Hank Kunneman (Sep 18, 2021) URGENT MESSAGE: "40 Days After Death" | PROPHETIC WORD

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this is graphic ripped them from limb to limb and tore off their tongues and ripped off their ears and that's my interpretation and 42 children died in all that is unbearable to think just because they touched the prophets of the lord pastor you're saying some bears are going to come out and attack me i didn't say that i could barely believe this story myself but i will tell you this it's in the bible for a reason where god is saying don't touch those that are carrying my heart my mind my will and intent and if i have to deal with them the lord says i will deal with my prophets amen now let's go on so how many know there are three realms of communication let me start wrapping this up how many ever heard of the fcc federal help me out brian i was forgetting yet i was trying to make a great point what is it federal say it again i forgot it say it slower federal communi i said it right in the first one federal communication commission there you go how many got it federal [Laughter] commission but in the spirit when it comes to discerning the prophetic and those of you that are watching i call it fcc as well because there's three realms of information there's the first realm which is the information age and that's what we're in we're in an information revolution right now we're in an information warfare where a lot of what people are believing and choosing to believe is what's coming from the newspapers the magazines and the airwaves now how does it get to that place of that kind of fear control manipulation it's the second realm which is the warfare realm where ephesians 2 2 says that the devil is the prince of the power of the air and so what he does in that warfare realm is he he concocts an agenda assignments and then he gets you to believe it as it's pulled down into the earth realm through the media so every time you repeat it every time you say that 46 exists because they said so you're helping to pull that into existence but then there's the highest realm of all and it's the third heaven where god speaks from his throne through his prophets with authority and says god said i put this man in your land and he will stand again no i don't believe god made a mistake it's gonna be 20 24. so fcc the first thing is when a prophecy comes especially concerning a nation you have to do hebrews 4 2. look at hebrews 4 2. for unto us was the gospel preached as well as unto them but the word preached did not profit them okay so why did the word not be or being preached did not profit them let's keep reading because it wasn't mixed with faith someone say faith that's the f of the fcc it wasn't mixed with faith now there's no different when god speaks his word we need to mix it with faith when god speaks a rhema word we need to from his throne and from his heart we need to mix it with faith that's why mark chapter 4 jesus said these words if you know the story of the sower who sows the word you will understand all things not some things all things that pertain to the kingdom so if the sower sows the word right here he god sows his words his heart through his prophets what did the devil do immediately when the word was sown remember he came immediately to do what to steal what we saw on november 7th 2020 exactly 20 days to the date that al gore announced the same thing 46 that doesn't exist announced that they were the next president november 7th same day that al gore did 20 years prior so what people do is the enemy comes immediately to steal the words that the prophets have been declaring to get you to bite on it why so he could seize a nation but he's not going to have his way that's why first timothy 1 18 says wage of good warfare by the prophecies that have been given to you that by those prophecies watch this you can hold faith a good conscience and avoid shipwreck isn't that right how many don't want to shipwreck in your faith you don't want to shipwreck in your nation the next thing is choice man's choice is involved we think sometimes when i was talking with dutch sheets and uh and chuck pierce when they were here we were talking about sometimes when an accurate word comes people they tend to think that they don't have to do anything that it's just automatic they don't have to pray they don't have to fast they don't have to add their agreement they don't have to celebrate and and matthew 23 37 look look here jesus is speaking and he says this look at the choice of man o jerusalem jerusalem that kills the prophets and stone those which i sent unto you so these were true prophets notice the agenda of god in the next phrase here how often i would have so let me know that is a that's a choice i would have god was trying to say look i had an agenda to gather you your children as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings but watch this watch the human choice that's the f is faith see his choice human choice he said you would not and sometimes when it comes to prophecies people are so quick just to deem it is wrong when i administered to mayor giuliani with kim clement years ago we had we spoke to him about being a gatekeeper and how god was going to align him as a gatekeeper we had no clue that that's being played out right now as he represents as the top lawyer as a gatekeeper of this nation i'm watching that word that did not make sense when when kim had his six foot by eight foot calligraphy thing and i had my little dot matrix printer thing you know because that's all i had and kim had long hair and no suit and i had a suit and a tie we look like complete opposites but the point was we gave the word of the lord and at that time i didn't understand fully how it was going to be played out and kim looked at me and he said hank why is it when i look at you i see me we carry the same anointing for this nation but he said you're gonna stand in a place that i will not and i'm not for uh permitted or permitted it's amazing he's in heaven i'm standing here now in the very message that god gave both of us for years that there would be a president that would rise up from new york and god would give him two terms the other the other see is conditions the if factor now here's what we have to to watch if they would come to the piano please i'm going to start wrapping this up here here's the if factor and this is so important you know we've always quoted 2nd chronicles 7 14. how many have ever quoted that you you like that you know if my people which are called by my name will humble themselves turn from their wicked ways seek my face i'll hear from heaven heal their land and we automatically think well god see how lazy your church is see and that that might be true but god always looks at a remnant and we cannot make the same mistake that abraham did god obviously was was wanting to spare sodom and gomorrah he would have never come down and talked to his friend about what he was thinking of doing if he was automatic if it was going to happen why would he discuss it with his friend and so it was abraham's idea which some christians do they put their amount or percentage on how many people need to repent to shift the nation and he started his own countdown 50 righteous no not 50 45 40 to sound like an auctioneer and it got down to 10 and god said no i cannot find 10. what would have happened the very one that god came to talk to who obviously was righteous or god wouldn't have been speaking to him what if he would have said god will you remember sodom and gomorrah for one righteous me listen it happened in the days of moses god wanted to wipe out the whole children of israel i said i'll start over with you moses and one man stood up in the face of god and said god if you're going to blot their name out you're going to blot my name out but lord you will remember your covenant and god changed his mind and said all right i believe that god has found enough of us patriots that are beating our plowshares into spears we may not look polished we may not be perfect but we're coming out of the the creek bed we're coming out of our our basements we're coming out of our attics we're coming out of our shacks we're coming out from from the left and from the right and we're saying you will not have our democracy you will not have the lord's church and you will not have this nation now
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Keywords: trump new, hank kunneman 2021, prophet hank kunneman, hank kunneman today, brenda kunneman, hank kunneman newest, pastor brenda kunneman, pastor hank kunneman, prophet brenda kunneman, hank kunneman may 2021, hank kunneman sunday service, hank kunneman sunday, hank kunneman live
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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