Alien Trespass | Full Martian Invasion Sci-Fi Movie

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[Music] at cape canaveral another probe into space target the moon a 52-ton multi-stage rocket combining elements of the thor icbm and the vanguard is ready for firing on the planned course the 83-pound pioneer space probe would closely approach the moon and would be swung into orbit by the moon's own gravity the vehicle roars aloft and too steep an angle working more directly against gravity than plan reaching over 23 000 miles an hour it carries to nearly 80 000 miles 30 times as far as ever before the pioneer remains man's most resoundingly successful probe into space at last the truth about flying saucers they're real just as real as santa claus that's what and we've got 10 000 allentown youngsters to back us up they greeted old saint nick as he made his first 1957 appearance santa greets his greeters with gifts and a gala party as is his custom a flying saucer carries lots more christmas cargo than reindeer wear the reindeer wire they're back at the north pole honey but don't you cry santa is still santa christmas is still christmas and kids are still kids right after the minute both in transportation and in dress the first ski birds of the season migrate to the bear mountain inn hopeful of snow there is no snow in new york but that's snow never mind because the emphasis right now is on fashions they're all dressed up for snow and their white stag ensembles for winter sportswear colorful outfits that will light up any festive occasion hollywood california two titans of the movie industry go head to head and no one wins world famous movie star m eric mccormack known affectionately by his fans as merrick has reached an impasse in a contract dispute with his longtime boss louis q goldstone head of goldstone international pictures with production complete on alien trespass rumored to be the greatest science fiction movie ever made it appears a legal showdown will deprive the world of ever seeing it louis q made the announcement at his hollywood studio this week it saddens me deeply to announce that goldstone international is shelving the release of its epic sci-fi picture alien trespass i'm ordering today that all prints and the negative of the film be destroyed merrick seen here in a recent interview with edwin r burrows days before he in goldstone parted ways has described the movie as his best acting work ever tell me about the movie i'll tell you a little because uh goldie would have my you know what and that's the news from around the [Music] world [Music] [Music] [Music] yay [Music] earlier today i met with dr ted lewis he's the director of the bald mountain observatory one big gumdrop welcome dr lewis tonight is the height of the meteor showers the perseid meteor showers is that right right doctor would you please tell our audience exactly what are meteors and where do they come from well they could be the debris from comet tails like the perseids or simply the rocks and dust of worlds that were destroyed long ago destroyed worlds you you mean like our earth well yes but don't worry that's not likely to happen to us anytime soon well that certainly is good news doctor what happens when meteorites don't move [Music] stardust oh dead darling another one you really must see this it's breathtaking wait a minute dear doesn't peak till two in the morning anyway oh ted another [Music] nutmeg i'm the chef around here tonight remember of course you are darling happy anniversary happy anniversary lana [Music] goals ready look good oh ted look at the big bright one okay dick you promised benny please just be reasonable [Music] now look we we couldn't possibly love each other anymore on our honeymoon could we right nice try mr perkins dick look a shooting star quick make a wish so what was your wish well what is it with you guys whoa penny what is that oh it's shaking around like it's crazy oh gosh that's cause it's coming straight at us oh dick it's gonna hit us oh boy hurry jake is getting closer come on piece of what on earth was that ted oh darn i'm trying to reach the observatory but there's no dial tone the crash must have knocked out the lines what was it an asteroid no dear more like an immense meteoroid and right in our own backyard i'm going up there lava this is a once-in-a-lifetime event it's molten iron right won't it be a little too hot up there like 2 700 degrees why don't you let it cool down until morning i'll keep you plenty warm until then since when did you become an expert on meteoroids i learned something in those silly classes of yours remember silly huh yeah now get out there and check on those [Music] stakes marlon i wake up your bag of bones you see that it's a spaceship oh boy a real live honest-to-goodness spaceship from outer space it is i knew it i knew they'd finally show up yeah i told them the fools i knew they were going to come i know it come here boy come here come on [Music] yeah we got a spaceship to get huh [Music] come on come on yeah we're gonna be famous you and me hmm [Music] um [Music] [Music] there it is there it is oh boy [Music] uh greetings space brothers from a distant star welcome to our planet [Music] oh ted out here dear time for your present oh i got it dear the binoculars are wonderful your other present darling [Music] um [Music] um [Music] um [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] no no no ppp is proper police procedure ppd is an unknown doa well i thought that was a ppk no ppk is what you do behind a tree after you see a stiff how'd you pass the exam anyway promised to fix the teacher's parking tickets hey easy on him vern the kid's okay ain't that right bubba huh thank you come again sorry darlene number five number two dry and deadly is that you tammy i'm sorry sam all right so what is it this time huh flat fire sick aunt men from oz what this gotta stop touring i'm sorry sam four five and six are all yours honey pie i'm outta here simone bye boys hey tammy when are you and i going up to the point not a chance vernon why not sweetheart because you're burning officer vernon hey tammy you've been here what three years all that time i've never seen you with a guy what's your point nothing i said what's your point vernon what is the point lloyd hmm well you know what drop it bubble right farm cats did you see that thing wow it blasted right into the beauty it was crazy see it it it almost hit us up at the point it passed right over our heads it was unreal dick if my father finds out we went to the point he'll go ape don't sweat it queenie my lips are zipped so what what do you think it was dicky well we couldn't tell it it was huge not covered with flames hey burns in there maybe the egg sucker knows something let's go see thank you very much i'm gonna call invern hey vern do you hear about that big crash up on the butte it's officer watson to you cockroach you're the police you're supposed to protect us what if it's a secret commie rocket shouldn't you punks be in school vern i just called in something crashed into the butte last night the chief wants us to check it out anybody hurt that's what we're supposed to find out come on let's go whatever you say chief you wrote and stay out of trouble man what a jerk that guy is coolly dicky it's his job to suck eggs so cats what are we gonna do about it do about what the crash the crash we gotta get up there sorry code can freddy's four just got one of the new edsels in richard this is the biggest thing ever to hit this nowhere zilch town and you can't but it's only going to be there from ticky exiles will be around forever this won't come on man just up there and back real quick what could possibly happen well if you want to go that bad to look that pitiful then okay penny you are the queen [Music] see anything none of my rocks anything more rocks close up a plane crash might still be burning right probably sold one of them rockets you got me maybe it is a rocket vern from that test range over in nevada by putting atomic bombs on top of rockets now wouldn't want to get near one of those things all that radiation oh sir radiation yeah i read about it it's a nasty way to go first you get real sick start puking up your guts and then blood and you get hives all over your body it's gross little boils that's enough bars well that's not all vern you know your hair starts to fall out you start bleeding out of your nose and mouth your skin gets all cracked and large then you die vern back up behind those trees okay they're gonna see us no they won't let's just go home penny you chickens go if you want to i'm going up there come on dicky this could be very very cool uh we'll just wait for you here all right clyde dick i'm scared what's wrong penny i don't know what it is come here baby penny there's really nothing to be scared of look we're all alone no we're not oh hold it right there officer barney burn you see that glow that's a meteor for sure got that that's how meters glow there's no crash there's no bodies case closed let's get down get it here uh vern don't you want to check it out do not let's go that's an order dick i saw something in the trees over there what i don't see anything dick let's just go penny cody's still out there dick let's go now you just imagined what is it i don't know penny i don't know oh no not again petty quick roll up your window lock your door [Music] [Music] i think it's gone let's just get out of here penny benny what are you doing here cockroach it's free country officer watson your little nosebleed officer cody a monster we were attacked by a monster yeah a monster yeah we were in my car up in the trees and it had a it had a big eyeball and it tried to kill us with a a thing like a big tentacle thing yeah it was real i swear a monster dicky officer watson you have to believe us you know what i believe i believe your punk pranks have gone too far this time what last summer it was the killer with the hook the year before that it was ghost in the mix please please it's time you learned your lesson get in the car officer get in the car hey watch it you too young lady yeah not so fast watson i i know my rights hey oh i'll get in all these punks in you drive their car okay vern thanks a lot code staring back right really hate that guy [Music] [Music] ted is that you no not a note nothing look at you you are lana and you are a mess you are ted's mate of course i am ted loves lana lana loves tiff hormonal polarity yes i have heard of this phenomenon odd sensation call it what you will do last night was wonderful now go clean up get dressed and come to breakfast you are lana you must assist me really ted you can dress yourself men and if you must go off chasing your meteors in the middle of the night next time you tell me i was worried after death ted what is this pocket-sized binoculars no oh ted i know how to be careful oh you scientists go sit down breakfast is ready ted i'm going to tell you something mother said she said it can happen in a marriage one morning you just wake up and there's a stranger sitting across from you i told her it was utter nonsense no i'm not so sure no ted are you all right what is this oh no oh dear ted you stay right there i'm going to call doctor [Music] donna the line is still out ted you must go lie down what is this called ah salt it's called salt salt this will harm the goater you are lana you must assist me ted stop it you're scaring me ted wants you safe how was breakfast chief oh same old slot anything up uh old man wilson called again screaming about his space man was he drunk of course and the typewriter needs a new ribbon paperwork styles get used to it better you than me in two days i'm retired case closed as officer watson likes to say vern brought in some kids ah making a false report to the police that's a very serious charge mr perkins we were attacked chief dawson we got attacked by a monster mm-hmm that's what it says right here all right attacked by a monster it looked like a big eyeball with a long tentacle thing right it tried to kill us you have to believe me i've never been so scared i'm going to notify your parents no please don't just give us a break willia if i ever see any of you in my office again you'll all need lawyers you dig me mr o'hara mm-hmm get out of here before i change my mind coat sorry about last night's space brothers just a little bird shot no harm done right i'll take you to our leader today i promise i will [Music] what are you doing salt oh it's under there you know why don't you go lie down salt will protect lana you will assist me of course i'll assist you i'll take care of you good we must go you will drive yes of course i'll drive um we'll go see dr miller it's saturday but no no doctor the goater the goato what goda you need to see dr miller i must find the goater before it divides you need to see the doctor ted wants you safe stop saying that i am safe ted is not safe no ted is safe i'm going to get dr miller you will not assist me [Music] lana [Music] lana oh hey toots do me a favor run out to the gunderson farm and pick me up three dozen eggs you got time to get out there and back before the lunch crowd sure sam [Music] [Music] [Applause] dr lewis hello [Music] you are tammy gosh dr lewis i i didn't think you remembered me ted remembers you um uh where are you going that way to the butte can i give you a lift i'm i'm headed that way myself you were going that way oh oh oh well a girl can change her mind can't she yes minds can be changed is something wrong oh gosh gosh i'm sorry i know you're married yes lana is ted's wife please i don't mean anything by it i i was just trying to be helpful you will assist me i'd be happy to dr lewis good oh well all right then um dr lewis can i can i call you ted my name is burp do you want some relates i've got some in my purse dr lewis can i ted can i ask you a personal question yes at night when you're looking through your telescope do you ever wonder what's out there i mean what's really out there i know what is really out there i suppose you do but i'm talking about other worlds and civilizations and things gives me shivers just to think about it i get shivers untula main four what's that it is one of seven ice planets that orbit the neutron star trixel ice planets you can see other planets wow i never knew you astronomers could do that i have been to many planets my home planet is kodar it is in the draco cluster [Music] right what is that thing it is a biogenic phase disruptor a what is that like some kind of gun or something yes i hope you don't hunt with it you don't hunt with it do you yes well my gosh i never thought you'd be the type dr lewis the stores are full of meat you don't have to go around killing defenseless animals the goater is not defenseless goats you're hunting goats goater not goat go to goats whatever you say i don't care it's cruel it is necessary in several of your hours the goater will divide if it is not stopped before that it will feed and then multiply exponentially until goaters consume all life on this planet and you're here to stop it yes i would be called a federal marshal in your world i enforce security in this quadrant [Music] do you have tired blood hey lloyd leave it on what for it's all trash i want to hear it i think maybe i got tired blood no you've got lazy blood bubba there's a difference if you have that run down feeler hey lloyd i think maybe i got that run down feeling all ow if you so much as touch that radio again i'm gonna throw you in front of the truck and you're gonna have a run over feeling you hear me damn lloyd what was that thing i don't know i i i don't know where to go it sure was ugly [Music] what was that i don't know let's get back to town [Music] well my truck broke down right here in beautiful bustling mojave and i've been stuck here ever since i finally got a little money saved and someday i'll move to sausalito it's a very hip town you know there are a lot of artists out there and maybe i'll open an art gallery gee i sure can blabber on you haven't heard a word i've said have you yes i have your last sentence was gee i sure can blabber on yeah it's all wishful thinking anyway just some pipe dream no you will move to sausalito you will make art he will open an art gallery really now how do you know all this pray-tell because i do let's change the subject okay tell me more about your goatas do they have um three eyes and six horns no they are unicellular amphipods with a nucleolitic subdermal membrane and capable of complete chromodynamic distortion what does all that mean goaters can make themselves invisible invisible cool goaters are not cool the metabolic temperature is 155 of your degrees gautas are an aggressive intelligent and clever species this one disabled the plasma injectors on my spacecraft i was forced to land on your planet pagota escaped so goaters can uh think yes stop stop here what did you see something no i sensed it over there by that dwelling we get out here we you must come with me ted wants you safe that's sweet of ted i want tammy safe too [Music] come [Music] stay behind me close um dr lewis i really don't think we should be here stop don't move this is not good what is not good it's only a puddle somebody spills something that's all yes a puddle so why is a puddle not good the goater has eaten it absorbs its prey nutrients leaving only water and metabolic residue what humans are mostly water humans that's a person it was a person oh look at it that is a mud puddle it's not a person um dr lewis ted aren't you carrying this skoda thing a little bit too far i mean you're very creative and i think it's great that you're rounding up all the bad killer space goats quiet stay behind me oh this is absurd what for ted once you say would you please not talk like that it is beginning to bug me i think i've had enough of this silly stupid game you are safe with me you keep away [Music] pull over i gotta take a whiz can't you wait until we get to town no i can't now please pull over there by those trees now what was that don't go too far bubba you're too drunk to find your way back yeah don't worry about it floyd i can handle it i think [Music] [Applause] are you getting sick bubba [Music] what's this messy left here [Music] oh hey yeah tommy cut that out no please creep oh mrs lewis hi it's doctor miller in no he's moro we gotta go we'll be late how many times have i told you we're not going to the movie when will he be back there well that's the price of being a creep he's seen enough of that science fiction junk it gives him nightmare laura really it's important when will dr miller be back oh it won't be until late he's gone off to barstow barstow will you tell him laura you really bite what kate you're a hamburger a monster it's a pretty hard thing to swallow dicky you know fine cody don't believe me when the heck you didn't grow up code the monster did it dicky dig this cats suppose your monster is real it is real okay okay so it's real my old man just got one of the new polaroid cameras you know like instant pictures we go up there snap off a few shots of your monster sell them to the newspapers and get rich rich rich it almost killed us so this time we'll be ready for it with what a paranoid camera it's a polaroid man polaroid so what's it gonna be dickie this is our big chance don't blow it clyde i think it's the only way we can prove what happened i don't believe this there's nothing here now looks like your monster's split good let's go home hey i bet the crash and the monster are connected yeah come on let's go let's go up there no let's go home you're nuts cody that's that's way too far to climb too far please dickie cody doss never finds out don't sweat it pal we'll be fine [Music] wow what is it a rocket yeah no maybe i don't know but i do know we're gonna be rich dickie oh yeah come on let's go oh wait it could be radioactive what do you think you got your picture let's just split well we still can okay yeah right come on please [Music] you stink just keep it up brat and you won't be able to sit for a week my dad is going to fire you oh this time tommy you are cooked now go to your room no you are really cruising for a bruising kiddo [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh laura what is it now tommy what are you doing out of your room do you want me to check for monsters again it's up there you little creep you see all those horrible movies and now you're scared of monsters the monster is up in the hole [Music] it's true i saw it on tv last week the guy even had pictures i still say it's a secret jet the air force has chief jets don't fly like that jerking around and then suddenly zipping away i'll jerk some sense into both of you what we saw out there on the butte that was a meteor common garden variety meteor case club police chief dawson uh-huh all right well ask around in a neighborhood call me if you learn anything strange chief yeah that was styles he found lloyd olson's truck abandoned no sign of him or bubba he said the doors were both open and the key was still in the ignition only thing around was a couple of big puddles that's odd it hasn't rained in months mojave please chief dawson whoa whoa whoa whoa slow down who is this laura mcbride what can i do for you miss mcbride a monster with a giant eyeball look we're kind of busy here miss mcbruh all right doc miller's house all right we'll send someone out yes yes yes of course right away laura mcbride is having an emergency a giant monster she said laura's uh susie mcbride's kid's sister isn't she that's uh that's one classy jazzy watson you're going out on a call not a date take stew i don't need a chaperone for backup i don't like what's going on today hello mr vernon watson what seems to be the problem there's a monster in the house really a big one i don't know what it is i've never been so scared hey aren't you susan mcbride's kid sister what there's something horrible inside there do something how's susie doing she's still hanging out with that insurance jerk [Music] [Music] oh there's a big old hairy monster [Music] oh [Music] um [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] uh burn you okay vernon vernon this better not be a joke burning [Music] hey hey you is that you dr lewis what are you doing [Music] hey hey oh you just walked in i'll tell him good news only styles sorry chief uh ted lewis stole a car this is the license dr lewis from the observatory very one louis huh see you never know these eggheads they seem like they're one step away from the rubber room anyway bring them in 10-4 unit chiefs unit two go ahead unit two chief we have a pdx we have a pbx here a pdx officer barnes get it right a pdx vern's down he's down yeah he was there and then there was nothing just just a puddle puddle yeah with his gun and badge in it what should i do now chief [Music] [Music] chief sorry about vernon chief he was a first-rate officer yeah chief what could have done this folks are saying it must be acid a cycle killer with acid what else could it be mojave police dawson here are you sure all right all right call me if you see anything else was ed sanders he spotted lewis on his property said the boob drove all over a stop sign oh sanders thinks lewis has some kind of weapon you think it fires acid really bonds i knew i should have never taken this job what town needed a temporary chief for three weeks until they found a real cop they thought being a dog face in a war was enough qualification for me don't worry they said nothing ever happens here they said and for five years nothing did and then two days before my replacement finally takes over and we have monsters and killers and men from ours and god knows what else just two lousy stinking days where are you going chief yes it's time to play cop i'll stay here mommy mommy betsy what is it now mommy there's bears out here they're trying to eat me remember what happened to the little boy who cried wolf but it wasn't a wolf it was a bear i'll have an rc cola very funny cody okay three cokes well you sure fool yourself today mister you betcha we're gonna be rich tammy we got a picture of a genuine spaceship a spaceship yeah that crashed up on the butte last night got a picture of it right here well be careful with that it's worth a million bucks not as good as a monster a monster a monster timmy we were attacked by a monster this morning only no one will believe us uh wha what what did this uh monster look like oh it was it was like a like a big shimmering shiny balloon thing with a big eyeball yeah it was weird it was there one minute and then gone like it could just become invisible oh my gosh tammy do you believe us jesus cops tammy coffee chief dawson there's something i have to tell you later tammy chief please not now tammy have me more coffee hey dawson whatever happened to vern watson i heard he got melted by acid you're not here lord and bubba missing and what's this talk about a monster a monster fred get real it's a schizophrenic manic-depressive psychotic i read all about these sickos i didn't know you could read look people listen to me there are no psycho killers no monsters all we got is a couple of unsolved disappearances that's all that's all well that's a relief look just just stick together stay in your homes you see anything unusual you report it and trust me there's no cause for alarm it sounds like there's plenty calls for alarms people please darlene number five number two hot and sweaty great speech dawson i feel so much better now give them to tammy simone my shit's over damn you get your buns over here chief please listen to me i know this will sound crazy but you have to listen to me well crazy is the word for the day all right go ahead chief the killer is some kind of alien creature it's called a goda it came from the spaceship you know that crash on the butte chief dawson please this is a very dangerous creature it can think it can hunt it's a born killer all it leaves behind is a puddle the victim's water how do you know about that i've seen it you've seen this thing well no no not exactly dr lewis told me about it well lewis has gone bananas actually dr lewis is a marshal a federal marshal from another planet another planet ah thanks chief chief you're nuts lewis is nuts this old town you're all stock raving loco sorry i'm sorry let's go henry we're safer outside with the acid killer oh no sam where's the bag it's busted isn't the one on order all right hey tuts would you run up the street and pick me up some lord please um the cheap stuff i'll mine the store great well then come here boys come here where's wilson well then what's what's wrong merlin it's all right cody coach you hear about vern i heard geez code your arch enemy's missing we figured you'd be kicking your heels up with joy yeah you sucked his last egg right yeah i guess hey why don't we go to the flicks yeah it's just what you need oh you cats go ahead come on code my treat yeah yeah okay why not mommy mommy what is it now betsy there's a monster of one big guy i told you before to stop making up stories now see what you've done you've gone and scared yourself silly there's a monster there are no monsters you get inside [Music] [Music] [Applause] so what's with you tammy you've been like that all day just just keep your mind on your work sorry sam ah this killer thing's getting to your hot tuts i think we can forget about any dinner crowd in here tonight all right i'm going uh sweep up the sidewalk and uh just straighten up in here before you leave will you [Music] stop right there dr lewis you are styles you're a constable you must assist me yeah sure uh that's exactly why i'm here dr lewis is that a weapon sir yes all right dr lewis just uh just hand me the gun sir why because i'm asking you to i i don't want any uh i don't want any trouble here just just hand it over nice and slow no now look here dr lewis officer styles dr lewis what's going on get back inside tammy tammy the gota is near i must find it before it divides gota the monster will be overrun we'll all be killed monster what are you talking about tell him your planet will soon be infected with goaters they will consume all organic matter until your world is devoid of life before it divides its hunger is massive it will seek the greatest concentration of prey you are all in extreme peril this is crazy this is crazy dr lewis give me the weapon right now no styles please you have to believe him now look here dr lewis i've been in this force for 15 years and i've never used this gun yet don't let this be the first time hand me the weapon no dr lewis please i must find the goater [Music] dr lewis dr lewis are you hurt bad i am not dr lewis i am i am merely indwelling in dr lewis's body but this body is damaged i must return to my ship to repair it i'll take you no i must go alone be careful tammy erp wants you safe there's that polarity again fascinating that's called obstruction of justice tammy you're in a tub of trouble girl wait for me inside the diner unit 3 chief are you there ted lewis has gone insane he's he's armed and dangerous what's going on [Music] it's a blast of a day huh baby monster attack people getting slimed spaceship dick please sorry the blob jeez that's all we need right now to see a monster movie come on come on hello anybody there uh [Music] salt yes salt [Music] [Music] a harvey police dawson here chief it's lana lewis please you have to help me it's ted there's something terribly wrong with him uh yes i know mrs lewis he's um he's stolen the vehicle and alluded to rest i got my men out looking for him listen i think i think he has a head injury or something please tell your officers not to hurt him yes ma'am we'll try not to you'll try i'm coming down there right away mrs lewis i don't think that's a very good hello news just keeps getting better lana lewis is on our way here have you found louis yet stiles hasn't but i expect he'll call in soon i guess i better look for lewis myself mrs lewis thinks he got hit on her head i say he just flipped down well be nice to her bond she's a little rattled yes sir good man [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't even think about it come on dick i hate these movies let's go let's see how they get the monster just another second uh watch this how about they run like sheep dick that's the longest second in history let's go please just another [Music] second dick i'm feeling like i felt in the car this morning [Music] when the monster attacked [Music] where would it go to go seeking the greatest concentration [Applause] one [Applause] [Music] [Applause] they're here the killers from space they're here [Applause] let's just get out of here okay it's gone dick where is it come on move this way oh god it's a monster dicky yeah we know that jerk oh no [Music] is anyone in there tammy tammy is that you penny tammy the monster's in here it can disappear it can be anywhere yeah we've met tammy it's it's hunting us we keep trying to get out but it's blocking our path kids stay cool i'll be right there [Music] tim hurry up stay cool kids dick i'm scared [Music] where was it last time you saw it there oh there it is oh no oh no come on kids let's split oh no it's divided tim what do we do penny stay back stay back [Music] tammy is safe thank you wow you killed it stop don't touch it it's not dead what it's not dead no they're merely in stasis we must take them back to my ship before they revive get those curtains from the door we'll wrap the goaters in them i'll get my truck [Music] that was close we must go don't you think i'd better now dr lewis hold it right there hold it right there sir ted wait dr lewis do not move that truck [Music] barnes what's going on it's louis chiefy's kidnapped tammy that's not true he he's just if you know something kid you better tell me fast now where'd they go to the drive-in don't mess with me o'hara where'd they go they went to the butte to the meteor crash i know it that's where this all got started all right barnes you radio-styled i think stiles is dead chief a puddle just like vern they found his car parked near the diner all right you you and you frank you're all deputized get your rifles and you follow me dawson it's ted don't you dare hurt him you hear me mrs louis this is official police business now get in the car oh just do it well come on cats let's go cheeks slow down will ya this is not good oh please no more not good he's driving like a maniac dawson we'll catch him all right bonds jury varva loaded dawson [Music] there turn here through that tunnel but my ship is ahead turn here this is a shortcut to the butte [Music] be calm it is still in stasis [Music] move your vehicle away you'll be here [Music] soon they're here no tammy get back i will not what are you gonna do shoot him and for what for murdering half a dozen people he didn't do it chief the goater did his name is erp no it's not that's my husband ted he's not well no it's erp he's borrowed ted's body he captured the goda he saved us he saved the whole earth all he wants is a few hours to repair his ship and leave in peace tammy i'll shoot if i have to now get out of the way this is police business it is our business dawson ours all of us humans this traveler from another world spared us from an unspeakable catastrophe we don't just live on a planet we live in a universe a big universe and it's filled with ice planets and spaceships and and worlds with other beings like earp it's a place of unimaginable beauty and wonder and it's there for us to explore so what are we gonna do stay cooped up in our little towns and our little lives and end up as small frightened puddles of our own making please don't make this any worse chief dawson let him repair his ship and leave all right marshall erp i'll let you off this time with a warning fix your uh spaceship and keep your goats off our planet you got that we apologize for this trespass we had feared landing on earth because our intelligence indicated that you are a pathetically primitive life-form but i've seen that you are more than this you possess determination resourcefulness and uncommon courage you will need these qualities to survive the dangers that await and challenge an awakening world this spaceship will depart at sunrise be advised to stand clear erp [Music] erp thanks you for your assistance will i will i ever see you again that is unknowable i'll miss you erp will miss tammy [Music] tammy earp would seek this polarity with you if erp was a human but i still do not understand it goodbye tammy i have a long journey to make so do i goodbye er dad i am not ted ted will be returned momentarily [Music] ted lana where are we [Music] [Music] i had a pipe [Music] [Applause] you okay dr lewis uh yes i think so good good just try not to steal any more cars okay yeah what happened all i remember was that i was here and now i'm here what on earth am i wearing i'll tell you all about it darling later hey code why the long face can you dig this katz i didn't even bring the camera no one will ever believe it what's it matter code we're alive and we've had the adventure of a lifetime [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Sci-Fi Central
Views: 389,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full free movies on youtube, latest sci-fi movies, science fiction movies for free on youtube, Full Action Sci-Fi Movies for Free, latest hollywood movies for free, SyFy channel, The Asylum, hallmark channel, Sci-Fi Movies, Movie Central, full free sci-fi movies, classic science fiction movies, old school sci-fi
Id: N518Xt42jyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 39sec (5079 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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