How to Paint a Car Without Orange Peel

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welcome back to another episode of paint Society my name is Brian now in this episode we're going to show you some procedures that you can use in order to get a nice black glossy Lexus type style finish we're going to go through some of the gun setup as well as the preparation and gun spraying technique as well as your environment how you can get yourself the cleanest possible paint job working wherever you're at now this particular job when it came in did have some scratches along most of the panels and luckily the scratches were not deep enough that they needed any sort of Bondo so we were able to just sand them out with a 320 block them and then from that point give it a nice coat of high Build primer now once that was all sanded was luckily it is a straight black so we're able to use 400 and 600 and we're not going to have to seal the vehicle now one very important thing that you're going to want to do no matter what type of paint job it is is you're going to want to wash the car down if you take a look at this car you can see that there is no dust there's no sanding dust nothing no prep work no indication that this car was actually sanded other than just looking at the panels itself and this is such a crucial step in any job to get a clean finish so make sure you have enough time to clean down the actual vehicle before it comes into the paint booth to give yourself the best chance they're then going to want to follow that up by giving it a good tape job now any tape job that is clean nice and tight is going to enable you as a painter to get the best possible job now due to the nature of the damage of the vehicle and the newness of the vehicle this vehicle actually turn itself into a service loaner but we want to make sure we put the best possible job on it and that's what we're going to show you right now all right so we're going to start off and we're get our Base gun obviously I have a lot of guns to demo and once they're demoed I'm giving them away that's how it rolls on the actual paint Society channel so guys make sure that you're staying tuned to all the videos uh I'm not sure this is the one I want to take a look at uh the T DV one I wanted to take a look at which was the uh a special edition oh this is the Black Edition so I don't want that one because there's actually an even cooler one take a look at this one and see if this is the one guys I really this is one of my favorite guns the dv1 uh Base gun I mean it's hard to compete with what this thing is sick look at that man wow check that out so this is the gun we're going to be using you know I'm big fan of these spray guns so we're going to go ahead and set it up let's back this out let's dial this in we'll stop it right there let's set this at wide open which it already is to the left and we'll get our PPS adapter on there and start spraying some paint now there's a few things that professionals use that do yourselfers can use as well and that is a neutralizer or static gun you might think Brian this is metal well it doesn't matter because guess what we have plastic so using this over the whole entire car when it's a big job it really neutralizes the car so it doesn't attract any of that dust right so the the plastic doesn't attract it statically and then fall onto the panel so good to use a brand new tack rag also you can see that the floor is covered in our green like 90 pigm it's due for a change but it's holding down the dust because we use something called a dust control that's something you can spray on right before any paint job you can apply it just once in the morning and what that will do is hold down any of the Dust so your paint job doesn't get any in it now for this all you're going to do is just Tack and use the actual neutralizer at the same time and that will help neutralize all the panels and get all the dust off now you also want to make sure that you're completely covered so you're going to want to get one of these paint Society paint suits they're probably one of the most comfortable paint suits on the market and you're actually supporting the channel at the same time so Amazon there will be a link to get yourself either the full suit or the [Music] coat so you're ready to spray paint and you're like where do I start got a job like this and it's a pretty big job so where do you start well we have all these primered areas what I'm going to do first is get these all covered up since this is straight black which we mentioned earlier we're in good hands but we're not just going to paint the area here we're going to take the whole side we're going to do the whole trunk we're not going to do any sort of blending because we have a little a little bit of key marks over here that we need to touch up but we'll kind of take it over into this area I know this color is going to match so we have it easy on that regard we're going to take the top and leave it we don't need to paint that but the hood over here we had some damage over in here I'm not just going to paint this area guys I got extra slow in here it's actually kind of like a cool night around the 75° but with black extra slow and it's actually reduced up to 70% in the computer so that's a feature of this pain brand you can over reduce it especially with these blacks or Silvers it's just going to lay so much smoother and no need for sealer on this one since it's all black this will get covered in two coats so let's first cover up those areas and then we'll allow that to dry and then we'll hit up the rest of the vehicle e and this is moments after spraying that you can see how lovely it colors over that black primer so if you can get a primer that's very similar to the color that you're painting it's going to cover really quick now the paint is always going to look a little bit different over the primer than it does the OEM clear coat you see how it looks a little smoother don't worry about that these are all things that made me nervous when I first started um painting it's going to Flash the reason why you want to let this flash is when this flashes it's going to look completely flat you're not really even going to notice that after the last coat and honestly this only really needs one more coat and the least amount of coats the better because if we can get out of this in two coats a base guess what we've put on less paint and we're going to have a smoother paint jop we're already using extra slow and it's over reduced by 70% in the computer so it's laying on super fky smooth and now here we're back I actually put on a next coat same exact thing just for coverage in this area and uh we can see now that it's going away so however many coats you have to do in the middle to get coverage fine but I want you to do what I'm about to do on this last coat if it's straight black and you're going to put it on wet so so many people don't know what wet means what does that mean how close pressure all that stuff but we mentioned we're around 17 PSI on this spray gun now these guns operate at a much lower PSI that would be equivalent to maybe around 23 24 on a regular gun so how are we going to put it on wet well we're basically going to be doing the whole side from top to bottom and we're going to slow it down a little bit and we're going to get a little bit closer we're not going to make any adjustments on the actual pressure itself and this is actually going to look shiny until it dries what does that do well by putting it on wet it's going to dry super smooth if you're have too much of a distance what can happen is it might go on dry now with what we did on our first two coats it's fine we want to introduce the paint for the panel but now we're going to lay it on and we'll show you how to do that right now now I know a lot of you are going to have questions Brian you started in the back now you're starting in the front honestly right now it doesn't make a whole lot of difference cuz it's black but if it was a metallic I'd always start in the front because the exhaust is in the back so I'm going to be doing the whole Hood basically I'm going to leave it off at this body line so if there's any color match difference you're not going to see it it's going to be a little bit of a blend here but this is black like I said we have good experience with matching 212 all right so just after spraying that you see it went on much wetter it looks wetter here we're not going to touch this with clear coat until it completely flashes this is going to look super uniform and smooth once it flashes we want to give it about a good 15 minutes with the heat if you don't have heat obviously double that time up but you don't want to trap any of this with uh clear coat solvent because it's going to find its way up through little pin holes called solvent pop so also another thing with black guys if you sand it in with 600 I know it's going to look a little bit scratchy here and there but as long as you know you sanded it with 600 just ignore it that's how black is sometimes it looks a little scratchy clear coat will fill it in you're not going to see it so I don't want you to worry about that but mainly you're going to see it on straight black for the most part so let's let this Flash and then we're going to come back and take a look at it and clear coat it so she's done flashing now we're going to tack here now we don't always tack but I do before a clear coat if necessary and if I did this properly little to no overspray will come off of this so so basically we might see a little overspray on the edge of our blend but there shouldn't be any sort of overspray anywhere okay and this is super super super smooth super smooth you can't even feel it which really shows me and tells me I mean look at that that this is going to be a nice clean paint job so we are going to use none other than our ws400 now when I start off with clear I'm going to start work myself from the front of the car towards the exhaust that's a little bit more important when you're clear coating also my first coat is not going to be super wet I tell you guys many times first coat clear coat if you put it on super super duper wet what can happen is you can get some runs so I'm going to have some dry spray in it I know that but as a seasoned painter I know that my second coat I can come back and I can clear that up wow what a gun what a gun this is the first coat a little dry right there that's where the spoiler goes but uh really happy with that so far look at that that's insane I might just want to leave it just like that I don't see any dirt I don't see any dirt check that out what man this makes me happy you're telling me I don't have to buff what I'm a happy man let's let this really tack up though let's give it 10 minutes tack up and then we'll lay down a second coat now we're here after 10 or so minutes and it's still flashing the key to any successful paint job is patience can you imagine that you can have success just by relaxing and allowing the chemicals to do what they need to do because if you try to rush it you're going to find out after the paint job so what I'm doing right now is I'm letting this heat up and dry up but if you don't have a heat paint booth or a garage let it tack up a little bit okay because now the second coat when it goes on there it's going to stick on there wetter it's going to lay shinier and it's going to look complete I know this looks great it does but there's maybe like a couple dry areas see in the door right there mention on top of the trunk and maybe a couple little tiny specks okay couple specks I see actually right in here tiny that clear coat will build up on top of it if you try to put the second coat on too quickly it's going to melt into the first and you're not going to have that build so now we've created a layer a layer that's kind of skinned over just a touch Just a Touch so when the second coat goes on top it's going to lay on top of it instead of going in it let's lay it on we're about 15 minutes out at 120° we're going to put it on a little bit wetter and this thing is going to be ready for delivery once it's assembled all right so here she is guys and this is after that second coat we can see any of that dry spray it got completely cleared out smoothed over so don't worry if you have any on that first coat the second coat you go ahead and clear it up you see we had some in the middle of the door but now it's nice and clean so there will be just a minor minor buff of a couple dirt nibs here in there uh I think that's it to be honest there's one right right there and in the hood I honestly don't feel as though we should touch the hood at all because I don't see anything significant honestly um that would warrant trying to buff it and get swirls on a black car sometimes the smallest of a dirt nib it's better than swirls that catch your eye and this one is just too clean to uh to really have to mess with to be honest with you guys but we'll go ahead and take a look at it in the morning and see how she looks and then we'll get this thing all assembled back up this car will have a nice life again um helping out the many folks on the road as they get their vehicles service and it is my duty to make sure that this looks Factory and I think that's just what we did so a few closing remarks that I think you guys need to know having a spray booth does not warrant meaning having a beautiful paint job every time I had the idea when I first came into the spray booth from painting in my garage that once I got into here everything was going to be perfect right it's a controlled environment it couldn't be further from the truth okay so if you have a spray booth you have the opportunity to get clean jobs like that if you don't have a spray booth you're going to have to work harder to get that opportunity but once again having a spray booth does not Grant you the right to think that always you're going to have a clean job remember how we clean the car completely before it enter the booth and we wipe down all the panels and we have that like 90 Booth coating so between the Pigman and the particle control everything adds up the neutralizer all those little things attacking the spraying of the wet base coat these are all little things that you can do and start applying on your next spray job to get similar jobs like this now we're only going to take about a few moments to go ahead and nib out where we need to be and this car is on the road I I got to say I'm really impressed with the series 2 ws400 and of course the dv1 our base coat gun great looking gun did the job great combination you don't need to stick to just one gun only I hope you guys learned something from this video and you can apply it to your next paint job this is Brian from paint St reminding you don't overthink it it's just paint let's get this thing wrapped up [Music] he [Music] he [Music]
Channel: Paint Society
Views: 90,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paintjob, diy, how to, bad paint, gloss, refinish, accident, learn, autobody, collision, booth, repair, copart, harbor, freight, sata, iwata, toyotA, classic, bel air, restoration, rust, old, new
Id: -_XKh_zzAIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 7sec (1267 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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