Hammer Down!!!

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and don't hit the hammer on the shower oh and did so we're down to problem solving there's no more leave it for the framers leave it for the Plumbers leave it for the drywallers we got to get this done so it's a matter of problem solving about 1215 maybe we'll use wood I found this wood out in field it's been there at least 20 years it was my dad's before he passed away and people pay a fortune for this crap I think it wait so you're just putting it down are you going to pour like anything over it we might put some clear epoxy over it I don't know it's an idea I think it'll look good A little rustic well we cleaned out the window and we framed these pieces because now we're level with this big gu right here and we did on the other side too which you can't really see but we did so now what are we doing I don't know the next so we're going to make the ledger so this piece of board not that I write my name on every 2x4 but my name happens to be here re will always be in the bathroom with you we're going to use every piece of scrap we have so we're going to nail this underneath here we're going to center it just perfect and then our boards are going to come out and we're going to create a little overhang right here and then it'll just look hunky dory so I was tasked with a very important job and my mom's clicking together that window seal over there oh it's looking good she's trying to get it even or level level some I had to sand these and to make the job easier on myself I only one side oh yeah because the one side is going to be covered and no one will ever see it but the top side has to look good you know so I made my job easier by cutting the load in half so half the time so you're just putting it puzzling it yeah we're puzzling it together but it's sat out in the field for a really long time like like my dad's been dead what Papa's been dead 15 years so it proba has been sitting out there over 20 years so you can see how it has like this Mark and all these jigs I I'm not going to fix those I'm they're imperfections they are imperfections but that's what kind of gives it that cool look yeah look really good then we'll epoxy over the top honestly never epoxied window sills before so it'll be another learning curve okay well it looks good we'll keep taking along way to go ochre you're a good C cutter and sander yeah it's about time for me to leave for basketball so I'm going to let you guys do the rest oh thanks oh wait um no poker left for ball so natti's sanding let's go see how she's doing what she doing I don't know I've never really used since yep see you don't even need me I'm a br sander [Music] who that jumped and I cut my finger on the saw and hit the saw yeah it hurted anyways it hurted a real word is it my vocabulary no oh let's go see how these fit like a puzzle Maddie I'm not good at puzzles so I'm glad you're doing it a yard puzzle oh yeah I'm liking that see if we approve can you see it right there see how my Reveals All the Same and that does look good doing exciting are you getting it I don't know I hope that works if it's not on side we'll see it'll just shoot me well we're we're just going to keep measuring and cutting and then we'll let you know when we're almost done is it never ends we'll see oh oh my goodness what are you two doing it's called Teamwork Makes the Dream Work Teamwork Makes the Dream Work two boards actually it's three no two three I don't know why you fight with him you made him paint the wrong paint color did too yeah we should go look at that yeah take a look at that we'll give you a tour once we put this down come on F okay so Finn ran out of paint and he's like where's the paint so I went and fast the paint it was open though which I thought was kind of weird stra it up and poured it wrong paint yeah I start to start it off I say it's Z's fault but also with the first thing wouldn't you have realized it was wrong paint I thought about that but I just didn't say nothing so you can kind of see there's like kind of a normal and then it's really white it kind of gets whiter so that's for the wrong paint wrong paint right paint so yeah and Finn did this wall and then went and did the ceiling so yeah you can tell a little bit it's the wrong paint so we're going to do it again we now have to deal with the this all this paint doing uh goofing off nothing isn't that good paint no my gosh I want to clap not no what are you guys doing where do we go that way we're getting duck out here wait can't we can we can't all do that yeah we can we can go through there we'll be careful all right you're going through the kitchen I wouldn't go through the kitchen we can't all duck underneath it we'll dump the pain everywhere oh my goodness oh God ow how's your back no guys I can't do this I can't n stop complaining me and O art why why would you put your hands in there it was thaty those was intrusive thoughts feel the sound gross good to know you notice how I'm the smart SI only got a little on me oh what a nice brother look at that he's lucky I'm so nice him fince had a childhood dream of just like sticking his hands in the paint but mom never lets him cuz we always have the right paint but the opportunity Rose and he took it and of course Natty's always like oh that' be so cool like I want to try wi you guys [Applause] [Music] [Applause] here we go we'll have to fix it tomorrow so but yeah but I think we're kind of getting wrapped up for today so we'll see what else we get done today but I don't think not much so yeah well we have been working really Mom has been working I've only been cutting but it's still work it's getting there but look how good this looks we're moving to the night shift Natty I know the sun went down it's less hot in this window but I think it looks good now we're just getting the what trim on yeah legs the legs oh oh yeah yeah so yeah here we go I did put the level on that so it's at least somewhat level I should have cut that off a little a little lower it's just not even around here so if I hold it down oh I see I put those legs up too fast so I trimmed these and before I put it up we're going to I'm not going to oh be so confident if that had broken the leg out I would just laid down and cried that's all right I can multitask wait let me switch hands okay now I can holded held held holded uh well it's just not going to be even no matter what you do do you not like what my shower I was not filming that I was filming my face did it D anything in the shower no I don't want to hurt the shower mom you have to be careful it's careful time be a paint it's careful time I think it looks good yeah we're going to get it ready for the epoxy tomorrow let's put her on but anyways look what we got done t look at this amazing window don't mind us in the window yeah reflection but it looks so good look we could film from this style we could be talking it could be we love it but I think it looks great tomorrow we're going to try the epoxy we got to go pick up some jugs for it though so we'll do that tomorrow but for right now it looking it's looking finished is yeah like I really like it yeah there's some cleaning and everything and it's not officially done but it's closer we'll see what we can do tomorrow yeah we'll see you guys tomorrow all right I found this another little project I want my tractor started it's been a long time since I've started this old thing check out this old pile it's I don't know what it is does anyone know what it is oh hey look at that R I parked it last so let's uh throw some power to it and see what it does maybe it'll start okay I got dual packs on it let's fire it baby she hasn't ran in long time but look at that let's see if it'll move I don't know if it'll even move anymore is it bad when you can't remember how to operate it oh I forgot this thing this thing has manual steering all the way and the tires are low so doesn't really help look at that let me get a gear here there's only like 17 of them the gears are a little sticky Air's low that should go now that's that's about my speed first gear and slow okay get it up here out of the field well piece of junk runs I'll get a battery in it and uh we'll check all the fluids on it pump the tires up we'll go do something in it yeah all right we got this hot rod experience better I mean not much but holy cow I need to clear the weeds let's just drive out through the weeds holy cow sorry about that about dro the camera this man steering sucks we're going to run into everything oh it's kind of fun actually yeah it's kind of working yeah she's pulling the gravel back on I haven't started this tractor in probably oh wow couple years just been sitting there she fired right up once I remembered how to start it not bad but we'll mess around with [Music] it okay looks like the tractor works good um I like it I don't know how to run it but I'm learning so we're going to get back on the house and look hey there's Marie working on the house hi M guess I better get back on that and we are back at it today with the window and right now Mom is caulking we got it all cleaned up taped we're just going to do a few more cleaning fill the holes with spackle and kind of get it all ready so we can epoxy we got the jugs today at the store so so we should be ready to mix it and pour it and hopefully it turns out the way we think it is going to in our head not hopefully it's going to it's going to so but we will show you what we do and when we pour it and here we go so I don't normally put tape when I culk but I did hear because of the wood grain so when you take it off see how it makes it nice and the cul doesn't go inside the wood grain that is the whole reason why I taped Vector O's here this window doesn't look that bad what are you doing Matt setting cuz we didn't get it all the way in don't hit the hammer on the shower oh and did you raise it up a little for that clear epoxy to come in yeah fended the I didn't think you sanded that one doesn't doesn't feel like it it's okay mom might have picked the wrong side so it wasn't my fault so you're blaming it on your mom yeah wow all right I need go or don't epoxy we are we're using a new kind we haven't done before to try and do these walls so I've got Natty here to help me so we can try and get this out of The Jug as fast as we can so some of you might not know this but alcohol cleans up epoxy really nice when it's wet you epoxied me I didn't know your arm this there wo getting crazy oh I wanted your brush in front of me so it didn't hey what are you thinking about my brush look at those sides look at with the sun though yeah I mean that looks so good and I like how some of them still have that old barn paint on it yeah like we didn't get all that sanded off which gives it a little flavor I feel yeah and then we'll make more and pour it on top of it so next time we're going to have to fill the cracks a little bit better cuz we're losing a lot of epoxy going right in there yeah there so we have a lot of little bubbles so ochre is going to help us out with the man job oh yeah it just pops all those little Aires I'm still feeling a epoxy all over me yeah it kind of stays with you you're supposed to wear gloves too late now oh that does look so shiny so we'll have to mix more and pour more but we'll have to wait till this HS to just pour a little more to fill in the rest of the cracks okay well I know we said we were going to do another job but it got late we got tired and we started pondering other ideas but um we're going to kind of finish up for today oh who's that hey look at that oh no inspector Ben is it inspector time do you want to check out her amazing work look at this come look at it this is pretty cool oh wow do you like it it's shiny huh so you're doing that on all the windows I think we're going to do something like it we're still trying to figure out the layout for all of them but this was an idea and we had to try it out I like it yeah the epoxy got a little crazy no no but I don't want your fingerprint in it you're going to mess it up it's shiny I want to touch it no he's weird you're not doing that I know I want to too oh we can't there's a bubble well where's that torch I can't so he it out o did this I will [Applause] you have to really hit it oh Mom it didn't it's drying so it's crinkly now it's dryish I guess but we have another coat we'll have to do another coat cuz it didn't really cover everywhere oh there's a few little holes from the setting in so we'll have to do another one so do a little bit more and it'll look good yeah but like it I really do okay we'll see how it looks tomorrow it passes for me we're back at it today again again so when you don't know what you're doing you just have to keep doing it till it looks good yeah so the window does look good but we wanted to try a few new things so we had a couple cracks that were fairly deep like right there long there a couple back there so I used this caulk that we actually used on the roof it's supposed to be UV protected which is nice in the window and it's not supposed to turn yellow so now that we filled those we're going to pour one final coat of a poxy but I do like the way it looks here's TR 12 so we're going to try and make it look a little better and Natty is going to get to [Music] mixing I to said anything on fire yeah that would be bad can't burn the house down before we ever even get to in it so you can kind of see some of the mistakes we made like I would not put this leg down in it I would hold it up cuz the color is going to be different once we paint it that was a mistake oh it will be something it will be it's okay it's in the bathroom so we were just trying something different um the other thing I would do differently too is I would caulk and fill it a little better um underneath like we'll foam it so it doesn't run down in the cracks but that looks so good so we're going to just give it a little time to set up yeah and then uh we'll show you the end product all right guess who showed up Finn and Micah after school helpers so do you guys want to go see our window no yeah I think we're officially done with it now what do you guys think don't touch it it is still wet it is still a little wet so it's choking oh sorry I just that's why I pulled my shoulder muscle Mom thank oh I was just perect like a little baby I love you so much do you guys like it yeah I need opinions here you're not talking it's good good better than my window SE is it [Music] all right well that's the end of this video we have the window done and now we're just going to work on doing the rest of them which we still have a lot of Windows to do maybe not a lot of wood so we're going to have to see what we can do and what happens and so but we'll be working on more things in the next video so make sure you check us out make sure you grab some merch or merchandise I saw that comment and we're going to say merchandise so here you go and the link is in our description and in the bios so make sure you check it out so thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: B&Ms Garage
Views: 25,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: z5C-hJUTSAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 5sec (1265 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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