Making A Sword From An Old Leaf Spring | The Samurai Challenge | YouTube Knife Makers Challenge

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e e e [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] how's it going everybody so this is my submission for the samurai challenge this is part of the YouTube knife makers challenge where we're doing Samurai inspired weapons where it could be a sword it could be a spear it could be several different types of things and I chose to make a sword and this is the video showing how I made that now remember there's voting as part of this whole entire challenge so we have voting links in the descriptions for all the videos for the participants Plus in our description we've got all the other channels that are involved in this process and we got sponsors and things like that so go check out the descriptions and the videos plus make sure you stay tuned for the outro because that's whenever I break down and get into the nitty-gritty of this build where I explain some of my design choices and material choices so make sure you stay tuned for that and enjoy the [Applause] video [Music] [Music] [Music] d [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sh [Applause] for is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] ni well guys I'm really happy that I decided to go ahead and make a sword now the reason why I say that is because when I initially started this challenge I was going to forge a katana and then I realized a lot of people were going to be making katanas so I was like okay I'm not going to make a sword I'm going to make something else and I designed a few of the things started those projects and then decided nope I'm gonna make a sword I'm just not gonna do a katana I'm gonna do something that's unique I'm gonna do something that just screams me so that is why I made this now a lot of people made really beautiful beautiful beautiful katas I would love to own like any of them they did a fantastic job but I wanted to give y'all my flare to this particular challenge which is why I did this so This profile was based on a quaken so a smaller knife that has a nice curve to it all the way from the tank through the tip that is what inspired this so that is why the handle goes from thicker down to narrow the blade goes some thicker down to a nice tapered tip I wanted that nice Arch all the way through the spine all the way through the belly and then I wanted it to have a nice flow so that's why I did the guard this way so there wasn't anything poking out either side here it does its job it stops your hand but it's as minimal as possible so that's why I did that that way now when it comes to the materials one of the other things that I wanted to do was I wanted to utilize things that I already had in the shop part of the reason behind that process was because I did this in the last like 14 days of the challenge and I started it a day and a half after uh that hatchet right there uh went through my ankle so yeah I was hobbling Along on like one foot the entire time I'm forging this with like fresh stitches and all that stuff and I just decided you know what I'm going push myself through it we're going to make it happen so I made all of this limping around my shop now when it comes to things like I said where I wanted to utilize all the materials that I already had in the shop the blade is willly Jeep leaf spring I've made a few swords out of this absolutely love it one of my favorite wakazashi that I've done was the same steel I've used that to cut through branches all kinds of stuff it holds its Edge amazingly so I chose that steel for this plus the guard here if you want to call it kind of like a Habachi subba integral piece this is out of a piece of angle iron like you saw on the video I'm super stoked that I was able to get a piece of angle iron to actually look that clean and fit that well around this blade I mean that is a freaking piece of angle iron right there that is crazy and I'm really happy with that and how it turned out and then of course the handle material is wheelbarrow handle material I've used it on a few different builds it's nice because it doesn't expand and contract like a lot of different Woods does do over time and things like that this works out really well and it lasts a long time so wheelbarrow handle and then we of course did our wrap really like how that looks again super Sleek nice and thin feels comfortable in the hand one of my biggest pet peeves about some katas is how bulky people make the handles I don't want that big old handle I want it to be nice Sleek feel good feel good in the hand swing be real ergonomic so that's why I went this way with the handle with everything that it has going on for it and if you saw in the video I added a length of material a length of Steel part of that was because of where the balance was and where I wanted the balance to be when it was all said and done which of course is right there it's not super forward heavy it's nice and balanced in the center here try to do that with the katana so whenever you're coming through here pull back it's nice the momentum's awesome it's super fast feels really good in the hand it's very comfortable doesn't feel like it's going to pull out of your hand whenever you pull back you command it and that's what I wanted to do with the weight the balance the profile everything was meant to be something that I really liked same thing with the forge texture I wanted that forg texture in there because I think that makes a beautiful transition line between the bevels and the flats I think that that looks really really really cool and I wanted to do that because again I wanted it to be my style my design and have everything that just screams something that I would love to have use and abuse so that's how we came up with the design that's the materials now one of the things that I do want to mention is I typically do educational videos where most of it is me explaining the processes that I'm doing in it so if you're interested in videos like that go check out the rest of my channel I've got like over 500 videos almost all of them are educational videos teaching you how to do this craft if you want to go check those out do that guys make sure you vote for the build that you think was the coolest I think mine's really cool so you could vote for mine but I'm going to leave links for all the other channels in the description as well as the voting link and and links to the different you know vendors and sponsors that helped with this particular challenge make sure you go check out those links as well now that's pretty much the end of this video so make sure you give it a like make sure you subscribe all right yall have an amazing day y'all stay safe out there I'll catch y'all on the next one see [Music] y'all sh
Channel: The Rivers' Experience
Views: 102,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: h-BUforf0Hs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 59sec (1919 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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