HARD WORK PAYS OFF - Learning To Screen Print Part 3

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did it so it's not tomorrow we're actually continuing this about a week and a half later one big reason being the construction in here is not entirely over I decided to add one more thing to it which turned into a big like huge ordeal we're working on that it's almost done and I know I said this week was supposed to be a reveal to where kind of thing of everything that's happened so that's gonna be on hold until that's done so next week maybe the one after but I did get to go at this stuff once during that downtime now the downtime because of that construction sucks obviously but mobile thankful for because I got to sit back and reflect on a few things that first day like everything that could have went wrong went wrong and that's solely on me because obviously I went in overconfident I said that already and I bit off just way more than I could to trying to tackle every step of the process first crack on the first day and like that was just a stupid mistake on my part by the end of it I just covered in ink and tired exhausted and just totally defeated like at the end of that first day when I sat down on the couch I was just like what did I get myself into like do I want to do this so after I took a few days to kind of just sit back and lick my egos wounds yeah I was able to kind of come to a realization that I need to come at this in a totally different ways so the new game plan was to tackle each step of the process one at a time and figure out what mistakes I was making in that part and make the necessary improvements to perfect what I was doing and then move on to the next step and do the same thing over again and again and again until I had a finished print so the first part of the process I was causing me probably the most stress and the most problems is the darkroom process so I went back I figured out a few new things the first thing I improved was I drastically improved the lighting in my darkroom so it went from being a super dull can't really see what I'm doing situation to a fully lit up awesome setup so that was a big help in itself the second thing was all the problems that I was having with the emulsion and the washout and stuff so I went back I switched out the emulsion that was a drastic improvement with the new stuff that I got but I was still having some issues so I sat there for like a whole day and figured out you know all kinds of different temperature and time combinations and you know humidity levels in the darkroom and all kinds of different stuff and actually ended up finding out there was a little bit of an issue with my exposure unit in the end of it so after I fixed that and did all these other little changes everything's working awesome now so every step of the process throughout there has been changed completely and we got great screens coming out of there now so that's no longer an issue and then after that was all figured out I actually did do a small print run I printed about when he shirts herself and managed to get them to turn out pretty good we stuck to single color just because you know I didn't want to take on too much at once we stuck to a single white color print on a black and a red shirt worked out awesome it's still needs some improvement but I mean it's as good or a little bit better than some of the shops that I've paid to you my screen printing so I mean that alone made me feel awesome but it's definitely needs a few more improvements and I definitely know it can be on the level of some of the guys I've seen with manual presses putting out absolutely amazing work so today we're gonna mess around with a few different things you know squeegee pressure and you know the time you push it in the off contact so on you know all those little factors vary into what your final print is gonna look like so today we're gonna mess with that but now we know we can actually push a print onto a shirt and it's gonna come out and not be a piece crap the one thing that I didn't mess with was the two color thing because obviously like I said I just didn't want to take on too much so today we're actually gonna attempt to do the two color registration thing I think I've figured out what I was doing wrong there and you know I was just stressed out by the end of it trying to do that and that was just a recipe for disaster I had people coming in out of here and bothered me I just couldn't concentrate so today I think it's gonna go a lot better I'm definitely I'm a lot more prepared for this so we're gonna try and tackle the two color stuff today I have a good feeling that it's gonna turn out okay and we've got everything else in the process as far as curing time and everything else is all dialed now so I mean we're almost there anyways you've heard me flap my stupid mouth for long enough so let's get some test shirts on here and try this that's what I'm talking about last time I was pushing way too hard on the squeegee and I was kind of driving the ink into the fabric instead of laying it on top semi into it so this time I went ahead a lot lighter and everything looks fantastic I know it's not cured yet obviously but we don't want to take this thing off because obviously we still have the registration marks exposed on both because we want to line up the second color now I mainly we just wanted to test that out real quick to see if I improved on my white print and I definitely did I can say that happen on the first try but definitely gonna experiment throughout this little print run here on how much pressure I'm gonna put on steffel well peso knows we go with this much better already yes one more test break just to be sure all right actually shut the camera off for a little bit to figure out the whole registration thing because I have been having problems like crazy trying to get these two colors to match up right then setting up another screen which works but I had a lot of stroke to it to kind of overlap the same it's actually way too much is very noticeable so that one's out we're back to the original one which has barely any stroke but it has been an extremely difficult lineup but I think I solved the problem I think my shirts we're actually shrinking under the flash and making the underbase a little smaller than the over print so I don't know we're just gonna go ahead and print a shirt hopefully it works I just thought that maybe my adhesive on here and that's what's letting the sugary drink or maybe it's moving stick this up a little better not too damn bad it looks pretty good I can see I messed up one little spot here with the white otherwise we're pretty good let's start making some did it did it super stoked he's actually turned out pretty good for a first time not too bad I'm gonna give him like seven and a half maybe an eight out of ten I'm pretty critical so that might be a 10 on most people's scales but for me it's not good enough honestly this is way better than you print I've ever paid for but still I need it better actually you know what I might be able to turn this into a 10 I got an idea this right here is how we're gonna possibly turn it into a 10 you can heat press these things after you're done and they'll actually like matte down all the fibers off it'll smooth everything out actually give it a little bit of a glossy finish yeah I've never done it so let's do it let's see football yep so if these weren't a ten before they definitely are now because that is glorious super smooth perfect prints super pumped right now this is definitely gonna become a new standard with any 38 ride comarch because this is glorious and as far as offering it as a customer service well we will yeah cuz I mean this is good so it's gonna be a lot of work for only a couple shirts when do it anyways because I can we got to do an ink change and all these small these two screens because I want to print a few more shirts using the actual company colors that I mix up well week and a half I've never done this before so get messy and I could start swearing probably went a little overboard with the cleaning but never done this before so the way my brain usually works it would tell me let's go ahead and SART printing the other ones right now you got this you're dialed awesome yeah but I'm gonna be smart for once we're gonna do a test print of this color combination first just in case this new profession is a humbling experience let me tell you good teaching me patience that's for sure which is good cuz I don't have these are so good I'm so pumped on seeing the colors but we're not done with them yet we're gonna give these eat fresh treatment too I actually ended up heat pressing all four t-shirts that I printed because good alright let's take a look what we did man I'm super pumped on how all this came out definitely practice makes perfect when it comes to this stuff you can see a huge difference from the stuff that I've printed like a week and a half ago to the stuff I printed today it's like night and day difference but both of them are incredible looking as far as I'm concerned for being my first try and second I've paid for a lot of screen prints over the past couple of years and that's a toot my own horn or anything but these are the nice and looking ones I've ever seen but it took a lot of trial and error and frustration and perseverance to get to the point of having these things sitting in front of me right now that was not easy big props to all the screen printers out there especially the ones who are self-taught this is hard but man I can't wait to get some more practice under my belt because obviously the more practice this stuff is gonna keep getting better and better and better in who knows where I'm gonna take this thing that doesn't teach me so much stuff even outside of screen printing not get all sentimental and Sephardim learn some life lessons right like I'm learning patience I'm learning to not get ahead of myself and get overconfident that's for sure because clearly we made some mistakes with that at the start of this yeah this is awesome now I did say we were gonna give some of these things away and I figured out how so what we're gonna do is try to beef up my Twitter numbers a little bit because they're terrible no one even really knows I have a Twitter there's like seven are people on there maybe so the first five people that follow me on Twitter I'm here and message me your name your address and which one of these you want and what size I will send one to you except for the cream and gold logo one in Excel because that's mine and I'm also gonna give one away to my patreon supporters you guys will see the post about that but anyways I'm gonna go relax and celebrate my triumph because this has been stressing me out for weeks now this is over I got so as always make sure you guys check out the links down in the description follow subscribe all that stuff check out my other social medias and we'll see you again in the next one [Music]
Channel: Lee Stuart
Views: 84,141
Rating: 4.9429736 out of 5
Keywords: lee stuart, leestuart38, lee stuart 38, lee stewart, vlog, vlogger, learning, screen print, screen printing, ryonet, how to, riley hopkins, riley 300 press, home business, entrepreneur, hard work, clothing brand, custom tees, small business, tutorial, print life, custom clothing, diy, do it yourself, howto, plastisol, screen printing for beginners, how to screen print, screen printing tutorial, t shirt printing, silk screen printing, screen printing tips
Id: 3fwPgm_0PjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 08 2019
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