How to Eliminate Orange Peel INSTANTLY!

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welcome back to another episode of paint  Society in this episode I'm going to show   you the most simplest paint gun adjustment  to lay down a beautiful clear coat finish [Music] and thanks for joining me on this video now  in this video we're going to talk about how   we're going to take this brand new Fender  and turn it into a beautiful flat finish   and this Fender right here belongs to an Acura  RDX it will get full paint and we'll be blending   a door and the hood as well and to finish on this  particular Fender has to be very flat Because the   actual particular car in this case is a very flat  OEM finish and we're going to show you how to make   an adjustment with your air and your fan so you  can get a very easy to spray clear coat finish but   before we can lay down that beautiful finish we  have to have a beautiful substrate and it starts   with sealer this is a white sealer basically it is  a thinned out primer that does not get sanded and   know that does not mean you can take your primer  and thin it out you're gonna have to look into the   technical data sheets to see if your primer can be  made and mixed into a sealer for this we're using   a 3M gun I'm using a 1.2 but this is a thinner  sealer you can look and check out the Techno data   sheets and can probably use a 1.2 1 0.3 or even  a 1.4 this gun gets sprayed around 20 psi and a   3M gun and we're going to lay down one nice coat  we're keeping it 75 to 80 percent overlap and it   covers absolutely well by using the 1.2 that's  going to help the sealer well dry a little bit   quicker so we can move into base and clear  coat much sooner also don't forget your edges   very important so when a door opens up it's not  showing black and of course inside the defender one coat is all you'll need and it's pretty  much completely covered it's protected now and   it's ready for its base coat once it flashes  and if you want that clear coat finish to lay   flat and smooth well you have to be patient  you can see this is about five minutes later   and it's still not completely flashed do you  see how it's still kind of shiny here but if   we move the camera over in some of the other  areas it's a little bit more dull oh we want   everything to look similar to this so let's be  a little bit more patient let's do something   else in the shop and let's allow it to flash  a little bit longer and here we can see now   it is completely flashed it's not glossy or  anything like that at this point if you have   any dirt or dust this has been a good  time to uh lightly sand it down you can   use a 600 grit if you need to we're going  to go ahead and roll with our base scope I just saw us lay down that first coat of  base coat well shortly after we put down   two now really since we used that sealer our  base covered very well and a lot of guys in the   production shops will use those sealers but at  home you don't really need to use them because   sometimes it can add to how dirty the actual  panel will come out so you can always slightly   lightly sand your base coat if you got any more  dirt now at this point we're putting two coats   of pearl on I'll just show you the one you don't  need to use the trick yet that I'm going to show   you because the trick with the clear coat  is really going to atomize the finish and   we don't want to do that too much with our base  or our Pearl because it can really distort what   we're trying to do with our color and especially  that on silver or any metallic for that matter   let's go ahead and lay down one quick here  and then we'll do another coat off camera so our Pearl we did two coats it's all dry and  now we're going to talk about that little paint   gun adjustment that's going to make all the  difference now if you're a beginner or even a   veteran be careful with this because it can get  you in trouble you know those flat finishes are   just one pass away from a run so the first thing  you're going to want to do is you're going to   want to have the gun set It Wide Open here to  do that remember you back out that fluid just   about all the way to the point where it almost  comes out but don't let it come out okay hold   it upside down so that the paint doesn't come  out or we can do it without the paint and then   we're going to dial it in until it stops because  we're holding the trigger right here okay so it   stopped so that means that now at this point the  fluid is maximized it's set at wide open our fan   is where the trick it lies okay so first I'm  going to show you what the fan looks like   without unique gun adjustments now this is a W  400 it's the same thing for lph 400 it's the same   thing for any gun but the fact is this is really  going to show it much better now you can see how   wide that fan is now that is a good thing for  your base for you know our pearls it really is   a good fan to have but on clear coat sometimes we  need to narrow it in but how much do we narrow it   in well here's a little trick I want to show  you so first we want to find our pressure any   pressure you're going to set it let's say around  20 psi and you're going to hold it halfway see   how there's no paint coming out but there's just  air and this is what you really want to look at   so we're going to start to look at that gauge and  we're going to dial in the fan right here and as   soon as that gauge moves Just a Touch that's  when we find our fan okay so I'm moving it   slowly moving it slowly you focus in on that and  when it bumps up a little bit I'm still moving it keep moving it and you see it moved up right there just  ever so slightly it moved up just about a   pound okay it was in or around maybe 20 psi in  around there now look at our fan take a look   do you see how it's cut down so dramatically  Now by doing this we've taken all the dryness   out of the on the ends of the fan and  we've narrowed it in so now we're really   gonna have beautiful atomization in this  area right here so that means now we have   to move a little bit quicker because it's  going to be laying it down very very fast so in real time our first coat will not be  perfect but if we take a look at it this is   just sprayed that's not any time to flow out  that finish looks perfect for a beautiful OEM   finish Granite we still need to put two coats on  it so we're going to allow this to flash for a   good five to ten minutes and then we'll apply  our second coat and I'll show you any changes   that we can possibly make before we spray it  down so it's been 10 minutes and I already know   your next question do I have to start at that  pressure 221 PSI you start whatever pressure   you want but if you want to change your pressure  you need to reset so let me show you what I mean   right now so if you want to reset your pressure  you're going to take that fan knob and you're   going to turn it all the way open once again so  let's say you want to spray around 24 PSI okay   so you'll dial in at 24 PSI you hold this  down and once more this is our new preset   so watch that and I'll dial in here and  when it bumps up it moves just a little bit right there it moved ever so slightly then check  out our fan that means it's set at that ideal   fan with for that pressure okay and it will vary  depending on the actual pressure itself okay so if   you have a higher pressure then the fan it's not  going to be as narrow so if you're lower pressure   the fan might be a little bit more narrow so play  around with this trick we're ready to go we're   going to spray down our second coat we're going to  move a touch slower and really smooth things out and after 20 minutes guys we have a beautiful  Factory style finish a very flat Orange Peel   finish this is exactly what you would get out  of the factory if you were to hold this Fender   up to another OEM Fender he would not be  able to tell and that's exactly what we   want we don't want dead flat dead flat means  that you know it's been painted and dead flat   is just as much a giveaway as a bad color  match now of course this is getting blended   so it'll match 100 but you can see how well  and how smooth and how effective this paint   adjustment trick really truly is if you guys  saw it live here very simple not a lot to uh   configure on the spray gun and  you can use it for any spray gun   and remember guys you can use this trick on any  spray gun all right now I like to use the Iwata   because it's a very good spray gun that a lot of  beginners can afford if they're going with the   kiwami or even lph 400 it's not a top top dollar  spray gun but you know with the build quality is   still there and if you're looking to spend just  a little bit of money you'll get something that   will really give you a big return now you can  use this trick on any panel on anything but   be cautious try it first somewhere else because  remember you're only one pass away from a run when   doing something like this but what it basically  does to the spray gun is it takes the fan and it   it narrows it in and it gives you pretty much the  meat of the fan and nothing else so when you lay   it down you know it's atomizing and it's spring  Down Smooth instead of just a whole bunch of   tri spray and we've all been there before I hope  this trick and adjustment helps you guys is Brian   from paint decide to remind you don't overthink it  it's just paint I see you guys on the next episode foreign [Music]
Channel: Paint Society
Views: 966,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paintjob, diy, how to, bad paint, gloss, refinish, accident, learn, autobody, collision, booth, repair, copart, harbor, freight, sata, iwata, toyotA, classic, bel air, restoration, rust, old, new
Id: twDXW3yd2_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2023
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