Metal Detecting Gold Huntington Beach

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[Music] oh my gosh how did i miss that okay guys it is a little breezy out but we are back to metal detecting the beach today i got the brand new ckg tank scoop with me only because i want to dig i don't necessarily know if i'm going to get anywhere near the wet but i'm going to start right here i saw a lot of activity around the fire pits and you know i love that fire pit gold and when there's activity at the fire pits that means people are getting drunk and losing crap jim likes that part not the getting drunk part but the not them getting drunk apart but them losing the crap part you know jim doesn't mind himself every once in a while yeah never mind anyways let's just get uh moving this over oh look at that you remember what that was from would you dig it huh all right so going to beach one i need to connect my earphones they connect they are connected let's noise cancel and let's make sure jim locked his car all right i don't need that light on anymore okay this is gonna be one trashy beach like it always is trash can beach so i am gonna be selective on my targets they're gonna have to be good solid and repeatable or i just kind of have learned how to listen to them you know unless you teach yourself and train yourself you just you don't know i mean obviously the targets just like that stand out right because it's a high tone and there we go it's what is that i have a funny feeling that is a chuck e cheese token i've seen enough of those outlines so right off the bat chucky cheese token all right out of this hole it was a real sketchy signal i threw it over here and then it started singing so probably right here [Music] and that is a nice quarter all right 1982 and it's fairly clean so let's see what else they've dropped around here all right i got another fire another target here next to the fire pit right there those high tones are so much easier to it's a target oh i see it right there sounds like there's more there too you know the 1981 so we got an 82 and an 81. i got a signal right here probably just a penny if it's a good signal at all it's easy walking right here where they just you know took the loader and scooped it with the bucket earlier today yeah that's one thing about being here you can be really selective on what you dig this is not where you dig everything guys this is where you teach yourself what is a good target here we go here's another signal right here should be a quarter maybe right there now come on silver ring oh yeah we're getting some clean quarters getting older 77 oh it matters right okay so if you look back even though this is really trashy there's a lot of noise i just walked down the middle and did really long sweeps back and forth and uh only dug two i dug a penny in this quarter oh i took a couple scoops out here and there i think you have another quarter right here right there i see the quarter did i just drop it out oh no there we go oh 66 you know it's funny as i keep it keeps getting older [Laughter] all right i just needed to get my brain back away from fire pits because you know wholesome chica and it's awful all right so i got a target right here it's got some iron grunts so it might be a tent stake but it might be something good all right so now push it forward got it in the scoop and we got a dime we'll take it all the time oh yeah i can't read that all right guys i got a 13 here oh well this stayed solid until i turned the camera on it's not like it's gonna change targets just because they turned the camera on so ah just got a mouthful of sand guys i do believe that is going to be a penny bringing up a 13 i wonder what it rings up out of the hole 13. i think that's a penny it's not a nickel all right those zinc pennies are so weird sometimes all right got another target right here guys it might be a dime probably a penny [Music] it's gonna be a dime all right guys let's see if there's anything else around here [Music] oh my gosh all right another magnet i think it's a magnet all right maybe well i know it's a can opener and a bottle opener but i was looking at that to see if there's a black a magnet because the black sands are sticking to it i think it's just a weird can slaw signal but let's dig it i'm hoping it's a coin spill silent now my jacket my the shaft ah garbage a blob you're right yeah nice so my jacket has little breather slots on it and this the this end goes right in it when i pull it back only on this jacket does it do it because it's the only one that's got those little breather slots near the arms yeah target right here next to the uh the cable system pull that back a lot of iron stuff around here i must push it forward huh sounds like i might have it now ah it's a dime all right i'll take it okay yeah you know these volleyball courts get a lot of activity target right here yeah it's just a penny huh all right copper penny since worth two pennies in all right it looks like somebody was getting her well they had left some wood over here that was still kind of smoldering a little bit huh probably bottle cap sixteen zero i like sixteens out oh stuck in my jacket again all right ah a vape hype ultra lychee soda oh whatever the hell that is usually they're way higher than that they usually ring up like uh um like 29 30. they sound more like a quarter interesting all right that's no good i am discriminating so i'm looking for repeatable targets in discrimination mode at the moment and then when i get away from the fire pits or i'm confused i turn it to all metal mode just to let you guys know what i do definitely so much easier here in high tones out of all the garbage here and yes i'm right next to firefit i don't know about this target either sound like 29.30 there's a 2930 there it keeps coming all right and i think i may have a penny somewhere too nice i'll take it i can't read the year but it looks newer than the others okay so there's multiple targets in that hole see what this is and of course bottle cap you know when you're discriminating and you're trying to only find good targets you don't have to dig a lot of trash but i do need to get my 24 to get my beer and i'm not going to go without my beer guys oh heck now man i tell you what look at that pile of sand right there it just strange how the sand is laying around here okay i'm just gonna pick out high tones and solid tongue here's a loud 20. hopefully it is something better than a penny and that's not black sands guys that's ash and charcoal because i am right next to fire pits and this particular state beach does not maintain it very well all right we got another high tone right here all right come on quarter or silver ring 30 31 now oh i was hoping for a silver ring how about a heck if i know you guys probably see that better in my eyes you got another target right here now it sounds like a penny it was a little higher than that i thought all right got it yeah is that just a penny all that for a copper penny man oh don't you wish you would have had a dime for every penny that you dug guys you'd be ten times richer all right here's a very iffy signal and this is what i talk about when i'm at the uh i always look for iffy signals like this guys and it does not sound like a bottle cap okay i'm gonna go 90 degrees so it does not sound like a penny either so to me i'm gonna guess bottle cap but it's one of those weird signals you gotta dig i mean i didn't have to dig it but oh what the heck is that maybe a pen or something that went inside a vape at one time i think if i know maybe yeah maybe that's what it is it's not very good to step on something like that well yeah i'm just gonna put that in my back pocket all right got a target right here come on i think it's shallow probably penny i'm hoping for some type of jewelry the only coin so far not a nickel only that's what i'm missing i need a nickel a nickel to keep my sanity all right another target right here oh it's coin still i love it that is clean clean clean clean stuff [Music] all right see if there's anything else there and that would be what they were drinking some modelos well they're losing their change i'm a weird target right here does not sound like a nickel but it's bringing up is one i'm wondering oh oh wait a second what do we have here we have a crucifix let's see what this brings up okay let's take a closer look at that one i'm gonna put it in this pocket in this little slot here yeah i don't have anything in that side finds bag but that's my first piece of jewelry all right let's see what else they lost probably a chain to go with it just a little bit further here huh be something good come on okay what do we have here maybe part of that chain ah it is it is uh part of it i think another religious medallion okay and that was ringing up what 22. i don't want to put it in that same pouch pocket all right i got a target right here watch those waves behind me too there's the time i believe now take them all the time all right right underneath the cut it just literally shut the camera off walk down a little bit okay guys fill that hole in another target right here i tried that uh the wet i went down there did that small little 40 50 yard section of uh cut only that dime [Music] i did dig a couple of targets but uh only the dime was a good enough target all right guys look right here you see that i think that's just a time it is and we'll take those all the time see if there's any brothers or sisters around here that was it okay next hey guys i got a target right here hey look i got fire pits right near me and i'm thinking it's a nickel everything sounds just like a nickel probably a pool tab but hopefully it's a nickel all right we got a nickel sweet i love those nickels anything else all right i'm running into the bathroom over here hey got a target right here guys sounds like maybe a penny or a dime look at all that stuff what is this all right that's not it there we go there's a dime and we'll take them all the time and i am right over here they do the concerts on that stage right there they've been doing it on the weekends okay guys i got a target right here and i think i may just uncovered a tiny bit of it i think it's gonna be a nickel that is sweet we got a nick oh but i heard another signal here that's not too good it's probably a pull tab all right let's pull this one out first ow how we that's a rock okay let's go ahead and dig that it's probably a pull tab all right and that's probably either another nickel or a pool tab and what else do we have around here all right let's get that dime and those pool tabs [Music] here's the time all right and i see a nickel all right i see a nickel check it out all right all right anything else [Music] oh my gosh how did i miss that is it really got a ring my nose is dripping sorry guys yeah we got a ring it's got ringing up actually it's a 12. that looks gold i see markings on the inside right there i see a mark like tiny i think we just got cool yes i am on fire but i don't trust these fine i don't have a zipper on my finds bag oh this park i totally trust that part do i trust that part yeah i trust that mark do i trust that part oh my god i'm panicking now all right we just got gold look where i'm at i just came over here to use that restroom guys and then they came over here metal detected this let's clean this area out wow and i actually got two nickels out of that two sweet nickels a ring and a dime that's iron but let's just throw it out okay what is that oh be the cousin to that gold ring come on i'm so sorry guys come on cousin [Music] oh no yeah i guess it'd be considered a cousin it's got ring in the name chirping off of something let's just that's tent sticky so i'm so sorry again guys sounds better than a tent stake okay i am just digging down a dirt which is not acceptable here i don't want to get in trouble for uh you know these guys know me so jim you're over there no no i wasn't i was just using a restroom it's not like i was over here digging nickels and gold rings maybe a quarter come on i hit the cycle here you know what i mean steve hit the cycle did i take a penny yet may not have dug a penny yet so maybe i haven't hit the cycle yet uh you know come to think of it i have no idea how much gold i've gotten this year i know it's been a pretty darn good 2021. i know i got quite a few gold chains early on especially from that after the winds blew the dry sand off but man i can't even i don't know where i'm at on my gold total oh be another be another come on it's gonna be bottle cap come on oh no pull down okay foreign i think might be a quarter deep down there my battery went dead guys sorry as a dime out of that hole i'll see you guys at the wrap up hey guys here's the wrap up i threw a lot of the garbage that i found away this is the stuff i couldn't easily grab out of that finds bag so i did dig quite a bit more trash and of course when you're near fire pits you are gonna be digging trash and you know my quest for fire pit gold did pay off that is gold 10k anyways guys i found a can opener bottle opener with a magnet which i think i'll leave right on out here a vape sounded so good or it sounded sounded like a ring to me because it sounded so solid near the fire pits you know uh and it was like 17 16 17 i think uh which is unusual because they usually ring up like 29 30. um it sounds like quarters lots of bottle caps enough for the got my beer um was it two four six eight ten fourteen pennies five nickels that's quite a bit of nickels especially so you know it's going after low tones and mid-tones and going after mid-tones in the fire pit section guys that's tough that's tough i think i'm going to make that a tutorial tuesday to teach you guys exactly what i do to get through that because honestly it it does bother me it does i i know for a fact that some people just can't handle it and i respect that i know but i get in there when i can and then i can walk away from it when i just can't handle it and then i can go right back to it again you know what i mean because here's the thing there's just so many targets there when you get into sand that has no targets you want more targets again so you go right back to the fire pits it's kind of never anything with me but gold pays off in the end right so we got two four six eight ten eleven dimes and two four six eight ten quarters well i got quite a bit of quarters for the day that's just dark i think this is 88 on it this is a chuck e cheese token that sounded awfully good i thought that was going to be a really good target honestly i was thinking chain when i heard that this was a piece of garbage that ended up being maybe some type of jewelry because they could see a clasp there but it is corroded so we'll have to see what it is clean up do you believe that's from a fishing lure um you guys saw me dig this i do believe that's probably pewter maybe not sure the metals of it it's not silver i think it's pewter all right but this is 10k it's a gold ring all right i'll get you some close-ups of it hey guys i always love finding gold all right little 10 kp ring now you guys know what the p stands for right stands for plum whenever you see p behind k stands for plum and that means it's precisely the carrot that it states it is so this means it would be precisely 10 karat gold and i see the white band and the yellow on the inside so it's got to be white and yellow gold and the dog laying down hallmark has me puzzled if you know what that is please comment below and let me know i know there's some famous designers so this would be very valuable of a ring if it had a specific dog head okay now just remember i can't see a name of a hallmark it's only that dog so if you guys know what it is comment below so jim doesn't go crazy trying to figure it out okay and if you like my videos please click like if you'd like to see more consider subscribing ringing this bell and receive all the notifications every time i release a new video and please take a look at either one of these gold found videos
Channel: Fun with Jim
Views: 6,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, beach metal detecting, treasure hunting, beach detecting, metal detecting finds, metal detector, minelab equinox 800, minelab equinox, huntington beach, metal detecting beach, fun with jim, metal detecting finds gold, finding gold, beach metal detecting 2021, metal detecting gold, metal detecting for beginners, metal detecting beach california, metal detecting finds 2021, metal detector finds, metal detectors for beginners, metal detecting tips, gold rings
Id: 81a6cW_t9aA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 38sec (2138 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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