Loyal Dogs Saved People Life

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dogs are often described as loyal oh you hear that max say hi and as man's best friend and that isn't because people just haphazardly throw words around these dogs display it in heroic fashion through fire through water hey these dogs are going to be heroes no matter what you throw at them what's your name whether it's the elements or in some cases actual bad guys when buddy's owner was trapped in his burning home buddy ran off to get help literally a cop was responding to the call but his gps froze and he couldn't find the way buddy showed up and led the cop through the roads all the way to the burning house time for cops to ditch the untrustworthy gps and just get german shepherds instead here's another german shepherd who's been well trained in the art of protect my family his teacher this five-year-old girl as they show you with this stage scenario the girl uses a command word to trigger her dog into protect mode yeah you want no part of this dog in protect mode and he looks so cute and cuddly sitting on the porch back when he was just in chill mode forget the jedis on the silver screen this dog named jedi is a real life hero his best bud is luke who has diabetes jedi has been trained to detect the changes in luke's body one night luke went to bed and his blood sugar levels dropped dangerously low no worries jedi was there and immediately started jumping on the bed to alert his parents saved luke's life no lightsaber necessary gilmore is another german shepherd who has the life mission of protecting his family his little friend is in trouble and gilmore pounces on her attacker like he's a big rib eye attackers beware if you catch a case of gilmore you'll soon be chopped liver three women's lives were saved by heroes david baxter the three women were swept into the water by the current and when a dog walker and his son were out walking the two dogs baxter was alerted to their distress and raised the alarm leading dave and the men to dive into the lake dave pulled the woman from the lake where baxter waited to bring them the rest of the way this was true teamwork superhero style watch these two dogs take off out of their house and run across the street getting into mischief actually just saving their owner's life when maureen hatcher suffered a stroke she fell on the floor and told her dogs bella and sadie mommy needs help they busted out of the house ran and got a neighbor the neighbor showed up called 9-1-1 and maureen's life was saved thanks to the hospital first responders the neighbor and of course bella and sadie this dog clover got an amazing idea in an emergency clover and owner haley were out for a walk when haley suddenly had a seizure and collapsed all i remember is waking up in the ambulance and being very confused no one was around clover couldn't wake hayley and then got an idea stepping into the road and stopping a car clover knew someone in a car could help that's a smart dog that could now land a job as an emergency responder or even a traffic controller if she wanted well if you wanted to hop into the lake and go for a swim these dogs may have something to say about that luckily this guy was just swinging into the lake for fun but watch how these dogs reacted thinking he was in trouble they may make it hard if he ever wanted to practice his professional cannonball career but if it's all for the sake of knowing you'll be saved if you're ever in trouble then it's all worth it those beware of the dog signs aren't jokes this guy is fixing to break into the house but he clearly chose the wrong house he found out in a flurry of fear as this pit bull let him know hey fool i live here any other future criminals will either be mauled by this pit bull or may be deterred from the house altogether moxie and miley just sounds like a superhero duo and they were in this moment when a cobra was about to enter a house where a one-year-old baby was sleeping they jumped into action working together like thor and captain america they stopped the cobra from entering in turn saving that baby's life and they did it without a hammer and shield so moxie and miley are actually better than any avengers no offense thor strongest avenger austin is a young boy who suffers from epilepsy needing to have a caregiver with him at all times now that caregiver is nico the german shepherd and yeah nico stays with austin all the time and when austin had a seizure in school nico saved him kept them from falling got the nearest adult and saved the day his reward not a key to the city just a key to the kibble all the kibble this is jerry and aru one is a baby the other is apparently the baby's bodyguard this dog can never let that baby not be by his side when the baby is taken from a nap with him his thought process can be described as must find baby must protect baby from water must approve of all activities baby is a part of if this family takes their baby behind a closed door little doggy knocks hey i'm the bodyguard i have to be in here if the baby's in here this kid's got a deal better than having secret service this rescue dog is a real rescue dog watch him run out of nowhere to save his drowning owner okay this is just practice but how else is he gonna be ready if this ever occurs and he's absolutely ready look how fast he is i think his response time is better than 9-1-1 this pit bull has got the long paw of the law someone was burglarizing a house and attacking the homeowner before things escalated more the neighbor with tip the pit approached she put tip in sycamode as he stood on his two back legs and snarled and growled and scared that burglar off who was later caught smartest move the burglar made on the day of dumb decisions getting out of there before tip was released from his leash this is the dog every kid wants didn't all kids wish they wouldn't be scolded by their parents when this kid's parents chastise her the dog steps in oh no you don't don't wag that finger at her not only does this dog stop the scolding but he gives reassuring hugs of comfort you're okay now i'm here i won't let them ground you 18 month old bryson was playing in the yard when suddenly shiloh the dog bolted towards him a copperhead snake was in the grass and shiloh grabbed that thing and tossed it away like yesterday's trash like jumping in front of someone to take a bullet shiloh took the bite from the snake he got some swelling but ultimately was okay if it were bryson who got bit he may not have made it now shiloh's got a free belly rubs for life card as he was closing his shop a mugger ran in and attacked him as the two fought the store owner's hairy security guard ran out and really earned those 15 bones an hour biting the mugger's leg and sending him fleeing into the night time for a raise huh what do you do when one of the most venomous snakes in the world is about to enter your house you go back in time get a loyal pup like this one and rest easy this dog stops this snake from getting into the house and saves his owner from potentially getting bit there's a time travel mission that worked perfectly this little girl thought she could retrieve her ball from the river by herself her dog gentleman that he is couldn't allow this young woman to do this herself that's the gentleman's code plus she could have been injured he pulled her to safety and grabbed the ball for dang he does everything does he open doors for her too all right all right whether it's deep water or shallow water dogs know that water can be dangerous maybe even better than watching jackie chan disarm chris tucker in rush hour is watching this guy think he can just come in and rob the store at gunpoint and then out of nowhere comes this hero dog and disarms him and then like a buddy cop movie dog and store owner chase the would-be robber out of the store roll credits cue blooper reel air buds already a thing how about a football playing dog what the heck is going on here these armed men showed up and were ready to rob this man maybe even hurt him and then number 54 from the home team is let loose tackling this guy to the ground naturally the two attackers bolt out of there fearful one of these two dogs may be looking to notch another tackle in their stat sheet watch as this woman walks along the street and someone tries to mug her but she's lucky there's either a good samaritan stray dog nearby or perhaps he's part of the neighborhood watch either way he's not about to let this crime occur on his watch the dog attacks the man stops the crime and even checks back on the woman to ensure she's all right maybe this baby isn't in true peril but it's good to know that if she ever was she's got two giant dogs watching over her if she's ever in her crib and yells help because she wants giant fluffy cuddles immediately her big dog will come to the rescue and jump into her crib with her quick this baby needs 150 cc's of snuggles stat this family's neighbor's home caught on fire and began spreading to their home unbeknownst to them their dog sasha became aware loudly barking and running into their baby's room the mother followed her and then noticed the fire by this point sasha was already grabbing their baby by the diaper and dragging her to safety like they say where there's smoke there's sasha all right this wasn't a corn maze just a cornfield but people still get lost in them people like little two-year-old mason who got lost for three hours luckily both his english springer spaniels stayed with him barking alerting searchers to their whereabouts had bella grace and maddie not stayed with him for protection and to call to searchers who knows when and if they would have found mason this dog reminds me of adam sandler and the water boy admittedly he's a lot better trained watch this reenactment of a baby wandering off just slightly just enough for a kidnapper to pursue and then watch the water dog tap into his inner sandler and boom that's tackling fuel right there when little peyton wandered off he got lost for hours 911 was called searchers deployed it was a scary situation but this family's border collie ashpooh was also missing this whole time missing for real not really just staying with payton to protect them ashpoo located the searchers barked and ran off leading them to payton ashpoo wondered what took these searchers so long to find them might be time for an ash poo search class what do you have included in your pregnancy plan mapped out routes to hospitals breathing exercises protection dog the usual right this might become the newest fad for parents to be a dog that will not let anyone touch the pregnant woman's belly pregnant women must grow tired of that anyway it's true heroes come in all sizes big dogs small dogs if you put something near their little kid be your hand or some weird toy they cannot allow that and you'll experience the wrath of either a full body tackle or a bite from half inch teeth don't come at these little kids if you aren't ready for the consequences see you next time
Views: 7,727,939
Rating: 4.8846917 out of 5
Keywords: random acts of kindness, faith in humanity restored, good people, acts of kindness, faith in humanity, real life heroes, rescue people, helping people, guard dogs, dogs protecting babies, german shepherd, best dogs, loyal dog, dog training, caught on camera, dogs protect owners compilation, dogs protecting children, dog protecting baby, dog protecting owner, protection dogs, loyal dogs videos, loyal dog breeds, loyal dog tiktok
Id: S_ICvlV9-Bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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