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Can someone explain this game to me like I'm 5

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/callmesociopathic 📅︎︎ Sep 01 2022 🗫︎ replies
another human base has been found send your creep through the valley destroying everything you can but the rift lab is a must force the humans out of this place welcome everybody to creeper world 4. that's the new way we're doing this okay bam um so we are doing a light player's creep but there are my god this is this is a base um there's an ai computer who's going to be playing against us um which is honestly a little terrifying because uh that means that we can genuinely genuinely lose uh right we're just gonna have to buff our boy up immediately uh right do that yeah we need blobs right i need to get over here i don't want that being a thing that i have to deal with they're already making a ton of ac right we could try and sneak up the hill and just take out the urn port i don't have enough eggs i want to get in there but i don't think i can take that yet i think i have to like bite my time a little bit before i spend all my eggs okay slowly flowing out this thing should fail before too long how many blobs are you making we do not know we do not have that amount of technology i'll just keep buffing this um luckily there's no cap on creep which is absolutely perfect but look how much ac there is already this whole base just looks like an absolute nightmare to get through i feel like we're gonna be doing that with blobs unless we've got we've got some skimmers yeah oh 15 and 500 very nice so being very coy and put shields up meaning i can't do any kind of like egg egg based shenanigans with them maybe it's worth trying just to aggressively just poke at that uh look at that amrift here we go like if the mrf goes down that will just like delay delay them being able to rebuild which is kind of the main dream together earn port but honestly didn't do the most for us okay their next point is m rift over there which is fine because actually if they don't go down the hill and they don't have another m rift all i have to do is take out that pylon do you need to take out some of these but we can actually just get half the map uh it's not half the map it's like a third but oh it's not a third it's like a quarter jesus the big man nice okay this is all mine okay we're flowing out um that was an excellent excellent play by me congratulations tom you've done good oh let's they've got some melty cliffs hello guys a lot of anti-creep where is that coming from there is a big pool of it kind of guy you actually that emitter is real nice so if i dissolve that with our shields go down i don't know how that works okay spores are not really doing all the work for me right now we'll get to that can we sneak up here i could with enough eggs i could feed my way up we might be able to take out this mountain okay we are beginning to get a little bit more level on creep and anti-creep like it's not perfect but we are kind of producing at a similar kind of rate then i was still going up my numbers are going up so i think i just need to keep bluffing my boy like ignore the sport launcher for now because there's no way he's gonna do any work for me i don't know if this is ever gonna achieve anything if i can take out their runway that's all i really want like if the factory goes down great but nice the wrong way is gold like we took out some mines but it's the planes which i think are the main the main thing for me i want this guy to go down but you really have to work hard to get rid of that how's that back line uh they're just building emirates everywhere uh although they're out of factories no they have another factory oh they've got one back there did they just build that heck they're just trying to build a factory good for you okay we kind of need to seize the momentum a little bit here as they are still building weapons and i've not taken a lot of ground recently which doesn't feel great uh can the other amrith die please okay we got it i'm just gonna keep buffing buffing that emitter uh i i need to save some for when this emitter comes online but that is still a little way off okay where are my main points of attack we kind of need to take that whole area and four eggs is not enough eggs to do that egg 10 eggs is 10 eggs enough because bearing in mind this is deep with the old ac just give it a go oh we're close but they could rebuild that way too quickly uh we are slowly getting ahead on creep which is nice all right give the blobs a little boost because they are definitely gonna need to be buffed okay the charge of the blobs yeah kind of caused a bit of a distraction on their front lines not you know the most work it's difficult taking ground um they are very gradually gaining creep oh i thought they were well okay i think it's going like about even because they are still producing a fairly good amount nice okay we're kind of kind of pushing into this if i can hold that that actually produces uh more creek for me we'll just put some put some stuff behind them just to try and pull their guns from their front line just for a second and okay that helps they're producing less anti-creep i'm producing creep we are at their shields now which is great oh no they're building an emirate in their shields oh that's going to make this thing so hard to take out okay we're just gonna use eggs just to disturb the front lines as these elaborate sort of like egg eggplants are difficult to execute and oh not the dream i need blobs in there always took out a shield generator oh god they're making significantly more ac have i activated somewhere oh no where that was this already flooded maybe it was i can't remember uh let's oh god we are not a million miles away from actually cutting this off oh wait do i have this oh i do have this now oh perfect okay right buff this boy okay that is going to help a lot because i actually now have more creep being pumped into my front line uh the hill should be mine we can take this area not too worried about any of these other frontline bits and then we have a giant open field they've got a bunch of ac production back there and then heck it's just gonna be blobs it's just gonna be a thousand hours of sending blobs into that until they until they overtake it what are these boys digging machines oh actually thinking those out because that's where they get the fuel for their shields right and refineries are generally not super tough okay is this gonna actually make a difference probably not but it's fun fun to do so take that oh interesting they do actually re-equip their minds with um urns or do they ever take those out maybe i never even went up there i can't remember let's just try and pop that em rift i do not want that to live too much longer good night sweet prince now they've got another one there man they are emeritus happy it's very much how i build i'm too lazy to build infrastructures they're just more emirates and it kind of just does your job for you okay where's my blob factory take them all 43 blobs blobs of how we're going to do this okay the blobs are coming in 43 blobs they do enough oh wow the shields actually went down interesting they are not making ac anymore uh skinners will be good i just need to make sure this guy doesn't come back um they're not gonna be super useful yet um at all but eventually they will work just keep just makes all that nullifier never kind of really comes online and just get my boy buffed up as the skimmers randomly in their back line um should help this line to flow way further okay i don't really want it to be built so have a thing now oh no they got a second nullifier those sneaky dogs very shrewd okay maybe i'm fighting too much for the skimmer factory at the moment i don't know if that is gonna help also the shields shields use ark right wow did that do we literally get all of their production that seems nuts crazy okay so this whole base actually not too hard to take i guess it did want us to go through the canyons but i went over over the canyons because that seemed uh more hilarious uh well i think what we can do to help speed this up assault this place that nullifier uh i'll save up all of my boosts and we'll get that ready to go because actually just having something in their back line okay at some point no more missiles that point is still a way off uh can i execute you can you stop them ever getting an emitter in range or a nullifier i think the answer is yes great you just look after yourself uh so this is a totally fair way to do it because they had shields up before and we took them down so now we uh we've done it uh oh they nullified my boy again so it's a fairly solid looking base to get through but man without those shields i feel kind of bad for taking those out now i really thought that was going to be a just like a raging assault going on but um no just take out that and uh we got him okay i see an emrift so they can't actually rebuild emirates now which is good news for me that's one down okay they go through the gate or they have this pylon which i might be able to snipe that pylon is down and so now if i can just go through the front door we can actually just cut off the entire outside there we go okay right just keep up the assault a little bit all of their guns run out of ammo and we're gonna make it to their walls um only eight eggs left and spores coming in spores do your thing and let's just get some buffs together how you doing nice okay they still have ammo but i've got a feeling the next volley is not gonna do nearly as well wow look like the little sniper group you are snipers of the anti-creep force whatever comes through this gate you'll stand sadly it is literally a million million of creep oh they are doing good against the blobs though only the same could be said for all of your other friends who are not doing this wait a second they don't have connectors uh bonk oh they do have a connector i just want to take out these am rifts uh okay we didn't need to bother with that because the walls fell and uh we just kind of rolled in so these cannon lines are kind of gonna gonna do a bit of shooting but i don't think they can they can survive that's my spores okay spores are coming but let's just give them a few more okay how's missile defense okay summer landing sadly this thing is just a giant pool of uh you know creamy creamy white liquid uh but we will get in there okay the skimmers came and then the blobs oh blobs are not really making it down that wall the creep is sort of moving in they are beginning to run out of anti-creep like they've got a bunch of ac production just scattered around that we can't really stop at the moment okay the spores the spores cometh okay none of it sticks around long enough just because of the anti-creek but you can see it's getting shallower and shallower now okay blobs having a hard time that front line ain't looking too happy uh let's just help out our dear blob best friends and just take out some of these snipers like just a couple of them just to give the uh the blobs a fighting chance okay the skimmers came through they did some good work the spores are raining hell directly on the base good job okay blobs actually kind of making it now which is just what i wanted uh we could be cruel and just try and just cut off a bit of their base oh god wow we just cannot do that at all okay wow you know i i am impressed by how well this base is holding out but sadly i think that days are numbered the ac is just dropping too much and my creep wave is kind of making it in like one gun at a time eventually falls their generation goes down oh they lost a big chunk of ac production as well interesting maybe we can even oh wow this just doesn't work with that many like john rambo's kind of firing away okay but spores spores doing small things nice hit the base good job uh blobs not having the best time making it in oh you know they got a couple they had a couple of buildings maybe just more skimmers oh that was a good skimmer that turned off a ton of their base uh that was absolutely brutal like just one must have hit the main hq and their entire base shut down for a few seconds that is not what you want during this level of attack and blobs are just making it deeper every time let's just have some like oh god like the destruction eggs don't even really work that well because the amount of just super guns are shutting down they are getting dangerously close to running a deficit if we can just get a few more of these here like we just one egg takes out a mine oh the skimmer that's good skimming they're trying to pull back from that front line but alas i think your days are numbered oh man those skinners great work and blobs that is a big blob wave that is a really big blob wave oh god wow just every weapon on their front line just died okay you lost last few fools i believe the spores might be might be your demise wow if they even get here in time it's four o'clock the creep is here have some eggs and uh i think you're uh i think you're done i think we did it oh the blobs wow you just get us out of here the blobs are coming boom nice we did it that's cool um kind of glad that we didn't have to get through all those shields but in turn i feel like they needed more shields uh well i hope you guys enjoyed this until next time see ya
Channel: Angory Tom
Views: 102,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Angory, Tom, angor, yogscast, walkthrough, playthrough, funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 31 2022
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