Harbor Freight’s NEW Black Widow 2.0 Spray Gun Review!

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welcome back to another episode of paint Society guys today is a day we're going to be doing the official paint Society review on the Black Widow 2.0 by spectrum and of course we brought one of the hardest colors to do one of these paint jobs but guys I had to do it because well this is one of the advisers at our dealership he knows paint and we're going to use the brand new Harbor Freight spray gun see how good it is and if we can kind of trick him into believing that we use one of our high dollar spray guns this is going to be a good one so let me jump in and show you the spray gun and here it is this is a 2.0 you can see the box is much smaller than the original version now I made my way over to Harbor Freight and well when I got into the aisle and I looked and I really could not find this gun on display I kind of got a little bit upset at first because I didn't think they actually had it yet but I talked to one of the associates and well guess what he brought me this box right here and here it is we're approved and we're ready to go for this black widow now one thing I don't want you guys to really buy into to is that you need two three spray guns if you're a do it yourself or even a beginning professional yes it's fun to buy spray guns but you only really need one all you got to do is really give it a good cleaning in between coats and you'll be fine now first and foremost I like the direction that they're going with this spray gun is that they're not bringing the big cup a lot of guys just don't use the hard cup anymore we're using the PPS cups and of course this is a certain way to obviously make a little bit more money the cups are sold separately so they're not going to give you that option to even use the hard cup so if you look real quick at the back we can see all of the different elements that this gun has it's claiming it has a up the 12in fan which I am a big fan of now one thing I notice here right away is the swivel fitting action on the bottom of the gun something I'm really not a fan with with a 1.0 which is why I kind of got rid of it and it was a little bit heavy on the heavy side guys I wasn't a fan really of the 1.0 version but I'm hoping that this one will be a lot better better and I will tell you up to about 5 years ago cheaper spray guns have really done a good job of atomizing paint and they've come a long way it's one thing to really note guys that this is the Black Widow by Spectrum so it's not actually Harbor Freights brand obviously so this is a real tool company making obviously a real tool so we can see everything kind of here is stuffed into the box we have the PPS adapter of course if you want to use their brand I'll look to see if I have something that works today now I do remember the packing of the first original one being a lot nicer than this but not a big deal to be honest at first glance it's not a bad looking gun it's not a large gun it's not a small gun it actually fits into your hand well and wow what a major Improvement they've done on the trigger here the trigger seems to be a lot more smoother not completely smooth but let's take a look at the knobs one thing I'm liking right away is the side knob is gone one thing I hate with spray guns a little bit older spray guns have that fan adjust on the side they did away with that it's a little bit more modern of course we have our air valve at the bottom and usually cheap spray guns I noticed that they just keep on turning and turning and turning this one guess what it actually stops so first thing you're going to want to do is make sure this is completely open take a look at the fans and everything seems to be solid no better no worse than a cheap spray gun so we'll leave that guy wide open and from here we're going to do our adjustment already on our fluid and this will adjust just the same way now some people think that this is how far the trigger goes back and that is actually true but the reasoning behind it is because this is how much fluid will be released so what we'll do is we'll back this guy up almost all the way and we'll pull the trigger all the way and we'll start to turn it clockwise until it stops and now we're set at wide open and wide open means that we got a little push here on a trigger and the max amount of fluid from this point is coming out of the spray gun now of course it has a little line here so if you want to control one turn from wide open you'd be right there but for me I like to set all my guns at wide open so you get the max amount of performance from the spray gun now this is the HTE High transfer efficiency and it's got the 1.3 on it now as you take off the air cap for the first time we're taking a look around and I'm happy to note that no baffles or anything comes out of the air cap everything seems to be pretty solid of course we have our fluid tip and it seems to be a little bit more modern like most spray guns included with the spray gun is also the tool kit that matches up so you can take this off each and every time now before you start any spray gun you want to make sure you give it a quick Spritz or a quick cleaning you never know if these come with oil from the actual Factory so a quick clean is always the way to go before you get started now a quick look into my toolbox and I was able to find the correct PPS adapter this is an S9 so I'll put the link in the description and this is for the 2.0 PPS okay so keep that in mind but everything will be in the description for you you guys so you get the proper one so for this point all we need to do is add a gauge now this one does not come with a gauge but not a big deal cuz most of you guys already have it luckily we have one handy and ready to go and always make sure when you're using spray guns you're using the HVLP air fitting you can see this is a high flow air fitting it's much bigger than traditional air fittings and here's the two air fittings the one on my left is the HBP and the one on my right is the generic air fitting this one on the left is a more high flow it's allowing the gun to perform much better by not starving it for air so if you have this fitting on your spray gun make sure you're not using it to paint we use this one in the shop for primer and that's all we'll use it for as well as da Sanders and such but for painting make sure you're going hlp now once the regulator is on you can see it swivels now I'm not a fan of this and I think most people will probably agree I know that this is kind of annoying at some points when you're painting if you're not a fan of this like I'm not and I think most painters aren't let me know in the comments because this can kind of be a little bit annoying when the hose is whipping around they did this on the 1.0 and again this is is one of the main reasons why I never really used the gun again because it was just a little bit annoying but if the gun performs we'll leave it at that and maybe we can always tape it if anything to make sure this doesn't move now for the spray job we're going to be blending this back bumper into the middle of the bumper and we're going to be blending the small area now keep in mind it's a small blend but we have to make sure that the blend Blends into the rest of the color and our clear coat is nice and smooth like OEM so a true test for a cheaper spray gun so before we paint a couple Pro tips that will help you I I always like to take the air from my spray gun and blow it into my tack rack so any of the dust or debris that is on the panel it blows right into my tack rag as I am tacking now for this job I'm using the extra slow reducer because I don't know how this color is going to blend I've never sprayed this color before and from what I hear it's a tough color to paint and blend that's why we chose this Harbor Freight spray gun so I'm first going to set my PR pressure let's go ahead and put color on our area only we're not going to seal because we want to keep this small I'm going to put it on and allow it to dry and the way I like to blend is at a 45 I never like to go straight up because that can leave a hard line okay since we're using extra slow reducer it will not all cover but we have a good first coat so let's allow this to flash and then we'll come back so far I think the color looks pretty de to be honest looks pretty smooth as well but the true test is still to come now let's get some paint on our bumper cover we'll start off the bottom we'll put a light coat on and you could seal this but I really want this job to come out clean so I prepare with my primer up to 800 grit so it'll be nice and smooth let's allow this to flash and then we'll come back we gave it about 5 minutes to flash you can see what I did in the meantime guys I got to have this where it's not moving now pressure don't take my word for it because it's going to always fluctuate from airst system the paint booth to do it-yourself system but in around 24 to 25 psi is where you're going to want to be you can see that this color really sucks it does not cover very well that's after two codes but again the extra slow reducer does not help with the coverage it's going to help it go on smoother but it's not going to help it I'm not even going to start to do my blend yet let me get full coverage maybe one more coat here it's still a little bit light in person and then we'll start with our blend so far an easier to spray spray gun than a 1.0 180 bucks though can you really beat it so far we'll find out the main thing I like to look for is the orientation of the metallic the spray pattern and how well it lays down the paint I don't want to tell you that it doesn't put on a lot of paint because of my poor coverage I think that really has to do with the actual color trying to cover but one more coat here and then blend it out and we should should be good so far the 1.3 with the HTE is atomizing the paint pretty well the gun is a little bit more on the heavier side but definitely lighter than the 1.0 version I got to say though it looks pretty good I don't know how well that finish will hold up it looks like it could hold up pretty well but over time even the expensive spray guns like my DB1 or dilus uh spray guns even though they have that nice coating they all get dirty guys if you're spraying each and every day in and out of the booth they're going to get Caked Up so make sure you keep them nice and clean let's allow this to flash for 10 more minutes we got a lot of pain on there now while that dries I'm going to tell you something I know it can be tough because I might make a review on a spray gun one week and another review on another spray gun another week you run and buy that spray gun and then I make another spray gun review that might seem better but listen all the reviews I do you do not need to buy every single spray gun these reviews are for people to help them make a decision and there's plenty of other reviews on YouTube by very accredited um painters you you can see them all over the CH all over YouTube and they make great videos so something that I leave out you might be able to find from someone else so watch all the reviews including mine and then see is this a gun for you luckily I paid 180 bucks I could have used a coupon but these are not really expensive expensive guns but what we're really concerned about is the longevity so far it seems like it's built pretty well now I gave that another 5 minutes it looks like it's ready for it thir coat I got to say that the color looks good it's blending out well but the paint here that's one of the main reasons this is some good paint and it lays down super nice with that extra slow we can see here after it dried it looks like it's got great coverage so I'm going to do one more coat and then one more coat over here and then what we're going to do is I'm going to dial right back into here and do the blend out and that's it so it's going to look something just like this coverage right still wet going to come over to here now the bumper really is not going to be tough to blend bumpers you can blend all day they got plenty of Body Lines to move to lose the blend but over here this guy I'm going to come a little bit further so I was right around here I'm going to dial it back a few inches and then I'm going to come at a 45 here I'm done walk away this is going to blend out nice and smooth you can see the color looks great over here really don't have to do what I just did but it's not going to hurt just like that voila it's done we'll let this flash we'll show you how to clean this out real quick and then we'll test it out for clear coat so we're ready for clear coat guys now over here we're not going to put any base because if we have any difference in color our sensors right here we want them to match so Juan did a great job scuffing this up and these are very hard edges and they can break through so good job one this is the only one where we got a little bit of Base but this is all covered well now over here this Blended out fantastic what are the things that I'm looking for I want to make sure there's no model or no zebra stripes nothing like that and I don't see that two things the paint and the gun okay more so the paint more so the mixup of the paint is going to really help you out you can have an even worse gun than maybe the cheapest gun in the world but if you have good paint out of a bad gun it's still going to lay down good enough if you know what you're doing so we're going to leave it like this we're ready to clear it but I showed you and talked to you guys about you only need one gun really if you're do it yourself so let me show you how to clean it out real quick so the good thing with the PPS is they're really easy to use so you're going to come here press it get most of it out and then you come over to a dirty towel and never clean this out like never start cleaning it from here because you're going to make a bigger mess just wipe it as much as you can get out then your air cap you don't want to clean it with your air cap because your air cap is just the air cap it's got no paint in it do you see that but if you start to clean it with your air cap then you're going to get pain in it so don't do that you need to get some of this this stuff is going to make your life really easy you don't need to fully break down your gun but in between coats this is all you do come over here so get yourself a bucket and then you're going to use this little um nozzle here go all the way in start going and getting it all out and this literally will probably take you no more than 20 seconds to get it cleaned up and and half the material you don't need to use a big lacquer thinner um bucket filled with lacquer thinner and we're good to go spray in there it's ready for Clear there's no need to spray the air cap right now you can clean it after clear cuz it'll get a little buildup but we're going to see how well this atomizes clear coat so we're ready for clear now you can see I always tape up my cup because one or two uses of this PPS cup paint gets on a clear coat and can flake right off into your paint jop now we're ready to clear we're going to use the same settings I might bump it up around 25 26 PSI the whole goal here is to trick our adviser not let him know we use a cheap spray gun let's go ahead and clear woo not bad wow all right I see you Harbor Freight H fre oh come on where you at where you at this a not looking too bad here bro not too wet on the first coat though not too wet just get in the paint on 75% overlap yep woo he's never going to know until he watches the video oh yeah clear on clear all right no this thing don't have any dirt in it nice and clean good speed all right I'm impressed not my Top Gun I got to say but I'm impressed guys if you're looking to get a gun to do a lot of things I picked one of the toughest colors I picked a really tough advisor I picked a really expensive car and it's look pretty good so the worst thing you can do right now is jump into the second coat give it time to tack up now it's going to become like a backside of a piece of tape really tacky we're going to lay that second coat on we'll hop back in there ready for that second coat I'm going to lay it on a lot wetter I got to make it look like a factory peel I don't think this guy's going to know I really don't think he's going to know what do you guys think I think we're going to do it woo wow show them what it looks like yeah let's go see if we can find ailio and show him let's first ask him what he thinks about Harbor Freight if he knows Harbor Freight come on Wow amilio y yo Milo yo listen just painted your car with the Harbor Freight spray gun n y go check it out I'm not lying to you bro I'm not lying to you let's go check it out you know I how to do it though and how to use your car I know it's just the least so it don't really matter to be honest if it didn't come out good it didn't matter you're right well watch his wet paint bro what do you think that Harbor free yo how much bro it's only 180 bucks I mean I know he trusted me to do this job like but you had to trust me I would have fixed it if it wasn't right but it looks good right all right all right all right he's happy he's happy he's happy it don't really matter what the gun is don't matter who the painter is right all you know well you guys saw it right there it made no difference I tell you time and time again if you're practic enough and know what you're doing you have good paint buy good paint I rather you guys buy better paint than a better spray gun it's going to come out good I mean check it out check this thing out we got color nowhere near here cuz we're using our exhaust towards the back this bumper it looks sick smooth fresh all this is clear on clear the Finish is a factory Orange Peel flat Orange orang peel that's exactly what we want we want this car to look untouched it's untouched it's perfect I'm really loving it check out the gloss guys hey kind of surprised me but let me give you my final thoughts about this gun so again my intent is not to send you to the Amazon store or the Harbor Freight or anywhere else to keep on spending money guys but the gun is good it's better than the 1.0 version it's less bulky it's more efficient to the point meaning it's spraying your paint and it's clean I like that about this spray gun hell I paid for this spray gun no one sent it to me for free and I got to say I'm happy with the way it sprays it definitely would make my top five of cheap spray guns but it is on a higher tier of the cheap margin we got $60 $70 spray guns that could do the exact same thing but what's the longevity like I don't know that so we're going to keep on making spray videos like this so we can determine hey do these spray guns last a long time but for my budget guys definitely pick up one of these if you're interested it's not going to kill you I know they run a coupon on it and it's a fair spray gun so I hope you enjoyed this review we'll go ahead and check it out one more time once it comes out of the booth guys this is Brian from paint side reminding you don't overthink it it's just paint I'll see you guys on the next [Music] episode [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] w [Music] [Applause] oh
Channel: Paint Society
Views: 260,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paintjob, diy, how to, bad paint, gloss, refinish, accident, learn, autobody, collision, booth, repair, copart, harbor, freight, sata, iwata, toyotA, classic, bel air, restoration, rust, old, new
Id: PbzUHISi0uU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 40sec (1360 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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