Luna's Howl is Basically an Exotic

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hey do you want to make people angry by twoot tapping them in PvP with a hand Cannon well boy do I have good news for you Luna's how drops into D2 today at reset and even though I'm a big fan of the dad furnace and want to use that too I'm extremely positive that new Luna is going to go hard like really hard in the Meta Even if you're not a hand Cannon lover you dirty Heathen you owe it to yourself to watch at least a little bit of today's video so you can better understand what exactly happened to you when you inevitably get flattened by a Luna in PvP there are a few PVE rolls I'm looking for too we'll get to those but first let's go over why Luna is going to go hard and all the rolls you can make work which are a lot first up the reason a lot of people are going to be hunting the weapon to begin with magnificent howl the unique weapon perk from way back when which has been reworked a lot of text on that perk but why don't we only look at the first half for right now the number of precision final blows before reloading affects the total rounds granted with increased range and damage in a nutshell if you get a headshot kill you gain a precision final blow stack indicated on your HUD you can build up more Stacks if you want they go up to 10 but it's unlikely you'll get it anywhere near that high in your average game of PVP once you manually reload your Luna you convert any and all Stacks into beefed up Luna shots that do 50% more damage your regular hand cannon shots are going to do 45 on a body shot and 81 on a head shot with magnificent howl they will now do 67 on a body shot and 121 on a head shot that means with only two magal charges you will be able to two- tap headshot kill anybody in PvP no matter how high their resil that would be a43 second time to kill for those of you keeping score at home I don't think I need to tell you this but that is pretty damn Wild by the way I have a lot of private match footage I could show you but I'm going to try to not do that if I can help it reason being when Bungie dropped that big PVP update in D2 the one that upped damage and raised Guardian Health overall yeah apparently they only apply that to matchmaking PVP and not to private lobbies see right here in a game of real PVP my regular headshot does 81 damage as it should but then in a private lobby it only does 74 tldr just know the private lobby numbers are bugged right now so don't get confused I may show some later in the video to give a visual demonstration as to how some of the weapon perks work on Luna just know that all the damage numbers I mentioned today are calculated off the base values of the gun given on D2 Foundry also if you're wondering how I got this footage before new Luna dropped into the game it's because I'm a cheater and I'm tired of keeping it a secret now I'm just with you you can straight up pull the old Luna or Not Forgotten from collections if you have them unlocked already their unique mag howl perks have also been updated so I've had plenty of time to F around with them before today anyway yeah two tapping people for free what an idea granted you got to get two headshot kills first but not terribly difficult to do and even with only one stack of Mag howl you can two head shot one body shot kill anybody which is still pretty damn good on that note a few extra tips on mag howl if you have the solar holster armor mod on your leg armor you can Stow your Luna and let it auto reload itself without manually reloading it and therefore preemptively activating your mag how Stacks translation if you only have one stack of Mag how and you don't want to reload it just yet but you need more ammo you kind of have a bootleg way to refill the mag without reloading and proing mag howl too early I'm also assuming by the way that that'll be a big reason why a lot of people out there will want to get a Luna with both mag howl and slides shot in column 3 if you can get ammo back in the mag via solar holster without triggering mag howl I'll bet a fat stack of cash that reloading via slideshot will work the same way meaning you're using slideshot as a bootleg way to get ammo back in the mag without needing to reload it and activating mag how before you're ready in fact check the pin comment on today's video a few hours after reset old Luna's how and old not forgotten can't get slid shot so I will double check that and update the PIN comment at some point today on if that works or not but again I would be amazed if it didn't assume that it does a few other perks in column 3 that I would be interested in pairing with mag howl eye of the storm is a damn good PVP hand Cannon perk in general free extra accuracy and handling in the middle of a 1v1 duel yeah we take that all day Encore would also be worth trying out final blows give a range stability and accuracy buff for 7 Seconds not too shabby in fact having that and mag howl active at the same time could be really fun and make it way easier to land your Uber damage bullets I know it might sound weird but you could also try out Discord if you want by activating it and then whipping out your Luna you get faster ads and better accuracy overall also final kills with a primary will Auto refill the mag when the perk is activated that would actually be an interesting combo with mag howl for the second part of the perk text which we haven't talked about yet Precision final blows with mag how active extend the effect for additional rounds transl if you kill someone with a MAG howl shot you get refunded one mag howl shot pretty damn neat by the way and it helps you set up your next kill for example if you're looking for two back-to-back two tap headshot kills you don't need four charges built up only three fire two to get a two tap head shot kill which in theory should take you down to one but then you get one refunded and Bam you're back to two charges PVP wise those would be really only the four perks in column three I'd care the most about the others are fine but I don't lean on them very often in PvP in column four we got a few other options you might want to try out on a PVP Luna one that I definitely have to call attention to is precision instrument I slept on this perk way back when but the value is undeniable dealing sustained damage increases Precision damage basically every time you get a quick head shot in Rapid succession you do a little bit more damage for each bullet you do have to be shooting basically at Max Speed though and the Damage will all go away if you miss even once so it's only going to help out players who are really accurate and even though the extra damage you get get per shot isn't really time to kill changing level wild the extra damage will help you fight the negative effects of damage drop off which is something I really do appreciate in PvP it's worth noting that Luna's howl is officially the only 140 RPM hand cannon in the game capable of rolling this perk in short try it out you might really like it three other perks in column 4 exist to give you more damage kill clip Harmony and new kid on the Block Desperate Measures why don't we go over the ups and downs of each real quick starting with kill clip yet a Kill reload your gun and booya 25% better damage output for 5 seconds total that'll beef your damage up to around 56 on a body shot and 101 on a head shot allowing you to get a two headshot one body shot kill instead of the normal three headshot kill the upside there is that it's very straightforward the downside is that mag howl also allows for a two headshot one body shot kill with only one stack and the ceiling on mag howl is way way higher personally I would prefer magnificent howl but that being being said a kill clip is a fine option Harmony activates when you get a kill with another weapon giving you 20% more damage and better handling for 7 seconds again that extra damage would translate to a two headshot one body shot kill instead of the usual three headshot in theory you could pair Discord together with Harmony and go for a situation where you get a kill with another gun and then Luna's performance would really go through the roof for the next 7 Seconds as interesting as that sounds though not really a combo I'm super interested in getting but if you're a fan of Harmony in general worth taking note of I guess Desperate Measures gives 10% extra damage per stack and you can get it up to three stacks in total getting a weapon kill is one stack whereas a melee or grenade kill would be two stacks desperate is kind of an odd duck I like it and I don't like it at the same time I do like that if you get an uncharged melee kill even if your gun with the perk on it is stowed it'll still activate Desperate Measures I like that it doesn't require a Reload to manually activate the extra damage meaning if you get a weapon kill you can just start dishing out the pain right away I am minorly annoyed that one stack of desperate on the Luna only gives you enough damage to two headshot one body shot most but not every level of resil if my math is right you'll only be able to two head and one body shot kill Guardians at level eight razil and Below Guardians at 9 and 10 razil will live which is annoying cuz I do fight a lot of 10 razil void Titans in PvP these days I think if you have a melee or grenade heavy play style you should definitely check out measures but otherwise maybe leave it alone in short for a PVP Luna I'm eyeballing eye of the storm slides shot or Encore in column 3 maybe Discord but I like the other options better and mag howl or Precision instrument in column 4 Precision instrument is more of your really good neutral game rooll I'd love to get one with Precision instrument and slid shot together for sure mag howl is more of a high ceiling potential role again I would love one with slideshot to circumvent the reloading situation to build up more stacks of Mag howl either way it's going to be a two- tapping Bonanza out there on that note if you're a veteran PVP player who wants to fiddle around with mag how and get the hang of it before farming a new Luna I would highly recommend digging out your old not forgotten or old Luna if you happen to have one again mag howl works in the new way on that old gun and in a very interesting twist of fate not forgotten is going to get UNS Sunset shortly as Bungie mentioned their undoing that with the launch of the final shape and on top of that by the way old Luna and not forgotten both have Zen moment which is a really good PVP perk and one that new Luna's howl is not capable of getting talk about fomo anyway on the PVE Frontier I got to be honest mag how does remain kind of viable there are drawbacks for sure you will be able to build up Stacks way easier by carving through red bars and then smack a big Target fairly hard with the extra damage shots that being said I think if you want to hit a big Target really hard that's kind of what you have special and heavy ammo for that being said I still May F around with mag Howl in PVE no shame in experimentation the PVE perk combo I really want to get on my Luna though is one that will surprise literally no one at all heal clip and incandescent the peanut butter and jelly combo of PVE solar primaries incandescent is a great way to spread free Scorch and heal clip heals you and nearby allies a very easy to ous combo and works well on solar builds which I'm a big fan of you could also do subsistence in column 3 if you want that would be fine too I either way I think PVP and PVE players alike are going to dig Luna's howl and I will absolutely be farming one no matter what let me know what roles you're looking for and why down in the comment section thanks for watching peace [Music] go
Channel: Fallout Plays
Views: 201,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Destiny 2, Destiny 2 Luna's Howl, Destiny 2 Brave Weapons, Destiny 2 Brave Arsenal, Destiny 2 Magnificent Howl, Luna's Howl Destiny 2, Luna's Howl God Roll, God Roll Luna's Howl, Destiny 2 best Hand Cannon, Best Hand Cannon Destiny 2, Destiny 2 Best Hand Cannon PvP, PvP Best Hand Cannon, Best Hand Cannon PvP, Magnificent Howl, bungie, brave arsenal, destiny 2 into the light, destiny 2 gameplay
Id: WpuHwlyDakc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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