Hand Forging A Knife Out Of 1" Thick 5160 Coil | Shop Talk Tuesday Episode 181| Integral Bolster

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foreign [Music] what's up everybody so we're back on the shop with another shop talk Tuesday and in this episode we're forging a knife now what are we forcing it out of really big coil spring so and the other ones that we were working on that was a much smaller coil spring that was only about 5 8 of an inch in diameter and this is just over one inch so we should be able to get a pretty good size knife out of it now I'm not going to try and Forge this whole entire thing into a flat bar I went ahead and cut a chunk of it off and attached the handle to it so I could Forge with it now I don't know exactly how big of a knife this is going to be because I've never worked with bar stock this big so we're going to kind of just play it by ear or eye or however you want to say it but we're going to make it happen and we're gonna Forge a knife and then this is going to be the test part so that I know how big of a knife out of how big of a section that I can forge moving forward now it's going to be a Integra bolster hidden tank knife so only about this much of it is going to be uh bolster and Tang so should be a pretty big knife I don't know but a little bit of story time about how I got this steel right here I was walking around blade show Texas like not this year the year before and I've been talking to Jason Knight I think this is the year that he subscribed to my YouTube channel which was kind of cool he's probably never watched any of my videos but he subscribed he's one of my subscribers that's kind of cool but we were at a booth and uh he was looking at a Cool Spring like this they had had a couple of them there and they were like telling us all about it and how they had it tested and it was like really pure 5160 it was virgin still that had never been used which is pretty cool because most of the cool springs that you have like this have been used for years and years and years and you risk having like micro fractures and cracks and stuff like that when you go to heat treat it but they were like it's never been through any of that abuse it's just nice pure version 5160 which is awesome they were selling chunks like this right here for 20 to 25 a piece and he just randomly was like yeah that guy's got a YouTube channel you should let him try it he'll probably use it on his channel and they just gave me the chunk for free so even again even though he'll never watch this Jason thank you for the free coil spring guys let's go ahead let's jump into this and let's make this into a knife and see how big of a thing we could Forge out of it let's get it oh something that I'm going to do slightly different on this one is I'm going to forge in the point first so we're going to hang it off the end here or just at the edge we're going to use a rounding Hammer it's a round side I'm just going to forge just behind where I cut it off all right so the whole point behind forging with the rounding side of the hammer on just behind the cut Edge because we're trying to mushroom that out so we don't get fish lips all inside here so it's starting to push out like that and then we'll just keep bringing it in to the point and go from there foreign to our flat side of our rounding hammer and that's enough of a point for now right there so now what we're going to do at least what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and flatten two sides of it so not this I'm just going to end up flattening where it's parallel with my handle here and flatten this out going into our little bolster area so that whenever I come in with our we got the grab real quick I'm gonna come in I'm probably not going to use this Hammer probably use the other one but I want to be able to stretch it it's a lot easier to stretch if I have it flat so I'm going to flatten just a section of it and then we're going to start stretching it out and actually giving us that blade section and then I'll start isolating the bolster area when we start doing that now that I have that area flattened I am going to go ahead and kind of isolate where the bolster is going to be come to here and I'm foraging on this area where it matches the bevel on my hammer here foreign so I decided to just make my life a little bit easier because I'm newer to these that I would go ahead and Forge a little bit of the step down into the Tang so I knew exactly where that needed to be uh material wise because I'm still wider than I want the bolster to be so it should be fine to modify stuff after this good morning so I've been using my two different rounding hammers but now I'm going to use my Straight pin and pinch and stretch it [Laughter] remember whenever you're doing these steps to hammer on both sides to keep your tank Center keep your blade Center things like that now I'm going to end up grinding in the shoulders here so the actual Tang starts here and runs through so we've got about just over a two inch Tang we're going to stretch it a little bit more and then that's about it now that we got our Tang just figure it out there we can go back to isolating that bolster forging from each side again I'm using the area that matches my straight peen here foreign so now it's time to start pulling we have our bolster kind of isolated we want to start coming in here and start pulling this material down left the center beefier than here because I'm going to be putting a belly on it so it's going to have a nice curve that I want that material there to be able to spread out using our cross pane we're just going to come in and we're just going to start pulling again both sides see and the reason why I talk about flattening it out because while we're doing this it still tends to move a lot of different places and if this was still round they would move even more foreign so we're starting to really pull it out and one of the things to remember is I'm really just focusing on keeping things even here I'm not worried about deforming the heck out of the steel here and putting dents and things in it I'm going to end up smoothing all that out later so right now I'm just trying to move it where it needs to go foreign so now we're going to drop it off the edge here and drop that that Cutting Edge down and all I'm doing is hammering kind of like on and in front of the bolster area here that just drops the edge down of course now what we're going to do is we're going to use our rounding to the side of the hammer and we're going to move all the material in all the directions so using that rounding every time I hit spreads four ways so I hit it here it's going to spread up out out and down we're just going to do that all the way down the blade and start refining the blade a little bit and then we'll end up doing a few different things with cross pins and straight pins as we go through it foreign [Music] so now we're going to go ahead and start stretching out this way and then after that we'll start stretching back from top to bottom of course I'm using a straight pane to to do this part now we're going to start drawing it down top to bottom again using our cross stain and now I'm going to come in and this area here I'm going to forge this section down I'll left it thicker right there and then on this next Heat I'm going to come in and I'm going to Forge from from here back with a straight peen and it's going to pull this whole area back here so move the steel this way and then we'll put it on the edge again drop it down again so now we're going to take the flat side of our rounding hammer and just get to our desired thickness on the blade another all I'm doing right there is just forge it in a distal from here to there before I end up forging the bevels so I'm gonna come in here one more time and draw this heel down just a little bit more foreign now that I got the blade for the most part where I want it I can start refining this bolster area a little bit then we'll start rounding it off I know that I need to make it a little bit thinner and then start rounding it so I'm still working on this bolster a little bit I still Gotta Straighten the blade but I'm just trying to keep it round I don't have a ton of heat in it right now because I'm just trying to more or less planish it trying to round it and make it to where I don't have to do any work to it on a 2x72 before we get into straightening the blade I need to get this Tang situated now not all this bolster is going to stay on here only about half that bolster is going to be there so the rest of this is going to be tang and I'll do that on the 2x72 bringing that in and squaring off those shoulders but for right now our Tang is centered and drop down to where it's even in this area now we can go ahead and grab it by the Tang and be able to move our Edge over so now we're just going to come in with our straight peen and just bring that edge over we're going to bring it over until again that area that matches the hammer and we're just going to draw it over [Laughter] I'm going to go ahead and clean up the bolster area while we're doing this now we're just going to come in with the blade a little cooler it's hotter than it looks like in the camera but still pretty cool and refine the blade foreign part done we're going to go ahead and hop on the 2x72 we're using a used 36 grit belt here we're going to grind the profile a little bit clean up some things remove a little bit of material and actually get to the profile that we want it to be so let's go ahead and do this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all right so got it profiled now I'm just going to go ahead and remove the forge scale with some 30 vinegar only need enough to just cover the blade now I'll tell you this this is super strong vinegar it has a very strong odor and you want to do this with your doors open and things like that but we're going to let it soak for about 12 hours and we're going to be cleaning it off every let's say about three to four hours we'll go ahead and scrub it and try and get any of the four skill off there's a lot of forged skill on the blade right now so we're just going to let it sit do its thing and then we'll go ahead and clean it all up but we're going to go ahead and do that we won't pull it out completely until tonight and right now it's about about 10 a.m so about 10 o'clock tonight we'll be done with it all right guys let's go ahead and wrap this shop talk Tuesday up here now I would say this was a success I really like the profile of this and once I actually do the bevels to it the profile is going to make even more sense with how I have it shaped and all that it's going to be awesome so next week's video we're going to do bevels we're going to refine the Tang because this isn't the actual size of the bolster it's going to be about half that we're going to do Maker's Mark we're going to put the actual finish that's going to go on here I am going to be hand sanding this blade and then we're going to be doing a finish after that so it's going to be really awesome looking beautiful it's gonna have a nice transition line between nice clean bevels and this texture that's up here but I really feel like this was a success I love the way that this area put it like this looks right there just this whole entire area going in here is all forged and I love how this rounds all the way from up here all the way down into the heel on both sides and I think that turned out real nice our integrals look good are they perfect no but you can tell that I forged them and they're still clean Blade's super thick it's over a quarter of an inch right here goes down to a nice taper all the way to the tip there but I really like how this turned out and I want to know what y'all think about it was this video helpful do you think you might try this in the future I'm always interested to know those things and maybe what would you do to change it now before I start wrapping up the video there's something I want to talk about I started one of those like members thing where you have a membership with the channel it's kind of like patreon but it's through YouTube it's a little bit easier you don't have to go to another app to do a thing to interact with me it's just through YouTube I think there's two levels one you get like I'm gonna be doing lives and doing things like that throughout the month so you'll get more interaction with me and it's going to be through actual YouTube lives to where I can actually see your messages and things like that and talk with y'all so you're going to get those plus a few other things within that level now if you decide to do like the VIP version of it you actually get a one-on-one call with me every single month now it could be a video call it could be a regular phone call you can actually show me what you're working on at that point and I can help you work through certain things if you're in a roadblock I can talk to you about certain things we can just sit there and talk and you know not even talk about knives we can do whatever you want during that 30 minute phone call and you get that every single month and you can use it at any point during the month it doesn't have to be at the beginning to end the middle it doesn't matter all you got to do message me let me know you want to chat we'll break it down we'll chat we'll talk about what you want to talk about I think it's gonna be pretty cool because it lets y'all interact with me on a more of a one-on-one basis to where I can actually you know hopefully help you all out or like I said just talk and chat say what's up so you know definitely go check it out it's I think it's there's gonna be like a link or a little button that you can click on underneath the video hopefully that's the way it goes but we'll figure that out as we figure it out I just launched it yesterday or technically today which most of y'all probably haven't seen yet but go check it out guys that's it that's my little Spiel y'all have amazing day y'all stay safe out there I'll catch y'all next time [Music] thank you
Channel: The Rivers' Experience
Views: 19,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: c7HekzWEtb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 1sec (1741 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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