Halo’s Brutal Faction - The Banished | FULL Halo Lore & Origin Story

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as the human covenant war wages on during the 26th century humanity would use everything they possibly could to fight off this devastating force that was wiping out human colonies left right and center humanity was always on the back foot no matter what they threw at the enemy using magnetized weapons and cannons state-of-the-art warships as well as superhumans known as the spartans to try and turn the tides of war but thanks to the covenant having a vast army of different species they just kept hitting them hard and fast and taking over some of humanity's crucial worlds such as reach however things weren't all that great with the covenant either in fact during the war the covenant would face members questioning their motives questioning why they were actually fighting and feeling betrayed by their leaders as they lost power and members of their species in bloody conflicts one of these members of the covenant would be the brutes known as atriox who would see the truth behind the lies of the covenant and realize he was just a pawn to the prophets fighting back against his rulers atrix would win over his brute brothers and eventually bring others from all the species of the covenant into his newly formed faction this faction would be called the banished and would fight back against the covenant during the human covenant war as well as anyone else who questioned their motives and ideologies but how did the banished form what caused atriax to break away from the covenant who joined their faction and what happened to them leading up to the years of 2560 and beyond well in today's video we explore the origins of atriox's banished and how they are a threat to be reckoned with this is the story of the banished aatrix was born into the covenant on the 28th of may 2510 and when he was old enough was immediately brought into their military to help the covenants expansion and search for forerunner artifacts during his time here he was trained and mentored by the brute known as escheram it didn't take long before aatrix was ready to be tested in battle and by this point the war against humanity had begun and troops were being sent out in their droves during the war aatrox served the covenant army as a brute stalker infiltrating his way through humanity's back lines taking out important targets before they saw them and trying to gain intel to help their war effort as a stalker aatrix was part of a small pack known as the blood stars with his war brothers caster and orson this small pack would be under the command of the first blade of the silent shadow whose main task was to use stealth to hunt down the spartan soldiers or demons as they were known and eliminate them these warriors were some of the most deadly within the covenant army and would be equal inabilities against the spartans they fought against as the blood stars took their orders from the first blade they would eventually go on to capture a squad of odst soldiers or imps as the brutes called them and interrogated them for three days straight it was here where the pack learnt the truth behind who the spartan twos were and that they had been abducted at birth and used as test subjects to create these super soldiers after these significant events in atriox's early career he had learnt a lot from the silent shadow as well as his general battles he had been involved in this allowed him to be highly experienced in combat knew of enemy tactics and was able to even command his small pack at a very high standard as the war progressed on with the covenant looking to win it by taking over reach and on their way towards earth atriox in this pack of brutes were sent in waves to overwhelm unsc forces held up in their bases the prophets used these brutes as simply cannon fodder knowing full will that if they kept sending them one after the other eventually they would break through the enemy defenses and win the battle it didn't matter to them how many they lost victory and the great journey was more important atriox was frequently sent into these encounters with groups of 40 brutes who would storm the unsc strongholds however every time these packs were sent into battle they would fail but this didn't stop the prophets from sending more and more of the brute packs into the endless gunfire of the unsc to some of the brutes they questioned these tactics of the prophets and felt like all they wanted to do was to get blood and it didn't matter which side from during one of these missions brutes was sent on what was essentially a suicide mission because of this all of the brutes were killed in the process all apart from atriox who returned back to the covenant to report on what had happened impressed by his survival atriox was then sent on a few more of these missions with the prophets hoping that eventually he would be killed in one of these missions otherwise he would become a problem atrix was then sent on another mission with 39 of his pak brothers as they were tasked with assaulting some of the unsc resistance located on a planet led by first sergeant jessica cress once again like before the brutes along with atriox charged into battle slaughtering marines left right and center however like before all of the other brutes were wiped out leaving just two unsc soldiers including sergeant cress as well as atriox the marines tried to escape but it was no good atriox picked up a type 33 fuel rod gun and shot down their escaping warthog only sgt crest survived but there's atriox caught up to her he loomed above her gravity hammer in hand atriox gave her the chance to stand up and arm herself but this power would be too much as he hit her in the gut with the half of his gravity hammer eventually atriox ended it then and there as he raised the hammer above his head and brought it down on her smashing her body into bloody pieces as atriox made his way back to the covenant once again after surviving another suicide mission he started realizing that he had lost so many of his pack mates and the profits were the cause of it with every pack member he lost the more atriox started to despise the covenant and more importantly the prophet's rule for the other brutes however atriox was like a god he had survived against all the odds and lived to tell the tales of his victories but another problem arose as atriox did not believe in the great journey and viewed the killing of humans as just an act of cruelty with no true meaning behind it this was becoming aware to the elite in charge of the operation the one putting charge of the brutes of the covenant in this area reporting to the high profit of truth this elite stated that atriox should not have lived this long and it was worrying him and their plans to keep the brutes in check with atriox gaining popularity due to his efforts it could lead the brutes away from the cause and have them questioning their role in the great journey truth however still felt atriox could be of use to the covenant still and that he should only be eliminated if it were clear he wasn't loyal anymore as the elite went to see atriox it was clear he was becoming distant from the cause stating that he doubted his brothers were defending the great journey as opposed to dying pointlessly this worried the elite again as he reported back to truth stating he's more dangerous than we thought he needed to be eliminated but in a delicate manner to make sure he didn't become a martyr for his cause that would lead the other brutes away once again atriox was sent to battle on algolis with another group of brutes dedicated to the cause during this fight however one of the brutes wasn't as inspired by atriox and locked eyes with him during the battle as the fight waged on an atriux had savaged the marines a wounded marine lay in front of atriox instead of finishing him then and there atriox told the marine to run following him in a lazy manner atriax caught back up to him and exclaimed his frustration and hatred towards the covenant and their lies after killing the marine the brute from earlier overheard his cries and challenged atriox claiming what he had said was blasphemy and would damage the covenant the two fought as the other brute claimed atriox was a traitor but eventually atriox was victorious however he had now killed a member of his own pack and the elite commander had watched it all happen as atriax returned as the sole survivor once again he was met by a group of elites who had surrounded him and claimed that he was a traitor for killing one of his own the executioner stood before him listing his crimes and after a few minutes atriux begrudgingly dropped his hammer and dropped to his knees almost as if he had accepted his fate however he did not accept his crimes and said nothing and as the executioner raised his blood blade to execute him atriox grabbed his hand and stood back up immediately battle took place between the elites and atriox as they tried to control him but the other brutes rose up and stood by their idol wiping out the elites allowing them to be free from their rulers as hatrek stood over the dead he exclaimed how the righteous fool the brutes had now been banished from the covenant thanks to their crimes against their leaders but now following atriox this was their chance to take back power and become free once again it was the start of a new era the era of the banished at the start of the banished atrioxes forces were mainly brutes as they were the only ones who looked up to him and what he had done in the battles over the years however there were also ungoy who had been assigned to brutes who continued to follow them as well as those who were angry at the way the covenant had treated them as the prophets had forced them into servitude with their small but effective numbers atriox and his banished forces would take to raiding covenant resources to help them survive and build up their forces but the covenant weren't the only target in fact the banish took to attacking unsc bases as well in early january 2550 in this specific raid on the carter guard armory atrix was seen personally at killing a group of odsts with his bare hands as only got this information back apart from getting their first glimpse at atriox they also found that the group had taken covenant vehicles and weapons from a covenant training camp and on top of that was recruiting to bolster his forces even more as time ventured on decimus a commander of the banished recommended their forces go down to the planet of otrak unknown to a lot of people the covenant had a stronghold on that planet but more importantly decent mass knew of a kigia scientist located on this planet that could help them with their expansion this scientist kikiar would be called sigran and if they could get her in their forces the banished technology would be far beyond anything they could have hoped for decimus ventured down to meet with the kikyar and after tackling some ungoy resistance ran invited the brutes in to discuss their plans and to show off her latest invention going inside sigram revealed her creation she had created a device that recreated the pheromone signal of the anime queen and with it had assembled one of the largest yanmei armies ever seen decimas tried desperately to get the kigiar to join the banished however it didn't work and quickly sigran turned on the brutes unleashing all of the anime on them the anime overwhelmed the brutes and it seemed like they were going to lose the battle but eventually atriox revealed himself and stated that he knew of sigron's treachery using his gravity mace the chain breaker atriox would fight through the swarms of drones and eventually the brutes would kill sigran stopping the overall yanmei attack atriox however took the device created by the scientists and broke it much to decimus's shock but atriox said he wanted soldiers that weren't tools the covenant hadn't cared about them as soldiers and he did not want to create that same problem in his faction by 2552 the covenant was no more their empire had fallen and the elites had taken to hunting down brutes all across the system killing them for what they had done during the great schism during this time a group of silent shadow were on the hunt to find any and all brutes they could to wipe them out aatrox at the time was running the sdv class heavy corvette elegy's lament the silent shadow saw this ship in the distance and went to capture it as they got in they were able to catch several of the brutes off guard thanks to their extremely powerful camouflage as the sirens of the ship sounded they eventually reached the bridge where they were greeted by atriox himself using his words atriox questioned their motives and made it clear that he would want them to be part of his forces ressa the leader of the silent shadow stated that atriox was his primary target for atriox was the betrayer atriax laughed and mocked the leader questioning why he still had old hatreds but ressa was not swayed and was still adamant that he could kill atriox that was his mission however as he went to kill waitress his silent shadow brothers stabbed him in the back stating that they wanted to join the banished as they agreed with atriox's motives and plans as ressa lay there dead on the floor the rest of the silent shadow were now official members of the banished they now had some of the deadliest assassins in the universe working for their cause by this point in time the banished did not have to use guerrilla warfare to win battles they had cruisers weaponry as well as adapted covenant vehicles at their disposal with their full force atriux was able to get aboard the cass-class assault carrier the enduring conviction and convinced its leader let velir and its crew of elites to join the banished using his extremely clever tactics atriox was able to make it so the crew of the enduring conviction had no choice but to surrender to atriox's forces but by that point let valeer had fallen for aatrox's ideas and was willing to pledge himself to his cause with the news of aatrox growing in numbers throughout the years they let golow also quickly joined the banished cause as well as other ex-members of the covenant who simply did not want to stop fighting there were some who wanted to fight against aatrox still believing him to be a traitor such as the brute known as jovis who wanted to take on atriox and be the dominant brute and head chieftain however jovis was unsuccessful as atriox was too powerful for him but now with the banished having a huge force almost at the same level as the covenant in terms of firepower they would venture off further into the stars in the year of 2558 where they would find installation 0-0 also known as the ark and they would see that it was inhabited by human researchers separated from earth it was clear to aatrox that they needed to take this installation as it would help build their forces even more [Music] as atrialx and the banished arrived at the installation aatrox instructed decimus to lead the massacre of the unsc researchers located on the surface it didn't take long for the banished forces to kill all the humans located on the ark and seize power there the plan from aatrix was to form a new halo ring from the ark however it became clear that none of them knew exactly how to achieve this as the banish set up their mining and resource extracting operations on the ark over the four months of occupation the unsc spirit of fire would also go on to find that installation receiving distress signals a group of spartans would venture down to the surface to try and find out what had happened to the researchers at the henry lamb research outpost however as they got there atriox revealed himself and overpowered all three of the spartans crushing their molnier armor with ease thanks to his powered gauntlet retreating from the base it was clear that this new force unknown to the unsc crew was too vast in numbers for them to take on alone they needed backup from the spirit of fire if they even stood a single chance of surviving for this crew the war with the banished had officially started and they needed to chuck everything at this terrifying brutal force if they had any chance of surviving and getting back to earth as the war commenced captain james cutter used all his forces possible to send back the banished and stop them from creating this ring it seemed that while the battles were tough humanity was winning a lot of crucial battles taking out some of atriox's key commanders along the way things came to a head when the unsc's ai isabel with the thanks of the spartans were able to infiltrate the enduring conviction and use its ventral beam to provoke an attack from the installation's aggressor sentinels as the sentinels attacked they cut atriox's pride and joy in half leaving him without his flagship atriox watched as it fell onto the ark even more angry than he was before but he was even more enraged when he witnessed the human scientist professor ellen anders successfully launched a halo ring riding above the foundry and looming above atriox's forces atriox ordered let valeer to get everyone to the ring immediately stating that if he could it would prove him to still be worth his price as humanity continued to fight against the banished they would lure them to one specific part of the ring leading them here the professor would then go on to eject that specific part sending everything there into space and vaporizing them instantly eventually the professor along with the halo ring ventured through a portal to its specific destination atriox had lost quite significantly it only took the humans five days for them to destroy everything aatrix had built up and planned and now he had not only lost a ton of his forces he had also lost the ring he wanted to build along with his flagship of the enduring conviction despite his huge losses the war continued on as atriox still had a vast army of troops and vehicles at his disposal but he needed something else to help him with this war against the humans two months after the initial battle with the spirit of fire atriox ordered pavian and voridis to hide charities wreckage to salvage anything they could but told them by no means should they go inside however that message did not work as varidis chose to ignore it and entered high charity the banished were exposed to the deadliest force in the universe the flood as they ventured in the flood poured out taking over the brute hosts and attacking all of the banished forces located outside the banish now had the responsibility of fighting back the flood infection atriox however did not engage and stated that his commanders had started this problem they needed to fix it eventually yatrix was able to get his commanders to secure the breach in high charity to make sure no further flood could escape on top of that as they were about to leave they were also lucky that swarms of sentinels were seen zooming across the ark skies to help neutralize the flood atriax was mad though and was about to execute his commanders for causing that breach however he held back as they had discovered a forerunner entanglement dish which atrox would be able to use to send a brief order to escheram back in the milky way ordering him to rally the banished at reach in preparation for atriox's return the year was now 25 59 and the banished are still there in full force as master chief is seen floating through space it is clear that they have regrouped as a force and their plans of hitting back against humanity are in full swing their main focus being on the broken installation known as installation zero seven it would be here in 2559 when master chief would finally encounter this brutal faction and would have to fight them back to keep them from wiping out all of humanity's forces but that story is yet to be told this was the origins an expansion of the terrifying brutal faction known as the banished [Music] and that is the backstory of the banish the guys we will be fighting in their droves throughout halo infinite which if you can't tell from the fact i made this video i am very very excited for honestly i do love the banished and i've gotta say halo wars 2 did something fantastic by bringing these guys in and i hope people don't forget that that game was what made this faction so exciting but anyways i hope you enjoyed this video and if you did make sure to leave a like leave a nice comment and subscribe if you haven't already also make sure to check out my other lore videos and if you really really like my channel why not support me on patreon or as a youtube channel member and speaking of which i'd like to thank my supporters real quick big thanks to our small fish guys our big fishes ducane 23 sacrum rhino head eddie christopher andrew last persona user and artokram our sharks the avp man and connor and our huge megalodons sinus jacob garcia wow such gaming chernobyl stalker shadow sgt and our new guy ryan everett also big shout out to our youtube channel members our wise ones jambu and fiery italian as well as all my amazing subscribers over on twitch all your support means the world to me and it means i can make these videos for you guys so thank you all so much but that is all for now thank you all for watching once again and i shall see you all in the next one cheers [Music] you
Channel: WiseFish
Views: 245,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: halo infinite story, the banished lore, the banished halo wars 2, the banished halo infinite lore, halo infinite lore, who are the banished, before you play halo infinite, halo lore, halo banished, halo history, the banished, halo brutes, halo banished lore, halo infinite banished, 343 industries halo infinite, halo infinite campaign, atriox halo infinite, atriox origin story, atriox cutscene
Id: c59QV0vpbvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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