Halo 3's Strange Ending FINALLY EXPLAINED

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today I'm gonna completely change the way that you look at Halo 3's ending in one of the final cutscenes something happens that the game never tells you about it implies it at times but it never overtly States it something that's set in motion some of the most important events in the entire Halo Universe that are still yet to happen this is to me Halo's greatest conspiracy theory one that makes you rethink the events of one of the most iconic campaigns ever made all pertains to mendicant bias chicken bias is one of the most important characters in the entirety of Halo lore and the source of everything that we're talking about today in this conspiracy theory dates back well over a hundred thousand years to the era of the Foreigner third war which was mendicular's prime time in the universe mendican bias was or still is a contender class AI the most intelligent classification of AI the universe has ever seen and was created by the foreigners to be entrusted with command of their entire military effort against flat the Galaxy is a gigantic place but the flood were consuming it at a rate that was deeply alarming with every colony and ship consumed only bolstering their infected numbers after much debate within the foreign the Halos were constructed as a destructive Last Resort against the parasite an extension of mannequin bias's primary core were placed on all 12 of the initial array of halos that were built the AI was then tasked with conducting the first ever test firing of a Helo and Hilo Jaya 11 was chosen to be fired this ring Jaya 11 would later become Zeta Halo when the array of seven Halos that we know of was built gyre 11 was test-fired above the planet of charum hakor once the Homeworld of ancient Humanity who the foreigners had wiped out some years prior but unbeknownst mannequins and the foreigners terrible dwelled Within the Ruins of this planet prior to their destruction the ancient humans had discovered an entity within a holding cell of precursor origin given that chiram hakor was wouldn't a precursor planet and was Laden with their structures tools and architecture but because of the nature of precursor artifacts they were highly susceptible to the pools of the Halo and when gyre 11 fired he destroyed the cell The Entity was contained within freeing it this entity was the primordial an ancient being that claimed to be the first grave mind and the last precursor so given its importance and the floods pressing assault on the Acumen Faber the master builder of the foreigners and the creator of the halo rings had the primordial transported to Jaya 11. again Zeta Hilo to be imprisoned and interrogated by mendicant bias in a last-ditch attempt to extract whatever knowledge it could out of the Beast about the flood and hopefully how to beat the flood these hopes however never came to pass during what spiraled into a 43-year long interrogation the primordial infected mendican bias with the logic plague causing it to enter rampancy and defect to the flood and it was here where the two liked the video subscribe to Hidden Xperia and made sure to ring the bell if menaken by us in the primordial can like And subscribe then it's woven into the fabric of existence that you have to this was the single most catastrophic loss to foreigners could have ever faced at this point in the war not only had their most intelligent AI construct affected to the enemy but so too had the commander of their entire military and with it a large number of automated ships and defenses this only served to catalyze the flood's consumption of the Galaxy and in turn the foreigners defeat but they had one last Ace of their sleeve in retaliation they created another Contender class AI as a direct counter to mendican bias offensive bias offensive bias was able to hold off mannequins in the flood long enough for the Halos to be fired the parasite defeated and Galaxy reset when mendicant remained the few foreigners who survived the Halo's pool seized the ai's personality construct array and took it to the ark to stand trial for its crimes and betrayal and destruction mendicant wasn't destroyed because its intimate knowledge of the flood was deemed far too invaluable to lose should they return so instead it was condemned to a burial beneath a vast Epitaph in the ark's infinite deserts locked into a single thought for all eternity or into time that it be needed and reawakened that thought was atonement mendicant accepted its sentence with Greece and in his sarcophagus descended beneath the Sands awaiting a time that it might redeem itself fast forward about 95 000 years and somehow we still don't know exactly how a fragment of mannequin's personality construct array managed to make it onto one of the ark's key ships and flee the ark not to escape its sentence but rather to achieve atonement for its sins by aiding Humanity however the key ship crashed on the prophet Homeworld of janja quam where it and manikant remain for quite some time until it was moved to the center of high charity where it essentially became the centerpiece of the Covenant religion the Covenant worship mendicant as an oracle but ironically it was in fact the one who informed them that their religion was a lie based entirely on a mistranslation when scanning humans with illuminary the Covenant translated their scams as meaning Reclamation when in fact the scans indicated the humans are reclaimers meaning that they are the ones meant to inherit all the foreigners Left Behind not the Covenant this Revelation is basically what started the human Covenant War the whole war was done to essentially cover up the fact that the great journey and the entire Covenant religion was based upon a simple mistranslation mendican tried numerous times to launch the key ship and Escape High charity declaring to the Covenant that its makers are its Masters that the reclaimers represent those Masters and that it will bring them safely to the ark but every attempt to leave failed until of course truth himself launched the key ship to go to the ark but before it reached the Ark of course it stopped at Earth and on its way to Earth men can hijacked a foreign AI known as adjutant reflex and used it to warn Humanity of the flood detailing the foreigners long and destructive history of trying and failing to defeat the parasite when the key ship reached the ark The Shard of Mankind's personality Matrix that was on the key ship was finally reunited with its core that was buried all those years ago and mendican bias was resurrected in the most complete form that it had been in for over a hundred thousand years in doing so it abandoned The Limited body of adjutant reflex tucked into the ark's terminal Network and took on a new name ghost 713 where the ferry finally begins so men that can return to the ark to reform itself all in the pursuit of seeking atonement aiding Humanity in whatever way it can particularly when it comes to the flood because Humanity were considered the Foreigner successors the reclaimers of all they left behind and also the mantle of responsibility aiding humanity is akin to aiding the foreigners in the eyes of mendicant throughout Halo 3 while on the arc and installation 08 mender can delivers more information about the foreigners final days trying to combat the flood through the terminal Network admittedly manipulating a few events here and there with its own bias in mind but more importantly he helps Master Chief now most specifics have ever been given about what in particular mennicant did to help Chief survive or whatever but the gist of it is he basically does what he can in the arcs networks to both ensure Chief survival and also the destruction of the flood and the grave mind but I think a good example of where he likely help Chief is the final warthog run the reason that she incredibly precarious drive and escieved is because mendican did what it could to ensure the ground remains solid beneath the warthog and the chief didn't plummet to his death all in the name of atonement remember that word atonement so at the end of Halo 3 The Covenant are prevented from firing the array the flood outbreak is destroyed and the reclaimers Escape before installation 08 prematurely fires and kills them so it kind of seems like men making its job has been done right I mean he helped Humanity defeat this grave mind and its foot outbreak and then survive a certain Doom atonement achieved but what if I told you that mendican's interference didn't stop there fact that was only the beginning mannequin knows that Humanity aren't out of the woods yet not even close he knows that there's a storm coming and that storm is going to dwarf the one that he just helped him survive this storm is the precursor's final test now that is almost nostalgic for me to say because I used to talk about that thing a lot here on the channel many many years ago but I feel like I need to do a little bit of a refresher for all the new viewers here because it was probably a lot as to what this thing actually is because this final test is absolutely core to this Theory so when the primordial was captured for the final time during the Foreigner flood War the iso diet act gave it one last questioning before destroying it in this questioning the prime audio revealed that it was decided long ago that Humanity not the foreigners Were Meant to inherit the mantle of responsibility from the precursors which is something that the foreigners held so dear to themselves regardless of what the foreigners believed it was woven into the fabric of existence that the mantle belonged to humanity however before they could claim it it they would face one final test humans will be tested next humans will rise again in arrogance and Defiance the flood will return when they are ripe and bring them Unity now the way the primordial freezes this passage is very telling to me he said this during the heat of the absolute worst flood outbreak the Galaxy had ever seen before nothing war and during that he says that Humanity will be tested next to me this implies that the foreign war was a test for the foreigners which in turn implies that Humanity's tasks will be an outbreak of a similar caliber which to me cancels out the outbreaks during the human Covenant war from being this test as bad as those outbreaks were the one alpha Helo and the one on Delta Hilo that created the Grapevine and then got off Delta Hilo went to Earth went to the ark et cetera Etc they were bad but they were absolutely minuscule compared to the outbreak of the Foreigner foot War during the human Covenant War only five planets or Planet equivalents were technically infected by the flirt you had Alpha Halo Delta Hilo Earth the ark and installation 08 right that's five planets or Planet like things in the foreign war galaxies upon galaxies upon galaxies were entirely consumed by the flood so the outbreaks of the human Covenant War don't even hold a candle to the test that he's on about the primordial also says that the flood will return when they Humanity are ripe during the human Covenant War Humanity was not ripe far from it in fact to me the technological advancements and the kind of Galactic superiority that Humanity enjoyed after that war however did make them ripe and although they're kind of screwed right now as of like the modern day of the Halo Universe I'd say that there's still a lot riper than they were during the human Covenant War so how does this test fall in with a theory and what relevance does it have to mannequin bias and the ending of Halo 3. well wouldn't Chief makes it off installation 08 the AI mannequin bias interferes one final time mannequin bias's only focus is Seeking a movement through aiding Humanity to become the prosperous holders of the mantle that they were always meant to become that the precursors wove into the very fabric of existence tens of millions of years ago which in turn furthers the wishes of the forerunners hundreds of Millennia ago mendican's atonement is paid to the foreigners but is achieved by helping Humanity so its primary goal now is ensuring that Humanity survived this test but although it knows Humanity will Blossom technologically in the Years following the war having been on the flood side during the last test mendicant knows that there is advancements won't be enough they need the assistance of one who has experienced fought in endured and survived a previous test one who knows how to combat the flirt both in infantry combat and navily one who spent Millennia of his own trying to understand and overpower the parasite The Didact and so in its final active interference as of now at least mendican bias closes the portal that would have taken the dawn back to Earth early sending the Arbiter back to Earth but sending Chief very conveniently into the orbit of requiem The Shield world where the Didact has been imprisoned within a kryptum to overcome his logic plague and Insanity for a hundred Millennia literally since the end of The Foreigner flood War mendican's goal is to achieved to awaken the diet act who he assumes will be cured of his logic plague after all these years in the kryptum and how the two form an alliance to prepare for when the precursor's final test arrives now this theory is all well and good as it is now but there's one detail that absolutely confirms to me that either at one point this was 343's intention with Halo's story or honestly it still very much might be more on that in a second and it's a detail that funny enough I actually only realized two or three weeks ago a why I'm making this video now and when I realized it it genuinely flawed me so say you're playing the Halo games in chronological order right you beat Halo 3 you get to the end and you see the dawn drifting towards Requiem and the credits roll so you pop open the destroy and you put Halo 4 in to continue Chief's story you boot the game up right and what's the name of the first piece of music that you hear upon booting up Halo 3's direct sequel atonement ladies and gentlemen I rest my case the big question right now is whether this plot thread is going to get picked up again in Halo Epitaph that releases next year and honestly right I'm gonna throw a little bit of Hail Mary here and say that I think it might the Epitaph Tower is The Headstone above the burial site of mannequin bias and by the looks of it the Didact is going to be wandering those Sams and visiting that Tower in the book and whether he does so in the physical or metaphysical Realm of the domain I'd say that he's almost guaranteed to encounter mendicant and if he does I will be blown away if this plot thread doesn't end up getting revived and this Theory doesn't end up getting confirmed then again we did just have an entire open world Halo game set on Zeta Hilo that had almost zero references to any of that Rings dark disturbing beloved past so who knows at this point who knows but that to me is the best explanation as to why the arc portal closes early at the end of Halo 3 and very conveniently sends Chief to the orbit of the planet that has the Didact inside it to awaken him this is a theory that I've wanted to make a video about for a stupid amount of time honestly I don't know why it took me this long but as soon as I realized that Halo 4's menu soundtrack that plays behind the shot of the dawn's wreckage above Requiem and that is chronologically the first thing that happens at least in Chief's story after mendicant closing the portal is called atonement I'm not even kidding you right that broke my brain when I realized that and I want to kick myself for having it takes so long for me to realize that but good God I mean if that being called atonement doesn't just like just slam the final nail in the coffin of that theory that means something completely different that means I'm killing the theory and not confirming it if that is if that isn't the the iconic cherry on top of the Cape is this Theory and you know what I never want to eat a maraschino cherry again in my life so with that very strange ending put in place uh I want to run this video right here uh obviously if you enjoyed this video I'd appreciate a sub like typical stuff down below um and with that said I want to give a huge thank you to all of my amazing patrons for the continued support over there as per usual thank you all so much for watching I really appreciate it catch you all in the next one
Channel: HiddenXperia
Views: 270,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: halo, halo infinite, halo lore, halo 3 ending, halo 3 ending explained, halo story explained, halo lore explained, halo 3, halo 2, halo mcc, master chief collection, halo mcc mods, master chief, mendicant bias, halo flood, halo flood lore, hiddenxperia, 343 industries, bungie, xbox, gaming, gameplay, trailer, halo theory, next halo game, new halo game, halo infinite sequel, halo infinite season 5, halo tatanka, halo infinite update, mint blitz, the act man, halo cutscenes
Id: m6yCefKUvTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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