Tips, Tricks and Hidden Features of RISE OF THE DARK FOG | Dyson Sphere Program | Tutorial

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welcome back to Dyson fa program my name is Nila and this is more content for Rise of the L fog maybe you feel that my voice sounds a bit different but that's because I have barely slept this night because I was streaming all night and I'm going to stream again so if you want to watch ton more dys for your content drop on by to my twitch Channel and twitch tv/ nous at 8:00 p.m. Central European Time then I'm probably streaming and uh this time a lot of Dyson spere content anyway what I want to do today is I want to show you 10 things about the dark fog that you maybe didn't know it's uh it's it's not about oh here this is a turret cuz you know that's kind of evident but there are things that um that maybe it's kind of told but it's not really intuitive and then there things that are definitely not told and are a bit of secrets so let's dive in we're going to be rapid firing the first ones because they are uh quick and then they become bigger and bigger as we uh jump to that and yeah some of them are really weird anyway the very first thing is you can place wind turbines or as uh some people call them wind miners uh you can place them on the water that's pretty cool it is a tech that you unlock very early it's actually up steal smelting it says can build W turbines and water pretty neat um and it actually helps sort of bridge the gaps in the early game for sort of tying things together if you like wind turbines SL wind miners next small thing is uh a fact that you can actually in here you can uh filter by middle Mouse clicking you can filter and then they will stay stay put here and they'll go in and if you put something else in they won't be putting into those on so it works exactly like they do in it does in factorial pretty neat and uh yeah it's it's kind of Handy for a lot of things when for example you want a box that is filtering the output and but you also want some other things here you want to put in to get there so it's it's pretty neat and it works for all inventory also your own inventory uh you can see here I have filter some of these so I always know where I can find the stuff that I need the fidget Spinners the hats and my beloved my missile turrets M there got to be a lot more about the missile turrets the next thing is about uh building so I am building something here and uh I'm just going to stamp it down so you see that this is building but and as as this gets built I might want to have also the connection in because this might want to start working so you can actually hold right click left click sorry hold the left Mouse button on these things and you can outo build this is particularly useful in the beginning when you have only a three drones and take forever so you can just help build it only for the green ones if you do it for the white ones if you don't have it then it doesn't work because that's not been allocated anything yet but this speeds up a lot and I think it's particularly useful for that one power pole that isn't connected that means the whole thing is not working and instead of moving over there you just instant instant build it like that H it actually helps in the beginning quite a lot and it also makes you feel that you actually participate and do stuff so instead of just standing there looking at the slow Bots do running back and forth so that's pretty neat so the next thing is also about building we're going to start by stamping down the same Blueprints and just getting it there and now it starts working and it's slow it is so damn slow so what can we do toh to make it faster well um we showed the manual build but yeah that's kind of slow but there's this magical building Battlefield analysis base it is super amazing so let's build it in here and I'm going to use the automatic build here and I'm going to force that in here and there we go so what happens as this one builds uh this is kind of designed to be doing repairs and stuff like that but it has 12 drones and those drones help Building look at that and even if you have more okay they're a little bit too close but just stamp it down look at that they are actually uh now I suddenly go from having how many drones do I have six drones to having 12 + 12 24 additional drones uh on top of that that helps a lot when building plus I can just leave and uh they will continue to build because they are they are already green so that means they are already allocated from my inventory and they will just continue to build it even though though my drones get out of range then they will still continue to build and that is absolutely amazing so that means always carry a couple of these with you whenever you build for example setting up new mining Outpost just uh plop one of those down power it and start dragging lines around the around the mines and then you don't have to worry so much about sort of the time it takes to actually build it because they will just help out as uh as they do now even though they still have to fire here but it still takes quite a load off for you really amazing so maybe you have accidentally done this oops and now there's 452 stuff litter oh no um yeah uh let's uh let's start by rebuilding it again if I can get it squeezed in here there oh it didn't have the the but you know um picking it up like this yeah it's it's slow but you know let's continue with the battlefield analysis insanely awesome uh awesome build here check out this look how fast it is it is ridiculously fast and that means we can just uh build these up here um I don't even remember what it was uh definitely not that one um here and then I just take that one here and this one go in here and they will just fill up so fast this one let's get that one in here and the last one was iron as well and this will pick up faster than uh than I can even sort it here so we can just restore everything and we just basically take whatever is the most of and uh that is a really fast way of cleaning up junk on the ground uh that you don't have to sort of run around yourself picking it up so that's pretty neat I uh I was think ah man it has to fly back and forth but it doesn't does fly back and forth it just magically Scoops them up and it puts them into the inventory so cool that's a great way to clean up and uh that was another thing with the battlefield anal the battlefield analysis is super amazing it's my it's my top three favorite new buildings H but let's see another thing that you can also do you can actually set up filters for what it wants to pick up so maybe you don't want to pick up everything uh we can then set a filter set by existing items that means everything gets locked and when I uh pick up things it'll only fill those up here which is a little bit weird in in in this case um or we can set it up to uniform filter everything the only thing it'll pick up is only let's uh let's uniform filter for titanium so everything will now be titanium and as we remove it okay they just oh I just noticed something new oh that's an extra thing oh my God that's so nice oh I did not know that wow you can just do this okay well there we go I learned a new thing that's a bonus thing I guess for this one you can just plop it in and then it'll oh man I I always just struggle with the opening and then accidentally clicking that one oh that happens so many times but now no more just straight yeah love it love it indeed and we can then clean up pretty rapidly here there awesome all right let's continue with the amazing Battlefield analysis base because it has more quirks uh already we're also a little bit out of power that's something we'll deal with on live stream tonight so H H what can you do well you can't put a hat on it um unfortunately but what you can do you're have insanity see in sanity you can put a giant Depot Mark 2 on top you can put more of those and even if you have more and then on top of that you can actually put a hat on top and just for confirmation uh for confirmation gas filter it does have access to it so even though it's here if it's here and let's see that one see it does have access to it from any of these of course it only has to one but that's amazing like for example you're building this at um you're building this close to the perimeter and then you can request in here you could for example request you know missile turrets that could be a thing that you'd want to request inbound it's out of range good thing so we don't actually get him in here but that would be pretty neat and then of course you'd have to sort of a filter it like that so that it actually gets it in here you can set up the manual filters what you want here it's take a little bit of time and then you probably want a blueprint of it so if you want to sort of filter things specifically here you can also just say whether it's on reconstruction mode you can also set it whether it's an out to pickup or not and so if you don't want to pick up uh all the junk that get stopped by by by the enemies and there's more in terms of pickup and uh delivery stuff so let's see I have these things in inventory I'm just going to drop them on the ground just uh some random stuff here um or this so I know have a lot of junk here you can see that we can pick them up as usual or if we go into this mode I can actually set up filtering and here there are actually a diff really interesting thing you can see here what they drop at level zero and once they leave level three they actually start dropping some really cool things um like replicating things that unfortunately I'm too efficient at killing killing the dark fog so I can't get them to level but that's uh more about that later um maybe not in this video but in in future videos um but uh you can then set it up each one you can set pick up all or drop all well drop all not probably not a good idea but uh you can also set individually saying do you really want to pick up a this no I don't so we just Mark these saying I don't want to be picking up like raw stuff from the ground don't want to pick that up that's that's nasty don't want to pick it up for example uh we know we dropped some silicon we know we dropped some some of that one and silicon I don't want to pick those up so let's see what happens when I actually start picking up they are left there see the S the oh that's the Silicon thing and that's the Silicon yep so those get the get to stay there so you can filter them out if I say yes pick them up they will get picked up so it's pretty neat so you can uh make sure that you don't uh fill up your inventory because there is a tendency to pick up uh a lot of things and also uh you can also just uh let's see here if you set it to Alo Let's uh let's set it to ALU for that one and that one cool and then we if we drop so that just drops drops and it gets picked up immediately it gets picked up immediately so you can set it to aop pick up uh certain things which I think is a pretty neat and maybe you want that to be picked up for maybe you actually want to set everything to AO pick up or a lot of things to AO pick up that's definitely some things you don't want like I can't see why you want it's actually interesting it's only like debris but it's not buildings because all buildings you really want those to be Auto picked up but yeah I don't know that's just uh how it is H you can set them to AO pickup you definitely don't want if you drop I don't know some valuable things to uh to have them so set them up set them to AO pick up uh anyway and the rest you can pick them up here so you can actually have more control of the debris and the reason why that's important is because there will be a lot of debris drop by the dark fog So speaking of the dark fog um when you have dislodged one of these locations Let's uh just knock it down then there is a hole in the ground and that hole in the ground is kind of kind of useless I suppose H you can't really use that for much we have one little drone FR drone helping we'll get this one that knock down soon enough and then this ho in ground there are a certain number of things you can do with it and one of the not obvious things you can of course close it you can also wait and then the relay station will eventually build something else but what you can do is also build Click put that here and then the relay station will disappear and fly off so this is as good as closing it except if this one gets destroyed well it's open and then it can be rebuilt again now how good is it it is at working at 310 % geothermal so it gives about 15 megawatt of power so on lava Planet it doesn't really matter doesn't really make a big difference because here uh there you can get that but on a non non non lava Planet it's actually neat that you can get 15 megawatts of Power from Just this one it's pretty neat so maybe consider doing it if you don't need the space for something else and or if you don't have the blueprint uh the uh the landfill to to fill it in landfill soil piles so it's pretty neat all right are you still with me because now we've covered the basic stuff those are just like nice neat quirks but this is now where the real Real Deals come in so we're going to talk about the signal Tower the signal Tower is weird but it's really efficient it does a lot of cool things first of all within this area that it provides power so it's a big power pole then on top of that it also provides power to me which is really nice so it Powers uh Keeps Us powered up and that's also really neat then the biggest feature and it's not really explained well well maybe it is maybe I just didn't read it but anyway I'll be explaining it now um any missile turrets that are already awesome becomes infinitely more awesome so when the missile turrets are in here they will now be part of this signal Tower Network so these three are now part of the signal Tower Network these four over here they're also part of the same signal Tower Network even though these two are different locations they all the signal Towers communicate with each other um and then they will then sort of be part of a signal Tower Network I will then be making a blueprint that I have prepared because I mean of course I have a blueprint prepared uh I'm just going to make this little neat little thing here and it has a signal Tower which means that if I'm going close then I get powered by it it has four missile turrets it doesn't really need to have these missile toets here but uh it does kind of get in here and I will be requesting yes we have 120 inbound uh we can just speed it a little bit along and give you one of those so that will just kind of funnel around here and then be happy and you can see that they are now available so this yellow line here is the range of it that's pretty neat let's go over here and uh go so if I wanted to attack this location I would uh normally just uh build some turrets and all that stuff I don't need it I watch this this is insanity I wonder if it actually is connected uh I don't know how long it's connecting that one let's see if it connects it is not connecting because it's not doesn't have the power yet okay they'll just make sure that it gets connected to the other one and that's a little bit too far away so as this one goes in then uh Watch What Happens it's everything dies look at that look at the insanity of that isn't that amazing uh and uh this one it's just standing there it just basically says anything that comes into the range of any signal Tower will trigger the missile Tor from any other signal Tower area so I can just plop this down closer as well and watch the barrage and you can see when they turn red that means they're already dead they just don't know it yet look at that I'm I'm not doing anything this is so insane there we go and just by having a missile tet uh did that just change your game radically I think it did and then we have the choice of whether to close it or do something else and it works on a long range as well so because this was so fun we're going to do one more because I need to clear this out anyway from uh oh crap let's get that one though and now because it's a little bit further away it takes a little bit longer to but it's absolutely insane it is so ridiculous um yeah so that gets nuked and this one and I need to build it a little closer so we'll just build it up there I guess that might be in range but you can see here it's taken out and that is now taken out so now we have this uh situation oh hello what are you doing oh that one's already dead um so the situation now is what are we going to do this one is still loded there and this is a hint that might have been handy also for fellow YouTuber of mine um generally don't attack these because the threat for The Hive in the system doesn't really go up when you just dislodge a planetary building it doesn't really a little bit but not much but let's uh let's try attacking that one and see what happens so I've now told my missile turrets that they can attack low orbit that's just something you generally don't want to do and uh well we want to do it in the most spectacular way right let's take a look at this this is a 1900 and something something and look at that look how much it increases when you decide to shoot that one oh they also just shoot oh they shoot all of them oh no the insanity oh they're all going to be shot down oh no oh that's breaking that one up and and that's going to and it's amazing to shoot them down but you can also see that it's probably not a great idea five vessels incoming and they just keep shooting and they're going to be shooting up at anything so look at that they will just absolutely destroy everything uh so this is uh one of those things maybe just maybe don't set them to attack relay stations in unless you really want to have a death world on your hands because now we have incoming uh incoming vessels which kind of leads into another thing about the incoming vessels uh if we just happen to see that they are coming into this location hopefully yes they are they're coming in um you need missile turrets to defend against incoming vessels even though there are five and even though we have a kind of a lot of these then it's still going to be really dangerous so here's the the thing they are now coming in and uh we want to see if we can find where they're coming in from uh but we should be there we go now we see it this is also beautiful like is it strictly necessary for us to see this no but damn is it amazing to uh to so you need missile TS on the planet but it hurts a lot even if you have a million out turrets then then they are still going to be strafing your run so this is the essence of it be careful about setting that one up and you will you will be able to destroy them with your your defenses here but yeah that's a it takes it takes a while and it will be able to attack so uh that is enough on on the signal Towers because they are amazing so the last thing I want to show you which is also the most secret one is up here there's a dark fog Communicator you might have noticed that this is a you can't see it on the map if you're just looking at this you can't see it here but sometimes when you look into the night sky you will see this one and if you do then make sure that you pin it so that it stays there um because you might want to go up to this one so let's have a look at what this dark fog Communicator is here we go we are now getting closer to the dark fog Communicator now what is this thing you can't shoot it but you can uh get closer to it and you can click it let's try to sort of balance our speed and what does this mean well if we accidentally attack the relay stations and uh we have accurate everything you can actually call for truths I would imagine that depends on sort of the levels and all that it gets more and more difficult and this is using metadata for it or you can uh improve or uh decrease uh increase or decrease the aggressiveness of uh of the dark fog so of course we're going to put it to Rampage because of course we're going to do that we're never going to weaken it we're just going to be cranking it up to the more difficult part there we go uh that is what we're going to be playing with but that's uh the dark fog Communicator uh it's hidden things somewhere in your system that you can then uh just sort of yeah communicate with the dark fog and uh set up so set up some uh some some truth or weaken or make it more difficult and of course we're going to make it more difficult that's obvious right so thank you very much for watching I hope you enjoyed this little bonus episode with uh tips and tricks if you have some tips and tricks then I haven't mentioned then be sure to leave it in the comment section below or let me know on uh on during the live stream and then uh I might do more of these these were just sort of the stuff like compiled over the first couple of days and I'm sure there are tons more of of weird interactions that we haven't discovered yet so thank you very much for watching and I hope to see you on the live stream or following here on YouTube for tons more content for Dyson spere program until next time take care and stay [Music] effective
Channel: Nilaus
Views: 81,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dyson, sphere, program, dsp, factorio, satisfactory, review, intro, introduction, gameplay, lets, play, try, guide, tutorial, blueprint, blueprints, achievement, darkfog, dark, fog
Id: Gk3nktRoy2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 27sec (1347 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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