Relationship by Dr. Walter Pearson

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arrives have seen so many of the thick arise have seen so many other people and yet there is a longing in our hearts to see Jesus father tonight we have come not because of a personality not because of the musing because of friends but because we believe that seeing Jesus will make a change in our lives there are so many people who are here tonight with longings in their hearts because they recognize that as close as they're bidding to Jesus they have never ever in their lives been close enough so to make them open our minds I put all that I have and all that I am into your hands my life and I ask that she sent me aside and let Jesus be see this is my prayer in the name of Jesus let everyone say Amen tonight they come talking about relationships it's definitely let's say that for the music tonight now those server that praise team I kind of like of what do you say they're gonna sing that song every night and by the time you leave here you gonna be able to sing that song with them some of you see it so well that people in the clean you out to know that you ought to be a star somewhere but anyway that's the song my friends pay up at Jimmy Rose have come all the way from Tennessee how many of you know how far Tennessee is from from Toronto a little long long long way but these are my dear friends who have been ministering in music and in many other ways for so many is Pavan Jimmy I know you love me now because if you drive a little way from to the sea to help the preach out Tennessee now let me tell you why you need to pray a little bit extra tonight I will tell you this some of you have seen me on television and you may think that people who are on television somehow get caught up in themselves I do not it is a good that comes out of my mouth comes out because of Jesus I'll tell you that from the beginning God deserves all the glory and all the credit for any good thing that ever I don't take credit for one thing but to make a little special prayer in his wife the devil got so disturbed about this meeting that he began to do some amazing thing my wife and I went out to catch the plane yesterday to come to Toronto some of you have been watching The Weather Channel know that there has been a weather system that spent right along the top of United States or a few days now we stood in the back stood in line the time for the plane to take off Cayman wick and we stood there for three more hours and guess what they say the plane can't leave I said well how about the next plane they said that's cancer I said about the plane in the morning they said basket how about the plane tomorrow afternoon Destin's I said well when can you get me to Toronto they said we can probably get you 10 o'clock on Saturday [Music] and there's only one way we're gonna get that we call the trains they said take my 24 hours 23 22 in today and so we got in the car last night about 9 o'clock and started trying [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] because this is your strategy and we tell you what to do right young men you are really strange because we don't ask for help until it's too late you find your old lady you marry her and when things go that's when you come to me how can I get out of this and what I got to tell you is you can when you get in you want to be careful because God does not like divorce [Music] you get married it's not going in a revolving door it's a time commitment so before you say thank you you want to be sure you can't so that's what the minute I've got something to tell you today and did the marriage rule you can't say a word because you're in here with your husband or your wife you're gonna have to be really quiet now while I'm talking about me because if you say what word your spouse is going to think that something's wrong in the marriage but there are a lot of married people who secretly sneak to the pastor [Music] and watch this the ladies say things like this he is not the man I thought he was he put on before we got married and now he's changed completely he's not the way he was and the ladies you know that that's things that they've got to bring up as issues the brands are not kind of strained when they come they say I was not excited anymore she doesn't excite me thought let me tell you something where in the world that we learn that marriage is about keeping you back but people watch television and think that that's what it's about tonight I wanna burst some bubbles with the back can I be anybody say Amen turn first with me to Philippians the book of Philippians chapter 4 and verse 19 they've got me man to man I cannot find Bible text with one hand I can but it takes to find my Bible text I got a Bible Munich's not expensive expensive Bibles I'm not glutes we'll find in text all of you out there we paid all that wonderful with that onion scary people you can never fire the ticks by the fact time you find that I'll make three more texts away but I've got nice inexpensive there are [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the only person walking around like you know how to do come on and you can get away with it because there's a scarcity of men so you may not be all that good-looking - the only thing left [Applause] [Music] I'm sorry rather that's just the truth [Music] but let me tell you something you say that some woman out there can make your life sizzle see you put you in ecstasy and you stay up there and then when you get married you know for a few days there is ecstasy that they have discovered that when two people first meet there are all kinds of things that happen in your brain you get so excited when you think you've found the right person you hear birds singing you see the Sun brighter than it ever was you see the night's more sparkling the moon gets prettier the cause sounds better the colors look brighter that is something that can be treasured and until you find something that is meaningful that usually wears off right after the honeymoon and you're sitting across the table with no food doing that can wear that off very quickly but those who have found in themselves and between themselves the qualities that Jesus puts there the young people sing a song that Jesus loves the Jesus in me and the Jesus in me loves the Jesus in you the best way to make a relationship plans is to find somebody who loves Jesus come on that should've got a better response let me be very straight with you until you find somebody who loves God they can never know how to love because the Bible says that God is so you can like you're in love you can't pretend that you're in love in fact let me be delicate with this you can even try to make love I'm waiting for you but without God you love because God is and brother let me tell you something if a woman does not love God and it's not faithful to him she will never be faithful to you as soon as you leave her work you'll have that funny feeling in the back of you sister if he's not faithful to God you'll never be faithful to you if God can't trust me you can't either so God must be the guarantor I travel around the world you've heard that and sometimes places where people make office and they say you know if you would get into this business with me well I'll get an in business with you because I don't know who you are and they'll say well I've got a friend who knows you and knows me and that person knows me so well it knows you so well that they can meet the character between us and sounds good thank God I haven't gotten into too many of those but it works if God is your capital if God knows the man and God knows the woman then God can bring them together with the power that can make it stick but God must be the one if you believe that can I even say man turn with me if you will to solve 37 and first fall Psalms 37 in verse 4 you probably reading these differently than you've written before but that's what we're gonna do we're gonna get almost ripped and see if it doesn't make sense in the new way Psalm 37 and verse 4 and I gotta get my two hands it doesn't work going too slowly here the Bible says to myself also in the Lord and he shall [Music] another you would be your desires come from the Lord your desires are found in him with you have found Jesus you can get together with somebody actions found Jesus and you can have the greatest joy that your life has ever experienced but the joys the desires the needs of not filled by human beings we must to the God satisfied the things that we need if you believe that can save it so let's get away from this belief that somebody can make you happy like kind of a test maybe them and if you don't make me happy I'll get tired of you find somebody else when the fact is that nobody can make you anything the happiness that you desire must come from Jesus the Bible says in Matthew chapter 6 and verse 33 some of you know that when by matthew chapter 6 and verse 33 go ahead but seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added now the Bible says seek first the kingdom and all of these things did not say the right man the right woman everything the kingdom so you've been doing it wrong I told you already well [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you've already because it is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] because you can't satisfy the sisters anyway someone want you to be rough [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and it's because Jesus will to your seek the kingdom of heaven first so you understand them the Apostle Paul talks in 1st Corinthians chapter 7 about the gift of singleness and I'm going to be well I need to read this one because some of the single are amazing [Music] we'll have fun but the Bible is a two-edged sword it comes every now and then amen here's what the Bible says in first Corinthians 7 verse 7 that all men were even as mice I myself but every man have this proper gift of God one after this manner and one after that now if you go to the 1st Corinthians chapter 7 I read the next few verses it says I say therefore to the unmarried and widows it is good for them if they abide even as I that was Paul when they were singing but if they cannot contain let them marry for it is better to marry than to burn you've got quite the scholarship to that text they are split in their opinion one group of scholars says it is better to marry than to burn with this if you know you have a desire that needs to be satisfied in that particular area of your life you do not have the gift of singleness are we together but you might give you to quiet there's something wrong am i coming too close to your existence some people need to be there now what this text is simply saying is that you can have it both ways you can have the gift of singleness and the gift of marriage too there are some people who do not want to commit to a marriage but they want to have all ugly auspices of manner so there isn't from one situation to another and create many marriages that's what you gotta have then it's better to marry than to burn the other scholars saying it's better to marry than to burn in Hades after you have turned your life inside out but you've gotta decide whether you are a person who needs to be married or whether you are a person who needs to be seen are we together the Bible says so in fact let me have one more text to it then you can stop being nervous I can tell that you are then let me add to look at verse 34 in that same chapter it says this there is a difference also between a wife and a virgin the unmarried woman careth for the things of Lord that she may be holy both in body and the spirit but she that is married careth for the things of the world how she may please her husband the Bible says that there are some people that this was written a long time ago or else it will be jinda there something who do not have to give the merit they have the gift of singleness it is a blessing for them because they can get their attention to the things of the Lord if that's what gift you have remember that the reason why you have to give is so that you can give attention to the things of the Lord you are not saved that you can dip into everybody else's merit that's your attention now now you know there are some people you can't have around when you are married but that is not according to God's Word you've got to determine which is your gift Matthew chapter 19 at verse 10 Matthew chapter 19 and verse 10 and single focal blacks look back off of you but you know you always say in fact I preached all around the clock so you don't have to say anything about single people well that date tonight didn't matter I don't know whether you enjoyed all of it but it's the truth anyhow Matthew chapter 19 verse 10 his disciples said to him if the case of the man be so with his wife it is not good to matter there are some people even according to the world order who are not good candidates for managers and people need to decide whether you'll give it as a gift of singleness or gift of marriage and once you have decided that you know how to conduct yourself this is what the Bible says to simple people now that they talk about married people for a moment and I told you that you've got to be quiet this may be one of the quietest times in the sermon unless the signal folk or save and for you they may want to do that but there are some people who have gotten married thinking that being married to somebody would answer all of your names it does not your needs are answered in Christ however there are some things that is intended to be number one now it's ought to take away your loneliness amen some terrible thing to be married and still oh well I'm never will be quiet that it won't be that quiet but there it is Genesis chapter 2 Genesis chapter 2 and let's see what the original plan was Genesis chapter 2 and verse 18 and the Lord God said it is not good that the man should be alone come on brethren you ought to say man to that product a man have a hard time being alone man can't find anything on brother grow up with your mom knowing where that they love you don't know where the forks up don't know whether the towels are you don't know anything about a woman to be the administrator of your life for all that time and so you can't be signaled because you've gotta have somebody find stuff so you go get married so somebody can find stuff for you that is not a good basis upon which to build a marriage can somebody say something [Music] [Music] marriage is just a theological institution should be happy together when I can look in a car in front of me ever stop like and the way that I can tell whether these two people are married or not is that if they are leaving close together hugging on each other while they're waiting for the light to change so let me ask are they married on that you see the me now if they stopped at the stop light and the husband is pressed on his door holding a stereo and the wife is pressed on my door are they married or not [Music] I read about Isaac and Rebecca when Isaac finally had gotten to the land where he was traveling and he had told the king that he and his wife would ruther and sister but as time went by Isaac had to come along here in the kingdom we told this story that's not true you are my sister in Christ but then that really was sister let's get together and the Bible says that one day the King looked out the window and saw Isaac with his wife is there wait a minute his folks on that brother and sister they look too happy together and the Bible does not suggest that anything was going on in public that should not have been going on it was just that they were so happy together that the keys these people are not brother and sister they are husband and wife they were married because they seemed happy together we look at television and television as may us give you something off the top of my head [Music] because everybody is not matter the people who are happy together on television on television when you see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this place who wrote the rules that say when you're dating you can be all honey but then when you get married and she looks like she agrees good [Music] so you Dave I dare you brother I dare you before you go home tonight stop by one of those little places that she used to stuff I pick up a little sweet sunset or if she doesn't want to have something sweet this he's on our eternal diet surprise her tomorrow with a little sweet card and put it in the bedroom where she can find it it will shut her up then she won't she'll think somebody broke him out but you ought to live joyfully with the way is anybody was saying man am i preaching the truth someone leave trifle sister I came to do some of those things you used to do remember that little thing used to wear [Applause] it's all in your mind I don't know what you used to wear [Applause] [Music] love each other have to make the decision as they are now thinking that if you want to be happy the only way to be happy is to just sneak out with somebody and do it illegally the Bible says it ought not be so well I've gotta close yourself cuz I want to be back tomorrow night but I'll tell you this the thing that disturbs me most about marriages today is not how they begin well we take that back what you begin well ends with the fact is that marriages are not traditional always but me to be men of integrity Bible says that a man on a take care of it's possible a man who does not take care of his household is worse than anything I'm getting a little disturbed that men who want to be married but they don't want a job brother if you are big and bad enough to ask for her hand in marriage you should put your hand to labor I am disturbed that so shootings that are coming now when people think that all you've got to do is show up with pants on and that makes you a man and sister let me talk to you for a minute discern our people in sync that when you get married all you have to do is sit there and vegetated just wait on your man to bring joy and happiness and money and everything if you are in a traditional marriage you ought to be taking care of your home the Bible says in Proverbs that you are be a woman who is wired with the time you are not wake up in the morning and then go back to sleep that you ought to be busy making your home a beautiful place but if you're not a traditional marriage if you're in the contemporary marriage then you probably have a job and the fact is to make a marriage at the turns of the first group of seven back there and look at verse three first Corinthians chapter seven verse 20 is chapter 7 and verse 3 let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence and likewise also the wife unto the husband due benevolence maintenance it's time for some civility to come back into relationships you can't move your spouse with beauty and joy and then when you get them treatment like they are no longer important in your life the same sweet things that you said before or to get even better after you marry because now that person is born of your own and flesh of your flesh we ought to have more stability more kindness the Bible says that ought to happen mutually you can't live your life in a Jerry Springer world and think that you're gonna somehow mysteriously have the love that Jesus talks about in fact let me take this moment to announce to you before the next few nights that we are together in this building I'd like to invite you to bring your friends I'd like to invite you to bring your loved ones because I think it's for somebody to stand up and do it God's Way I read the other day a statement that said everybody has come out of the closet except Chris think about it you look at television to people with all kinds of aberrant behavior I just want to come out tell everybody this is no problem and you sit there crazy enough to look at you talk about the show but you look at this is a shame they're all the people in the plaza of Christmas we're ashamed to tell people that we love Jesus we're ashamed to let them know that we do not live like everybody else lives I tell you this that if you're not ready to stand up and be counted in the name of Christ then you will be uncomfortable here because I think it's time for those who believe in Christ and become in a relationship let's look at what God intends for to happen God divorce mutual love and respect possessions and this is what Jesus has to say Ephesians chapter five and verse 31 Ephesians chapter five and verse 31 I believe I can do it with that text and closes tonight they've got a big clock out there in front of me aren't you happy and let's be no wimps time building for this cause verse 31 shall a man leave his father and mother and shall be joined unto his wife and they two shall be one flesh let me share with you what I believe God wants us to see as a model to me if you could subtract the television model from your money Jesus says the church the church to be God's children to be brothers and sisters of Christ we are the church and the Bible says that the church is the Bride of Christ Jesus gave himself for us as the church Jesus loves us he does when he discovers our brothers but instead his love draws the best from us and makes us what we ought to be in order to be a fifth breath if husbands and wives if people who claim they're in love could take away the television images and remember how Jesus treats his bride relationships would change Easter tonight I believe that Jesus is about to come back for his bride the Bible says this is John speaking now he says I saw the city new jerusalem abdullah azzam ready for the fact is that this momentous power in Earth's history is a time when Jesus is about to come back to take his wife and we would think about relationships in that fact and if we were grimbor tonight that Jesus is about to come back for the bride and the bride is all of us together not only would it tell us that we ought to live right and enjoy marriage but will to live right so that we can be ready for the day when Jesus comes I travel around this world enough to know that Jesus coming cannot be funny there are too many things that are going to wrong for this earth to keep on like it's going Jesus is about to come when the bridegroom appears the bride must be ready I want to be in that number how about you I want to be in a relationship that reflects the love of Christ how about you no matter what your relationship tonight if you receive a parent and you want to have the relationship with your children that Jesus can be proud of if you are single without children but you want to be the kind of example that you want to be if you are a single person looking for a baby but you want to find the one Jesus has for you if you're a magic person who wants your marriage to reflect the relationship between Jesus and his church to reflect Christ would you just stand where you are as we pray before we leave tonight we'd like to pray tonight for relationships Father in Heaven search this long joy there are husbands and wives tonight who've lost their love but in the very moment why we pray you can help them to remember why they fell in love in the first place you can help them remember the attributes that to recap the love in someone's marriage there is someone tonight looking for the father God does not change so to make the meet for someone who is looking for a Christian meant father do that to show them your power hit them the patience to wait give them the ability to reflect your love and as they do that you search you look you bring them together there's a single parent here tonight a single mother doesn't seem to have anybody to help her but but Jesus is there and so father I beg of you to give her the ingenuity and the creativity to be a good parent all alone there's some gentleman here tonight who must rear his children by himself give to him the wisdom that he must have in order to be a then father there are people to make who seem to have no whole they've lost faith in love they don't believe that the real love exists they have given up on a relationship father tonight touch them help them to know that God is love and if God is in the heart then people who have find not in society but in Jesus this is our prayer in the name of Jesus let everyone say now until tomorrow night may God hear you when you call may God lift you if you fall may God bless you as you stand may God hold you in the palm of his hand good night and God bless you [Music] you [Music]
Channel: South Caribbean Media
Views: 14,886
Rating: 4.7319589 out of 5
Keywords: SDA, Seventh Day Adventist, Sermon, Christian, Relationship, Relationship Advice
Id: rKFim09pUC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 45sec (3105 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2018
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