Hank Azaria bei Conan O'Brien (März 2004)

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that the first guess there's many voices on The Simpsons he's also preparing numerous films including The Birdcage and Along Came Polly beginning this Sunday you can see him in the new Showtime series Hough please welcome Hank Azaria oh good to have you here on the show nice to be here yeah it's nice to see you every now and then you come by on the show and we of course years ago used to work together on The Simpsons yes and in the in the olden times and you know it's funny I want to ask you about this because I never got to talk to you when we work together I was you know I creeped you out I think and but the voice yeah I was aloof and strange the the the voices on The Simpsons I want to ask you I know where some of the voices come from where you sort of borrowed from or taken inspiration from Moe the bartender yeah which is the voice that you do I never knew where Moe the bartender came from Moll who talks like this yeah it's not funny yeah so wait a man talk yeah yeah by the way my favorite my favorite part on the sit on the census was when Bart would call and do prank phone calls yeah like and teach each affiliate even here it gets so bad and pull out a knife like you're gonna do this is the best part how else could you possibly respond accepted murderous murderous right yeah there's like I wanna kiss a man I wanna kiss him in our we had alcoholic yeah and I want a man I want our plan to hug admit yeah Amanda hug and kiss I'm looking for a man to hug and kiss yes was that yours did you write that one I don't think so I I don't think so it's belonging a dream of mine but no that was not mine but where did where did the voice come from but that's the first voice I actually did on The Simpsons and I was doing a play most of the voice I do was just very bad celebrity impressions really and I was doing a play in Hollywood at the time and I was doing a bad Pacino from Dog Day Afternoon knows like he talked like I'm dying here yeah everybody's coming down on me so I auditioned with that and they said well we want it to be more gravelly than that right so if you make that gravelly you get motivated wow that's so I see it now that you explained it but yeah appoo is a poo based on anyone in particular years based on every 7-eleven guy in the world everybody met when I when I first moved to LA I didn't have a car I like to walk to the 7-eleven here's what I did every day and he would no matter how many times I was there and I buy a drink you know a iced tea or something and I take a sip before I pay like you didn't pay for that yet we're gonna go now you said you said that a lot of the voices that you do were based on bad celebrity impressions chief Wiggum well this is chief Wiggum who do you think you said right don't yell squish yeah ever G Robin that's exactly correct right very bad and Ricky rabbit now what about I need you Lou the cop yeah Lou the cup the other guy good copy this is funny because I didn't I should know this and I've listened to Lou the couple time but it never occurred to me that it's so Wester Stallone it's the bestest alone that's yeah that's right Angra is the the the comic book guy the fat comic book guy is he it's he based on us he's not based on a celebrity isn't know he talks like this effect comic book guy and thank you for plotting the nonesense this is I think part of my head yeah that's actually based on the guy I went to college with who live next door freshman year and his name was F I never learned the wrestlers names to F right and he would the big big fat guy and he the room was about this big the doorman he sat in a big Barcalounger if he did anything that know he did anything that annoyed him this is actually true which a get out you're on my list a little memo board yeah yeah I'm trade in Syria yeah why did everybody who went to college have someone like that who lived next door everybody has one of those in one form or another I don't know he was a very strange man yeah I wonder where you and yet there was a good list too if you did good things to him you're on the good list I wish you'd find him and have him on the show uh if you could guess you've done a lot of movie work your first big movie oh it was the birdcage big high-profile role is that fair to say yes that's correct uh and way I think we have a still I'm from that movie therefore fresh people's and I'm kinda hot you are very high how did no tell me about that because did you have any a lot of people who don't think about celebrities having families or relatives when I do embarrassing and aim things on the show I actually have to go and see my my family later on yeah and and it can be a little tough how did your family react like your dad your mom to to you playing that role yeah you know it's it's rough actually my father I would try to warn him I was like you know he was excited it's the first big movie role I'm like dad I'm telling you it's it's a little out there I don't know and as you see I was you know in a bra and wig oh I saw that yeah looking for a man to hug and kiss yeah he um he came by the set and I wasn't in drag that day but we had a Polaroid that the makeup people had and and I showed it to him was a bit pictures something like that he stared at it for a long time like that and then he handed it back to me and he just said this isn't you we didn't say it like oh come on this isn't you is like this is not you like I don't tell anyone that's you and also I can't live in a world where that is so so that's not that's an insect's that's an impressive amount of denial like no this is just not you real seriously was that his integrity as when this is not you right right anyway and you I you you you I'm gonna does no other way to say but you bare your ass in that movie do you not yes yeah dude that go over uh you know I said at the premiere actually with my mom and dad and that moment came up and my mother turned to honestly one of the most powerful agents in Hollywood guy named Kevin you a and she said really loud i diapered that derriere and what celebrity is that voice he's done that's just my mom that's just my mom will you have the show huff which is premiering this Sunday night and you play a shrink in huff yeah and did you see ever see a shrink I know that's a very personal question but I you know I think we've all at one point another needed help if I meant almost a constant state of seeing a shrink tonight I think he's backstage ready to catch me as soon as I get off yeah and what what's he like exciting he's uh I've seen this guy on and off like 15 years in LA good old Phil Stutz I fill and he's he's a very tough guy he's from the Bronx and he actually sounds a lot like Mickey Rourke the old Mickey were the old like Pope of Greenwich Village area that's right yeah and one of the first times I went to see him a long time ago I was whining about a lot of problems for about 20 minutes and this is absolutely true this is what he said to me went uh yeah right shut the up that's really got a nice a good iPod and he said yeah your problem is your baby all this stuff you're whining about yeah now we have even more editing to do thank you the man said as if there wasn't doing a show on Showtime yeah yeah first your head off yeah we'll get there well huff premieres this Sunday night promote the show at 10:00 on Showtime so watch that show Hank always great to see you you
Channel: Call of the Simpsons
Views: 100,176
Rating: 4.8608694 out of 5
Keywords: Simpsons Talk Voice Talkshow Latenight
Id: fD3GshyAs1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 33sec (513 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2016
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