Flight That Disappeared 1961 -- A Sci-fi / Time Travel Movie Full Length

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Flight That Disappeared (1961)

Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi [USA:Approved, 1 h 11 min]
Craig Hill, Paula Raymond, Dayton Lummis, Gregory Morton
Director: Reginald Le Borg

IMDb rating: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ 5.4/10 (301 votes)

A transcontinental flight from Los Angeles to Washington DC, carrying three top scientists, unexplainedly begins a climb to 10 miles up. With all other passengers unconscious, the scientists find themselves in a dimension where time does not exist. There they are put on trial by denizens of the future for their potential involvement in the creation of "the ultimate weapon." (IMDb)

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MovieGuide 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Movies went through a period where coming up with a creative title just didn’t seem important 🤷🏻‍♂️

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Beatle_Matt 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] trans ghost in a ways white 60 non-stop skyliner Los Angeles to Washington DC now loading at gate 14 this is the third and final call trans Coast Airways flight 16 all aboard please good day sir okay I'm sorry it's perfectly all right dr. Karl Morris that's right seat 10 mr. Neilsen we'll help you find it is uh mrs. Paxton in 10a no I'm sorry we had to put miss Paxton in 6a the adjacent seats were already assigned well we may be able to arrange something with the other past no no no that won't be necessary yeah did you have yeah I help you sir yes I'm in seats Tim oh yes right here may I take your coat may I help you sir I got a stall for me Endicott Tom Endicott yes yes sir may I see your ticket please six up Thord enter your right next to the window oh thank you you have a very enjoyable flight what time do we hit DC our estimated time of arrival is 8:30 Eastern Standard Time as late as that just when we get our new jets we've got flight time in half it can't be too soon may I help you sir m.i.c seems to be occupied what number do you have six I'll see if I'm straightened out excuse me pardon me miss but I believe you're in the wrong seat isn't this 6a 6a is on the aisle I'm terribly sorry I don't mind sitting in the aisle seat if it's alright with you people certainly suit man take your coat thank you thank you really was it necessary my pleasure hiya Johnny girl we all in Oh oh boy - accounted for box yourself in the last one okay then let's see the rough [Applause] all right hello captain thank those whirligigs out on the wings can get us off the ground there's still not those crops I'm not obsolete yet by a long way remember what they said and record they could never replace the horse what are you doing bridegroom checking the wedding invitations you're my best man that's your responsibility which case you're interested the airplanes ready go oh I am mildly nothing like flying jets though get a swell head yet you've still got to make it through transition school you promised to help of my homework so how can I miss so we have a go chaps number three all clear all pusher number two [Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome aboard your Transco Skyliner this is your stewardess Joan Agnew and your other stewardess is Barbara Nielsen our pod is Captain Henry Norton our first officers Jack Peters our flight engineer is ray hauser we'll be fine at approximately 22,000 feet non-stop to Washington DC our estimated time of arrival is 8:30 p.m. Washington time if you have any further questions either miss Nielsen or myself we'll be glad to answer them hope you enjoy your flight we have a long trip ahead of us we might as well be proper and introduce ourselves my name is Tom Endicott Endicott what's the matter the name sounds familiar are you in business mr. Endicott uh public relations well that's what we like to call ourselves actually I'm at old newspaper bogie Minh a lobbyist I see and on your way to Washington make little hay for my clients I hope now suppose we talk about you my name is Marsha Paxton very nice beginning please go on thank you Transco sixty over price at five seven twenty mm IFR estimate Denver 1343 over particular no thanks I get you something everything I hear fine honey [Music] how are you doing bride not for three more days yeah no but the countdowns already started now you're committed nothing can save you who wants to be saved and marrying a co-pilot yet don't you get enough airplane drivers during working hours out of my boy Jack you sound like you love the guy what else let me give you a little advice bracers once you're hooked you're gonna find out they're taking care of 100 airsick passengers is a lot easier than managing one husband how do you know you've never been married I read a lot want me to serve the boys up front over my dead body hey lover boy here comes your bride yeah what if we got here refreshments for the working man working men my flight engineers logging more sack time and my first officers already five ten thousand feet hired and we are ain't none of that not on my ship the sake of the passengers you two are gonna have to pretend you've never seen each other before impossible yeah how are things back aft look honey you're a nice girl so let me warn you about co-pilots first they don't make enough to pay for gas to and from the airport after this trip I'm moving into your seat remember supposing I flunked jet school that's too bad after I parked the back of my lab in that seat it stays you see my man hey what time you serving lunch I want about a half hour I'd like my steak medium-rare says you you'll take the pot roast like everyone else and like it Oh how's the weather it's good most of the way it's a little stormy up ahead but I think we can fly over the roughest spot house are heading Jay right on we shouldn't be hitting the storm area for another 4 or 500 miles we'll see you gentlemen at lunch hey that's smooth coffee huh you make it yourself my own little hands just add hot water and stirred [Music] [Music] - both my never smoked what Oh No thank you [Music] se-young didn't I see you a picture in the paper the other day I've been trying to place the face I'm Carl Morris I George that's it glad to meet you doc Thank You mr. Floyd Davis mr. Jamison boy wait till I tell the missus i sat beside dr. Carl Morris all the way to Washington DC I wonder where she'd be impressed or frightening i with you on our side the father of the beta thermonuclear warhead it'll be the other guy that'll be shaking in his boots if you know what I mean I'm not sure I do mr. Jefferson sometimes when I think of the forces we scientists have unleashed without first understanding how to control them I think we should all be frightened all humanity oh not me doc no sir not as long as we got fellas on our side like you keeping us one jump ahead listen the other fella knows that if he makes a move then the whole universe are caving and clobbering right maybe you're right mr. James at least that's what my associates myself keep telling ourselves to justify what we do we like tel abysus Helen do you know who's sitting back there dr. Karl Morris maybe I should talk to him looks just like his picture in the paper do you think he'd believe me well here please don't start again please don't but don't you see he may be my one last chance I've been writing to the newspapers every day for months now calling the radio stations but they won't listen Nate they just won't listen you promised to try to forget all that the doctor said you would rest only I could get dr. Morris on my side that's why we're taking this trip walked her back to the farm where you were born we'll find a good simple life there we'll send for the children and settle down close to the soil and to God no I don't suppose he'd believe me he'd laughed like all the rest yes but when it happens he won't laugh pardon me mrs. Cooper do you take tea or coffee tea please surely I'll have your train a moment mr. Cooper's thank you do [Music] now your meat is here your rolls and your butter over there on over here is your salad you go ahead and eat there don't wait for me only I could tell the people of the peril that we're in make them listen they'll never see it until it's too late [Music] hungry [Music] I'm a little curious about something what are you curious about something personal well kind of tell me are you one of those married women who don't believe in wearing a wedding ring I'm not married and now if you don't mind mr. Endicott shall we choose some of the subject I'm surprised miss Paxton I thought that was the one subject most fascinating there young female I'm afraid I have no interest in marriage and I have no intention of ever becoming interested in it that sounds pretty final I suppose you do have strong personal reasons I do they're not just personal they're general if people would only stop to realize [Music] I'm sorry there's no reason why I should oh that's all right forget it eat your lunch tell you what later on I'll buy you a drink in the lounge we're nearing the storm center better get clearance to climb to 30,000 right never Center Transco 60 requesting clearance to cruise at 30,000 feet night thank you over ray give us a check on the fuel consumption okay said Clym power [Music] thank you thank you well it's getting dark already does that bother you know what's bugging me is the prospect of another dull lonely evening in our nation's capital no it's meeting you but loose and fancy free I take it then that you're not married either no I thought the way you talked well not that I have anything against it it's just been lack of opportunity lack of opportunity in Washington a public relations man young on an expense account and just hundreds of government girls panting over every unattached male well that's right of what I meant was there was any of that true you're not a public relations man are you and you don't work in Washington well look tom Endicott alias Thomas aren't Endicott rocket designer and expert on ballistic missiles and that lack of opportunities and I would be working for months at a time on lonely ICBM bases and launching there you've been reading my mail I'm a mathematician I work dr. Carl Morris feeding data to the electronic brain I see well not that I have any objections quite the contrary but why were you seated next to me instead of not him just a last-minute mix-up in reservations would you like to change seats with him never if it isn't classified could you tell me why you're on your way to Washington now Oh some spur-of-the-moment meeting at the Pentagon I got a call no explanation nothing just to be there I wonder if it could be the same meeting you and dr. Morris another bother you why just feminine nervous miss I suppose tell me Tom doesn't it ever worry you I mean don't you sometimes have second thoughts about what about your work the significance of a mean rocket propulsion missiles oh I don't know naturally we hope the ICBMs will never be used in a shooting war but it's better to have them than not to happen let's face it if I didn't design them somebody else would now you sound just like dr. Boris is that bad [Music] shall we go back [Music] [Music] all right level or often [Music] objective to hear me we're still gaining altitude yeah well we shouldn't be here let me have see how it is no response at all I can't figure it unless we're cutting the granddaddy of all thermal updrafts and we're still climbing the tacks still register normal rpm so the engines can't be revving up can they ray if that were the case fuel consumption will be high but we're right on the nose metal radio opposition just in case all right Transco 60 destination Washington DC reporting [Music] Oh mr. Manson [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'll take care of this myself please have mr. Garrett join me up here immediately yes sir mr. Garrett this is Miss Ford an ATC mr. Manson would like to see you immediately his Manson speaking ATC reports trouble on our flight 60 destination Washington write the sports wire our maintenance department on the coast I want a copy of pre-flight check on flight 60 yes just got that message that's right so to get them back I want to talk to captain Orton yes sir ATC st. Louis calling Transco 60 calling Transco 60 come in please ATC st. Louis calling Transco 60 commissioners [Music] Garet you ever hear of controls going dead in a climb and the plains still continuing to gain altitude well never I'd say was impossible well apparently it's happened on our flight 60 at least that's what captain Orton reported sir I have them this is Manson Hank are you still gaining altitude I repeat are you still gaining altitude we're still climbing over 35,000 out of control I'm hoping she'll eventually level herself off over any idea what's causing the trouble none it asked me I'd say this just couldn't happen but it is happening it's weird do your best to correct it Hank meantime air traffic control wants a 10-minute interval Radio check over Roger over now [Music] what do you think Mike Norton says it's weird the most dependable ship in the air and had a complete check out before takeoff I'm glad Hanks the pilot he's the best we have if anybody can bring her out of it he's the man it better let the girls in on the situation cases serious trouble attention stewardesses a Q&A Olsen the one of you report to the captain [Music] oh pardon me dr. Morris I wonder if I could speak to you for a moment please of course in private in the lounge this is important tremendously very well God [Applause] what gives trouble bad don't know yeah you don't know no we can't store our rate-of-climb so we can't level off there's no sweat so far I'm hoping she'll eventually level herself off an absolute ceiling if so no harm done want me to brief the passage no not yet there's no sense worrying until we know what's gonna happen you better keep them in their seatbelts though and you and Joan break out the oxygen bottles in case anyone faints all right captain we'll try and keep them happy fasten your seatbelts please fasten your seatbelt fasten your seat belt please fasten seatbelts fasten your seat belts please you see our trouble is that we brought soft spineless the situation is just too tough we haven't got the backbone to stand up and defend ourselves as we have in the past we've just got one hope left you me I don't understand now I read the interview you came for newspapers why I couldn't put it down I even dreamed about oh you mean my discussion concerning the possibility of building the big [ __ ] the beta bomb well that was merely a scientific discussion no one has built such a bomb or even tried to but you said it could be built it is a possibility yes then you're the one to do it doctor the only one who can you got to persuade them it's our one last chance and this is the idea that you wanted to discuss we're only only part of it and what is the other part what we do with the bomb after we build it we can't give them the chance to build it first and then sneak over and drop it on us no we have got to drop the a-bomb first on them wipe them off the face of the earth off of your mind no don't say that to me I've never let anyone say that to me not even the doctors in the hospital I'm sorry I didn't mean that it's just that if they bomb is built it can only be used for defensive purposes or to retaliate for an attack against us to consider even for one second unleashing such a Hara under any other circumstances it's it's unthinkable to you doctor of our person should understand me it's the only sure way oh no it's no way at all believe me and I of all men should know pardon me gentlemen would you mind returning to your places and fasten your seat belt isn't anything wrong no this is just a precaution we're flying above a storm and the captain doesn't like to take any chances very well thank you don't forget what I've said doctor you'll come around to my way of thinking [Music] seatbelt fastened what is it miss something wrong just be cautioned arey dear isn't that right miss yeah this ride doesn't get bumpy gives me indigestion after me [Music] everything okay yes thanks may we smoke certainly you know we're all pretty high we've been climbing steadily for 30 minutes so that's it I was wondering why I had butterflies in my stomach that's funny we should have leveled off by now you're not trying to frighten me are you no I'm just a suspicious type the guys up front know what they're doing [Music] the altimeter I have minutes ago we were at 35,000 that's got to be wrong we're way about ceiling for prop ships even Jets would be coming out of this altitude we'll have to go on oxygen now I better make radio contact again take over I repeat we can't stop cleaning we are now at 45 faster can you hear me Hank am i reaching you keep trying to re-establish contact calling Transco sixty calling Transco sixty when you come in please I'm sorry sir have a favourite lost check them on RadarScope if you can I want their exact position all we can do now is wait helpless miss Ford have them teletype us a list of the passengers on flight 60 shall I type up an emergency form I guess you'd better [Music] just went dead all of a sudden the funniest thing jack-jack snap out of it miss Agnew or miss Nielsen bring some coffee I'll get it [Music] that's how you [Music] Coffee thank you thank you it's been a pretty serious isn't it we don't know yet let me give you some advice if there is an emergency you'd better brief these people in advance otherwise you're likely to have a full-fledged panic on your hands I know sir but without the captain's orders this help me [Music] Walter [Music] regular but are pretty high it'll be oxygen starvation it could it's gonna be alright just with a little oxygen [Music] Larry's coming around it's been to be alright [Music] I had to take a couple of push yourself better brief the passengers I guess they'll all need supplementary oxygen yes captain [Music] what's that both starboard engines it just quit blame them there's no air up here number one and number two just died this ship will drop like a stone now uh uh look for yourself we're still climbing with for dead engines that's impossible that it'd take a miracle did a miracle manson speaking ooh oh no please don't bother me with such trip what will you repeat that I see yes I've got it thanks for calling what is it I'm not sure myself an observatory east of here spotted something in their telescope something they said look like a plane our flight 60 then they're still okay 10 miles up and still rising with for dead engines you must be kidding but how could that be their radios been dead this'll tracking station picked him up by infrared from the hot engines and all of a sudden they lost them what else could that mean at their altitude well it could be they lost a signal how could a plane that big gain altitude without engines how could any engine except a rocket operate about ten miles what are you doing I'm calculating mentally they're due at 8:30 Washington time you think they'll make it on time well with four hours reserve fuel supply that gives us till 12:30 if the engines are functional well if they aren't they'd have crashed or landed before now I don't know this whole business has a strange abnormal ring well I'm not giving them up not as long as they're unreported and still have fuel aboard I hope that you're right and I'm wrong they were wanted to be so wrong in all my life [Music] tell him to turn up the oxygen I think we're running out we only carry enough supply for 15 minutes [Music] my cigarette Walford we're up too high there's not enough oxygen for combustion all four engines of quit just as well anyway the no smoking signs on [Music] sir could you help me please oh I can't seem to get the door open to the pilots compartment [Music] hold on up in there The Doors stuck July if you can you better [Music] at least they left the ship on autopilot [Music] turn it I knew what I was trying to do they're afraid they won't stop me I'll get away [Music] over ten miles up what can we do I don't know and in all fairness you better let the passengers know what's going on I'm sorry I think I'm going too [Applause] [Music] but how you walked what's happened my husband where is he don't worry I'll find it for you [Music] [Applause] [Music] stop it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well that's it not a word yet but they've got to be down someplace what do we do release the announcement maybe somebody somewhere saw something I'll have it you get back to your other traffic and here's a late news bulletin a trans Coast Airways airliner bound for Washington has been reported missing it is feared the plane may have crashed having been unreported for several hours among those aboard was the well-known nuclear physicist dr. Carl Morris known as the father of the beta bomb Thomas Endicott of brilliant rocket engineer was also a passenger dr. Morris was reportedly on his way to Washington with plans for a revolutionary new weapon [Music] eight hours overdue Washington time and not a word how can a 30-ton plane just disappear without some trace it just isn't possible I only ran out of fuel last night at 12:30 they're down somewhere I guess you're right if anybody wants me I'll be on the next flight to Washington to help Lord make the air search yes you hear anything radio me they've got to be somewhere a big airplane like that doesn't just vanish into thin air that's where they were though I last heard thin air ten miles up this morning began the greatest air search in the history of commercial aviation hundreds of planes of every description from tiny private kites to giant airliners criss crossed the country from every direction seeking some clue no matter how small to the mystery of the vanished flight sixty according to Airlines officials such a thing just couldn't happen but it has meantime the country the entire world wants to know where is flight 16 Marsha Marsha are you alright Marsha wake up I must have fallen asleep where are we I don't know I don't have any idea myself I just woke up everything is so quiet no vibration what the plane isn't moving we've have we landed let's find out [Music] we seem to be the only ones who are dead I'm not sure they are dead I'm conscious asleep I love maybe a state of torpor which suspended animation seems something like it in hibernating bears from what the high altitude maybe are we up high does it seem to be moving at all I'm scared I'm scared to death could that be it what maybe we're dead gotta field it how do you feel what kind of peculiar I admit I wonder how long we've that stopped supposed to be guaranteed what time six o'clock on the dot mine stopped two six o'clock on the dot coincidence or what our watches aren't the only things that have stopped Tom feel your heart why mine isn't beating that's nonsense yours stop too well that must mean we're dating I don't know I don't know what any of this means if we are dead what about these people are they dead too why are we the only ones up moving around maybe we aren't the only ones this plane got down in one piece someone had to stir it I'll look up front [Music] [Music] Tom come here what's wrong dr. Morris is gone and so is this woman's husband well he went out of his hadn't jumped I tried to stop him and almost went with him dr. Morris I don't know what do you suppose he could have gotten out to a lounge he broke open the emergency exit dr. Morris [Music] [Applause] dr. Morris are you all right master module so you are here too we're in whatever state we've reached Oh doctor I'm sorry this is Tom and ER cotton Endicott missile expert about the proportion more specifically just the three of us I wonder what significance but do you have any explanation doctor our watches have stopped hearts heart beating what's happened do you have any idea at all no I'm only speculating are you summoned to Washington yes why I suppose it's all right to tell you your security clearances are certainly as high as mine somehow I have an idea that where we are now security clearance is relatively unimportant I've been developing a new single stage rocket with twice the previous thrust and with a pinpoint guidance system that's foolproof of course of course then you think that's why the three of us were summoned to a conference at the same time the booster he describes is exactly what would be needed to deliver it yet well it doesn't exist yet except here and here but it's possible theoretically and feasible technically and practically miss Paxton and I have computed the equation assembled all the necessary data it's all in this notebook all the essentials all the essentials for what the ultimate weapon one multistage nuclear bomb one giant warhead to generate a series of progressive nuclear explosions to utterly devastate a predetermined area why do you call this the ultimate weapon because if delivered to the heart of any enemy country this one bomb would wipe it from the face of this earth the whole country just one bomb if attached to the proper rocket and that you can provide killing is getting more efficient everyday and so are the killers all three of us do you think we should be proud to tell that to our children if we have children oh now really you don't think for one minute anyone not even the most rabid war monger would ever consider using such a weapon why will we called to Washington if it were up to sick minds like water Cooper's it would be used tomorrow if it were ever to be built who are you you will find out presently where are we you have arrived at a moment where time is suspended does not exist where the future and the present can meet so that's why watch is stopped now hearts aren't beating time is standing still that is quite right has this ever happened before it has never been necessary until now well since we seem to be setting a precedent would you tell us why we're here to be judged judged by whom by a jury of the future representing all the people who may never be born because of you children I will never have because of the bomb that's why you don't want to marry [Music] [Music] [Music] these are the accused brought here for trout before you for the highest of high crimes but crime we've committed no crimes you have conceived a crime so vast so far-reaching that we have been able to suspend time transcend space to bring you here what is this place this is not a place but a state time has no meaning here the past the present and the future can all meet on equal terms and you vajura we have a future we will exist someday perhaps if we are allowed to come to be if there is ever a future of course there'll be a future but what have we to do with all of between you you have conceived a device so powerful as to determine the future look let me give you a glimpse of what they can look at our earth after your bomb was exploded but my bomb only and there anywhere anywhere at all on the surface of the planets it is the same you will note that nothing moves no birds fly why why because the birds are gone everyone and even if they were not they could never fly because the atmosphere too is gone nothing can breathe all life is gone the ultimate weapon precisely the dr. Morris's bomb can can destroy only a specified area not everything suppose a small child were turned loose with a lighted match in a gunpowder factory could you could anyone predict the extent of the resultant explosion only the maximum a factory would be destroyed exactly and you my dear doctor that small boy the lighted matches the notebook in your pockets the equation in your head now now can you calculate the results the destruction of the planet or life and with it the future the future in which we in the natural order of things would be born and live our lives do you wonder now why we brought you before us for judgment do we have the right to say anything in our own defense I cannot conceive of anything you might say that could possibly sway the jury's decision but we grant you the right to speak in your own behalf then isn't it the usual procedure to try a criminal and punish him after a crime has been committed not before you think you've committed no crime dr. Morris has worked out a few equations in a notebook I've made a few sketches and designs for a new rocket miss Paxton has made a few mathematical calculations we haven't built a bomb or the booster for it that's true but you have conceived them yes but whether they ever will be built that's not up to us the committee's the ones who will give it a green light or table it how can you place guilt on only three people there is the great misapprehension of your age mr. Endicott the power for good offer destruction is inherent at the idea the genius who conceives it not with a minor official who approves or disapproves its practical application once conceived an idea endures forever eventually inevitably it comes to be so you see it that is not who may momentarily expedite or delay the building of this weapon one day it will be built and the next day it will be used and at that moment we the future are destroyed perhaps the jury may wish to withdraw and consider the evidence if we're found guilty what will happen to us nothing then why go through all this by nothing I do not mean that you will return to your former earthly existence rather the sentence will be that you remain here forever but here in your own words is nowhere correct doctor here you will be suspended forever in time between the past and the future neither living nor time it is the only solution for us we cannot destroy you or we have as yet no existence and we cannot allow you to return to your own time for then we never would exist the jury is returning [Music] [Music] I don't know about you two but I can't take this thing lying down he's nothing we can do how could you fight against something that doesn't exist maybe that works both ways we made a break for it how could they stop us he just said they couldn't destroy us where would we go to make a break for it that's just a hunch but there's one thing they couldn't get rid of the one thing that is the link with our time existence what the plane that's real the only real thing in this fourth dimensional nightmare if we can get aboard and keep them out maybe somehow dr. Morris what do you think Jesse says the plane does exist I don't see that we have any chance except to hope the Tom's right if we're found guilty [Music] it is the unanimous opinion of the jury representing all the people of the future that the accused dr. Col Morris is Marsha Paxton and Thomas Endicott charged with the highest crime the destruction of the stream of life are in truth guilty as charged as punishment they shall be condemned to remain frozen suspended in time through eternity the preservation of our own hopes we were left with no choice the jury may retire now now's our chance enter the plain you're being foolish [Applause] there is no escape no escape she's wrong there it is [Music] the plane where is it I could've sworn I saw it right here was of the Iraq formation no it was the plane I saw the open door it's got to be right around here it is hopeless futile you've been judged condemned and sentenced their events only that should be frozen in time and so you three shall remain through all the eons of eternity I do not understand the action that has taken place it cannot be it must be it has not been given us the future to disturb the natural order how can the future presume to judge the present if we do not there will be no future that may be but it is a determination that must be made by those who do exist in the present not ourselves a divine order of the cosmos must never be disturbed these three dangerous as they are must be returned to their own time if in their time they destroy our chance of existence we can only pray that it will not happen [Music] I think he's beginning to come around give him another whiff of ammonia are you feeling better mr. Endicott how did I get back here you've been in the same seat all the time mr. Endicott you did have us a little worried though we did make it after all back to the plane how did we do it do it what do you mean - are you feeling all right mr. Endicott course I'm all right except for this pain in my head well that was quite a bump you took well yes the plane hit a downdraft you were throwing forward and hit your head will you tell me how we got here God we're back to the plane it's not it with any of you don't you remember dr. Morris you tell them I think you better sit down mr. Endicott Marsha don't you remember anything maybe you better sit back and relax I don't get it don't any of you remember the plane rising out of control and dr. Morris and Marsha don't you remember what happened on the cloud Bank get the captain up here the guy you fill out of a plane you remember that don't you no one's fallen out of the plane wait a minute I can prove everything to you come here Mrs Cooper your husband do you remember what happened to him do you remember what happened to him all right mr. Endicott that's enough but would you sit down again please don't give us any trouble I'm trying to prove something this woman what happened here Helen are you all right there was a pretty somebody said something had happened to you I just left my seat for a minute you were asleep and I didn't want to waken you so what is this is this some sort of a joke I I'm sorry and you can't go around making a disturbance like this I know you got a little bump a while back but let's be reasonable what do you say gonna sit down quietly and anybody remember anything now you just sit quiet we should be arriving in DC in about 30 minutes but I are you gonna stay there looks like I have no choice hey you keep an eye on her if he acts up again already who I had for a doctor yes sir [Music] would you care to change your seat miss Paxton no no I'm sure he'll be all right now nerve that guy anyway what's his game some kind of a nut I don't think so amazing how often you're running into pests like that at airplane pests yeah you fellas I want to tuck your arm off and all you wanted to be left alone you know the type I certainly do [Music] you can't really blame them can you I'm so real everything why am I the only one to remember I think we should talk privately young man please come back to the lounge I didn't think there was anyone on this plane is still wanted to talk to me who - my dear all right doctor it was some guy back there banged his head and came up with some weird ideas it's time to get approached clearance from DC how how's the radio ray thanks I'm okay now we're agreed on the details then suspension of time a judgment even what were supposedly sent and our own replies no how could that happen how could three people have exactly the same dream at the same time it is strange isn't it done no more so than many other cases of extrasensory perception on record we don't know how these things happen or why but they do and just the three ups why not any of the others as I say the study of ESP is still in its infancy perhaps one day we will be able to explain these phenomena as we do radio our television and you won't admit that I dream had any significance undoubtedly it sprang from the same thoughts that concerned men of conscience all over the world today I don't believe you I don't believe it was a dream at all it happened I tell you I'm surely it was real you're an engineer a man of science Endicott how could such a fantastic thing possibly occur what is your scientific explanation well naturally I can't science is progressing groping calculating but we still can't compute the ultimate and even if such a thing did take place the details of which we all pictured simultaneously wouldn't there be some evidence of it now yes you'd think so but there is no such evidence is there well I can't find any because it doesn't exist no I asked you honestly Tom which is the more logical explanation yours or mine yours I'll admit that this dream was extremely moving and vivid and disturbing perhaps that's why it seems so real to you why we all picture the details so exactly but there's one thing we haven't considered doctor the problem there was a dream or not our problem is real enough your bomb in my rocket well that's true and the consequences could be real and terrible all right supposing there were evidence evidence to prove what we experienced and saw in this dream did happened it actually happened what would we do about them then your bomb and my rocket I don't know I just don't know [Music] still not too late buddy tonight the minister is rehearsing his lines all those relatives are lining up for the last month come on cut it out I'm not kidding your only chance now is to go out through the window you know maybe we could take you up an old parachute what's going on in here well your friend Hanks trying to tell me I should duck out of the wedding funny your friend Joan has been telling me the same thing [Music] Transco 60 over Charleston at 17,000 IFR request approach clearance eta 2030 over [Music] yes O'Conner this is control just got a request to land what about it from trans Coast flight sixty flight sixty radio back for more information I'll call the operations manager right national radio calling trans Coast 60 requesting more info on your ID this is Transco 60 la to DC 17,000 IFR over request personal identification what is this Transco sixty Hank Norton Captain Jack Peters first officer coming in for the last time in a prop job next time I write it on a jet and it can't be too soon what's the matter with you guys have you lost your flight schedule must have a new boiler Oh miss what time we'd be in Washington we're due to land in about 10 minutes yeah right on schedule [Music] [Applause] sorry to get you up George nothing else I could do you know Kali from CA be write anything you since you called i'm spotted in the sculpt let's go take a look possibly be another plane no everything checks out alright it's flight sixty everything chimes with the data from LA here it is the equipment personnel number of passengers sure beats me what about landing instructions where are they now well somewhere about here I'd say past our last checkpoint about five minutes ago tower told him to hold at 4,000 what do you think well clear them from landing and waiting straighten this thing out alright give him the go-ahead to clear this flight Kelly's orders right away and also alert the emergency ground crew standby Transco sixty confirming landing clearance now leaving holding pattern for approach changing over to ILS over [Music] she should be on the glide path now she's in yeah that that is our plane like 16 unless my eyes are deceiving me [Music] [Music] take over anomalies Jackie taxi to the gate only get back there and check why they didn't know our flight schedule join me later okay mr. Manson I didn't expect to see you in DC I didn't expect to be here how is a flight captain well strictly routine we lost a few minutes but we made him up again we touched down right on the dot on schedule for the last time and a proper van brain why nothing unusual along the way unusual except for some radio trouble a little extra altitude no oh well one of the passengers got a little out of hand that wasn't anything wait a minute what are you getting at is there something wrong I guess not it's just that we were all curious the C a B the country and the rest of the world actually carries about what about what you've been doing with flight 60 for the last 24 hours 24 flight 60 was due in at 8:30 last night alas we didn't even get a radar there's our evidence dr. Morris our plane was missing for 24 hours now are you convinced 60 Los Angeles passengers may claim their login to the [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: The MilMar Zone
Views: 364,147
Rating: 4.839889 out of 5
Keywords: time, travel, movies, sci-fi, time travel, shedowoman, Flight That Disappeared, 1961, action, adventure, drama, fantasy, science fiction, sci-fi movie, sci-fi movies, tribunal, rocket propulsion, stopped time, unexplained events, airplane, future, nuclear bomb, scientist, airliner, washington d.c., trance, research, prayer, jury, flight, bomb, atmosphere, news report, instruments, air traffic control, blind, warning, stock footage, religion, navigator, judge, disappearance, airport, mind control, man, 1960s, 60s
Id: yY8GHNcIc0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 53sec (4373 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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