HANGAR 18 🎬 Remastered Classic Full Action-Sci-Fi Movie 🎬 English HD 2020

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[Music] so [Music] 10 minutes to launch all right guys listen up for a minute we've got an important call coming through for you roger flight good evening nasa this is the president i know you're busy but mrs tyler and i wanted to take a moment to wish you the best of luck in launching the first satellite from our space shuttle this is a real feather in the cap of america's space program also i want to pass along a special hello from my son bobby to nasa astronaut stephen bancroft and lou price and to air force colonel john gates all of us in the white house wish you well uh listen congress has been after me to hold down the budget so i better keep this short after all it is long distance so good night and godspeed all right thank you mr president let's get back to work now we've got a satellite to launch seven minutes to launch i'm getting a red light from the satellite colonel's no i don't that satellite's got to be launched on time six minutes to launch i wonder what that satellite's going to do probably flush all the toilets in moscow what was that it's coming from the shuttle what's going on up there i don't know uh i think uh the colonel's looking for a parachute airlock pressure is equalized and the light is green i'm closing the airlock flight and stepping into the cargo bay five minutes to launch uh standby for satellite launch positioning we're proceeding with the countdown steve man the launch arm controls here goes roger capcom roger capcom she's locked in i'm getting an affirmative reading now i'm going to stay in the cargo bay steve in case this thing goes haywire again there it is again what is it unless a meteor can make a u-turn colonel gates will maintain eva position three minutes to launch okay steve go ahead and connect the extension arm to the satellite how does it look to you colonel smooth so far steve i'll keep you posted roger fly roger orbiter we're picking up something pretty wild on radar do you read it bob we see it right there captain call no read [Music] two minutes are you sure this is working right let's check on the b mode no no we're getting it there too i'll keep checking it i'm ready to lock in the remote arm looks good from here steve go ahead connection is verified take it away roger capcom here we go how's it looking colonel she's lifting out nicely and on her way up one minute to launch she's at the [Music] t-minus according to the radar 26. that thing is right over us [Music] all right has it too you're trying to get a fix in the speed [Music] i don't know steve lou come here come here come in roger what happened whatever that thing was the satellite that exploded [Music] steve [Music] lord why is it steve it's gates gates we lost he's dead what happened how i guess some debris from that satellite must have hit him [Music] his helmet was torn off come on people we still have two men to bring home safely shuttle we have 20 seconds to loss of signals we'll make re-entry over the indian ocean station do you copy [Music] the speed has been constant it has to be a control craft it's in u.s airspace and coming down we better alert air command this is a scramble air search alpha and bravo this is a scrap this is a scrap air search outlet bravo this is a scramble [Music] air search units there is an object coming down in sector 12 trajectory [Music] [Music] y'all [Music] [Music] [Music] wait a minute look there's something over there [Music] well what do you see lights in a circular pattern [Music] well what's it look like just lights no markings no visible sign of life not outside general what should we do [Music] sequence [Music] [Music] switches sure checklist has been confirmed all systems arming circuit now have you called washington better call into the white house gordon kane the president's chief of staff this information should go directly to the president oh yeah yeah what do you want with me i want you to go there harry set up a team check it out top to bottom inside and out flight we are setting up for re-entry attitude [Music] degrees looking fine stand by for reality [Music] roger [Music] hello general i hate to bother you at this hour what can i do for you i have some information that should go to the president immediately what is it well we believe we have an alien spacecraft in our possession i don't want to talk about this any further on the telephone meet me at the white house when you get to washington yes sir orbiter we have you on our videos [Music] ready for the gear [Music] roger feels real steady 200 90 knots [Music] and they're down [Music] hey i'm sorry about what happened up there blindfolded right look bill we want to talk to colonel gates family no you haven't got time to air force who cares about the airport come on okay take it up to harry when you get to houston you got a plane to catch all right hold it stop the car it's right here it's right over that rise [Music] well sam it was here it was right here sure it was i saw it steve saw it gate song i know i know and i saw it then why don't we look at the telemetry tapes because we already know what's on it it's not necessary it's it's it's all going to come out in the report now that's all you have to know for now everything's going to be all right harry just trust me okay okay that's better so what you're saying to me general is that we have a flying saucer in our possession yes sir now it's too fantastic even to consider yes but it's there investigation team what is it mostly nasa people yes they know all about the satellite everything that happened up there there's no way to keep them out of it besides it's their field i thought it was best to move fast on this no it's fine obviously they were the right people to bring in but this is still all speculation i mean until we get inside that thing who can guess what the hell it is whatever it is we've got one what facility was it moved to an air force base in texas hangar 18. nasa took it over a few years ago and converted it into a manned lunar flight receiving station what did it work it's got everything we need decontamination chambers got computer facilities it's got biological labs who's handling security ordinarily nasa would i ordered air force personnel in last night good all right it'll take a lot to set up you'll need a briefing procedure the side department of defense will want c.i.a to get full reports of course okay i can make those contacts get things set up at this end somebody's going to have to talk to the press yeah that's right it's the first time a u.s astronaut has died in space the papers will be crawling all over the story now wait a minute we're getting into a problem area here the election is only two weeks away you both read the harris poll this morning it's too close to call could go either direction so what's that got to do with our situation well what we don't need right now is a lot of inconclusive speculation and wild rumors floating around washington what they find in that hangar may have a crucial effect on our space program maybe even our defense gordon you are suggesting that we back off this thing all right no no of course now we've got to continue the investigation check it out thoroughly find out everything we can we must proceed very very carefully duncan tyler's the best president this country has had in a long long time and i don't want to blow this election because of rumor or panic we've got to keep this thing under wraps for two weeks just until the election is over two weeks are you sure that's the right approach do you remember when senator stalin said publicly that he saw a ufo and the president went after him on it he asked the country would you feel safe electing a man president who said he believed in flying saucers and next week starter dropped seven points in the polls it was a joke some joke yeah i mean you know what it would do to his chances for reelection if the public found out that we had an alien spacecraft parked at a nasa facility now you've heard started speeches you know what he would do to the defense budget do you know what it would mean to this country if that man was elected just what are you asking gordon keep the lid on hangar 18. well they're living quarters right there in the hangar any communication in or out has to go through my office what about the shuttle crew bankroll the price yeah they saw the satellite hit the ufo they're going to want to talk about that they could create some problems then the best thing we can do is to take the initiative be prepared to discredit their reports oh come on frank is that necessary it would only be for two weeks then we could clear things up take them off the hook officially maybe if we talked with them brought them into this thing no i don't think so it'll just create more security leaks down the line it's best for them to not know any more than they already do i think you ought to keep an eye on both of them though right gentlemen we're in agreement then all we need is two weeks [Music] yeah steve this is flomatsum and public information oh yeah yeah steve have you seen the morning paper no why well take a look at it then you and lord better get over here what the hell is this how can they blame us i tried to find out where the story came from but there's no byline a newspaper wouldn't tell me a thing i just don't get it who'd float a story like that the air force honey why to cover themselves but this is stupid i'll never get away with it but they're saying that you guys are responsible for wrecking a satellite and killing a man whoa we didn't do anything the satellite hit something and we can prove it eight seconds to launch here we go seven six five where is it four three where's the blip of that thing we saw there's the explosion but that's it either we imagine this whole thing lou well the blip of the ufo's been erased let's go talk to harry harry we just took where's harry he's been reassigned where did he go i don't know it's classified top secret when's he coming back i don't know that either [Music] let it pass [Music] [Music] hey phillip harry this is a lunar receiving lab i don't let the outside fool you phil that's just for security come on let's have a look i'd heard all those crazy stories about ufos like everybody else and didn't believe him well it's not something that most people want to believe in is there any exterior damage oh none we think it was a controlled landing it means someone brought it in and that someone is still inside there well we'll know more when the others arrive oh well aside from the nasa technicians and engineers there's uh neil kelso linguist for translations yeah the very best and uh sarah michaels and paul bannister two doctors just in case i wonder what they're like second thought i'm not sure i want to know i do [Music] you know buddy they hang this thing on us we're through and i don't just mean with nasa we won't be able to get a part-time job playing a kite i mean harry said we were in the clear yeah i wonder if harry knew about those doctor telemetry tapes man i don't know all i know is that we're being made to fall guys in this thing and i don't like it it's scary maybe it's time to go to the newspapers with a story what story lou we don't have a story we claim the satellite hit a ufo you know what the air force is gonna do drag out that fake telemetry and we're gonna look like idiots case closed you're real encouraging what do you want wasn't crown mountain one of the stations that monitored us should have been they always do oh they're pretty remote i wonder if they still have the telemetry and it hasn't been fooled around with yet it's worth a shot yeah i got a friend that's crown mountain too george turner well why don't you introduce me okay i don't know if he's your type though he's a lot shorter and allows you to answer [Music] we'll live and work right here until we're ready to finish our report neal you uh mentioned talking to your wife it was a red telephone down in the conference room with the direct line of general morrison's office that is our only contact with the outside world i'm afraid it's so restrictive harry isn't it well it meant to be sarah and i know how difficult it's going to be for you and paul working together in the hospital but until we fully understand what it is that we're dealing with out there then we simply have got to keep this this whole project completely under wraps i assume you've all read through the procedural breakdown and uh acquainted yourself with the facility so if they're no more questions we've got a lot of work ahead of us sarah and neil you'll be in the observation booth well i got a surprise for you you're coming with us infrared monitors will also scan the forbes [Music] monitoring all states [Music] [Music] do [Music] question how do we open it another question do we want to the magnetometer readings are rising [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well [Music] we're going in [Music] [Music] [Music] what do you think engine room [Music] all right [Music] so uh so pressure suit [Music] must be another deck yeah but how do we get up to it [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] that's your orbiter yeah time 12 seconds to launch 11 10 9. there it is and there it goes george can we have this taper a copy this is a department of defense operations you guys couldn't get out of here with a coffee cup but george now look guys i just did this as a favor if the brass knew i even let you in here i could lose my job all right could you at least project where that thing came down sure this will pinpoint the location based on trajectory readings it'll compute the area of impact and then focus on it right there bannon county arizona thanks george oh you have a life all you wanted but i know what i've seen sure sam sure what do you know his name's tate mm-hmm how many men you got down there two they went down immediately to check out the crash site and secure it that's how they ran into this guy well how much trouble is he going to be i know he's talking but is anybody listening not really but that isn't the problem bancroft and price are on their way to bannon county oh well that's not good the crash site's been cleaned up but i sure wouldn't want them running into this tank guy his story would confirm what they saw well what is he what does he do construction work i'm mostly unemployed right now with a lot of federal projects down there get him something get him a job right oh and uh bancroft and price keep me briefed on what they're up to of course looks okay harry all my indicator lights are green all right sarah get a couple of gurneys in here on the double that's it boys careful be careful he's real heavy quick let's get him into the land well [Music] [Music] is she still alive barely she's in a deep coma she has very weak vital signs she needs the kind of medical help that we can't give her here she should be in a hospital all right i'll take care of it get me gordon kane at the white house uh yeah phil i want you to get a crew to go over the outside of that ship with a fine-tooth comb see if i can find any damage we may have missed i don't care if they have to use a microscope i don't care how small the damage is even a pinhole i have got to find out whether those men were dead or alive when the ship went and i got to find out oh phil there's a couple of glass beakers or vials broken down the lower deck have those analyzed too will you and i saw what looked like a library in there kelsey check it out yeah sure thing here are those preliminary reports you asked for [Music] well what do you think i sure didn't get this equipment at radio shack close it up let's try the other one [Music] what's going on what's happening i don't know i just pulled the panel over there and everything went haywire well watch what you're doing if we're going to find out anything here we can't keep our hands in our pockets we've got to do something well be careful [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah she's still alive just barely where is she now in a hospital private clinic they're keeping her under close observation we've got a group of computer staff people running a trace trying to get some kind of id on her i don't like it there are too many outside people involved we got too many loose ends don't worry we're keeping very tight security the campaign is going well things are running smoothly we've got to keep this thing bottled up you understand look gordon i'll take care of it [Music] so phil's right we've got to find out what makes this thing tick everybody okay everybody all right look at this i threw it like butter [Music] howdy how you doing we need a place to tie down for a while just leave it set right there it's ten a day ah say you wouldn't happen to have a uh bar we could rent nope we need some way to get around you know where we could rent something yep where's that from me i thought you said you didn't have a car we could rent don't got a truck you didn't ask me about no truck you asked me about a car ain't got no car a truck will be fine it's around the side of the hangar keys are in it's 20 a day of course you buy your own gas i ain't no millionaire by any chance have you heard anything about a crash that happened in this area a couple of days ago trash you must be talking about that crazy story sam tate's been telling dragged the sheriff out there and everything said he saw a flying saucer come down you know like like on the tv uh where was this shoot i don't know you better ask the sheriff you know it's it's the desert air that does it does what dries out your brain juice so you can't think straight no more happens everybody out here you know i think we better talk to the sheriff thanks [Music] do uh current trouble in the middle east america's military strength has substantially decreased despite the brisk weekend weather the streets of new york were bustling with activity but we expect snow by early next week the gasoline shortage has not greatly affected the transit systems in montreal or san francisco apparently they've been recording our broadcasts so when you they must have been monitoring them this announcement paid for by the committee to re-elect president duncan harry what is that i don't know i had it at the beginning too i've seen it before i'm sure i know it's here somewhere right here what is it this is a symbol for the earth what makes you say that because it was on that film or tape or whatever it was we saw and it reminds me something else i'm gonna check with research so we went out there and take a look around and found just about what i have expected to find nothing sam deliberately lies just the way he is you have to take and believe him he even called washington made at least five phone calls to herb pope or herbs our local congressman tell him about it sheriff where can we find tate don't know well that's the other thing about sam he's just a drifter comes and goes ambles off to work somewhere and comes back and nests necessarily has to go out and find a job again so you think he might have left him well he ain't around so guess so autographs well it ain't every day a couple of live astronauts pass through this town ain't for me for my wife who shall i make it out to dwayne [Music] [Music] barlow say just under the ridge [Music] steve what [Music] somebody's trying to hide something let's see how big [Music] look at this heat of a blast furnace to fuse these rocks together yeah [Music] they found something this rock could be just the thing we need to prove what we saw you know that [Music] morning oh hi how you doing what's up this is private property flat butte mining so you're trespassing we're sorry thanks what have you got there it's um it's a rock i found it over there it's for my kid he's got a little collection but we're making an exploratory operation here you're gonna have to leave that uh we're not gonna jump your claim that's what you're worried about and there's no reason not to give it to me is there no i guess not let's get out of here [Music] come on we gotta get that rough back [Music] boy i haven't punched anybody out since high school how's your other hand fine why oh great i think they still want to talk to us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that could have been us you know i don't know about you but i don't want to stick around here try to explain this let's two men have been killed and all you can tell me is it was an accident we can't afford accidents like that we're trying to re-elect the president you realize this could put all of us in jail there's no way any of us can be connected with what happened two men are dead we don't handle things that way this is the white house for christ's sake well bankrupt the price aren't exactly cooperating with us they're the ones who were responsible for what happened out there fine fine well frank i'll just have you explain that to the grand jury and to the senate investigating committee and to the newspapers i'm sure they'll all be very understanding look i know we're operating under complicated conditions but we've got to stay on top of this plateau in mexico now this portion of the markings are identical to the symbols we saw on the ship no one's ever been able to figure out what these zorotica markings mean or who made them or why but they were made hundreds maybe thousands of years ago and they can only be seen from the air amen if this isn't the wildest coincidence then what you're saying is that beings from another world have been here on earth before that's what i'm saying okay go ahead it's a great pyramid of tetanapa yeah now this is bigger than any pyramid in egypt yeah right no one knows who built it or why but here's the best part this pyramid is honeycomb with passageways and there are inscriptions on the walls and here's some drawings up compare these with these you see what i mean they're similar to the spaceship too similar harry for it to have been any coincidence yeah yeah look i think they have the same route developed differently but from the same source yeah yeah so there's the connection this alien symbol is part of this architectural markings then the tetanapa inscription could be the key to the whole translation it's worth a shot ah thanks boss where are you i was just wondering about him who he was what he did where he came from what his life was [Music] like who are we gonna see again his name is mills professor andrew mills he runs a research lab at western tech do you think he can help us well he's a professor we give him the rock and see if he can tell us what mel did it he ran a nasa seminar on astrogeology before you got in the program if anyone can help us he can great sure hope them boys can fly better than they can drive [Music] [Music] well how's it going any luck well one word and 10 makes any sense well let's start i'll check back in a couple of hours see how you doing [Music] hi where's paul he's in the lab what do you got for me we still haven't found out how they died but they didn't suffer any obvious external or internal injuries our lab work may turn up something though do you have any idea when they died i mean before or after the crap no we know why is the time important yes yes yes i want to know if they were dead how they made a controlled landing with that ship what else do you have for me a height six feet one inch weight 200 pounds obviously a biped thumb four fingers five toes and pale blue eyes his heart lungs other organs they're mostly identical to ours physically that is biologically we're gonna have to wait for the lab results one surprising thing though and we have an appendix a tailbone and a herdarian glass behind the eyeball yeah he's got them too and they're useless to us i don't know about him but it's obvious that we've both gone through a parallel evolutionary process it's startling we've run every conceivable test on the exterior we still have no idea what brought it down no id at all no sir nothing no sir keep trying here keep trying anything yes sir uh take that down to the equipment room will you harry can i see you for a minute please yeah sure sure what can i do for you look i'm not a nuclear engineer but my opinion for what it's worth is it this is an end fusion drive fusion what kind of fuel probably hydrogen scooped it up as it went along how could it create temperatures high enough to make a fusion reaction it takes one million degrees as far as we know as far as we know and there's another thing again i'm just guessing but i don't think this thing was capable of interstellar travel this couldn't have generated enough speed where do you think it came from a mothership something bigger and faster than we can imagine here we go oh my god that's it that's it it's a piece of sandstone it's quite common to the region where you found it but was it melted by the heat of the spacecraft then probably but there are several dozen other sources that generate temperatures sufficient to do exactly the same thing what do we got what you got lou is a piece of rock that's been subjected to a great deal of heat and that's all if you want to show that the air force is concealing a flying saucer you've got to have substantial proof or you're just another nut but we saw it what do you think you think we're a couple of nuts no no i believe you but in the last analysis my opinion means nothing i think you witnessed something extraordinary and if what you're suggesting is so then you're talking about the most significant event in the history of mankind but nobody's gonna believe you unless you can prove it well i guess we're just counting on a little more help now how do we prove what we saw all right let's go at it from another angle if the air force does have a ufo on their hands where would they hide it well it'd have to be close to the crash site and someplace secure like a military base there are four or five bases near there yeah but it have to be one with the proper equipment to study it a lunar receiving station hangar 18. let's go find that thing kelso has deciphered the aliens language this is a translation of a document found aboard the uh spacecraft now the translation is very rough and is incomplete but if what we can read is true and there's no reason to doubt that it isn't then all of the previous information that we have had about the origin of mankind and the human race is absolutely false what are you talking about here this is a report of a previous visit of the spaceman to earth this report speaks of the capture the training and the use of certain animals as slaves both male and female the slaves worship them as gods then what they referred to as animals were pre-humans yes report also speaks to the fact that the female slaves found it a great honor to be chosen to live with and to bear the offspring of the gods good lord you see it's no coincidence that the spacemen are almost identical to us it is not sarah a case of two species developing evolving independently of each other those ancient space men altered forever our evolution they are the missing link do you know what you're saying yes we mankind the human race are their children [Music] what we must find out now is why they're monitoring us why they're watching us thank you vicky frank see the latest california pools they break the president's gonna take the site by a landslide great great it's fantastic we got everything buttoned down gonna do all right ten days there's ten more days we keep everything buttoned down for ten more days and we get four more years we don't have any problems right and i told the president everything was under control well everything is under control price and bancroft are running around the desert chasing their tails it's all covered i'm staying on top of it every minute good i'm counting on you this is lafferty this is wilson go ahead bancroft and price have just filed a flight plan for midland texas midland that's 50 miles from hangar 18. [ __ ] how did they find out i don't know sir when they left mill's office they went directly to the airport ah damn it it's up to you to keep them from getting to that hangar is that clear yes sir wilson this is in your hands i understand [Music] why'd it take you so long to rent this thing oh the guy said something about washing the car no wonder they're number two still dirty [Music] hey slow down a little will you i'm trying to there's something wrong with the brakes old buddy the brakes are gone so is the [Music] emergency [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] god [Music] let's go you okay yeah fine but these seat covers are ruined [Music] [Music] now what inside [Music] [Music] they're still coming lou [Music] you know if this thing takes a bullet not gonna have the gas shortage or us pal [Music] what are you doing trust me what do you mean trust you get in here lou are you crazy get in here get back in here [Music] ah [Music] what the hell is he doing jesus christ stop him [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] blue [Music] steve take it easy you're gonna be all right don't worry i'm not going anywhere until we find that somebody call an ambulance i'll do it lou hold on hold on come on hold on [Music] so [Music] i'll find it [Music] take care of it [Music] harry we need you in the lab right away what is what is it harry yes we know how the aliens died they were asphyxiated asphyxiated how these broken glass vials contain chemicals an element similar to potassium cyanide a form of sulfuric acid and several other compounds now when combined together they form a gas a deadly toxin it must have spread throughout the ship you know when we first went aboard our instruments didn't indicate anything dangerous it had dissipated by that however we did find traces of it throughout their bodies in their bloodstream and their lungs and most of their organs the vials were jarred loose and broken probably when the satellite hit oh how ironic they're light years ahead of us in intelligence and yet they were killed because of a stupid accident [Music] this music is it one of the ship's recordings oh no it's a local station i've tamped through to their monitoring system terrific yeah but i still haven't figured out what method they're using to record and store all this stuff magnetic it doesn't appear to be the recordings themselves seem to be on sort of crystalline microchips we interrupt this program to bring you a news bulletin lewis price a nasa space shuttle pilot has been killed in a traffic accident in texas the man who left the scene of the accident has been identified as stephen bancroft a space shuttle commander bankrupt and price have been the target of charges that they were responsible for the death of an air force officer more details i just heard about price myself i have no details you knew a about steve and lou being blamed for gates death yes i did why didn't you tell me because i've been checking it out i've been trying to find out where that story came from i want to see steve bancroft i want to know whether lou's death had anything to do with what they saw up there in space about what we've got here in hangar 18. no no you've got my assurance there is no connection that's not good enough i want to talk to steve bancroft myself no no he's not here in the morning i'm going to walk right out of here and i'm going to hold a press conference and i'm going to tell him things that you don't want to hear nasa is not gonna take the rap on this one you don't understand the whole picture harry morrison i'm telling you if anything happens to steve bancroft i'm holding you personally responsible [Music] lou price and four other men dead how could it have gone this far it was a choice between two bad alternatives need to let them get to hangar 18 to stop them and what are our choices now we should have taken price and bancroft into our confidence like i wanted to do you think forbes is serious about going to the press oh i can guarantee you he's serious you know there's a lot more to this now than salvaging an election a lot of people can be implicated thank you very much general i'm sure we are all aware of our situation you think i enjoy being in the middle of this we've got to start talking about alternatives here considering options some decisions have to be made this problem is not going to go away as long as hangar 18 exists the problem exists what the hell are you saying aren't we in this deep enough already yeah so deep there's no going back if we don't finish what we started it's all over for the president and it's all over for us if we stop now we don't stand any chance at all all right let me hear your thinking on this the airplane crashes every day even at military bases [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] your identification sir one moment sir [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] base security this is sector 10. the subject has just entered building [Music] 43. [Music] take it easy okay that's it [Music] so [Music] hey yeah their power plants defense installations and industrial complexes yeah all right those symbols on the bottom there can you translate those i can try get the terminal up to your room to the computer see what i come up with [Music] um phil get up here i got something [Music] [Music] [Music] steve harry harry what are you doing here to do the base security call base security yeah they they said i'd find you here come on where we will take you back to hangar 18 you'll be safe there come on there she is there it is yeah they they didn't want us to talk about it and there it is blue's been killed you know that i know steve and they've been trying to kill me [Music] we've been set up from the start what the hell's going on harry steve i don't know but we're gonna find out come on harry steve kelso's got a translation get in here right away evacuate your men all right let's move out again punch it in again to make sure i've tried three times harry i keep on getting the same answer these are all designated landing areas oh my god they're coming back [Music] now what harry uh phil get the equipment up here and make a hard copy print out the rest of you were keep checking the dates and [Music] in today's headlines reports continue to flood in about last night's massive explosion at wolf air force base in west texas astronaut stephen bancroft nasa deputy director harry forbes and a small crew of technicians miraculously survived the blast initial accounts indicate they were shielded from the explosion inside what nasa claims to be an alien spacecraft press representatives from around the world have been gathering since early this morning in anticipation of a news conference to be held by mr forbes this afternoon as yet there has been no official statement from the white house [Music] you
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Rating: 4.7316856 out of 5
Keywords: HANGAR 18, action, sci-fi, movies, english, action movies, new action movies, best action movies, sci fi movies, action movies 2020, new sci fi movies 2020, best sci fi movies 2020, action movie, best action movie, sci-fi movies movies 2020, full movies, 2020, new action movies 2020, best action movies 2020, action movies 2020 full movie, action movie 2020, science fiction movies, science fiction, science fiction movie, full movies english, full action movies
Id: zcFa6Ek1nFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 11sec (5831 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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