learning from my mistakes

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a while back I made me an enormous hog splitter I wanted one to hang up in my kitchen you know I just wanted one um somebody offered me some money for it and I sold it to them I hope they really enjoy it but I said I was going to make me another one I must be a glutton for punishment so I have this piece of diesel truck spring brand new it never been on a truck um this thing's every bit of a/ in thick 3 in wide uh I also have some qu inch plate steel I've cleaned one side up I'm going to do another sanm hog splitter 2.0 all right I got my Billet welded up it's the Beast we're going to we're going to get it in the forest well I'm glad I went ahead and made this today or started it today it's June mid June here in Missouri and normally it's freaking hot so uh when I got up this morning it was like 84° and muggy but I thought it might rain today news said it might you never know here but it is actually raining it's cloudy it's about 80° there's a breeze blowing we got a giant Billet in the Forge it's getting close let's keep going enjoy the day [Music] all right so right there at the end of that poof I seen a weld pot so I cut it out I lost probably a third of one side of my uh mild steel for my sand mine I'm sticking it back in the Forge we're going to do another squeeze on it I may change it up a little but uh I'm already hot so I'm not stopping let's see what happens e all right guys that's it for today it's hot but uh I don't know I got a 12 or 14 inch piece drawn out there probably four 4 and a half inches wide so far um we'll just see how it goes I'm going to go ahead and leave it in the Forge let it cool down slow soften up the steel clean up the edges where my welds were and we'll probably do another Forge session or two all right we're back on the hog splitter I've done some cutting on it so when I was Forge welding I saw a line in there and I lied to myself and ignored it I said well it's just some Forge scale that cracked when I pressed it on my next Heat I actually saw the weld pop so I immediately cut that piece off and I continued Forge welding on and I knew right then that the big hog splitter was not going to happen and I thought well I will just continue on and see how big of a Cleaver I can make so I went ahead and forged it out some I got more forging to do but I decided to cut it up and have a look at it so let me show you where we're at okay so when I had my initial Forge weld failure it was this side of the mild steel and I cut that and I removed it and took it off so I went ahead and forged out 12 in sort of flat still pretty thick I get more but I wanted to have a look at it so I cut the tail off so I could see this weld when I picked it up and looked I told myself well that's not welded at all so I took and cut this slice off of uh the handle piece here and I took a chisel and popped it and when I did you can see this one little piece right here that's all that had Forge wed so we may have a complete failure I may not have gotten the mild steel hot enough to weld so I looked at this in here's my mild steel that's on it and where I cut it off is now back up in here okay but you can see there's my mild steel when I cut it off I didn't think it was welded I took a chisel and actually tried to split it and I couldn't I couldn't split split it open I took this piece I cut off and I really worked it over but I couldn't make it move so I think that it's Forge welded here's the end of the piece where I cut it off I could see it right there and I wanted to make sure it had stuck but um it appears to be Forge welded so we're going to go ahead and stick it back in the Forge and squeeze on this and watch it before we do anything else well when you're a person like me and you doubt something you will go through whatever you have to go through to figure it out so the Once Upon a Time hog splitter so I showed you in this last little just a minute ago this piece here I didn't trust and I told you I put a chisel on it and I worked it over pretty good but I couldn't make it open up anymore but it just kept bothering me and bothering me all all night last night so I come out here this morning I get the shop opened up I fire up the forge and I start looking at it and I saw a piece of the cladding that you know I ground on it let's see here so I ground on it and I I ground it down let's see if I can get where you can see this line okay okay can you see that line right there so I ground A4 in into that just to see if that line was going to disappear and it didn't disappear so I keep looking and then I find up here by the handle a piece a seam look like that right there little line I put a chisel in it and I start peeling it up so I don't even want to see how far it goes now I want to see what happened so I saw it it in half and I went ahead and Polished this side so we can look at it better so let me set the phone up and let's go look at it all right so I got it clamped in the vice and I'm trying to figure out how to best show you this so I've got my cladding you can see my cladding right here okay and then you can see my core four right here okay so my cladding comes on and you can see I don't know it comes in there it's probably that far that's probably A4 of an inch which is about how far I peeled that one piece up before it's welded same on this side you can see it right there so I saw it in half because I was thinking that I didn't get it hot enough to Forge weld to mild steel so you have to get it hotter to forge weld mild steel than you do high carbon steel I was pretty sure and I think I did another thing that I did different was when I made this Billet I was going to weld the side solid and I thought ah it's not that big of a deal and I sprayed some WD40 in it instead of putting it in my kerosene not really sure that had anything to do with it I think what happened was on my very first weld I think it was just too large of a Billet to try to press the whole thing at once I think I should have heated it pressed half of it put it back in the Forge heated it pressed the other half um and I should have done all three welds like that hey it's a learning experience every time so I turn it around you can look at the other side and it's about the same same thing you can see my cladding right here you can see that about a/4 of an inch in before it's welded good it is not welded it's got an inclusion my guess is A4 of an inch all the way around I just can't leave well enough alone so I went back and I watched the beginning videos I saw the whole problem so the problem that I ended up with right right here where I peeled this back this/ quarter inch was this diesel leaf spring that I had had a rounded Edge and my mild steel the quarter inch plate mild steel I cut had a square Edge so that diesel leaf spring was sticking up just a tiny bit and when I welded it just in like three or four spots across there what happened was there was an airspace there if I can make my hands there was an airspace there right on the edge in the time it took me to come out of the forge and go to the press that little airspace started building slag on it it started oxidizing I know in seconds that is where the whole initial problem come from so I I figured out what my problem was I should have ground my Billet to be flat or I should have welded the entire perimeter and I'm going with B I should have welded the entire perimeter that way even if there was a little bit of a gap there between the two right on the edges I would have just filled that with Weld and shut that air space off where it couldn't have oxidized so everyone's a learning exper experience call it a fail call it whatever you want I can still cut a quarter inch off of this Billet all the way around and saw it in four pieces and probably pour three or four knives this size out of it um yeah so I know what the problem is and now all I got to do is just find the next project
Channel: Crow Farm and Forge
Views: 483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: o59hscEVGIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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