A Typical Day In My Home Screen Printing Shop

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[Music] morning so i know my upload schedule lately has been very sporadic to say the least it's been so busy in here like literally all i've had time to do is print every day of the week non-stop from when i wake up till i go to bed there's always something that i have to do which clearly doesn't leave me any time to make videos especially the videos that i've been making lately where we're doing a little bit more tutorial type of stuff or trying new things or whatever those take some serious time to put together i don't think people realize how much work actually goes into those things we're talking like whole day two days sometimes three days of filming getting footage and then anywhere between eight to i've spent like 20 hours on an edit before like it's a lot of work to make one of those things anyways the workaround here has not slowed down whatsoever and it looks like it's not gonna slow down for at least another month which is something that i'm definitely not complaining about and knowing now what goes into those other videos clearly those two things yeah they can't both happen at the same time but i still really want to make things because that's what i love to do and i woke up this morning thinking man it's been a really really long time like over a year since i just made a straight up shop vlog no plans no specific topic to cover no sponsor plugs none of that just pick up the camera and start winging it and really make something out of nothing like i used to do all the time on here so that's what we're doing today wheels are new toys here buddy well that'll keep him occupied for a while first things first let's get this shipped out and get it out of my life there was 400 t-shirts two color front two color back neck labels then hoodies also two color neck labels 100 of those um and 750 stickers something like that i don't know this one consumed a lot of my life lately thank you to my fellow youtuber motonocity for trusting me to make his new merch this stuff will be he'll have this in like a week you should probably go check it out cause it's pretty awesome [Music] my front entrance looks like this every day i can't wait to move [Music] if you're wondering why i'm changing tape out right now it's because i was just printing hoodies on here last the old stuff was covered in like that layer of fleece and web adhesive and some people just lay a fresh layer of glue over top of that and keep on going you don't want to be doing that trust me spend the extra 5 minutes and 30 cents to re-tape and your prints will be better okay so i'm starting off with a hundred tees we're printing a two color back one color front both of which are getting under base so technically a three color back two color front however you want to think about it 100 of those is actually going to eat up a good chunk of my day that's cool we're doing this for a client who's having their 10-year anniversary they're actually like one of the first shirt printing clients that i ever had even before i had this stuff when i was using plastisol heat transfers i think it was like within the first five people that got me to make them shirts these guys are still here it's pretty awesome and dan came up with a super killer design for this thing kind of like a a simple badge left chest print and then a really cool graphic on the back to commemorate the whole 10 years thing there's bullets and guns and gun parts and all this stuff in there it's really awesome i already made all the screens for this thing yesterday they're already loaded on the press but i still gotta register this thing test print and then get into production so let's get to it stand clear that registration went way too easily i did the front and the back in like a minute a piece or something like that and it is super tight let's do this well the backs are done this looks so badass by the way i wanted to knock out the backs first because they're obviously going to be the most time-consuming and probably the ones with the greater chance of something going wrong so i always knock out the most difficult or most time consuming part of the print first and then move on to the easy stuff at the end so now we're at the easy stuff we got to just do the little chest prints and these are done all done those things turned out super sick that design is so good if you guys want a cool design like that for yourselves please hit us on our website hit the design page and maybe you'll be lucky enough to get dan working on something for you and welcome to my messy super cluttered office actually here check this out so all this right here this is all my stuff this is all merch that i either haven't made yet have made and haven't released yet or stuff that's in development like you know these roguelab tactical backpacks those are pretty cool i'm working on those we got roguelab tactical pens these are so sick i'm uh they're actually ready to go i'm releasing those i don't know at some point and then all this is all jackets and hoodies and stuff there's some jackets that i should have done like in the summertime that now i'm gonna have to wait until spring probably because it'd be pointless to make them now um and then other jackets that i need to probably haul ass and make like immediately because they're like winter fall kind of jackets that i should do those like right now and then yeah all the custom branded tape and mailers and all that bunch of stickers and all those boxes boxes to ship some stuff in i gotta make more of those clearly because i'm out of those uh and a couple hundred hats i gotta get the hell out of my way i have no idea what i'm even gonna do with these yet i have a problem with collecting stock thinking i'm gonna make a bunch of cool stuff and do something with it and then i forget how busy i am with client work that's also why i stopped filming videos in here because yeah it looks like cluttered anyways i gotta jump on the vinyl cutter and make a few graphics we're making some tail ids and some door logos that are going on some helicopters i make stuff for this helicopter place probably like once a week once every two weeks it seems i make it pretty often it's super awesome my stuff is on a lot of flying around in the air right now that's pretty cool to think about really hoping that we're gonna get to wrap one of those bad boys soon we've been talking about it a little bit there's some maybes up in the air we've been doing the research on it behind the scenes because it's not like wrapping a car there are rules and regulations and special kind of vinyl and stuff if you wrap it with the wrong and it comes off and gets caught in a rotor people die so that's kind of scary to think about but we want to do it and let's hope we get this because that will be the coolest thing ever to wrap the helicopter on this channel but for now the simple stuff so let's knock this out oh don't mind me i'm just over here picking my a-hole done deal wrapped up 12 of those bad boys oh and somebody ordered a shirt while that was going on let's get that packed up not to toot my own horn here but seriously how good are our new mailer bags these things are incredible i really hope my piece of tape covering up this guy's address is doing its job speaking of which thank you very much chris baker for supporting what we're trying to do here but yeah these things look incredible i think i need to do an updated branding video i did that video why branding matters a really long time ago that was pretty much right when i first got my press and i was printing boxes for the first time and that was like right when i was first starting to step up the game going away from the spray painted boxes and the crappy little homemade printed cards going and stuff everything has stepped up so far since then like elevated from here to level 1000 so maybe i should update that soon but let's get the hell out of here oh yeah couch i needed some of this that was actually kind of a chill day around here so we had 100 shirts printed front and back multi-color so it was like 500 total prints or something like that it did take a little bit of time it took way longer than it should have because of filming it obviously and then you know making those graphics and stuff after that was relatively fast but it all did kind of eat up a bit of time carton this camera around probably could have squeezed in a lot more i could have gone into the dark room and reclaimed and degreased a bunch of screens and prepped them up for coding tomorrow because there's a whole lot more jobs happening this week that i could have got a head on but i figured i'd cut it off there because i still have to edit this thing yet tonight and i have no idea how long that's going to take yeah and actually that was only like 30 or 40 percent of what happened today i cut out a lot of stuff i didn't film myself you know doing the the business stuff the email and the talking to clients the sending out quotes and all the other stuff that happens behind the scenes that i can't seem to figure out how to film and make look cool that's really kind of my main concern with these things and stopping to do video calls i did one of those today i do a few of those a week the odd time it's with clients not as often usually i try to keep that to emails it's usually with brands and prospective partners to uh you know start kicking things up a notch in this channel so that was a thing that happened today cleaning up the shop a little bit after i was done nobody wants to see me walk around with that big old duster so i didn't film that ordering blanks and supplies and a few other little business things and then just regular human stuff stopping need some food and i gotta catch a workout yet which i'm literally gonna do right after this because i gotta get my fat ass back into shape but yeah it's a small fraction of what happens on a regular day around here after doing this i'd really like to do like a full day in the life type of video a lot of you guys ask me how do you do so much all the time and i honestly have no answer for that i just want to work on something from when i wake up until i go to bed that's just my deal that's just what i like to do but i think it would be cool to document the full 17 18 hours that i'm awake and wait for a time when things are actually getting real today was kind of chilled out and yeah show what really happens here on a daily basis but if i'm gonna do that i need to find somebody to follow me around with a camera literally from when i wake up until i go to bed because if i'm filming anything myself i'm going to be moving at like a third the speed and i'm not going to get as much done so that's that's a new challenge i think i need to find someone to do that that might be a cool video to do but that was fun i haven't picked up my camera and just shot a video with absolutely zero game plan in a really long time it seems so it was cool to kind of get back to i guess the vlog roots or whatever you want to call them i don't know let me know if you guys dig this type of stuff and maybe i'll make more of it please plug it down in the comments below wheels do you have anything to add to this no well please drop a thumbs up on this video for wheelie thank you guys for watching we'll see in the next one i just spilled i made this granola slash cereal from scratch myself by the way nope lighting changed a whole bunch now i should have closed the curtains for this oh so close i don't think this thing can handle any more spills here's a little secret movie magic stuff i had to get that shot of pushing everything into this bag with one hand because i was holding the camera with the other hand and it kept sliding around so i taped it down to the table the stupid things that go into one little shot shout out to the boys from golden press studio for livening this shot up they sent me this sick little light off my amazon wishlist and it's seriously one of my favorite things ever i use this in everything i mean seriously look look at it now boring shitty again bam a little bit of flavor to it so much better this is the best thing ever thank you guys i want seriously like 10 more of these i swear kitty arms when they do this i don't know i can't get enough of it for some reason it's hilarious to me these shoes are so damn squeaky i remember when i was a kid at school anytime i got shoes that would squeak on the floor i would go down the hallway through the gym to the classrooms whatever just squeaking those things everywhere i went as loud as humanly possible because i thought it was hilarious annoying the had everybody well one day i was doing that squeaking them all the way down this long hallway for like 30 40 feet just being this annoying little bastard and i got towards the end and this one teacher just swung the door open the classroom and started freaking out screaming at me yelling me to shut up and stop squeaking my shoes whenever and i remember i just paused and i looked at her for a second and didn't say anything and just went and well straight to the principal's office i went where i probably spent most of my time in school a little insight into what i was like as a child i was terrible actually i'm still terrible [Music]
Channel: Lee Stuart
Views: 23,434
Rating: 4.9726963 out of 5
Keywords: lee stuart, leestuart38, lee stuart 38, home screen printing, home screen printing studio, screen printing, screen printing for beginners, how to screen print, screenprint, screen printing at home, how to print tshirts at home, silkscreening, screen printing tips, screen printing for business, vinyl decal, vinyl decal business, make decals, cricut, t shirt printing business, screen printing tutorial, silk screen printing tutorial, clothing business
Id: MwX6MCWinVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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