Hammered Coin Hoard Found, Metal Detecting UK

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okay i've just taken out taking out a scoop and i got this and that is a hammer coin i was getting a faint squeak um and just put the pimp rope in another signal all right guys back out again today um something a little bit different so i was out yesterday after work brand new permission and i hit what i think is a horde um obviously it was getting on in the day i couldn't recover it um i couldn't have a look properly and see what was there i did pull out five hammer coins out of the same hole so and i was still getting a signal so i don't really know exactly how he's there so i'm going to come back today now and have a look and yeah see what's there i mean it wasn't a massive signal it was in fact it was a really quiet signal so the whole thing so and it's still giving me a signal now so i'm going to have a look and you know if it is suddenly becomes a lot more then you know i might have to uh um see if i can get somebody out to uh have a look and get it done properly um i don't think there's a vast amount in there but i definitely think there are more queens in there because that's what the detector was telling me so yeah i'll tell you what filling backfill in a hole you know has most probably still got coins in and leaving it there you know that's quite a hard thing actually i have to say and yeah i woke up this morning i was just as soon as i woke up this morning i was just thinking i've got to get back there i've gotta gotta have a look and see what's there so yeah i'll just um i'll just show you those coins now all right so so these are the uh five coins i found so we got two i think these are half gropes and i think these are either pennies i happen these these two are stuck together so yeah there's there's got to be more in there yeah i'm i'm 99 sure there's more queens in that hole so i've let the farmer know already he knows i'm going to be back out here today um and he knows the score with it so yeah let's uh let's go and have a look see what we can find that's where it is to backfill that last night i'm pretty sure just down there some more hammer coins so i'm going to open it up the signal i had there was i'll tell you what you think horde if you using a lot of group of coins is going to be okay i've just taken out taking out a scoop and i got this and that is a hammer coin and i got more in this slop unfortunately i think it's where i dug it yesterday all that water so it rained overnight let's just turn it into soup but i've got more in here i can see it i see the coin another one oh my god sorry not there that was actually two coins all right let's have a look so that's now that's four um edward the first maybe henry the sixth let's see what else we got let me take some of [Applause] [Applause] okay [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] thought [Applause] that one another one oh oh nice [Applause] do please excuse the wind noise [Applause] uh something all right [Applause] chances [Applause] [Applause] okay thought it was one but actually i'm pretty sure all right it's too stuck together there's another two see what the probe's telling me it's a couple of yards apart and they were two completely different monarchs so henry iii edward the fourth so quite far apart but this is all i'm pretty sure these are all edward the fourth night with the fourth with the third from what i've looked at one of them some of that stuff and have a better look i was getting a faint squeak um and just put the pimp in getting another signal wherever leo so is that coin no baby there we go oh this is unreal it's gotta be more not that greedy or anything request now anyway all right let's see what the detector's telling me now all right got another signal all right back there [Music] so let's just take out what's above it hopefully hopefully we're gonna out a nice hammered come on where are you right there all right there right on it oh there it is is it is that it sticking out there no i pulled it out [Music] you can see that right right there another one silver oh come on [Music] know it's just one [Music] buzz okay this excuse the wind noise just had the uh farmer come out she's quite happy that's a good look at the coins starting to get real blustery now not there it is another one my gosh just got the signal looks like stuck to it no what was that then it was a bit unusual well i just had a signal so there's got to be something there back over i'm sure i just got another signal with the uh sound there peculiar all right i am gonna have a okay just got another one and i am getting the probe another signal do please excuse the wind noise another little hammered [Music] um tiny tiny little hammer all right another one somewhere in here there it is another hammered brilliant all right to a point there's no more signals in there i've backfilled it um i counted 25 hammers and that one not only said where there was two stuck together that's actually three so that is a personal best and that is absolutely amazing yeah i just uh just can't believe it you know i love digging a helmet coin and when you get one it's always that you know a little boost it's brilliant find a hammer you've got to find 25 and i know some people go out there and they find a massive box full of them but um 25 hammered coins is just oh unreal i can't believe it still cannot believe it um absolutely buzzing i've left a message with uh the um local architect from there get them identified i think they're edward iii i don't really know i'm sure might put a picture of a couple up see if we can get an id on uh one of the facebook groups but they're brilliant i just can't believe it oh i was expecting 1.4 am i going to get gold in here but sadly not but you know i'm happy with that you know 25 so what's that so that takes my total hammers for the year up to 32. 25 power coins it's brilliant i'll have a little wander around i think i might i might just have a little wonder a bit more wow what a day i can't believe it look at that it's like oh 25 hammered coins i think they're all edward the third just still can't believe it it took me so long you know in my life to find me first hammered and you know that was just over three years ago and now finally got a little horde of them it's just unbelievable i'll tell you what i mean i've had the five coins on that first day and then having to backfill it because of running out of light and battling against the elements um it's you know you think oh my goodness i'm actually back filling a hole and i know there's hammer coins still in there but yeah there you go they're all out now yeah i um i have done the uh obviously report these to the flo and the relevant paperwork so they'll be going off to the corner they'll go through the treasure process they may get claimed um or they may come back to me i don't know so be nice to have them back but still it's you know even if they end up on display in a local museum that'd be great there's uh obviously a couple of different sizes here so you've got this one i think this is a half growth and i think i think these might be pennies and then possibly a half penny so i'm no hammered expert just um just what i've researched online i was in that field for 45 minutes i've been digging i think i dug a penny um and a few bits of aluminium and then this and i was honest i wasn't holding much hope for that field especially after the amount of junk i was rapidly pulling up to start with but you know it just goes to show you just don't know what is in there so that's uh that's brilliant just look at this look at the detail on some of them that is amazing i'm gonna have to do really well to top that if i ever do i must admit i know i do go on about finding a gold hammered coin and i was do i was thinking myself is there going to be a gold hammer coin amongst this star am i eventually going to pull one up you know sadly not um i did speak to um an archaeologist i know while i was doing it and he said um obviously there's no pot coming out there was no purse bar the amount of coins in such a small area he reckons it was um it would have just been like a a purse drop so it was probably a little pouch of coins that's actually dropped all in situ the fabrics all right away the coins obviously have just sunk down to the uh clay level and yeah sat there waited all those years all right i'm gonna go back out again soon i'm gonna go back on the field where i found those roman coins recently that field's going into maze soon so yeah i want to get back on there see if i can find anything else um i should have some other fields coming up soon as well that i can go on so yeah look out for those videos anyway stay safe and i'll see you all again soon
Channel: Indiana Jon
Views: 3,729
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Metal Detecting, metal detecting for relics, metal detecting uk, treasure hunting, treasure hunter, Hammered coins, hammered coin hoard, hoard of coins, treasure found, Edward iii coins
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 7sec (1687 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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