Harold Hoffman - Jesus: Lesson 2

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forward to a move of the Holy Ghost it's gonna heat a big time we're gonna be doing some worship we're gonna be giving in the offering we're gonna be hearing the word and the faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word so I want to be listening tonight got a lot of great things happening we got like groups coming up after the holidays got a Christmas program going to be happening a lot of great things happening today but today we're here to hear from the Lord and before that I just want to be able to worship Him and give him thanks and praise for all that he's done for me so we're gonna go ahead and pray then we're going to turn this worship team loose and we're gonna help them to sing and give glory to God Lord Jesus want to thank you for your presence today we thank you for each and every one that's gathered together in your name I look forward to a move of the Spirit God have your way in this house receive our worship Lord teach us your word help us to grow in your grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus we're certainly going to give you all the praise all the glory honor and thanks in the name of Jesus everybody said amen let's worship together praise the Lord everybody let's praise the Lord come on we can do better than that Burger King tonight Jesus the Lord is then we start to speak the name of Jesus something happens in the atmosphere is immiscible whole bunch of ugly which in red to celebrate in this house tonight [Applause] here we go cigarette Hey [Applause] is that my home hiding just passing through [Music] No and lift up a shout of praise to you [Music] - you have attracted to our church you are Jesus take this whole well [Music] the only lasting thing is you cuz you are forever you are forever you are my treasure I treasure you where a man's treasure is there where his heart will also be but I'm singable my tresses in heaven [Music] she's just we need you come sometimes we don't understand how much we need the Lord it's so easy to take this left regret what we've done for somebody at this I'm nothing without you geez cuz the only lasting thing is you you are forever you are forever you do I this may fail why Uribe attraction [Music] I place my money and I place my heart of things eternal [Music] everything in this world will fade away but the name of Jesus but the name of Jesus will last always will last always with les ruines come on can we sing it one more time on the course a give me Jesus give me Jesus took away my shame [Music] [Music] [Applause] can somebody clap their hands in this you say just give me cheese's take this full world but just give me cheese feels good in the house already tonight is anybody excited to be in the house of the Lord tonight I know it's a Wednesday night but man I'm excited when we get together in here pastor preach worship together as a family how many people just need the Lord today many people just need a band I came in here this morning and earlier today and it was just like oh just I just need God I just need you today water I need you every single day but I just especially need you today God I'm completely lost my mind is just just scrambled with how God my life is just in shambles without the Lord I want my life and my heart and my spirit to always have that posture towards our God every moment we step into his house God meet God we need you our church needs you my family needs you our world needs her my city needs you come my world my nation my kids my family my husband my wife whoever it may be we need I need Andrea [Music] now my [Music] to we gotta go [Music] just one more time till you lift our hands and your voices and your eyes to heaven in sea ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] your head before every word pirates in your pack to the dog you are there he was promised this strong we'll try we bother - I got in your way see Jesus Oh thank you [Music] to you are [Applause] [Music] Wow nobody like Jesus cheese besides him there is no God I'm here because that beacon for this world about to be transformed [Music] right Yugi nobody like in the dark and I'm glad that I know him in the power of his resurrection and I reassure you you're born again to the water of the Spirit you've taken on that name he's coming back our God is coming back it's impossible for him to lie he said he was coming back that's where I'm putting my strength to my confidence Jesus my goodness everybody looks great tonight you look even better when you're worshiping we're a body we function together we're corporately many members but one body when the body comes in into one place the same time getting us in one mind and one accord the miraculous can happen and I believe it will happen tonight we're going to go ahead and continue our worship we're going to prepare for an offering here we're going to give back to them to Jesus I love giving to God he's blessed me with all that I have and all that I am without him I would be nothing and have nothing so as our Usher's would come we're gonna go ahead and receive that tonight god Bless You Lord Jesus thank you for each and every one that has gathered more importantly we thank you for your presence God and the ability that I have to worship not only with my voice not only with my hands not only with my my legs and my feet gun but with my finances lord I just want to give a little back to you Lord you've been abundantly good to me you've been abundantly good to my family you've been abundantly good to this church for that you would just receive this offering that you would smile upon a multiplyin lord use it for your glory we're certainly gonna give you the praise and glory the honor in Jesus name Amen hey won't you come bump into somebody say hello you see somebody you don't know introduce yourself but let's give to Jesus thank you god bless you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you didn't know I could sing did you do doo doo doo hallelujah all this technology thank you very much for coming this is a great crowd on Wednesday night amen one verse of scripture would you stand please John chapter 12 and verse number 21 the same came therefore to Philip which was of the Ceyda of Galilee and desired him saying sir we'd like to see Jesus and so that's our purpose amen people show up here they're not I don't want them to see Harold they do see Harold but I hope somewhere between Harold and all the rest of us here they see some Jesus okay that's our purpose you may be seated Jesus is the ultimate ecology if you are a Bible person you have heard the word logos and thank you there are two words for a word in the Greek language the one is Rhema and the other is logos and they're not the same John 1:1 said in the beginning was the word the Word was with God the Word was God that's logos but in Romans 10 when it said faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word the word is not logos the word is Rema Rema means a personal word and it's kind of like so think of that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the personal word so it's not enough just to come to church that's that's corporate word that's crowd word that's but is it can you personalize it and say that's for me that's when faith comes to us when we personalize the word the other word logos means mind will plan and I've always I've talked to you about that before you know in the beginning was the word you could say in the beginning was the plan the plan was with God plan was God how could you know people say and the Word was with God and they say see there that's that's Trinity that's one with another let me ask you a question how can you separate your words from you how can you separate your mind from you again you can but but when you deal with this thing in English ology oh log1 at is logos and it simply means to study so you've been into a lot of classes in your life that end with ology and I'm here to to teach you tonight show me a pastor who doesn't teach and I'll show you an ignorant congregation study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed so if we don't study we're not going to have the approval of the Lord think of that thing that I've gone over and with you how many times I I'm scary almost to repeat it you're gonna go oh my goodness don't let him get stuck on that again but in the book of Peter it says add to your faith virtue that's important because God honors faith wherever he finds it we've had people in this church through the years get the Holy Ghost that were shacking up they were living together now in the church where I was raised I'm not sure they would say you got the Holy Ghost because you couldn't have get the Holy Ghost living in sin but you can and I'll tell you why God honors faith wherever he finds it in okay think of where Jesus was born he was probably born in a cave and had animals in it you know christmas has come and trust me you're gonna get a Christmas card in the next couple weeks nice little barn Jesus would lay in there I love you Matthew look at that look at that hey man beautiful golden hey here's Mary there with the halo you got Joe up there oh nice one red cow jersey cow one donkey a couple nice sheep down here here's the wisemen there's usually a star but you'd see it shining angels are usually fluttering out there got the shepherds and that's a pretty nice place yeah the N was full the motel was full which means the parking lot was full or in this case the garage and back then you didn't turn the motors off the exhaust kept coming out you don't turn a donkey off you don't turn a horse off I'm trying to tell you Jesus was born in a place that had manure on the floor you ever been in a barn mildew spiderwebs guano you know what guano is that's bat droppings smells like ammonia smell spiders nasty trust me nari nine months pregnant made that journey all the way down there she's tuckered that's he hillbilly four worn out Joe is hadn't been asleep my wife first baby Wow 27 hours of transition labor that's the bad ones that's a dad that that's I was going to sleep between contractions you know she's slapping me saying you had something to do with this wake up you know I'm telling you man I'm trying to show you that contrary to the hallmark and the Russell Stover card Jesus was born in a smelly dump but it was all it was available if they would have known who was squirming in Mary's womb they would have thrown the mayor out of the honeymoon suite at the Sheraton but they didn't know Bible said in the Book of Luke he's not a king by force he's not gonna just stick his number 12 in your screen door and said I'm coming in whether you like it or not and he got a you got a 1 him hunger you know and it's pretty obvious to me watch add to your faith what virtue what's virtue purity clean I'm telling you Jesus was born in a dump but but is but is his earthly I want to call him as dad his earthly overseer Joseph he's a carpenter trust me if they would have stayed they're just there to pay taxes but if they were going to live there in just a couple of days Mary's hanging curtains and Joe's building cabinets why because it's a the mirror Cole is where Jesus is willing to come listen this the Lord is my shepherd so when a sheep drifts Shepherds got to find them okay any of you hunters that are here there's nothing better if you're a deer hunter then shooting a deer in the snow especially if it don't drop in its tracks you're gonna find that dude why you got to track it I've tracked deer before that weren't hit good let me tell you what deer do the first thing they do is they run for the thickest nastiest trash that they can find and you lot of times you're on your hands and knees and you're crawling through briars and and thickets and just horrible stuff what's your point my point is when you and I as sheep wonder off the reservation it's embarrassing where we have made our Shepherd come to because wherever whatever mud hole we walk through he had to walk through it whatever briars and garbage he had we slithered under he had to climb on her to come find us let's be honest we've taken our Jesus to some pretty nasty places but he'll the miracle is that he'll come into our dirty nasty life because we had faith in his word okay he'll come wherever there's faith but the Bible says you know book of Romans chapter you know we're the temple of the Holy Ghost if any men defile the temple that's not good so what's that mean add to your faith virtue the first thing that ought to happened after Jesus comes into our life we all start cleaning up some stuff and what do you add after virtue knowledge what comes after knowledge temporary what's temperance self-control here's the problem people get the Holy Ghost and all of a sudden I realized I got to change some things I've got to have some not just cleanliness or purity in my life I I don't need to just get clean I gotta learn to stay clean that's temperance that's self-control and they a lot of them flame out why because they never get the knowledge too many times in church we bypass the knowledge and we expect people to do stuff without a thorough understanding of the scripture you've got to get the understanding of the word that's huge because you shall know the truth and the truth will set you can't have faith for what you don't know so you got a study study to show yourself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed I mean I you know that's off the subject but I'll start all my life you know you get the Holy Ghost you you you you you can do miracles because the Bible says you shall receive power after the Holy Ghost is come upon you but it doesn't say in acts 1 & 8 when you receive power you get the power to do miracles because the Holy Ghost is not the power to do miracles I can prove it to you the disciples did miracles before they ever received the Holy Ghost and Luke chapter 10 when he sent them out by two they said even the Devils were subject unto us now let's got the Holy Ghost yet no one's talked in tongues yet why they they did it was it was a gift it was an anointing he sent him out they were there their apostles going forth with a message you know and he said wherever you go I'm coming and there's there's you can stay there for a long time but you remember that scripture it's in Luke 10 I saw Satan as lightning fall from heaven this says I preach this on my life that's something about before the gardens he that's before Adam Jesus was saying a long time ago I saw Satan fall I could kick booted out of heaven it's not what it means at all in other translations this is what it says I saw Satan fall as you were going as you went into these cities and started ministering I saw his kingdom coming down you tore him down by you're going but he said wherever you go I'm coming that's a great promise if we'll go and do the work look over your shoulder you're not going to be there alone forever it said and they went everywhere preaching the word what's this not working for the Lord but the Lord working with them and confirming the words that they thought with signs following that's important see Jesus taught him paadam for three years then he gave him the Holy Ghost what's that that's the power what does it say in Romans chapter five it says for the love not for the love of God is shed abroad in your heart through the Holy Ghost what's that mean it means when you get the Holy Ghost I can't promise you you're going to do miracles what I am going to promise you is that the love of God will start flowing through your life by this shallow be know that you are my disciples not because the miracles that you've done but that you have loved one towards another you understand look at the book of Acts cutis backslides takes himself wrote breaks he falls and it's a mess at the bottom of that hill please would you find me I mean you're talking about scintillating stuff here you ever heard that thing inquiring minds want to know will you please find me these multiple locations in the Bible where they're saying man I heard when Joe hit the bottom car splat ooh that's terrible tell me more you know what happened when Judas fell they cast lots we're gonna have Matthias they're walking one day and they stop it Jesus said what were you disputing among yourselves while we were he said well let me give me a little refresher you were wondering about who's gonna be the greatest but I don't think so yeah that's what she was talking about he said okay you wanna know who's gonna be the greatest whoever's the greatest servant he said if you exalt yourself you're gonna be a base a base that's bad I'll touch of this for a long time my job is to stay humble his job when we get our jobs and Jesus's jobs confused see you know he his job is to promote me my job is to stay humble but when I start promoting me and doing his job he's going to do my job he's got humbled me when the Lord said if you fall on him that's okay if he falls on you bad day just I've said it is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of an angry god that's what teaches what are you saying pastor I'm saying that Jesus taught them for three years then he filled them with the holy ghost which is the power to love one another because the love of God has shed a broad searcher shed abroad heart to the Holy Ghost our premise we get the Holy Ghost but we don't get to teaching so we fuss among one another about who's the greatest and we get sidetracked with that foolishness and when someone does come along and teach us you need to love them you go I love it him do you know what she said about me you know what they said about me they they they unfriended me on Facebook so what are you saying I'm saying get the knowledge get the teaching that's important because because because man has created a long list of what I'll call allergies anthropology that's the study of man biology you have been a you have biology that's the study of life criminology your study bums held heathens criminals cons astrology is the study of stars so you can predict things psychology is the study of the mind why why are there so many ologies be because the world has turned to psychics scientists doctors prescriptions higher learning alternative lifestyles humanism which is nothing more than self they'll try everything I'm here to teach you tonight that Jesus is the only remedy for sin Jesus is the only remedy for sin the Muslims have taken Mecca the Catholics have taken Rome the Mormons dominate Salt Lake City the seven day Adventists if you've ever been to Loma Linda California you know that the Seventh day Adventists that's their place if you've ever been to Clearwater Florida the Scientologists have Clearwater Florida the Church of Christ has Breckenridge Tennessee the Church of God has Cleveland Tennessee the gangbangers have Los Angeles the gamblers half Las Vegas the Mafia has got Chicago why can't the Apostolic s-- have a city if the Catholics can have a town the Mormons can have a town the site colleges can have a town is it possible that we can have a harvest in this air metro area and they say it's not just known for cars the Great Lakes deserve a great church because of our great God Jesus thing we can have that if we'll return to preaching the true gospel the ultimate ology the ultimate study is not of crime or the Stars or trying to turn determine when man became a biped walked upright the ultimate study is Jesus because the systems of this world cannot be repaired today the elected thieves that we call politicians frustrate me if they want to spend your money and my money they're protected something I'm protecting the environment I'm protecting you know whatever this and that now if my opponent has some idea about some big butt program and that's foolishness ain't protected nothing I'm protecting you and I just want to look at the IRS and say you can't have my money this year I need it I'm protecting my family these elected fees that we call politicians or not isn't so obvious now I mean we we we we've got an entire political party who was sent to Washington DC to be able to help the country they haven't done their job they have one thing on their mind right now let's kill Donald try I'm not here to preach Trump I'm here to show you that these clowns are doing nothing more than playing political brinksmanship and maneuvering for who can get to pose best poll numbers so they can win the next election has nothing to do what's what's best for the country it's what's best for our party them bums wouldn't even have a job if good hardworking people hadn't put voted for him and put him in office it's like good built that debt that went sour that this thing can't be fixed the world doesn't need rehab the world needs reborn I'm here to preach the study of Jesus the science of Jesus so come with me for the next couple of weeks and let's put on our lab coats and let's break out the Bunsen burners in the test tubes and let's test him he said prove me to see if I won't pour you out a blessing that you can't contain let's see if Jesus is a liar or tells the truth let's see if he's a deceiver or if he's deity let's see if he's just a con a crook a liar a lunatic or maybe he's the Lord from glory maybe because Jesus I read this years ago Jesus makes God knowable sin remit able joy obtainable heaven reachable holiness reasonable Christianity practical listen to what job said let me not I pray you accept any man's person neither let me give flattering titles on the man for I know not to give flattering titles in so doing my maker would soon take me away I go to brother Hoffman's Church don't you dare say that this is not my church I can die tonight in a car accident going home I'll be replaced the church goes on this church is built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets Jesus Christ Himself being the chief Cornerstone this is Jesus's shirt this church ain't brother Hoffman's I didn't shed one drop of blood for it I don't have one stripe on my back for it no one has paid the price for this church like Jesus has the Bible said who purchased us with his own blood ha ha you think of that he owns everything there's only one thing Jesus ever bought that's you and he paid a high price ladies and gentlemen for you and me job said I am NOT given people flattering titles I was speaking somewhere between the North Pole and the South Pole and I was with a speaker who was dr. so-and-so for the purpose of protecting the guilty I'll simply call a bill when it was over that night I greeted him and I said hello brother bill and he said I prefer to be referred to was doctor doctor and he gave me his last name and I said that's great bill good for you call no man father I go to the pier dark alley of fog they'll call no man father I'm here to change your vocabulary take all the titles out of the Bible and you will come away with that one name that will change your life forever and that name is not father it's not son it's not Holy Spirit that name is Jesus [Music] hallelujah because the wise man Solomon said buy the truth and sell it not to way too many apostolic s-- the truth is acts 2:38 we preach the truth I've obeyed the truth listen to your pastor tonight the truth is not a doctrinal position the truth is a person Jesus said I'm the way I'm the truth I am the life Paul one time said in 2nd Thessalonians 2 in verse 10 with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved for this cause this is for this cause God shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie if you know anything I'm not trying to wow you but but but but but but but the greek word is episode a gag oh the catching away and what happened with the Thessalonians is they thought they have missed the return of Jesus Christ and Paul was writing to them to say you didn't miss the second coming of Jesus but I want you to know something he is coming and after he comes there's going to be some people that claim they knew him very well but they ain't going and he said the reason they are not going is because they wanted to believe something wrong so much that it got to the point that even Jesus himself helped them to believe it why because they didn't receive a love of the truth I'm not talking about acts 2:38 I'm telling you I know lots of people that scream and yell about acts 2:38 but they're full of hatred they're full of dead men's bones they got an ugly spirit they're self-righteous they're a bunch of Pharisees they believe it don't come out of their stack that's not smoke it's like being in a bathtub born in a box of salt and see this is the Atlantic Ocean that's how stupid it is to say this I know preachers if you ever leave this church you're in deep deep deep deep trouble because I'm the man of God for this town I want you to know something right now if this is all Jesus has in this city Jesus is in a world of trouble the kingdom is bigger than First Church and this one location on the kwinter I'm telling you he's got people behind the Iron Curtain behind the bamboo curtain he's got people on the other side of this planet you couldn't pronounce their name but I promise you they've seen Jesus name they've been filled with the spirit they are your brothers and their sisters in the Holy Ghost you need to understand that one dog people killed Jesus and he said there's going to be people in that day say didn't we prophesy in your name didn't we pray nobody does more in the name of Jesus than one god jesus name Pentecostals I'm telling you there are going to be some flummoxed flabbergasted terrified people after the rapture saying I don't get it they're going to go to the judgment they're going to say we did this in your name we did that your name we baptize in your name we prayed in your name we blessed our food in your name and he said depart from me you workers of iniquity I don't even know you that's scary stuff why look at our doctrine who gives a hoot and you know we're about our doctrine if we don't have a living lasting relationship with the truth do you know Jesus I'm gonna have a head full of the Bible and a heart full of sin it's not the word that I've hid in my brain it's the word that I've hid in my heart that's what will keep you from sin I've known lots of people Satan could quote scripture he did it to Jesus it's written the Devils are given charge concerning me that's the scripture and said he knows the Bible that's why Jesus talked about the pearl listen to this in Matthew 13 again the kingdom of heaven is likened to a treasure hid in a field the which when a man hath found he hideth and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath and buyeth that field again the kingdom of heaven is likened to a merchant man seeking goodly pearls who when he had found one pearl of great price went and sold all that he had and bought it once you purchase the truth you throw away forever the signs that say for sale by owner the Hebrew word for buy it means to acquire it to in own it to invest in it but the only way to get it is to get Jesus he did not say I will show you the way he said I am the way he did not say I will teach you the truth he said I am the truth and since that's the case you don't trade it for anything no boyfriend no girlfriend no husband no wife no money no position no office no prestige when you were baptized in this name and you have Christ in you the hope of glory you got the truth you got the truth and so don't talk to me about God and fail to mention Jesus because there is no intelligent talk about God without mentioning Jesus I tried to show you that last week don't tell me you believe in water and don't believe in ice don't tell me you believe in rock and don't believe in stone don't tell me you believe in Nashville and don't believe in country music do not tell me you believe in Oreos and you think they're vanilla there is no good singing if you don't sing about Jesus I'm gonna preach you a message in the next couple of weeks how to preach to a man and never see anybody saved just preach about sin but don't ever say what sin is study all you want in the Bible but there is no effective study if it doesn't bring you to a deeper lasting love and one a relationship with Jesus watch this is Luke 17 two women will be grinding together the one shall be taken the other left two men shall be in the field the one shall be taken the other left watch what did they ask Jesus when he told them this they did not ask when is this going to happen they said where Lord and he said wherever the Eagles are gathered that's where the body is going to be another translation says carcass I go fishing in July with some men in Canada when a we draw we leave here at 2 o'clock in the morning and we drive all night long and all the next day and we end up way north and probably Ontario and then we get in a boat and we I don't know how probably an hour or more in these boats getting on this little rock island that's got a cabin on it the only thing we see that even resembles any kind of civilization is there's a train that runs past that place about a half four mile away that's it we don't see nobody except moose bears birds fish and one another that's it I've fishing two years ago and reached down to grab a fish and that fish shook his head and that lure came out of his mouth and faster than you can imagine that big old hook went Wow underneath my thumbnail and I looked at Jeb brother with Jeff Woodward who was in the boat me and I said Jeffy I'm in trouble and he said why and I just held that out he said boss I told you let me take them fish off why did you do that I said we can't argue about that now can you help me cfb and Jeff who's MacGyver reached down and had this Leatherman - he said now it's gonna hurt but we're gonna have to push it all the way through to get a pest that barb push that thing all the way through snap that in pulled it out next morning you couldn't even tell I got hooked that night of the next day I went fishing with brother likto we were way up on the top of the hill away from all the others he reached down to grab a fish that bled that the pole was bent I screamed no too late that lure came out of that fish's mouth and went BAM and buried it deep into the meat of his hand and I'm going oh Jesus what we gonna do now and all I could do is take that lure and turn that thing until I unscrewed that that little that little hook that held the big hook in the meat of his hand we go back there and Jeff would where it's just shaking his head you're the two biggest goobers I've ever met in my whole life I told you not to mess with him fish why cuz yeah Elijah likes that lice you rather that's a good story and then yeah you ain't no hospital there there there's no infirmary you I remember I don't know for four or five years ago I'll forget now we've been there for a week we're loading up at daybreak getting ready to take our boat back to get down to get to where our trucks are and drive all the way back home I look at Bob likto he's over there leaning against the side of that cabin his face is about the color of that carpet and I said are you okay said and I said what's wrong with you he said kidney stones and I said he said just drive and for 14 hours and my pals in my truck screaming like a little girl and nobody was making fun of them either why there are no hospitals there's nowhere to go let me tell you what happens we clean fish and you don't put them where you live because there's bears everywhere so you put all them innards in a boat and you take them I don't know six or seven hundred yards away to another there's a big rock out there in the bay they dump them fish guts on that rock before that boat gets back to the dock and eagles are owning big dudes and I'm going how in the world can you do that you talk about eyeballs forget about this is not sent this is eyes I mean we are we are in the middle of the boondocks haven't seen an eagle dump all them intros on that rock mmm-hmm that's what Jesus is saying wherever there's a carcass the Eagles are going to find the carcass wherever the flesh is wherever that body is the Eagles gonna find that carcass now I take you most you've been in my library back in my office I got I got I don't know how many prophecy books I got in back in there been collecting them things since I was first started preaching every one of them want to tell you when Jesus is coming even in the United Pentecostal church which I carry license for their their brother brother brother brother Dreiling his his uncle was an uncle your grandpa uncle listening to the radio in Dallas to a guy named Irvin Baxter who's very well known around the world for being a prophecy teacher and so everybody else says well dodo the only Irvin bachelor can understand prophecy so there are only too happy to let him interpret it and yeah and and and that's fine because the third of the Bible is prophecy but but I want you understand something the question that these men asked to Jesus when he said to going to be the field one's going to be hoeing turn around and there's a hoe laying between the beans to or to to going to be working at the mill going to turn around because all of a sudden that the grist is piling up and somebody's not scooping it away and all of a sudden you look at where your pal was just a minute before shoveling all the leftovers away and all of a sudden all there is is just a lifeless shovel laying on the ground two people working at the mill once taken the others left here's the question the disciples asked where where Lord they did not ask what we ask when's that gonna happen see the question ladies and gentlemen is not when is Jesus coming back the real question is where should you and I be when he comes back his answer is this just as sure as the Eagle can find a carcass I'm going to be able to find my church so understand Jesus is not coming for me he's not coming for you Jesus is coming for the body of Christ our question should not be when is he coming the question is I better make sure I'm in the body when he comes I want to be a perk of the body of Christ for the day of the lone Ranger's over the day of a private interpretation nobody else understands just accept me you're right because that's not Scripture don't find a scripture that backs up what you believe try and find a scripture that tears down what you believe if you can find a scripture that don't agree with what you believe what you agree is wrong but if you can go through that whole Bible not find anything that this man or what you believe you might be on to something so what do you do then in the mouth of two or three witnesses let every word be established go find some elders go find some people who spent their life in that word people that are on a higher plane of Scripture understanding than you let's take out for a drive let's put it through a test let's see if it'll withstand scrutiny let's see if it'll withstand Bible Bible beating on it with the word I was in the church one time preach it on the oneness all of a sudden some ladies told me after church we used to believe that we had tongues interpretation and someone said yeah I said to thee we are three we are free said that was it let me explain something to you you can govern with the gifts the gifts of the Spirit are not meant to govern they are power tools to help you to build a church otherwise why do you need a pastor why do you need elders why do you need oversight that's why it's so frustrating about getting Trump with the God card you've been trumped with a god card talk to somebody try explaining to somebody saying you know I the Lord told me forget it just pack up your clothes and just just clothes you get cut shut down shop it's over they already went around you they went to Jesus let me tell you what the Bible says when the Lord appeared to solve Tarsus you know what he told him he said you go find a man and he will show you the way more perfectly and Saul went and submitted himself to that elder I can prove to you in the Bible about a man by the Makran ears who met an angel an angel from heaven walk through his door you know what the angel said I don't care what any preacher says you need to listen to me nope he said I want you go down to the Tanners house there's a guy named Peter down there you go find Peter and he'll explain the word better to you because God has left the duty of explaining the scripture to us so when everybody tried to Trump you with the god card save your breath you didn't get nowhere my problem with the god card is too many times it's a cheap opiate I go all around the country and people say you got a word for me got a word for me you got a word I said yeah I got 66 books full of it don't want to take the time to discipline yourself to pray don't want to take your time to discipline yourself to sanctify your life God will speak to you he's a speaking God he'll talk to you yes he will he'll move on you that word will come alive no I don't need that so what happens in Pentecost we have these super preachers I ain't doing nothing without him the preacher that used to Pastor this church before I came here you couldn't buy a house unless you got his approval you couldn't do other thing you did I don't want that kind of micromanagement over your life who in the world do those guys that are the lords over God's heritage my job is to do my best to create a good atmosphere of peace where you can make good decisions don't elevate me I go to a possible hopin Church oh no I'm just a sinner saved by grace I'm a guy that's done my best to try and study this word and maybe give you a little insight into that please understand what's going on here you get in the book of Exodus no yes Exodus 19 God spoke audibly to his I can prove to you in the Book of Numbers six hundred three thousand five hundred fifty men over the age of twenty capable of going to war six hundred thousand we don't know how many men were under the age of twenty we don't know how many women there were and the tribe of Levi was never numbered so you're very safe talking about two million people here you're talking about a city the size of Houston Texas two million people heard God speak to them and said sanctify yourself for the next three days because I'm gonna speak with you you need to get ready purify your heart he spoke to them you know what their response to Moses was when he audibly spoke to them they said we don't ever want this to happen to us ever again Moses you talk to God we'll talk to you we don't everyone talk to God again we will die what does that mean that means that in about this is Habakkuk Habakkuk however you want to pronounce his name when God spoke to him he said it was like the marrow in my bones was rotten John said I fell on my face like I was dead I don't buy into all these quasi preachers prophets prophet Issa's God told me this and God told me that when God speaks to you it'll scare your liver out this is what Jacob said this is a terrible place this is a this is a frightening place this is the house of God this is the gate of heaven we have so dumbed-down hearing from God you people are so confused they don't know if it's the if it's God or or if they ate too many tacos with extra hot sauce you can get to a point where you don't know their swing God in yourself was that manner was that Jesus you've got to be careful about putting God told me this say I was reading this is what I think I saw this is what I felt like the Spirit impressed upon me don't keep putting God in front of everything you say God told me there's God told me that oh he didn't you can't dumb this thing down to where it just you can't do that it's gonna get so goofy after a while because there's a fine line between glory and goofy study that word take it into honest account DP be self-deprecating don't exalt yourself don't do that do it do it humbly it's a fearful thing the Bible talks about the fear God is the beginning of knowledge people say that's reverential respect no it's not you study that word it's not reverential respect it's fear I'll tell you what fear is when I'm nine years old and I did something I was cussing at school and teacher called and told my mom what I did my dad worked afternoon got home at midnight always said I'd be back at that little room and that back of that little house I'd hear that car coming in oh man all of a sudden the door opened I hated Waldo with the lunch bucket sit down then that thermos sit down and the host said he said how are you hon she said you know what your boy did today no what'd he do he did what I hear boom boom boom boom boom he go into his room open the drawer cuz in the drawer was that skinny little leather belt that he only wore to church and he'd bring that belt say Harold Eugene I used to do something in church my dad be sitting on the platform and all I to here was this I can't snap my like I used to cuz I've got bad fingers and my dad snap Wham I knew what that meant I'd go to all the old women in the church please tell my dad not to kill me please tell please ask my dad not to beat me to death when we get home they go all brother Harry don't you do that to that precious boy yours he'd look at me that's fear the Bible said we have fathers in our flesh who profited who who corrected us for their pleasure but he for our profit never anything this is going to hurt me a lot we're nerds God you know my mom wouldn't be at a flyswatter you've been hit with a where he's her strapped you know what a racist drop is I got what with a razor strop and I deserved it because it cut a big old field on fire had fire trucks everywhere walked in my grandma's house nothing way I'm right there guess what then under that again at least didn't want to catch me ha ha I mean I why I was afraid because where I lived you didn't get time out go stay in the corner are you kidding whoa my folks go jail for child abuse get ironed out okay why cuz I scared of them that's the beginning of wisdom and if we don't have a healthy fear of God we're stupid I'm nights are ever intial respect you need to fear God fear God keep his Commandments that's the duty of man I wrote a letter to a boy I know in Arkansas he had a birthday I called him through the era sending money and always try to remember Christmas and birthday and trying to buddies he's 15 now growing up he got a gun got a amazing that he even survived just I wish I could tell you a story but I can I'm trying to talk to him about you know your young man now this is what you need to do this is what you need to stay away from you think I tell people I know this between a good-looking car in an ugly car you think I didn't have a chance to mess around with girls you didn't think I'd have a chance to do something stupid I had my chances and I wanted to do it but I scared death of Esther and her prayers scared to death of my dad and that belt I had a praying grandma that's what kept me it wasn't really to respect his fear and if we really understood how merciful God is but the Bible said in the book of Genesis the end the end of all flesh is come before me there is a place in the heart of God he's not going beyond he'll go up to the fence he ain't climbing a fence that's what happened in Noah's day their thoughts were evil he said the end of all flesh has come before me and it's going to come before him again we need an understanding I know you get tempted amen but temptation isn't the problem you're never going to get rid of temptation temptations everywhere you don't have to buy a magazine anymore just go to the mall all of a sudden just open up your internet one time we were back in the office sister Hill and I and it was when we moved years ago we first started to learn computers all of a sudden we hit something and stuff started flashing up there it was just gonna Boom Boom Boom Boom I was remember sister Hill going down there Jesus and just got up stood away and I just reached that and grabbed the court on that computer and ripped it and just ruined that computer just ripped it out don't tell me temptation - problem ten places everywhere but every man is tempted when he's drawn away of his own lust and enticed the problem in temptation less is the vehicle that allows that thing into my life dear God allow your heart to be softened tonight and say Jesus I want to I want to have a healthy fear of the Lord do I want to do it yeah but I know if I do this is what's going to happen I don't want to impact my marriage negatively I Bible said you bring a bad thing you bring an abomination into your house your whole house becomes an abomination so that's why on my phone every time I open up my phone I got a picture of my granddaughter you think I don't get tempted you think I don't have things day or in front of me but every time I turn on my computer every time I open up my phone wishes I see that little girl and I remember the day she was born and I said dear God I'm a grandpa now help me God not to do anything to impact my granddaughter help me God not to build a barrier or a hurdle or something that's going to make it harder for her to serve you boy where in the world did that come from I want to make sure you see I've seen people dedicate their lives and ministry to talk about prophecy I've heard it all through the years I've heard about the Trilateral Commission I've heard about the Bilderbergers I've heard about the Masons I've heard about that all-seeing eye that's on the top of that pyramid on the back of a dollar bill I've heard about barcodes implanted ship's designer 666 tattoos I heard about years ago that computer in Brussels Belgium they coated the Beast I've heard Henry Kissinger was the Antichrist Gorbachev was the Antichrist people said Obama was the I I was alive in 1988 when a rocket scientist from NASA wrote a book and applied all of his math to prophecy and said there's no way it's going to be there here are 88 reasons why Jesus is coming in 1988 I have a dear friend a very sincere man who's now the district superintendent of a district some we're a long way away from here who was so moved by that book he locked his entire church of 700 people into the building for three days nobody could leave the church for three days they didn't eat they stayed in there and drank water and prayed and fasted because Jesus is coming and we gots to get ready but guess what New Year's Eve came and went and Jesus didn't show up and then the scientist said I forgot there's no such thing as zero in time there was one BC one AD I missed it by one year so he created another book called a V now and he's very sincere 89 reasons why Jesus is coming in 1989 my friend didn't lock his church behind doors that one but he was trying his best to be ready you remember y2k how the computers were gonna crash all of the power grids were gonna fail you better make sure and buy your mommy's candles and you better buy them dream be them dried beans in that rice because you're not going to be able to buy or sell I've been through the y2k thing iiiiii lived through the fiasco about the Mayan calendar in 2012 we are so fascinated with if I just knew when he was going to come I'll tell you why Jesus ain't gonna show us that because we'd be stupid up ten minutes until we thought he was going to come and then we try to do some quickie and microwave repentance and get ready he said you got to watch and pray watch and pray watch and pray everyday the answer in the recessed on when is he coming is I want to be in the body I want to be in the body and by one spirit are we all baptized in don't you better be full of the spirit you better be covered by the blood you better have a right heart God says spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus it's not meant just to scare you to death it's meant to exalt him and make you fall in love with him and said I want to live for someone as great as this because there's no intelligent talk about prophecy if it doesn't end up with Jesus Matthew did I tell you to do that next windy are you going to are you downloaded that thing now huh give me a couple of minutes and I'll show it will show you something you want to study god you're gonna have to study theology if you want to perfect that study you've got to study something called Christology I'm here to say that our message is right about Jesus our stand on baptism and his name it's right our stand on the mighty God in Christ it's right or stand on the essentiality of being filled with the Holy Spirit to such a point that it takes over your ability to speak and you magnify him with a language that you never learned in school that's right and anybody tells you any different the origin is demonic listen to this translation from the message don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking instead fix your attention on God you'll be changed from the inside out readily recognize what he wants from you and quickly respond to it unlike the culture around you always dragging you down to its level of image don't let this world drag you down to its level you lift them up to yours because the so-called Christians that want to tell you that behavior has nothing to do with relationship and spiritual status nothing could be further from the truth because the Bible still teaches there are sheep and goats wheat and tares good fish bad fish wise virgins foolish virgins blessed cursed holy profane it also teaches there's pearls and pigs listen to me before I stop unpracticed truth is no better than error the Bible says in the book of Revelation if they you won't shine I'll take away your candlestick which means Jesus would rather sterling heights be in darkness then have a so-called Jesus named Church in this city that won't shine I don't care how much truth we have if we don't practice listen ladies and gentlemen our understanding far exceeds our level of involvement so many times I'll preach or teach and it's like I don't mean it's wrongly but I do my best to to to try and to teach you something fresh some of this that I did I did this years ago and we're doing it just to get it recorded some of you might say oh man I heard that years ago well to hear it again and act like you've never heard it before okay my wife used to do that when we evangelize she sit on the front row and hear the thing for the 30th time and sounds just act like it's the first time isn't that amazing I've heard new converts say I got it I was reading and Jesus is God in flesh isn't that amazing and I go wow that's great show me that I won't want to say oh I learned that a long time ago if we're not careful we're gonna get to the point where pass her up and teach me something else teach me something else show me something else show me something else well we don't we don't need to know more we need to do what we already know should be done because in the computer language they call it prolong conduct lag it's the difference between learning it and doing it and so before we go understand sin is a disease can you go the Mayo Clinic and have an operation for it can you go to John Hopkins and get a bypass for it can you can can someone prescribe you medicine you go to the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta and ask them if they have an anti-venom for sin see this world has a solution for everything else but they have no solution for sin because if sin was a money problem then the bank could finance it if sin was 'men was a legal problem you could 1-800 call Sam and they would litigate it if if it were if sin was an ignorant problem we we could educate it if if it was physical we could medicate it but none of these disciplines can handle sin there's only one thing that can handle sin and that's the blood of Jesus so you can study snakes you know what it's called Oh theology that's people who understand snakes I don't care how much Oh fee ology you know if you don't know about the real serpent in the book of Genesis you're ignorant cosmology is the study of the universe but if you don't understand a book of Hebrews that said the worlds were framed by the Word of God your you can study geology and know all you want to about rocks but if you don't know this verse that he's the rock of my salvation and there's no rock like my rock you know understand geology so I went to seminary I memorize Scripture I learned Koine Greek I learned Hebrew I learned homiletics hermeneutics apologetics I studied theology eschatology soteriology demonology I learned there's an ology for just about everything but we are the church the ecclesia the called out ones and if anyone wants to be called out of sin and be saved you better get you a degree in Jesus ology amen listen to this I found this a couple days ago you may have already heard this but this moved me this guy that's made a living making people laugh listen to what Jeff Foxworthy had to say about the Bible you you you you [Laughter] [Applause] don't just tell me it's a book don't just tell me it's a name a man Lord Jesus we thank you for this day we are so grateful to be on this side of the dirt we are so grateful to be breathing your air having your sanity in our mind and your strength in our body we are so grateful God just to be alive you said that everything that's got breath in it these two praise you and so we are grateful today for the honor of just being here in this house tonight I've done the best I knew how to teach some principles of the word to these good people I ask you Lord when they go home then I give them a the best night of rest they've had in months let us awake in the morning refreshed and more determined than ever before to fear you and to keep your Commandments and to get deeper in that word and to be a vessel of honor and a witness for Jesus Christ amen amen amen hey van thank you for coming to Bible class tonight I hope I hope I learned you something [Laughter]
Channel: First Church Sterling Heights
Views: 278
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: dZdVRgs3Y7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 51sec (5871 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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