Harnessing the POWER OF THE SUN in Dyson Sphere Program!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to Dyson Sphere program where I have been sponsored by the devs to check out the brand new free update rise of the dark fog which Changes Everything by adding combat to the game so boost a link in my description if you want to check it out yourself but for now let's start a new game so if you want to play the exact map that I'm playing on put my seed in and then of course we're going to keep the enemy forces on for the settings you can change everything about the enemies like the aggressiveness uh probably probably don't stop Rampage for us you you you'll probably struggle so we'll just go for regular and we'll get into it all right so here we are going past our first star perhaps we'll be harnessing the heat from the Sun later on uh but for now we're we're heading this direction so basically this is set in the future there's like we've developed a superior AI to take the human race even further but it needs a lot of power so we need to build these huge Dyson spheres around around Suns to harness the sun's energy and to power that Ai and I'm a space engineer in charge of constructing all the new Dyson spheres all right so that there that's like that's the enemy's base the dark fog uh so we're going to go around the opposite side of the planet and that's where we're going to start building our base but as we get closer they probably will attack us but remember cuz they're playing in regular it it could take a little while so we should be safe for quite a long time anyway so we're out of our pod this is actually us we're like a giant sort of Mech thing and this is what we're going to use to to sort of well take all the resources out this planet anyway if we hold down right click we can recycle that pod that gets us a load of resources which are stored in our inventory all right okay I've already I've already wasted the day just just by exploring but yeah we can collect Resources by right clicking on these trees so we're getting like loads of logs and plant Fuel and stuff there's also these iron veins yummy yummy iron as well as Stone and these also have silicon in as well which going to be useful the red stuff up there is copper we'll grab some copper as well right and then we can come to our technology tree down here and oh boy look at the size of this this thing oh my goodness so the First Technology electromagnetism magnetism magnetism electromagnetism so we can activate that you can see we need we need 10 of these magnetic coils they're made with two magnets and one sheet of copper so if we head into our replicator down here we can we can pretty much make all of these now so the copper sheets just takes a a bit of copper ore takes one second so let's start producing them you can see they're up there magnets as well we'll add a load of those right so they're getting added to our inventory and oh look the sun is rising that's the good thing about the planet being like sort of so small you don't stay you don't stay in the dark for too long anyway to make more magnets I'm going to need more iron and copper let's make sure we got the copper let's make sure we got the iron then we got enough resources that we can actually start making the magnetic coil so let's produce what do we need 10 of those so B add that to the production key nice you can see that going down now so once we got two more we've done the research which which means we've unlocked some automatic mining so if we come down here to the construct mode we can grab a mining machine we can then zoom out really far we can really get a fill for this planet so you can see like the area out the front that's covering five of them if we go that way though we cover all six so let's do that so you can see that is in but it has no power so if we come to the power tab we can then get some wind turbines on the goat so since there's no resources here let's just shove a wind turbine down B okay we then got these tester Towers we can build so basically they just they're just like pylons so power is made in the wind turbine that's making us like well it can make us 300 KW but at the moment there's not much demand there's only one Factory connected to it and this this is now full so it's not even working so back in our research tree we probably want to unlock some of this other stuff so Logistics would be a good thing cuz then we got conveyor belts and you know I love conveyor belts to make them though we need circuit boards and gears then what do we need for Gears and circuit boards so gears we need so for Gears we need iron ingots so let's add iron ingots to our que how many 30 of them we'll do so then we'll do gears after that there you go they'll get made and then for this we need oh it's just it's just steel and copper okay already got a load of copper so we can probably just add them to the key nice okay so that should allow us to unlock more of that stuff I think in the meantime I'm just going to I'm just going to try and like resource collect everything nice well in that time we've we've unlocked the conveyor belts and Logistics stuff so that is good uh however look my mech's core energy is insufficient so we got to come down to the mech panel there's a lack of fuel you see my fuel chamber's completely empty yeah thankfully I have been chopping down trees and stuff so we can use logs as fuel we can also use leaves as fuel and also there's there's coal around the planet as well like this over here this is cold so we can mine some of that to to give us some even more efficient fuel but in the meantime let's get these other resource things on the goat so I want this up there's pretty good five times decent shove one opposite as well now they have no power so I got to build a Tesla tower now I don't have enough items for that but I can just add these to my replicator C so if I just add like I don't know eight of them then it's it's built me all the resources I need so that I can literally just go one there and one will that power both of them it might do oh no it didn't power that one okay that's fine but nice okay so they're both powered up now oh except they're not they don't they don't have enough power so we'll make more wind turbines shove them down here they can't go too close to other wind turbines that's fine we'll go like one there and another one there right then these are making copper decent okay if we unlock this the automatic Metallurgy for 10 magnets and 10 circuit boards that will allow us to automate smelting so if we take an arc smelter and shove it it's got to be it's got to be within range of our power grid so I guess let's just shove it there for now all right so then we've made a conveyor belt that takes the the iron or along here into the ark smelter uh so what I should probably do is get researching the basic assembler so top left you can see I need gears and stuff for that so let's just add those to our production key all right and then that is researched which means we can plunk this down somewhere I don't know let's go let's go down there so it's still in range of the power and then for the recipes look we can build things like magnetic coils gears as well as circuit boards uh you can also tell it to build buildings which is quite cool uh so let's just do gears for now so then we can convey it out of there and if I just grab all the all the steel that the arcs made already I can actually I can actually build the conveyor so that can go over to there we then just need a sorter to say go into that and of course a sorter to say come out of there onto the conveyor all right so now we're making gears and it's worth noting remember this mining machine it's covering six veins so it's doing like 60 a minute so one a second and you can see conveyor completely filled up so what it might be worth doing getting a few more Arc smelters on the go so if I just shove them along there like that make sure there's sorters so they're powered nice so now I'm making loads of iron ingots then actually probably dismantle all this and build like a row of them like that right and then if I just connect all these up so they're all working then suddenly we're making triple the gears we were however I am out of energy so let's just go grab some cat actually what why am I doing this manually Matt automate it moment later all right so that is fully automated now we've got got loads loads of coal in there I can literally just click on these and like I get filled with coal meaning I can grab that coat shove it in my fuel so I am definitely good for fuel I also automated the the copper ingots up here so I can click on them periodically just to just to grab all those uh something I've noticed though top left dark fog Planet bases there's nearly a 50% threat which means in the research technology tree if we if we come down like to the bottom down here I should probably get the old weapon systems on the goat so we need these blue cubes which you can see they're made in the research facility and if we come here and unlock the electromagnetic Matrix that unlocks that so let's get that done we need 10 electromagnets 10 circuit boards now we're not making them automatically yet I probably should set that up but in the meantime let's just let's just add 10 of those 10 of those okay so that research is happening uh whil it's going on I will just add an assembler probably like to either end so one there one over there then to make circuit boards you can see we need we need iron ingots now these iron ingots are currently making gears but I'm pretty sure I can probably just add like another conveyor belt say come out this side and go up to there and we can say from there go onto the conveyor belt when that's built there you go the iron ingots are coming along this way so we can then say from that conveyor belt go into that building that conveyor belt go into that building okay so now this thing is making the circuit boards can I just grab a conveyor like from here go over this direction then can I do a sorter from there onto here oh yeah okay that's actually that's really cool that's really cool but nice okay we're now making twice as many circuit boards as we were before decent ah the threat is 73% to quickly now we're making the blue stuff let's go research the weapon systems and then how do we make these we need magnets and circuit boards okay produce as many as we can we can make oh we can make like 40 straight up all right anyway weapon systems are now unlocked actually if I go to map mode I can like head around the planet and if we head down to here this is oh my this is the dark fog okay they've got quite some Army growing there okay so we need I miss this game being a peaceful factory maker but yeah in my ammo slot now I can now add machine gun ammo so shove that in there and I mean to be honest probably probably make some more ammo so there's the ammo over that way that just takes copper so if I just collect all the Copper from all of these we can then produce loads of ammo 134 and then as well as that we got this defense thing so we can build turrets now they take a load of resource so I'm going to have to get all those resources it's the yes the magnetic coils we're we're lacking I probably need to make some magnets like over this way so if I get some more more of these I'll shove them down this side make sure we got sorters feeding them all so B bo b Bo and then these guys rather than making the iron ingots they can make magnets so I think I'll leave one making magnets and then the other two I'll try and make the the electromagnetics oh no we're out of power we're out of power I need more wind turbines oh no the dark fog cluster is launching an assault right where are they coming from where are they coming from all right they're coming from that way okay so I don't have any turrets yet anyway there's the enemies there's the enemies get them get them so if you press Z you can uh you can like choose which one you want to shoot at otherwise the mech will just shoot like the nearest one I think right okay over this way over this way take him down take him down boo you will not destroy my base right okay few we defended we did defend it's probably worth the F like literally defending like this and cuz this is where they came from cuz we're literally the opposite side of the planet they could have gone anyway but yeah for now seem sensible to try and build turrets up this end oh particularly look at all the resource up here what is that crude oil oh boy anyway next bit of research let's get steel smelting on the goat cuz look that means my wind turbines can be built in water that will be useful oh it's 120 research though that's quite a lot we've set that for research I should probably just say probably say produce lo I can't produc so oh yeah I need the magnetic coils man there's so much stuff to do in this game right well since the the threat of being attacked again is just 1% let's work on those coils I I did start tonight all right so if I grab conveyors from this is going to be like utter spaghetti by the way I mean if you if you've watched any of my other videos on like Factory games you probably you probably expected this to be honest but yeah we'll do conveyors over to like this way then conveyor up from those then we'll shove an assembly machine there there another one there get sorters on the go sorters out of these smelters as well right and then as my drones just build the the last few conveyor belts we can then select the recipe to be the magnetic coils nice so we're now making magnetic coils automatically so if I just periodically grab them out of there we can then yeah we can make loads of research manually but I should probably set this up automatically as well now the thing is our conveyors are about to going to cross over themselves aren't they so in research is there is there a way of building conveyors like over each other oh in the upgrades tab we have vertical construction the thing is that requires an energy Matrix and I definitely don't have that unlocked yet yeah let's queue up the smelting purification afterwards and then we'll just have to rejig this stuff so that we can actually use everything or maybe I just want that one to create circuit boards and that can just be circuit boards I mean what actually happens if I try and conveyor like I can go upper level I can I can already go uper level just press up and it goes up and over oh decent I'm a genius over here the circuit boards I can take them up and over like that bring them over this way which means down here I can build a matrix lab so then I can tell this to make my research for me just got to make sure we got the sorters but nice that's now making those which means my smelting is getting researched as well as everything else I can then build another one next to it and then suddenly we're researching way faster which means it's probably time to get our turrets on the go cuz I have been I've been worried about that this whole time so these are kinetic energy weapons so I think they just use they'll use the copper ammo like the bullets so let's grab a couple of those down like that so these need energy so I got to grab my grab my Tesla Towers like that so back over this way where we're making copper I should probably if I grab another conveyor and let's say shove it there can then tell this to come up and over then back down this side and then I can literally just shove a sort of thing on there so that should get copper onto this side yep and over here an assembler to say make machine gun ammo oh no except it doesn't it doesn't take copper or it takes it takes the Ingot so s it we'll build an arc thing make the conveyor belt go over that way instead then yeah okay copper ingots being turned into ammo so along here we should see the ammo there it goes so we can then fill that up ammo goes into there and then this turret is ready to defend us I mean I may I may need to remove the trees so it can actually see the enemies but yeah sorted down here I just need a sorter from there onto there and make sure it's powered on by building another one of those lovely all right and then oh no then we're out of power thankfully because we research that steel though we can now build wind turbines in the sea so let's just get more turbines over this way and we can save the precious land for building more Factory stuff that's way more efficient all right something I noticed these Matrix labs they don't store much of the research so maybe worth I do have a storage thing it's got 30 slots so if I were to build one of them look you can see they've stopped working already the only way to get them running is to take the resource out there so it's got like space again but let's just see if we do conveyor over to there do a bit of sorting yes they do get stored okay that's good oh I've just been told can build storage on top of each other oh decent meaning if I do a conveyor up like that we're now storing in like a smaller footprint and also we've done we've done some research we've just unlocked all of those things like graphite and high Purity silicone oh and we can now we can now harness the sun 200 research points but then we can have solar panels remember we're going to need solar panels like up in space once we actually get our once we start working on our Dyson spit so if we zoom out to our base you can see that's that's where the sun is that's what we will be claiming uh careful though look what next to it a dark fog Hive yeah you can see you can actually see in the top left the the space hives uh 0% threat they we're not even on their radar at the moment so what I'll probably do I'll keep expanding and stuff and then when that gets to to the top once we get attacked again I'm really intrigued to see how these turrets work particularly as well there's actually there's different turrets you can get like there's missile defense there's implosion cannons there's different types of ammo as well I remember those hives cuz they're in space you can get things like Corvettes and destroyers to to go take them down man this this update is actually insane anyway if I want the missile defense tower you can see I got to research the engine so let's cue that to our research and yeah I'll see you I'll see you when we're under attack again two hours later all right so you can see I've been very very busy we had to expand the power Network we we started using quite a bit of power that is to power all of these turrets I've literally surrounded my basin turrets you can see we've got ammo conveyors going to all of them they're all completely filled with ammo so hopefully we're pretty well defended I have got the the missiles being researched as we speak but look 99.3% threat so we're about to be attacked I'm hoping my base Will Survive and then I've actually come up with a plan because attack is the best form of Defense there up here if we turn on the resources you can see over that way there's some copper veins so that would be a pretty good spot to make some ammo and then what I'm thinking we bring a turret up to here to try to try and attack them uh unfortunately for now though look they're heading this way so if we head over here do we have turrets yes look we got a line of turrets all right let's quickly head over to the turrets that are going to be attacked I think it's I think they're coming from between these two yeah look there they are there they are and there's my turrets oh my goodness the turrets are so good we just rinse them man we are we are pretty strong right now I'm going on I'm going full on warfare we're going to head up to their base I'm going to attempt to build some turrets and sort of slowly get the turrets closer and closer so as I sort of aggro them I can lead them to my turrets and hopefully we'll be okay but yeah for now I'm just walking around an entire planet oh this game's so fun all right okay so up there can you see that that's the that's the enemy base so where's the copper right here's the copper so I want a couple of mining stations down so we'll shove one there we'll shove one one there they've got no power but uh let's let's shove a solar panel down I think that should do us quite nicely we wearing a Tesla Tower down there you go so these are now mining right so then I've shoved the sers into the back and oh no cuz it's night time the solar panel doesn't work oh I forgot about that I mean thankfully I did bring I did bring enough resources to get the old get the old wind turbines on the goat then out this side I want assemblers I probably want one for each to be honest so four of those again again conveyor belts between them all and then sorters coming out onto there and then from there onto there and then I just set these up to make machine gun ammo then as long as they all have power which they do now we should be making a fat load of ammo which means I can conveyor these closer to to The Hive base oh man they actually look quite scary if I'm honest and I like having these like little drones things it's like having editors like do all the hard work for you all you've got to do is sit there and tell them what to do and then they all the hard work for you it's beautiful you don't even have to pay them right so the turrets are getting built you can see they're not going to shoot until they have power so that's good I didn't want them to shoot early before all the other ones are done but yeah for power I think I'll just do I'll just do like wind turbines but right oh man I'm actually quite excited about how this going to go right wind turbine wind turbine wind turbine okay okay we're in we haven't aggroed them yet shall I ow ow ow ow ow ow okay so they very very much could see me ah it's their it's their turrets can I like I can shoot them oh here we go here we go come on then eat some of this eat some of this right over left over on the left right it's down oh this is actually going really well no right let's reassemble we we have to use those research materials but yeah we'll use 12 of those we are back ow ow ow I'm going to stand back a bit cuz they're quite dangerous I'm just telling my turrets like where to shoot that's it shoot that one that's it that's it all right okay so we've sort of wiped the place there is the odd the odd one that comes out I don't know how I'm going to get over to the actual base though unless I just slowly move turrets forward so if I dismantle that turret like cuz remember I can send the editors in like Cannon fod basically conveyor up to that and then shove a turret on the end and as long as I put a Tesla Tower up there so it gets powered oh I got destroyed instantly oh no every time it gets repaired oh I destroy my little drones right well I don't think I can take that base down at all however you may have notice the the threat level is not going up anymore so as long as my turrets are up here sort of defending the area I can probably take over the rest of the planet without having to worry about anything and this is all this is all running on renewable energy so yeah I'm going to I'm going to terraform your planet and then once this planet is completely mine I'm then going to go to another planet to take over that and then I'm going to take over the Sun by surrounding it in a Dyson Sphere anyway for now thanks once again to the devs for sponsoring remember boost the link in my description to check out this brand new update it completely changes the game definitely recommend it but for now I'll say peace love and a sacrific turret bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 267,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rce, real civil engineer, dyson sphere program
Id: gEOZoGWu3nk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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