Forged A Huge Knife From A Rusty Leaf Spring | YouTube Knife Makers Challenge

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e [Music] [Music] how's it going everybody so we're back at it again with another YouTube knife makers challenge this one we're focused on the Viking Challenge there's a lot of participating Channels with this one I'm going leave links to their channels in the description below as well as the voting link so that you can actually vote for the either the build or the video that you thought was the coolest or best and I do want to give a shout out to the actual sponsors for this particular challenge they're giving out some really cool stuff to the viewer participants in this challenge if you want to have more info about the actual challenge just go to Facebook and type in YouTube My Favorites challenge it'll give you updates on the current projects plus the future challenges and when they're going to start let's go ahead let's jump into this video and let's get this thing knocked out [Music] e [Music] [Music] is is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e for never [Music] [Laughter] sh [Applause] I you know every single time I make one of these builds I just think through what's going to be a functional art piece what's going to look absolutely cool but be a usable tool for what we were actually making them for I feel like I accomplished that with this okay is it really cool looking yes but is it fully functional just absolutely epic yes so Forge 5160 blade forged fers thick spine nice taper all the way to the tip went ahead and did a pattern on that this was my first time actually doing something like this where I painted it and then scratched everything away and then etched it and I think that turned out really cool and on the other side with the rivers experience and of course the maker Mark over here I feel like the blade and everything just really works I went with more of a traditional long sacks it is thinner here than it is here so it's got a half of an inch flare to here and then it tapers back down it's got just a little bit of a belly you see a lot of saxes that people do they call them saxes they're just a rectangle with the just the front chopped off of it and it's like that's a sax when I wanted to do something a little bit different than that with the actual profile which is how I came up with this now of course we also have raw iron for the the guard right here you can see the pattern in it all the way around that and then one of my favorite Parts about the whole entire build is the handle I could have went overboard I could have did a whole bunch of crazy stuff on the handle but I wanted it to be simple and sleek and just stand on its own and I feel like I accomplished that with leaving the actual bone profile all the way around the guard right there bone profile I just think that that looks really cool I also used a pin that kind of disappeared in there so it just Blends in with everything as opposed to something that just stood out a whole lot I wanted everything to be subtle but have real cool textures real cool profile be really functional both onehanded and two-handed you can use it either way and again make a functional piece of art hopefully y'all feel like I actually accomplished that and if you do let me know in the comment section Down Below guys I do want to give a massive shout out to the sponsors for this challenge they are giving away some awesome stuff to the viewers of this challenge if you haven't participated in it and you want to just go over to Facebook type in YouTube knifemakers challenge and you'll actually see all the progress stuff that we've done during that plus the viewers builds and whenever we post updates on it you'll get to see those as well so again huge shout out to the sponsors plus I'm going to leave in the description all the channels that are participating plus the voting link make sure you go and vote for the one that you think is the best I would appreciate it if you voted for me guys make sure you give the video a thumbs up subscribe to to the channel y'all have an amazing day y'all stay safe out there and I'll catch y'all next time [Music]
Channel: The Rivers' Experience
Views: 12,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7zbLkpjp3Z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 51sec (1371 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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