Tom Tom's Shop Finally Getting Organized

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all right I'm out here working in my shop tonight which Angela has started calling the nerd cave and I don't know how I feel about that but I out here working and it is a total mess cuz we just finished up that big project on the XJ and I've got stuff everywhere it is a complete [Music] disaster this shop has kind of been a mess it's kind of been disorganized since I moved into it partly because I moov from a bigger shop and I'm tramming a lot of things down into this space so I want to make it a little more functional a little more usable but first I got to clean it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] up that was a huge mess so I brought in these helpers these guys are awesome they are my cleaning and organization experts and the cleaning portion is kind of done the Shop's looking a lot better but we have a ton of organizing to do and I got something I want to show you I just picked this up I'm pretty excited about it so this is what I want to show you I picked up these tool chests from Harbor Freight um they're just like the one that I have in there already and they're like the ones that I got for Matt that we put in his yard the big yellow ones mine are going to be red though okay the big reveal this is going to be 6 ft wide and it's double high so I'm going to have a ton of place to put all that stuff on my shelves into this that should clear up a lot of room so that's the back again so now we got to get it off of this oh I like it I like the red and black we'll have to get it out of here so you can see it check that out I love it I love the red and black do you think we can lift this up and set it on oh it's going to come right over here and help us do it okay lock it right there lock wheels you know yeah that's not happening we got to figure this out so we'll be back all right we were able to get the tool chests in the garage which is good cuz they're safe for the night somehow we've got to get my engine hoist back or something to figure out how to set the tool chest on the other tool chest cuz we can't do it on our own looks like rain so we're glad it's inside yeah that'll be good so we'll get back at it tomorrow night and figure out a solution to this problem all right I'm back out here today and I've got my engine hoist with me this time so I can figure out how to take this tool chest this upper chest and put it on top of the roller box so I've got the right equipment but what I don't have is the people Bridger had to get his wisdom teeth taken out this morning so he kind of looks like a chipmunk and he's saying goofy stuff he was marching up the stairs into our house saying I feel like one of the guys from London that wears the tall hats he was also asking if he got the phone number for the cute girl that rolled him out of the office so he's at a commission for a little bit I'm going to figure this out right I got my toolbox hanging here it's going better than it looks like I think I can lift this thing up in the air roll it underneath I'll figure out how to do that later right now I just want to get this thing into [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] position that went really really good I was nervous there but I've got it landed on there and stuck on this cardboard again I just got to figure out how to get these straps out so I'll lower it all the way on get all the weight on here pull pulls out and then somehow I have to get the cardboard out I don't know anyway it's looking good [Music] [Applause] [Music] so everything's done I just have one strap stuck in here that I got to figure out how to get out oh it's [Music] coming yeah got it it's done okay woohoo that was the hard part getting this thing on top here I'm going to roll roll it over here into this wall but there's still a lot of heavy lifting to do I want to get all my fabrication stuff like saws and Benders over here by the Fab table and I want all the mechanic tools over here by the lift so I'm going to just start moving things around to see where they fit [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right I've got most of the stuff shuffled around some of the things had to go right back where they were cuz I just didn't find a better place to put them so we got a lot of open space in here now which is awesome and we've been labeling all these drawers so these are looking good thank you Angela that's been awesome okay love me a label maker we've got a couple more doors to do all the open doors are ones that still need labels I just needed Tom to tell me what's in them [Music] this shop is all cleaned up and looking really good in here which really makes me want to build something and mess it up again I've got a little project that's been sitting here for a long time because I'm kind of in an organizational mood right now I've got a project that'll help me stay organized when I'm working on my vehicles in my old shop I had this roller cart that I would keep all my tools on and I got rid of that when I moved down here and I have this piece of wood this is called boka block or babchi block or I'll spell it here for you I guess it's European I don't know how to say it but I built a whole bunch of desks out of these years ago when Co started and my kids were all coming home to be homeschooled for a while I wanted each one of them to have a desk that they could sit out that wouldn't have anybody else's stuff in their way so I built each one of them a desk out of this I made one for D for Jesse and Bridger then Angela wanted one and then D got married so I made one for his wife Katie and I've got one piece left I'm finally going to build one of these for me but mine's going to be a little different I don't need a desk I want this roller card I've got the legs already here built I'll add some Wheels to these this is kind of like Butcher Block it's a bunch of thin pieces of wood laminated together and they're laminated on the edge so they're really really strong and they don't twist or warp so I like this it'll make a really good tabletop so I'm just going to start cleaning up this [Music] piece I'm looking over both sides of this block of wood to pick which side I like the best there's a whole bunch of little imperfections in it where the wood grains start and stop and I want to pick the side that has the most of those cuz I like the way they look I don't have to do a lot to this block of wood I'm just going to sand it and round off all of the corners I'm going to put in some inserts so it can attach the table legs and then I'm going to stain it or apply something so it'll just look good and so the grease and oil won't soak into it too easily this table's probably going to get beat up really bad in service but I want it to start out looking good so the first thing I'm going to do is fill all the little imperfections on the top side with epoxy [Music] I think that epoxy is getting old cuz it took a lot longer than 5 minutes to dry but it's cured it's hard now so I can go ahead and sand it down [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] got everything all smoothed out and sanded down I'm going to move on to the legs now I'm going to figure out where they go Mark some spots for the holes drill them out and put in these little metal inserts so I can bolt them on I could probably buy a roller cart or a desk for cheaper than I can build these but I love the idea of having my shop and my home filled with things that I built with my own hands and so I enjoy the process and I enjoy the final product even with its flaws and Imperfections okay these holes are all drilled I'm going to go ahead now and screw in the little inserts and epoxy them in at the same time so they never come [Music] loose this is my favorite part cuz I get to put the finish on the bottom right now and I love it cuz it makes the colors pop see that wipe on [Music] okay I coated this and I know there's dark spots and there's light spots but this is the bottom it doesn't even matter nobody's ever going to see this I just wanted something on there when I flip it over and do the top I'll do two or three coats and make it look as good as I can make it ah I love the smell of this stuff I started using that stuff on axe handles to finish them and keep them from drying out and I just love it so I've been using it on all kinds of stuff all right I'm moving on to the legs these have been sitting like 2 or 3 years I built them quite a while ago I did a whole bunch of them at once so they're dirty and grimy I'm going to clean them up and then I'm going to try a finish on them that I've never tried before I kind of like the look of bare Steel on my kids some of them wanted black and some of them wanted a clear coat but on these I'm going to use this it's just Johnson's Wax I might add some brackets or like a platform on the bottom later so I'm just going to use this wax on it and that way I can weld through it and I think it'll be fine en riches beautifies and protects wood metal leather and Plastics so this will be my first time trying it on steel see what [Music] happens okay so that one's all cleaned up this is what they're going to look like they're they darkened up a little bit but not a lot with wax I really like this look this wax is a really cool finish and I'm going to keep trying it I also think I can weld through it like a later if I add some more um brackets or you know holders onto the side of this thing so this is looking good I'm going to finish up the other one and I'm going to weld the casters onto the bottom of the legs all right I'm cleaning up this second one it's got some cool imperfections there were some things I had to fix I think I ran out of steel and had to lengthen a little piece and I also tigw welded this one I think I was practicing back then with the new TIG welder and so I did one with Meg and one with TIG um but they're going to be [Music] fine I'm going to weld these casters onto the bottom of the feet just like I did on my plasma table with just a couple of little welds [Music] okay the feet are all welded up they're still spinning nicely I got to check and make sure this is number one so it goes right here all right the legs are on the table now but I got to bolt them down so I'm going to run over to the yard grab some nuts and bolts then we can finish this up all right I'm heading over to mats to grab some nuts and bolts and right in front of me is this Max's Tire truck and trailer it says race support on it I think I need to talk to those guys cuz' be pretty cool to have some Max's Tires on dig deck I'll have to see if they stop somewhere I'm going to be stalking them it's pretty quiet in here today because Matt is gone he's at the freedom 500 right now so I'm just going to pick through the nut and bolt bin and grab what I need okay got what I need and now I'm heading back home all right I have all my nuts and bolts now so I'm going to start locking this thing down then we can flip it over and see how it [Music] looks it'll just get like click click click all right they got lucky and all the bll holes are lining up with all of the inserts so I don't have to redrill anything this is just going together really [Music] good oh I like the height the wheels added some good height to it but I'm using it as a cart not a desk cuz that's going to be nice oh and it rolls good man check that out oh yeah okay let's get some stain on this [Music] thing I really like the color on the one that I made for Bridger and I'm trying to remember how many coats of this I put on it some of them I covered with a polyurethane after and kind of made them shiny but I want this one to just stay dull like this so maybe like two or three coats all right this thing is all finished up and looking good I think it's going to be perfect for what I need I can roll it up to a car I can stick all of my tools on it I could set a transmission on here if I needed to it'll be a great little workbench I'm going to keep recating it probably every couple of days for a week or so until it's just sealed really good so if I set oily greasy stuff in here it's not going to soak in very quick cuz this Wood's already saturated all right this project is all finished finished up the neighbor's cat Maverick came to check it out and he totally approves this thing's going to be great I can keep my tools off the ground as long as I can resist the urge of piling up a bunch of junk on here and rolling this thing into the corner for storage it's going to be really useful thanks for watching
Channel: Tom Tom's Shop
Views: 244,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7rUMmR8mXfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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