Harry Shearer on "Late Night with Conan O'Brien" - 10/18/06

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my next guest of course provides many of the voices on The Simpsons he's also co-created This Is Spinal Tap next you can see him in the latest Christopher Guest ensemble film for your consideration which opens in select cities November 17th happy happier tonight please welcome Harry Shearer how you doing Harry thank you for those royalties man I'm doing well you know Court we worked together years ago when I worked on The Simpsons who were baby that was a child man you were a child star but of course the thing I remember most that my sterling talent your talent yes my talent for embezzlement yeah but what I remember is how fun it was to watch you guys the other cast members sit around the microphones and actually bring the scripts to life the voices and of course you do many of the voices of the citizens you do you you you do your share I do probably yeah more than my what's your favorite what's your favorite to do yeah I like doing C Montgomery burns yeah yeah maybe we'll buy CBS to add to my portfolio of worldwide media domination that's a very good idea well then maybe we'll wait away I'll have a sponge bath in the meantime yeah started Smithers never started out that way no we didn't you just went that way all the character all these male characters are going gay on that show I don't know if you've noticed but of course Carly Lenny seemed to have a thing now yeah yeah happens writers get bored the pizza gets colder you don't at all so layers started like you you are the voice of Principal Skinner and when I was there we were still we were adding all this weird stuff about his personal life and you you know you just fill it out more and more and now it's been how many years is essentially 18 18 years so now this is talking to me because some characters took off that you didn't expect Ned Flanders yeah Ned Flanders now has I read recently there's a group in England is this right bitter that are so devoted to Ned Flanders if they dress up as Ned Flanders and they have a convention vent room I never would have given you any odds that Ned Flanders would have incited that I know it's amazing I first I knew about it I was getting called by somebody from the BBC who said to have it a comment on this and I said yeah my comment is are you kidding hey these are Christian gentlemen who adore Ned Flanders for being a Christian character on television and dress with them you know fake mustache and with the sweaters and everything and I guess they go to a convention and say Oh clay don't believe each other but the weird thing is you know the show has been on 18 years at the beginning all the Christian groups were attacking us right arts a bad role model shows subversive as a bad dad yeah dad it's a bad family now in the last few years I've been doing interviews with Christian magazines for cover stories on how it's the only show with a church-going family and a reverend character and the you know in a Christian neighbor you learn as you stay on the air long enough and the blind men will finally discover every piece of the elephant yeah well it's what it is true that TV has changed so much too since the Simpsons first came on the air you know what's weird is that the the show louder TVs louder yeah and it's in high-definition and and you know the thing the sad thing is actresses like starve themselves to go on TV and get into movies so they look thin enough and then they go on these tours to promote it and they stay in first-class hotel rooms with those plasma screens to make them look fat right that's not fair no no that should be of all the causes to take up in the world daddy one that's it one used to get really mad about the I would think because the show has been such an important show for Fox and it's been on for 18 years I would think that the executives that Fox would be kissing your ass all the time do they they give you like great gifts I don't actually want to see your ass you would think that wouldn't you and I don't want to be you know eaten up with bitterness or anything yeah but they give interesting gifts you know the show won this year again the Emmy for best animated show like congratulations because when the show wins the Emmy the producers get this the award right not the actors right so I was doing a show in an borough over the summer and I came back to the to the Simpsons and they said oh we have something for you oh really so it's a big thing in a frame with a card I take it home and I open the card first and it's from your friends at Fox which always scares me we will kill you that's about and then okay what's the thing in the frame and the card says from your friends at Fox congratulations on winning the Emmy of course I didn't win the Emmy right showing him so what's in the frame it's an artist's rendering of a side view from below of an Emmy so congratulations on winning the thing you didn't win and if you did here's what it would look like if you looked at it yeah this your prize is a drawing of a thing that you didn't win that's nice now the only thing to top that was the start of season 13 right I got a little gift it's from the producer and congratulations on the start of season 13 we couldn't do it without you and then there's a thing in a frame again it's like a boxing ring bar just walking with a 13 like the girl in the you know round homers in the corner mow his cut man is working on him there's all these characters in the ring none of them are my characters the text was here we couldn't do it without you and the picture was here's what it would look like if we try we think about it all the time we hired a guy to draw yeah yeah we went to a lot of trouble yeah you just wrote your first this is your first novel my first novel it's called not enough Indians yeah and this isn't what is this novel about this is a funny novel I hope about a town that's so down on its luck that it figures out the only way to save itself is to get itself declared an Indian tribe so can open a casino so they're cheap they're pretty much cheating yeah but you know the the the tribe that opened Foxwoods the casino in Connecticut when I opened that the total number of members of that tribe full-blooded members of that tribe was one just one just one and I thought to myself I'm not a math genius but there's not that big a difference between one and zero right so the book started with that that's a funny idea for a book though so that says it's a big scam basically a scam but it takes them through Vegas and Washington and they there's a war between rival casino owners rival kind of these guys you know and it's a lot of funny characters well not enough Indians is in stores now let's go out and check this book out I'm gonna read this book and for your consideration over seven select cities November 17th and nationwide November 22nd so watch that hey thanks a lot for doing my place yeah
Channel: Inflatable Conan
Views: 24,208
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Keywords: Conan O'Brien
Id: Og7jIB423jI
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Length: 7min 50sec (470 seconds)
Published: Mon May 16 2016
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