is a real thing um and we all need to take agency because the future the future is here it's interesting that we as you know human beings uh first of all like enjoy playing pretend or like impersonating things right like reliving stories and even the the fact that you keep bringing up like the desire to bring back your great grandparents like why do you think we have this obsession with um like seeing each other or like seeing a hyper real version of life it's hardwired Into The Human Experience we are just hardwired looking in someone's face to know I mean our survival depended on it and Split Second decisions back you know in hunter-gatherer times I can trust this person this person is with me we have locked in there is something about the human face that matters deeply again for me always it was hey not Miles Fisher or enterprising it's like just reduced to Tom Cruise kind of guy right just because of the face yeah and it's interesting too that what Tom Cruise is is immediately contextualizes the thing for everybody we've all seen him and it's like oh that's interesting because that's you people can just understand it but in order for that to happen his face has to stand for something and I think that's something that's really important as we get into the like generative AI conversation like human beings are able to create that emotion you know that emotional transformation in someone right and then you build off of that because they've the human has created it and then the generative AI can either remix it recreate it or transform it but in my opinion like the stuff that's amazing us right now is like oh someone uh you know wrote a Kanye West type you know uh hip-hop song and then they put it to a Kanye West type beat and then generated his voice and then we're amazed because it sounds like him right but it's what we're Amazed by is that it sounds like him right you know and so it has to start with him him creating a brand A vibe a sound right I think maybe now but not over time you think that over time I think like Kanye has a brand yeah right because of his ability and because of the time that he's been in Market sure producing music and there may be a time when generative AI produces things that are of course uh Gathering other inputs but have maintained a consistent enough brand that connects with humans over time where it's like that brand is not Kanye it's some new name right that is a brand that exists within generative AI I guess that's my question is there a do you think there's a future to you know a movie star that is is purely generated you know or or a hip-hop artist or a or a YouTuber or a live twitch streamer that's just you know the inputs are being generated that what's being output is being generated by AI the face is generated by AI the voice is generating we've already seen that in a static sense with say Michaela yeah you know Japan and South Korea traditionally YouTubers very kind of forward on this where huge influencers you know and you have lvmh Brands actually paying these synthetic Creations as influencers I find that a lot of these existential crises for creativity uh trains of thought are a bit cyclical for example uh I've been reading a lot of kind of criticism from the 1850s and the 1860s Publications like the Atlantic are pretty extraordinary they have all their archives and uh around the time the Advent of the camera is the actual camera uh unanimously everybody thoughtful people said creativity's dead what are painters going to do yeah for thousands of years they have captured uh the essence of portraiture of Landscapes of moments well now all that's out the window because there's there's no more what's the point this captures in perfect likeness everything so there's no more creative you know Art Is Dead well we know that not to be the case perspective matters and again feeling matters you know one one thing I just want to impart to your audience you you use the tools that are available to you and you express an original point of view and if it is your original point of view if people respond to that then you're the only source that can provide that and it's authentic yeah I think the thing that when we first met that really opened my eyes when I talked to you and then learn more about you we had breakfast and I remember coming away from that breakfast and thinking about the expansion of the term Creator like what the the way we talk about the term Creator specifically on this show you immediately think someone who makes YouTube videos or someone who makes internet videos right that's how we've defined Creator but to be someone who has utilized the internet to create it can expand Beyond just video and media right it's to create businesses to create relationships to create like you've created a lot and I think that you embody the definition of Creator where it's like you know right now the the breadth of businesses you have you know between Ai and coffee like I don't think this is Miles Fisher in your final form like I know that the next chapter there will be another chapter at some point where you might enter a totally different business because it hits you creatively and you're like that's cool you know there's a great Steve Jobs commencement speech at Stanford and uh you can you can look it up maybe put it in the show notes where he just says look you can only connect the dots in the rear view mirror yeah you need to have faith in something going forward that just holds you on because only in retrospect can you say oh naturally a led to be led to C I couldn't in a million years have made up the fact that I came out to Hollywood a little bit of like luck is when preparation meets opportunity the opportunity was this new thing of visual media and YouTube I started making music videos impersonating other people Christian Bale and Zach Morris that went well then started acting and stuff then realized there's a ceiling of acting because people can't get Beyond this like Visage thing starting a coffee company having that coffee company blow up when we signed like worked with a 19 year old yeah whose core audience was 16 who by the way when you're 16 like I wasn't brewing coffee at home nor subscribing to anything yeah um and then to have like that girl turn me on to tick tock which blew up like the most famous like and then the synthetic who knows and who knows what comes next all I know is this kind of overused Catchphrase of was really important to be authentic yeah well you know what it really is and people need to learn that kind of on their own to call yourself an artist is an awkward weird difficult insecure thing for most we think we will somehow be legitimized by getting signed or getting a degree from some fancy place or publishing or sales metrics all of that is artificial you are an artist when you say you are an artist and you are a good artist when you make someone feel something deeply and unexpected and you've got to bet on yourself you can be more entrepreneurial now with the tools that are out there yeah um but you've got to kind of participate and so now the tools are different the tools are different when I was coming up and before that some you know everything changes and is in flux but what matters is how you make people feel and um you know with the future of Cinema again we are who who knows with Cinema I mean novels are extraordinary but you know now you have chat GPT generate a lot of those yeah you can now do pot even podcasts which I find amazing you could actually in a very realistic way have an entire conversation with someone who has been deceased for 200 years right having combed instantaneously through everything they have ever published right and ask them very meaningful questions well I think that's really exciting I want to listen to that I would love a real conversation with Thomas Jefferson yeah or you name it it'd be wild it can be done yeah it's all happening right now yeah and I would just say you know get in the sandbox and play around what's great is it's very democratized and everybody can do it yeah everyone can use it but it's crazy bringing awareness to the Forefront is critical that is what deeptom is doing and everything now is has to you know the the ethics and the consent of the individual are Paramount I wanted to ask you you've been involved in so many viral ideas you know I look at your catalog of work and I'm like wow you You Were Somehow around some of the most viral videos on the internet you created some of the most viral videos on the internet you've now created one of the most viral ideas on Tick Tock like what's the recipe for virality like what do you think takes an idea from like that's a cool idea to this is going to connect with millions of people uh the honest uh short answer is I don't know yeah it's hard to do something sustainably if you're really not passionate about it you you can you can work your way into something but not to continue it to make it worth watching a viral video doesn't go viral because everybody sees it it goes viral because the people who do watch it watch it over and over and over again there's this quote uh from David Lynch that I've always liked which is ideas are like fish you don't make fish you gotta catch fish and uh I've always related to that and so what I do my secret sauce is I actually read a newspaper in print every single day every morning I've done this since high school and it has to be in print because if you read a bit of what's on each page you know the traditional newspaper editor actually has a real job and you're aware and somewhat fluent in all the conversations that are going on in the world if you just read online and I love emails and I love sub stack and newsletters and everything and you guys have an extraordinary one and I try to consume a lot you're still not necessarily following what's going on in Myanmar or what's new in the aviation business in Latin America okay it doesn't really apply but let me tell you something luck is when preparation meets opportunity I believe you can increase the surface area of luck if you are aware of more than what immediately surrounds you I've only found two things in common that every kind of successful person in the entertainment sphere has one their story is entirely unique and cannot be kind of replicated by formula with anyone else and two they never quit yeah the only two things in common those are great markers for every actor and performer and artist and creator um you are now just it's not that you're just starting out but I know you guys and how sincerely uh ambitious you are for all the right reasons it feels like we're just now starting out we're just catching our it's like well 13 years is a long time to stretch before the marathon yeah but you didn't quit and so you have to be resourceful like I can't tell you when uh my partner Remington and I were building this coffee business just how many times you get to the very very last squeeze of like the toothpaste in the jar and like when you do like you have to be really creative on finding how to get a little bit more toothpaste out of out of that you know we didn't we weren't a venture-backed business we bootstrapped everything totally on our own um and so you you just find a way to survive and in that creates a lot of sincerity where now like the brand is very well established people are going to watch Colin and Samir for like very in-depth real-time documentaries of their the people who live in you know their imagination and their their Heroes and this sense of you can do this too and come join come join the table pull up a chair I think there's if if if if you enjoy it and you're able again just to collaborate with other like-minded there's very little downside look if zero people listen or watch this I got to spend two and a half hours talking to you guys it's net plus to me oh yeah like so just think in that Spirit where there's very very little downside but a lot of upside I love that well thank you so much thanks guys this has been amazing it's been a pleasure [Music] thank you
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Id: jnNQEiPs5r0
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Length: 52min 34sec (3154 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2023
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