Detecting Somerset First Day Out Metal Detecting Lockdown 2021

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[Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] the have you started it yes it started hello everybody peeps hello hello where the have you been and i've been having a hand job [Laughter] what a thing just say i've been having carpal tunnel surgery is that fish good for new york carpool yeah carpool coffee well it's uh first day of none lockdown first is it yeah oh yeah cause it is we're out here aren't we that's why you're allowed here hello guys it's been a long time it's been a long time yeah it's warm boiling already just just come over here and yeah long hair yeah no hair do you want some no no i tried trying to get rid of it for years mate first dig for me no you've been on the beach you went on the beach and cheating out red peppers i was allowed to yes yeah well i i could have gone on the beach but my beaches yeah well well done to the winners of the um first raffle that went well surely did we have a second one soon yes with a bit luck with a clock yeah similar stuff yeah because uh because we've got to get rid of it somewhere yeah some buggers got to take it off our hands yeah we're gonna do it for uh cystic fibrosis this one yeah the alzheimer's society yeah raise them let's see there 120 so i thought i saw something in that field over there no no no don't know if they can see it yeah see mine [Laughter] mine's um what does it do it's been due for about hang on let me 40 years [Applause] did you for about 40 years i've always been a big lad anyway right um should we crack on yeah i think we ought to get going yeah because we ain't got long because i don't know how long my hand's going to hold up yeah we'll see we shall have to see right the next fight have you missed him because i freaking haven't you can't miss me can't miss me right man it's on the first target of 2021 first yeah somewhere around that yeah yeah so yeah isn't it are you sure no it's been that long since we've been out first target i get the first one no need for the basket started already do you want to be what you mean what you talking about 23. yeah 22 21 23. i forgot the old math mate he's not going no i've got the muff so it might be a bit windy and it won't be love puffs now then this is the moment of truth i see if i can dig with my hands but does this how it goes so far might be a bit slower today might be a bit slower today folks yeah i thought i'll speed up the video yeah no that that does hurt a bit i might have to be improvised there you go see improvisation first hole in how many months long time oh sorry yes it will be oh yeah it's your role i'm gonna have to be a bit careful today folks sorry it's gonna be slower than normal use me arm that's it that should have it nope right in the hole oh this is unusual i forgot what i'm doing everything took twice as long to charge up oh he's way down still there in the bottom that's nine inches already go compare [Laughter] oh oh hang on what the fudge is that that looks like two together is it no it's oh it's hang on oh i didn't see that i thought that was just a bit of a madonna it's the lid it's a lid top thing it's madonna's bro yeah there you go look yeah that's nice vibe yeah it's not kakapoopu no it's not that's unusual you've let me down i know you've got everyone down there [Music] oh well there you go um yeah lid off of a over the pot jar type sort of thing there you go first find of 2021 yay [Applause] right the basket's on another one his second target and i haven't had one yet listen to this lovely that way look lovely lovely and then it goes to minus with not a lot so it could be iron next to a good target but we are going to investigate [Music] wind at all we're going to investigate i got a feeling it's something this could be what you wanted so i'm going to give you kakapu we're gonna try anyway yeah this is a bit awkward but i think we'll get used to it by the end of the day there she goes not too bad hey pop goes louise zone out there whatever it is it's still in there so we'll get down in give it a bend gives me four arms a bit of a workout as well that sounds nicely nicely now yeah let's have a little look see shall we that's where i thought it was oh it is cracka poo poo a bit of copper copper sheet copper sheet a bit of sheet there you go we've got we're saying it now a bit of sheet sheet it's a bit of sheet sheet there's nothing on it yeah it's just a piece of copper or bronze yeah that was it you're such a copper knob cop knob wrong pocket in the screen onto the next are we videoing yeah it's my turn actually hang on what's that up there what's that oh no blue sky oh sorry it's much yes yeah i know i know i was playing i was playing with you more windy windy oh yeah what am i doing oh yeah what if he won stretch me arm oh oh okay well that is a bit iffy that one bird i don't like it now don't laggy oh sounds better that way baby here we go yeah he's on his first hole and just behind him just where's my machine there i got a signal i walked towards him because he said he thinks he's got one and i guess another signal so we're on a double digger folks that sounds better now yes doesn't it it sounds sound spiffing's off spiffing that's nice it's nice is that a new one it's nice oh oh it's in the wall in the wall in the wall pink floyd oh he's got it can you see it it'll be in that is it where is it oh oh no it's not that do i have to open it on yeah okay put it on the sheep wow that was a good choice wasn't it what's it fine it's still in there it's little oh it's little is it little no no no oh is it what is it it's a nut nuts oh hazelnuts cadburys take them and they cover them in morally in chocolates come back i can't open the screen again now because i got my gloves on there i got it i got it got it what are you doing it the screen went black and i got gloves gloves because of my hands see see the scar there oh sorry paulian so i've got gloves on today yeah yeah should have anyway really to be honest yeah right so uh shall we have a look at mine oh yeah forgot about yourself i'll turn me me more should i check the old yeah check the hole yeah yeah gone look at that small target go on wonder that deep though but here we go right basket case is on the weaver on the weaver on the wall basket weaver and the weaver oh hang on hey it's fairly large oh 22 22 21 22 that is oh does me doesn't mean i'm good anywhere i reckon this well [Applause] not probably it'll be all right it'll be fine oh at least we've come here and not on the other part because the other part is like clay in it i think i might have a bug on the other part yeah this is a bit easier this is a bit easier over here still in the hole oh that sounded a bit crunchy didn't it oh dear oh oh look at the size of that look at that i don't go for little things it's a roman pin oh wait huh that's got this ornate it's got a pattern on it's got a pound on it that's uh is that hollow because it looks like a no it's not no it's not hollow it's not a bird that's solid oh it's different yeah see i don't just find any old crack you poo poo you're oh well there you go someone to look at later i suppose yeah i gotta carry that now oh my heart bleeds for you i thought it might right moving on to it onto the docks right when it's on his target and i got a target just there too so another double digger 13 14 there that way oh and with a splash of 15. splash of 15. and it sounds like that the other way as well so i like those numbers 13 14. i get quite a few well i don't get quite a few hammies i've had in that number i'm trying to shield the sound yeah not the sound of the wind shielding you're shielding again are you done enough of that yeah oh yeah i'm gonna be aching by the end of the day though i think buddy over here not a good sign if it's that shallow i don't think it's in that bit oh first time i've broken broke a sword up oh it's blue i don't like that oh it's blue it's a bloody electric heel terminal electrical terminal oh yeah cockapoo yes he's on the treasure on the treasure right more of his turns here we go that's me all filled i'm all his turn yeah nice oh he does love that thing i can't stand that i don't use it bloody wind tears trying to shield the gopro still in the holes it's just nice to be out though isn't it hey yeah yeah cool still in the hole he's going in with the pointer thingy go and have a look shall we yeah oh oh he's up there oh no he's shallow that's a shallow one as well yeah i'm knackered already mate is that it nope no oh what have you done with it it's gone no that's strange oh oh hang on it is out it's in that lump it's in that lump i lied what checking his pinpointer worked oh it's a little diddy bit then oh stop waving it about i'm trying to film it oh you thought you dropped it then didn't you oh ring money that's that's dwarfs ring money baby baby rivet i thought it was dwarfs ring money something's gone here yes sun's gone in now look at those horrible gray clouds but never mind because i'm dressed up for the arctic weather today i didn't think it was going to be quite so warm i got a little bit of a sweat on i'm going to switch you off now oh switch switch me off bully look he's got look he's got a look bye remember right man it's on another target and and i got one here too this is the double double digger double double digger so we've gotta go a few places and get another that'll be a treble double digger yeah triple trigger triple yeah yeah all right what we got there it's a 20 21 sounds quite deep not that i know because it's been that long since we've been out i forgot what the sounds are like and everything for me so where are you going on holiday they sure they're manic i'm going to our gate oh yeah i'm painting we're going to cost del burnham no no no no no we're going to go to costa del we're at western western i'm going to argue peyton hey our gateway oh that's how oh it's gone up to 29 now from a 21. oh i don't mind that so much oh come on i actually don't mind that going up i probably um regret saying that now can't believe i forgot the muff i know fancy forget in your mouth i'll try the wind noise on here yeah let's go that sounds big probably not but you know i'm a liar really you ain't got a scooby doo no i haven't we'll have a little tickle oh huffing and puffing painted first time i've done that yeah where's my button still going down still down there still going down even further oh i like it that's a coyote and it was the only one there it looks like a georgie third that was deep as well he wasn't there yeah lovely clear signal though yeah a bit blank but was he blank now right okay i don't mind actually i got a coin i don't care you have your five you know me i'm always happy once i've gone to court right hang on right i'll start that down in a second let's go this side because of the wind oh good how many numbers 14 yeah good ring ball numbers a rigorous pull up yeah that's good ring pool numbers aren't they as well that's the trouble i never thought of that when i said about it puffed myself out doing that he's still in there my screen's gone black again come on thank you it's because i've got gloves on hang on stretch his arms [Music] no not too bad should have it oh no no is it dead you've been led down the garden path do i say it no no i already said that i've already said one now i'm i'm not the type to rub it in that i've got a quite a new oven [Laughter] up a turd ultimate he picked up a turd oh henry the third richard the turd yeah oh well on to the knocks double for molly yeah we can't hear it mate oh there it is he's come alive [Music] yeah so morty's got two signals here and i haven't found one oh blue ball he's flying stop kicking round and round and round i gotta keep going into the wind actually it's dropped a little bit there oh cut half i feel it still nine ten still nine ten eleven oh oh oh oh oh there it is that's a good depth though yeah on the side again yeah your pinpoint is off it's been a long time i know as i love it i've only dug four rolls and i'm knackered [Laughter] this time this time then okay getting closer all the time no don't you dare huh don't you dare it's not that i've got it it is it's there oh oh lead oh oh look that seven and eight seventy [Music] yeah just about a bit wrong seven eight nine ten eleven okay okay right come on on to the knocks on to the knocks where is it where's the blue blue bottle hang on there it is while i was on the phone molly went and got himself two bloody signals the old bugger his bloody got himself two signals he did he's just jealous 18. 18 you know what one day i had uh two groups at 18. solid 18. one after the other do you remember mary and elizabeth yeah sorry say it again yes i can do two groups 18 and 18. he's not happy with me now folks because i reminded him no history history seeing that lumpy bump huh oh god oh how's he round us see roundness come on oh oh nice bit of roundness it's a noose it's a noose nice to see you finding the um quality quality cockapoo yeah a smurf snoop noose a smoosh shark yeah get rid of that oh well on to the knox onto the knox tasteof yeah bye oh there you go we're videoing now well done yeah it does help molly's got his remote on his belt and he's doing all the buttoning button pushing today but he's got a nice sound in 20 somewhere around there 1920 it's a 1920 1920s and i'm trying to smoke my cigarette my coin i haven't smelt the fact that well go down window me you'll smell one now i've been smoking too much oh that's going a bit bitty now and it yeah yeah i've been smoking too much folks i got i gotta pack it up yes pack it up or at least cut down get on the old feet i know my vapes had it i charged the batteries up and one day they bloody dead again so i gotta buy some new batteries they've had it seen that lump it's in the lump can you see it no i can't oh oh what is it a buddy what did you say then oh sugar lymph oh that looks a bit irony it is oily in it what is the irony of that then hmm that's different hang on oh going in for the kill got it gotta milk it show it off show it to the camera if you've gotta flaunt it i thought no i don't know if his own or not yeah yeah that's strange for a 20 donut drop it in your hand oh well onto the knocks you're going to let me get a signal now you carry on i can i keep filming yours by the time i grab my bloody machine you've got another signal oh well oh we're gone bye bye oh dear he said i'll just i'll dig this one because we both checked this signal and we both said it's a bit iffy yeah so yeah just dig this one i missed that and he missed it we just missed the love puff as well he said oh he swore he said the bol it's down there look hang on look he said i said to him as well i said oh he's dropped it he's i said i bet this is the one that you should have videoed that looks silver to me looks silver and we didn't video it he said oh it's iffy we'll just dig this one it's a silver oh guess what it's a silver it's a silver loaf token love joking give you an iffy signal then that was crap signal wouldn't it yeah hey just goes to show diggers crap signals as well run it manic no that's me sorry but one coinage one coinage each pointed cheeks ah actually actually hang on hang on it's a love token it's not actually a coin anymore you always got a person it is it's a coin it's a coin leave it leave it it's a coin hey silver hey first silver how blank is it i can't see off the screen it's just a little bit of a quiff there what do you reckon there's six pins or something yeah hang you can put it in there you want i won't keep it honest do you want to use it or not that's right okay you don't trust me folks [Laughter] oh well what up buddy uh i said i did bloody say though i said you watch because we're not videoing it it's going to be something better yeah always there what did i say oh bolshevik you did you did swear you didn't swear you did i didn't swear oh bloody dead pen birthday 13. yeah quite clean and as i swang then swank no i thought i got another one then as i swam coil out the way the hands getting stronger though i think wow maybe it's not hey would you believe that silver yeah a bit of silver i love a bit of silver a little bit of silver one each on the coins yes yeah i didn't think i got it out because it left the soil there still in there uh we'll have another little go i like to get it out ow chihuahua it's out i thought that was it there yeah a piece of cockapoo poo oh well bitter valley alley ali krishna yeah all right moving on hello ally uh yeah see you're getting all the bloody good stuff right right well with that we just said just now uh we we we've got a few live digs so we'll just do some digs when anything comes up we'll just do some this is what we found type sort of ones and then malik manic that's me morley gets a signal we just agreed to not do live digs for a minute so we can get a bit of digging in oh yeah yeah and he hadn't opened [Music] [Laughter] he thought it was as well yeah you wouldn't credit it because we said we're just to get on and do a bit of digging oh so we won't do some and then he goes and gets a house hello i hate you [Laughter] i kill you i haven't said that for a long time i kill you welcome back to 2021 baby [Music] first dig first hammered we've just come into this field yeah just come into this one now we just moved from that one to this one so that was basically i just had a strip of lead how about a strip of silver it's over two silver day a disc of silver and it's two one hey yeah two one hey [Laughter] good job [Laughter] what up mate boom baby it's a nice one as well can i can you drop it in my hand just for a see if we can get somewhere near oh oh it's gone mine finders keepers 1200 12 on the richter scale see if we can um get in the shade that might be better and i don't know how well it picks morally i'll put pictures up at the end anyway as you normally do oh yeah what a buddy hold your hand open [Laughter] buddy yeah no it's not you've pushed a button i did all that and you didn't oh no it is recorded is it it doesn't say recording on here yeah it's recorded it doesn't say recording on here spanner on it yeah it's recording oh look look look molly have a look at your screen yeah yeah there you go boom baby what's it doing that's what i mean don't show nothing yeah he's recording it's not showing nothing hopefully oh please it's recorded what you got guess how deep it was i don't know that deep i reckon because we're right next to arena i reckon it was dug out from the rain when they when they cleaned the rain out look at that look at that i actually turned the soil out and i thought where is it then so i pinpointed the grass and there it was literally a quarter of an inch under the soil nice nice nice little early buckle yeah yeah look sun's out i like my buckles it's hot it's too hard it's too hot that's you know that's far better than any hammy [Music] right yeah there you go onto the knocks bye bye [Laughter] well i reckon it is manic's not too sure i don't know but oh hang on oh my god oh you haven't stood in the kakapoopu again there it is yeah alright i'm sorry do you reckon yeah i hope it is look at that little baby habit oh no that's me there you go look at that there you go i'm turning them over for you it's one each yay lovely jubbly take a photo yeah i'll put it down you can get it then oh it looks good there look yeah boom baby first time here twenty one and i came over had a look and i dribbled you did he dribbled all over my hole plug the plug that sounds even worse all right we're coming to another field i'm knackered this is going to be the last field for me i'll tell you i'm absolutely shy too oh yeah you got a signal i got a signal i've been walking around for ages without one because we've been in here a few times at 9 10 10 11 something like that i'm gonna dig it anyway we've had romans in this field aren't we we have and we've had some nice stuff some fight some nice fines out of this field but we have been in here for a bit that we have been just goes to show there's still stuff here oh it's two silver's two one but a nice hammy each yes the day is not done yet it's getting harder to get down here now [Music] somewhere there be nice to have a roman to round it open it it would but it's not gonna be it's gonna be silver for your silver foil silver foil silver foil i'll wrap my jerky up with that that's a flawless campus tennis foilers morning's turn more on his turn that's quite a nice sweet mordy said a bit iffy but i went over it and i thought it was lovely yeah i got i got a solid 17 with my program so [Music] he's deep yes i thought he was deep a good spade he's a oh i've nearly had it 28 oh that's gone up it's gone stick the pimp stick the pin pointer in it stick your probe in the hole he's only just there oh you're on it now scream baby scream baby [Laughter] [Music] that's because i'm down in the crouched position crouching together it's not very often you get me with a loved one had to be done yeah well yours was you were in a severe lack of love puff so i had to uh oh oh oh oh oh is it oh is it is it roman that bad one today you sure it's that check with the pinpointer oh it was that all right oh hang on we lost the screen it's great i don't know i can't see because my screen's not coming back it's gone i don't know what i'm videoing because i can't see nothing on the screen he touched it with his finger magic fingers because i've got gloves on oh well oh i thought it was a roman then hair bear bunch yeah i think we're nearly done aren't we and well morley's not he's more or less saying to himself i'm not giving no wait till dave says and i'm saying i'm not giving it i wait till morning [Music] all over there that's it and that's it so nearly coming to the end of the day now oh well onto the knocks if there is one yes switch me off bully oh yeah you got the remote bye well we've got 33 battery on this so we must have used some video up master challenge oh you got sick 11 12. 11 12 wins all right you've got that side i'll dig right this way then oh i'm not used to going that way yeah you go in the circle don't you i go i go squares [Music] sir can i do squares yeah oh come on i ain't gonna strengthen brick break the sodium oh it's a thin ball oh it's i thought it was a coin ball but it's lumpy oh shut up it is oh i don't know what it is yeah oh where are you at my backseat oh stand up then hang on oh oh oh ow it's your fault was it was it oh it's it's a bit of bronze a little bit of bronze like a pot leg yeah you had a pot leg didn't you yeah it's a bit of bronze but it's yeah all right all right moving on just a bit of bronze that was me yeah here we go i was on the way back to the car when when he got a signal we've actually said that's it we're calling it a day so we're gonna we're working our way back to the car and then morning gets the signal cool on my bubby we haven't had a roman today yet i don't think this one is it's a 20 isn't it ish oh that's different oh first yeah a two-part signal or is it that's the thing gotta get a blue tube on oh channel hang on where is it oh look youtube [Music] was there another signal that's the end of it the top of it ah there you go run your machine over it though just in case oh i'm just getting up again yeah you've got to get up sooner or later else we'll just stay here [Applause] a little mushroom yeah kept in the dark yeah that was it buddy right switch me off five yards later he's got another bugger [Music] tube king strikes again still in the hole get down down here again come on come on it is hard work it's inside oh it is is it it's another moon oh a complete one this time yeah that's a nice one yeah nice one yeah the framingham yeah bring that one i'd clean that off when i get when you get it home it hasn't got the top so it's not oh yeah yeah yeah yeah that's that's true yeah anyway [Music] i'm not getting numbers but i'm getting a signal it's a willow the wispy one yeah oh i'm gonna get suntan i know that's why i left the top on don't want to get sunburned this earlier but that's very very quiet one the wind's dropped didn't it oh yeah god for that i did get numbers uh once and it was a 14 but i'm still getting no numbers so i can hardly oh crush that hurts i'm gonna kneel down kneel down and pray that's that's next to nothing sounding much better in the ear bubs he's down there somewhere down there down there somewhat down there folks summit down there get the paddle out get the baby paddle out we walk out home one day [Music] i was on way back to car oh screamer you're nothing but a screamer yeah that's just a oh oh it's a piece of lead it's a yeah just a piece of lead lettuce maximus yeah just a piece of lead oh well that was deep as well bye bye [Music] i'm knackered yes it's connected i can see the little red flight laughs flashing light flashing flashing that's the one we're back on we're back no we're going home oh yeah we're coming home now i had enough i don't know had a great day yeah just had a thumbelina limbolina oh yeah one two but i didn't do that one two one two i had the one two two oh one two two yeah so we had some other finds didn't we yes hang on two bits of silver yeah what happened i can't be bothered to get my neck yeah a thin bellina see when i forget my fine spot you find something find something anyway the pictures will come at the end or whenever he decides to put them in the video it could be in the hand could be in the middle because we had a i did have a um a couple of other coins so i think i beat you today on coins i think i've got one more than you i think i'm not sure yet yeah this is the outro so don't tell them that anyway we've got enough battery no oh wow oh my gosh this camera i don't know where the lens is pointing it's probably not bloody no it's space we're probably it's just the top of our heads at the bottom of the screen you need a forward facing thingy so you can see where we are on the screen thank you yeah what can i say it's not that good so am i you know what i'm gonna have a for the last five minute walk five minutes that's gonna take his car for an hour to get back there the way i've been walking [Laughter] i got fed up with that beep every time you had the beat you dug did i get hammered yeah oh yeah right there guys up brilliant day today what a mate cheers when we recover well i got me an mri scan tomorrow yeah but by the time this video yeah they've missed it oh oh you're true yeah cut that bit out then it might be friday might be friday friday the video might go up tomorrow and wednesday yeah you are yeah you're right so what's thursday um when are we out when do you want to go out see we don't know now we can't remember don't know how it goes usually i'd say when you're out next and then he says when do you want to come out and then i say well whenever you want to go out and and we go we we have table tennis and we back backwards and forwards when we get here we say which film do you want to do youtube doesn't know you choose no no i'm on your permission you choose yeah but we said that way and we both got hammered i feel hammered right yeah so we have we have fun anyway because we can never work out where we're going what we're doing but hey there's nothing changed anyway hope you've enjoyed the video don't forget what i say thumbs up thumbs down i don't care whatever you want to do thanks for watching what else do i say do i say anything the proper stuff sometimes [Music] treasures they will save detecting somerset the best that you can get they haven't found it yet but they soon will detecting some reset inventors cold and wet they go from watches for us they keep us laughing with their jokes their outros and their starts with scary tales of background wind and manix magic darts i'll make another video soon all youtube loudly clamored and whether it is pub [Music] in winter's cold and wet then go from watching sparta's pill detecting somerset the best that you can get they haven't found it yet but they soon will detection [Music] [Applause] [Music] then go from watch it's far as pill thank you very much
Channel: Detecting Somerset
Views: 2,535
Rating: 4.9200001 out of 5
Keywords: Metal Detecting, roman gold, beach detecting, metal detecting, xp, xp deus, minelab, garrett, whites, silver, history, funny, Regtons, xp 35, the ferret, manic, HF Elliptical, Weston super mare, Somerset,, Lost Rings, equinox, orx, xp orx, nox 800, metal detecting beach, beach, detecting, cacapoopoo, coyun, nugget, treasure, gold, roman, hammered, coins, coils, ringuspullus, cf, trust, health, help, nhs, death, covid19, covid, prank, pranks, jest, swear, swearing, over18, adult, luvpuff
Id: azmLAmlKsFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 1sec (3421 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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